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Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200
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May 30, 2007, 5:29 PM
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Registered: Dec 11, 2002
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Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200
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I started another post regarding the limited number of photographers featured in many climbing industry magazines and companies. Some responses suggested that Mad Rock use new photographers also, so here you go..

OK I will "put my money where my mouth is". Mad Rock will publish 3 posters (test) for distribution to our dealers with photos supplied by ?? Well anyone who wants so send one in for selection. We will pay $200 for the use, print 500 copies and give you 40 copies for yourself. Pro photographers can submit also. Photos with Mad Rock products are prefered but it is not required. Please submit a low res. but let me know the actual file size and resolution of the original, details on the climb and climber are also useful.

If things work out we will do this on a regular basis.

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May 30, 2007, 5:36 PM
Post #2 of 120 (12945 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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This is an awesome idea - I wish I wasn't such a crappy photographer!


May 30, 2007, 5:40 PM
Post #3 of 120 (12937 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I used to have a Mad Pad until somone at LAX lost it between california and Pittsburgh . ahhh sigh.... Frown That being said, I wouldn't mind having a photo of my crash pad falling from a 737 at 20,000 feet, somewhere over california. Wink


May 30, 2007, 10:22 PM
Post #4 of 120 (12858 views)

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Re: [Valarc] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Valarc wrote:
This is an awesome idea - I wish I wasn't such a crappy photographer!

yeah, it was my idea and my photography is so so, at best!

good luck people!


May 31, 2007, 4:19 AM
Post #5 of 120 (12798 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Is that $200 for 3 photos or 1 for 200 that will be used for 3 different posters?


Jun 13, 2007, 12:39 PM
Post #6 of 120 (12474 views)

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Re: [suprdude22] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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You've got mail!



Jun 15, 2007, 3:25 AM
Post #7 of 120 (12394 views)

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Re: [herre] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Hmmmm.... sounds like a bum deal for the photographer.


Jun 15, 2007, 12:15 PM
Post #8 of 120 (12377 views)

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Re: [the_alpine] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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the_alpine wrote:
Hmmmm.... sounds like a bum deal for the photographer.

Actually, it's not a bad deal for the photogrpaher when you consider the print run.



Jun 15, 2007, 2:08 PM
Post #9 of 120 (12343 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I'm glad somebody else brought this up, and actually it is sort of a bum deal. I did a FotoQuote price check, the industry average for a 16x20 Poster used for advertising/promotion with a press run of UP TO 500 is $756 and $568 for an 8x10. Prices go up the bigger the poster and bigger the press run.


Jun 15, 2007, 2:14 PM
Post #10 of 120 (12336 views)

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Re: [bigfatrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I think the idea is to get amateur photographers some coverage. I would be stoked on $200 for a picture I took.


Jun 15, 2007, 2:50 PM
Post #11 of 120 (12305 views)

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Re: [blakegt] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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"Pros are welcome" but I think this is just to get the rest of us involved. At least it is something. Who knows, perhaps you will get a reward for the effort in the way of free / complimentary stuff just for participation? Thanks for the opportunity.


Jun 15, 2007, 3:47 PM
Post #12 of 120 (12282 views)

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Re: [cchildre] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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If the shot is good enough to be run by a "professional" gear maker then you are a "professional" photographer. Your attitudes about great exposure and getting into the business are ruining the market for all photographers.
This quote is way below industry standard.


Jun 15, 2007, 4:59 PM
Post #13 of 120 (12252 views)

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Re: [bigfatrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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bigfatrock wrote:
I'm glad somebody else brought this up, and actually it is sort of a bum deal. I did a FotoQuote price check, the industry average for a 16x20 Poster used for advertising/promotion with a press run of UP TO 500 is $756 and $568 for an 8x10. Prices go up the bigger the poster and bigger the press run.

If you can go and sell your photos for that much, awesome. However, as little as $200 might sound, I think this is a great opportunity for an aspiring photographer to get some exposure. Not only would they get a sense of pride, but a little bit of spending money and most importantly -- experience.

[Edit] And if the market is getting ruined by amateurs, perhaps the "professionals" just need to step it up? Job security should be in your skills, not keeping amateurs out of the field.

(This post was edited by truello on Jun 15, 2007, 5:02 PM)


Jun 15, 2007, 5:09 PM
Post #14 of 120 (12245 views)

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Re: [grayhghost] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Tell you what kid... I'll give you $200 for the photo...


Jun 15, 2007, 5:16 PM
Post #15 of 120 (12239 views)

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Re: [grayhghost] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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grayhghost, bigfatrock, the_alpine, this should be a no brainer for you guys then..... don't submit you work.

Let some amateur get some fantastic exposure, and get paid.

Your theory about "ruining the market" is very interesting point of view. I have heard this theory used as opposition to cheaper computers in the mid 90's and in general anything that is lower priced than the current "norm". There is, and always will be a lower end market. Some people will just not pay over $XXX dollars for a certain commodity - end of story. So just because mr X will do the job for XXX means he is "ruining the market for all" - your statement does not add up. Don't work for lower wages, keep your higher priced clientele. People who value high quality work will come to you - people who value low price will come to mr x.


Jun 15, 2007, 5:51 PM
Post #16 of 120 (12219 views)

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Re: [foeslts16] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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So lets say you win this contest. You are an amateur and you are psyched. You get your shot published as a poster with your photo credit and Madrock pays you $200 dollars. Sweet.
Now your name is out there and another company contacts you for a photo you shot. Wow! Your in the big time now. This next company offers you $200 for the photo because they talked to Madrock (the climbing community is VERY close). Sweet! $200!
Now you buy some more gear, maybe a long lens ($2200) maybe some strobes ($3000) and now you are shooting some really nice shots.
The North Face contacts you for a photo they want to run in their catalogue. They offer you $200.
$200 was pretty sweet back when you were shooting your buddies at your local crag, but now your models want modeling fees (20%) and you need to get to cool locations (ga$).

You paint yourself into a corner when you sell your work for cheap because you THINK you are an amateur and in the long run you lose.
Getting exposure doesn't help you when you have poisoned your own drinking water.

If Madrock wants the photo, then you are a professional, simple as that. Whether it's your first shutter click or your 150,000th it doesn't matter because YOU have created something other people want.

Value your work, and it will sustain you in the long run.


Jun 15, 2007, 5:59 PM
Post #17 of 120 (12203 views)

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Re: [foeslts16] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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foeslts16 wrote:
grayhghost, bigfatrock, the_alpine, this should be a no brainer for you guys then..... don't submit you work.

Let some amateur get some fantastic exposure, and get paid.

I'm not telling anyone to not submit their images. Just trying to let anyone who might be interested in submitting know that their work has more value than this.


Jun 15, 2007, 6:14 PM
Post #18 of 120 (12197 views)

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Re: [grayhghost] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Grey ghost. I totally agree with you. I do event photography for a liveing and it totally kills me when some hack parent is out there shooting away with with their fancy new D2xs and glass that I can only dream about 400f2.8 and they are giveing the shots away to all their friends or putting them up on photo bucket for $3.00 ea!! I get $20.00 for a 4x6 $30 to 35.00 for an 8x10 and all of a sudden I am feilding all these questions about how expensive i am and the other guys photos are only 3 bucks..... and he throws in the digi file GGRRRRRRRR. how do you explaine to the customer that the other guy is just a hobby and they will never even come close to just paying for their equiptment much less paying any bills at those prices?? As for winning a contest and getting $200.00 for it. Not great but not bad either as long as you still own the shot. In this day and age of internet stock agencys the horse is allready out of the barn door. So many shots out there for so cheap.... lot of guys going under. it's the wallmart efect.


Jun 15, 2007, 6:33 PM
Post #19 of 120 (12183 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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God damn people will bitch about anything on this site. Here all madrock is trying to do is give some nOOb photographer a chance to have his work published and make 200 bucks at the same time. Now maybe this isn't industry standard but come on how much did you get paid for your very first shot that got purchased when no one knew who you were? For me it was 100 dollars for a local department store. And that was for the cover! Anyone harping on this madrock guy for trying to do something different needs to STFU!


Jun 15, 2007, 6:44 PM
Post #20 of 120 (12171 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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...oooo I hear there's mass Chinese photographers coming over to do it for $20. Laugh


Jun 15, 2007, 7:04 PM
Post #21 of 120 (12155 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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So many shots out there for so cheap.... lot of guys going under. it's the wallmart efect.

The problem with Walmart, other than the rampant legal action they always seem to get into, is that they're a monopsony which stifles competition. For the non-economics folks that means a single powerful buyer, as opposed to a monopoly where its a single powerful seller. The problem is not that they sell things for cheap or we should all harass the folks who are trying to save a buck by shopping there.

As far as madrock is concerned, its called competition for a reason. If he can get photos for $200, more power to him. I know that it sucks for you folks who want to make a living as a photographer, but hell this isn't the third world. Shooting photos is a luxury compared to harvesting coffee beans in Colombia and stitching clothes in China for $1 a day.

If you want those expensive cameras and glass, you could get a job like the other guy who merely does it as a hobby.

(This post was edited by fencipede on Jun 15, 2007, 8:37 PM)


Jun 15, 2007, 7:07 PM
Post #22 of 120 (12151 views)

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Re: [alpinismo_flujo] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Cole. i agree with you that winning a $200.00 prize is pretty cool. Its Not a good deal if you no longer own your photoThough. I have seen a few contests like that where the host owns all rights to the photo forever. Its just the usual thread drift where we get to bitch about how everyone with a digital rebel and website is a pro photographer these days.......


Jun 15, 2007, 7:14 PM
Post #23 of 120 (12146 views)

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Re: [fencipede] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Could it be at this late date a new catchall insult is born? Where once STFU n00b was sufficient, could this be the dawn of GAFJ? (get a fucking job)

Personally I'm one of those hobby guys rocking a D70 and middle of the road glass. I'm unapologetic that I've got a decent camera and shoot events for friends for free (one of the most irritating things about doing event photography is trying to frame up a good angle that doesn't have the local pro photographer slap in the middle of the action). While I'd love to make some bank taking photos, after spending some time doing touchup work in a wholesale lab it was driven home to me that photography's way competitive and the margins often suck, which is a bummer for those folks trying to make a living at it but damn man those are the facts.

In closing, props to Mad Rock for shaking things up a bit.


Jun 15, 2007, 7:20 PM
Post #24 of 120 (12142 views)

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Re: [grayhghost] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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grayhghost wrote:
So lets say you win this contest. You are an amateur and you are psyched. You get your shot published as a poster with your photo credit and Madrock pays you $200 dollars. Sweet.
Now your name is out there and another company contacts you for a photo you shot. Wow! Your in the big time now. This next company offers you $200 for the photo because they talked to Madrock (the climbing community is VERY close). Sweet! $200!
Now you buy some more gear, maybe a long lens ($2200) maybe some strobes ($3000) and now you are shooting some really nice shots.
The North Face contacts you for a photo they want to run in their catalogue. They offer you $200. So you say "Get to fuck, if you want some of the J-Man, you're gunna have to dish out a whole lot more than that!"

$200 was pretty sweet back when you were shooting your buddies at your local crag, but now your models want modeling fees (20%) and you need to get to cool locations (ga$), and the big companies know that, and will get the idea that you don't shoot for that low anymore. They know that for photos, just like gear, you pay for quality, and if they want your better quality shots, they gotta push the dosh for it.

And, failing that, there's always porn.

Fixxed it for you, matey mo!



Jun 15, 2007, 7:21 PM
Post #25 of 120 (12141 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I haven't posted in a while but this topic has been beaten to death.

A little advice - if you want to make money shooting photos - don't rely on the climbing world to come up with the money. The margin is too thin. Find a niche and exploit it. Climbing is the wrong niche.

There are many pots to pull from - find yours and don't look back.

Hey Chris


Jun 15, 2007, 7:32 PM
Post #26 of 120 (5077 views)

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Re: [foeslts16] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Those of you arguing against the_alpine and mshore might want to reconsider.

There are reasons:


Jun 15, 2007, 8:51 PM
Post #27 of 120 (5047 views)

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Re: [ja1484] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Those of you arguing against the_alpine and mshore might want to reconsider.

There are reasons:

Great photography, but its still about competition. Mad Rock, in the willingness to buy a photo for $200, will get a photo worth $200. They won't be getting photos in the realm of Chris Brown and Mike Shore from the websites you referrenced.

The "I'm here to make a living" photographers will have to weigh the risks and rewards of increased exposure vs. smaller payout. If their photos are beat out by some "amateur" or "hobbyist", then perhaps climbing photos aren't the best way to go about making a living.


Jun 16, 2007, 1:57 AM
Post #28 of 120 (4990 views)

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Re: [fencipede] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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A great shot is a great shot, doesn't matter who takes it if its shot in the right format and its good. Some folks get lucky and some folks get great shots because they know what they are doing and they get to the right places at the right time. The contest is cool, the prize is decent. someone who makes their liveing selling climbings shots may feel that it is underpriced but if you are a wedding photographer or Equine photographer or a hobyiest you wouldn't normaly sell that photo anyways so its a nice bonus. the market is saturated though. We were looking at stock photo sites a few months ago and you could download files pretty cheap...


Jun 16, 2007, 3:25 AM
Post #29 of 120 (4962 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Perhaps the best post here in awhile. I pretty much have given up ANY hope of making money with climbing photography, now I just shoot my friends climbing for fun. Sure, I got published a couple times and some cool *free* gear, but for me, it isn't worth taking money away from the guys out there really trying to scape by on climbing photography. I am making money with other kinds of photography, and hope to give up my sorta real job within a year or so. As much as I would love to be a climbing or sports photographer, the money just isn't there and the field is pretty full. You can make money behind the lens, you just have to be in the right market and have more then just photo skillz and some nice gear.

mshore wrote:
I haven't posted in a while but this topic has been beaten to death.

A little advice - if you want to make money shooting photos - don't rely on the climbing world to come up with the money. The margin is too thin. Find a niche and exploit it. Climbing is the wrong niche.

There are many pots to pull from - find yours and don't look back.

Hey Chris


Jun 16, 2007, 4:23 AM
Post #30 of 120 (4946 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I wasn't going to involve myself in this because quite simply most of my climbing shots are documentary type stuff. I was here, my friend was here, and thats that. Sometimes they are even interesting by pure luck. Now the rest of my photography is quite adequate and if I had the desire to waste my precious days on rock or ice as a photog I might even one day post a few good climbing shots.

But I will say a photo sitting on your HD or file box is wasted. I know the photo pros don't want people infringing on their lifestyle but no appologies when I give stuff away for little compensation that otherwise is doing absolutely nothing for me or anyone else.

I think it's pretty arrogant when people feel enough status to tell you not to enter their profession and I don't feel like I have to make sure someone can put food on the table. If you can't, find another job. The nature of any job is you need to do your best, make your employer see value in you, and keep your eye out for someone looking to take your job. Photography is no different.

I've had several photos put into guides or free weekly newspapers just by people seeing them on the web for very little compensation (ie. a guide book, a copy of the free paper). If I was offered more money compensation I'd take it. Likewise, I've made a few bucks here or there on paid submissions.

Really I just think it's ironic that the digital workflow that working pros love so much is in a sense the demise of their lifestyle. The wedding industry knew it was coming, the influx of people with either good or moderate skills, and the equipment (even the worst DSLR is a capable machine) and time and desire to undercut the true pros. I think the rest of the industry needs to realize this is a reality now.

Photography, like painting, won't die but it will become a very fine niche that only a few VERY VERY high end pros make enough to make a good living off of in the next decade as the market becomes super saturated and we move to video extraction with HD video.

$200 really isn't all that bad, and might make a few people with tons of decent pictures sitting on there HD to look through and see if there is a gem that they never really considered doing anything with but have mom, dad and the dog oooooh and aaahhhh over. Or it might make some aspiring photog go out and spend a little more time shooting and honing their craft.

(This post was edited by pico23 on Jun 16, 2007, 4:26 AM)


Jun 16, 2007, 4:30 AM
Post #31 of 120 (4934 views)

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Re: [pico23] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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You guys are taking this way too personally. The whole point is to help you realize that your photos have value... more value usually than what you realize. I don't think anyone has said "don't do it."

If you can sell your photo.... fucking awesome! You all underestimate your own worth.


Jun 16, 2007, 5:55 AM
Post #32 of 120 (4914 views)

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Re: [the_alpine] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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First let me apologize in advance for my lack of writing skill...this will probably come across quite non-sensical. I agree with you for sure, I think that my photos [for the most part] are worth more than this in a photographic sense, but the way it works out for me is I'm shooting my friends and we're just climbing on moderates. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I don't think there is much of a market for unknowns climbing on moderates in less than spectacular locations [so please exempt my Lake Summersville photos from this thought].I guess the issue I'm pointing at is what to do with photos that are not newsworthy, or really notable beyond the fact that they are pleasing aesthetically/emotionally? and another note now that I'm asking questions and this sort of pertains to Mad Rock posters, the people I climb with climb almost exclusively on Metolius hope lost on marketing such photos to companies that sell pads other than metolius?
thanks, and for the record I think 'hero' would be a word I could use to describe you


Jun 16, 2007, 10:12 AM
Post #33 of 120 (4886 views)

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Re: [stevenosloan] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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The photography industry is changing and professional photographers need to learn to change with it.
Am I a pro, no, but I make a good deal of money selling my images to various small market and low paying markets. Last year, these low paying markets netted me $37,000.00m which is more than many pros I know.

Last month I made $3700.00 and the month before $3000. Not one of my images sold for over 200.00 in that period. This month I am at 1800.00 already.

I realize that my photos can't compete with the "Professionals," who are threaten by my images, so I did what any good business man would do, I found my self a market for my product.

What markets:
Small magazines (local and regional mostly)
I also sell on the micros at .25 a download (About half my photography income come from them.
I sell directly to customers who see my print hanging on café and restaurant walls.
Catalogue companies, mostly non-outdoor related companies, but they do buy my climbing images to sell insurance sometimes.
Special interest magazines

The average price I get for my digital files is $75.00. I keep the rights to the images and normally it goes out the door as royalty free.

If you want to make a living with your photography, your priority should be generating an income, NOT attempting to sell your images, but selling them. Personally, I make my living other ways, but my images bring me in a nice second income to pay for International climbing trips, my climbing gear, and my camera equipment. I also use it to play with the stock market.

The difference between a professional photographer and a non-professional isn’t how much he/she charges for each images, but whether or not they make enough money selling their images overall. I know many professional photogrphaer (and actors) who are waiting tables to make end meet because they want $800.00 for their images instead of $200.00.

I have a flight to catch,


Jun 16, 2007, 10:14 AM
Post #34 of 120 (4885 views)

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Re: [stevenosloan] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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stevenosloan wrote:
First let me apologize in advance for my lack of writing skill...this will probably come across quite non-sensical. I agree with you for sure, I think that my photos [for the most part] are worth more than this in a photographic sense, but the way it works out for me is I'm shooting my friends and we're just climbing on moderates. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I don't think there is much of a market for unknowns climbing on moderates in less than spectacular locations [so please exempt my Lake Summersville photos from this thought].I guess the issue I'm pointing at is what to do with photos that are not newsworthy, or really notable beyond the fact that they are pleasing aesthetically/emotionally? and another note now that I'm asking questions and this sort of pertains to Mad Rock posters, the people I climb with climb almost exclusively on Metolius hope lost on marketing such photos to companies that sell pads other than metolius?
thanks, and for the record I think 'hero' would be a word I could use to describe you

Plenty of opportunity to sell images of unknown climber on moderates outside the outdoor industry, just need to get creative.


Jun 16, 2007, 1:36 PM
Post #35 of 120 (4859 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Some good things are being said now. I think the creativity point is the key. Spend a second and examine a few guys who have made a decent living at climbing photos - what gets them a full time income?

Greg Epperson - pro athletes, hard to get to locations, sierra/bigwall niche.

Galen Rowell - dynamic take on filter shooting, setting up a walk in landscape gallery, pioneer for adventure photos.

Tim Kemple - fashion style, 1st to abuse tilt shift in climbing, guidebook writing,sponsored climber, video projects, lighting everything.

Aaron Black - amazing eye, pro climbers, locations that haven't been shot 100 times.

Harrison Shull - pure grit, sticking to his guns on pricing, shooting climbing from an ultralight, SE Rock niche.

The list could go on but the important thing here IMO is that we are arguing apples and oranges. Getting 200 from Madrock which is NOT a top tier company and making a living on location for North Face or Nat Geo could not be more different. To sell madrock an image, you don't have to put in the same effort required to sell to Nat Geo.

Making a living in a saturated market requires some drive to be unique. Crossing over by bringing lighting or other technique into our game makes a big differance.

Another point - editors want to see their friends pay the mortgage. This is really true in the climbing community. If you take the time to suck up to and win over friends who call shots, your chances of getting work each month with them will go up. Same with athletes. You have to hang in the circles of the best to shoot the best. In my case, as I learned about it, I was not willing to do it. Climbing is already a selfish enough endeavor that it would have broken me mentally to deal with the day to day politics and ass kissing required to make so little money. But if you are willing to do it - more power to you - and your chance for success will go up.

As far as everyone and their dog having access to a digital camera "ruining it" for pros - that is looking at the glass half empty. If you are motivated, have some talent, and are creative, the cream always rises. I say bring on the competition. The more the merrier because it only makes me have to work harder and put more effort into learning my craft. Competition breeds excellance. You should ask yourself if you want to be associated with companies like madrock or nat geo and the answer should have a direct impact on how you operate. This is not a dig to madrock. If i see 200 easy dollars on the table for a company I know will never pay more, and my competition is point and shoot or non pros, I'm not stupid but you can bet I don't wake up in the morning and value my work at this level.

I agree with the Harrison method of getting what you are worth but I am also aware that Madrock won't even hear it. They have a budget and they don't care for the argument. If you want more - try harder, dig deeper, go to better outlets.

As with any job, you can critisize the system, the people in it, or yourself. If you genuinely stive for excellance with your own product the rest will fall away and you will do alright.

I'm done with my rant! I'll be shooting airplanes over Lousiana at dusk tonight. :) Have a great day!


Jun 16, 2007, 4:14 PM
Post #36 of 120 (4819 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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"Another point - editors want to see their friends pay the mortgage"

This is very true! Just look at the number of photographers that are actually climbers or used to be climbers.

I think the best point brought up here is your images are worth way more than you think. Joe Blow who shoes up selling his event photos at $4 a pop is doing himself a disservice. He could be making way more. And so could you!

Value your photos guys! If you believe you have good images seek to market them. Find the places that will pay top dollar for them. Some simple Google searches will get you some great contact information.

Another piece of advice, keep your copyright! I give Madrock props for not snatching that away in this deal though. Rights grabbing deals are not a good thing unless it is going to pay a lot! I have heard Dave Black speak before and although I don't remember the figure, his stock photography earns him more than I make in a year.


Jun 17, 2007, 4:38 AM
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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I like your attitude towards this all. I think you are in the minority though as if you look a sites like sports shooter, most working pros are terrified of competition. Yeah, I know thats a generalization but read some threads and this is a recurring theme over there. As it is in the wedding industry.

Anyway, well said and I've seen quite a bit of your work in N'east Mag, much of which was good stuff with a different twist.


Jun 17, 2007, 11:54 AM
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Re: [pico23] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Thanks. I stop by sports shooter about once a year and subscribe to TOPA but more often than not, I am amazed at how miserable people sound with it. If you think about how lucky people like us are to be able to hold a camera and capture amazing moments for a living it should be a happy thing. Not to say I don't get frustrated once in a while but subscribing to forums that bleed negativity just doesn't do much for me. I'd rather be doing this any day of the week than sitting in an office cranking out javascript - which just about killed me!

Checked out your profile - saw you lived in/near the Daks. Got out for a day to the Spider's Web last week and have to say - it is one of the best crack cliffs I have climbed at in a long time. Amazing place and great setting. You are psyched!



Jun 17, 2007, 4:09 PM
Post #39 of 120 (4717 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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mshore wrote:

Checked out your profile - saw you lived in/near the Daks. Got out for a day to the Spider's Web last week and have to say - it is one of the best crack cliffs I have climbed at in a long time. Amazing place and great setting. You are psyched!


most of the web is above my ability...well to lead. but just looking at it most people can tell it's an amazing piece of rock. Some of the best cracks in the state in one location. I'm usually found in the less difficult walls in the valley leading the 5.6 classics put up by guys in boots and hemp rope, rather than neon spandex.

the Daks are my favorite place to climb since the climbing is so spread out and I know the region well. But Keene Valley/Chapel Pond is the epicenter for anyone that misses standing in line at the Gunks :)


Jun 18, 2007, 4:56 AM
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Re: [pico23] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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As incredibly frustrated as I am by many posts in this thread, I just cant be bothered having a full on rant.
I will say this though- if photos are worth publishing then they are worth paying for.

For the record I have I have talked to Joe about this. I think there's a lot to be said for understanding what you are worth & sticking to your guns.


Jun 18, 2007, 5:54 PM
Post #41 of 120 (4587 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Hey Josh,

Curious - what does Crux Magazine pay for a full page photo and what is the rate for a cover shot?



Jun 18, 2007, 8:21 PM
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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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PM'd you Mike


Jun 18, 2007, 10:32 PM
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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
PM'd you Mike

Why PM? Why not post it?


Jun 18, 2007, 10:41 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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guangzhou, you're a joke.


Jun 18, 2007, 10:45 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Because I like cheese.


Jun 18, 2007, 10:49 PM
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Re: [grayhghost] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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grayhghost wrote:
guangzhou, you're a joke.

I don't understand.

Deep media play,

Maybe it's a PM because Crux magazine is "no payment until we get the magazine up and running."

Strange, bash MadRock for 200.00 offer, but don't pay people who submit to you. I guess your submiters don't know what their photos are worth.

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Jun 18, 2007, 10:55 PM)


Jun 18, 2007, 11:09 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
grayhghost wrote:
guangzhou, you're a joke.

This bears repeating.


Jun 18, 2007, 11:19 PM
Post #48 of 120 (4497 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
grayhghost wrote:
guangzhou, you're a joke.

I don't understand.

Deep media play,

Maybe it's a PM because Crux magazine is "no payment until we get the magazine up and running."

Strange, bash MadRock for 200.00 offer, but don't pay people who submit to you. I guess your submiters don't know what their photos are worth.
*Opens up a box of wheat thins and gets comfy* Pirate


Jun 18, 2007, 11:31 PM
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Re: [bigfatrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I thought MadRock's idea was pretty cool until I started reading some of the posts in this thread and realized that photographers are kind of dicks


Jun 19, 2007, 3:43 AM
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Re: [fulton] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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^^ add to that, whiners with an extreme sense of entitlement.

props to Mad Rock...


Jun 19, 2007, 3:56 AM
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Re: [foeslts16] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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it's like circa 1999 all up in this peice


Jun 19, 2007, 8:05 AM
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Re: [joe] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Actually Gwungzow, the reason I PM'd Mike is because I don't think it's appropriate to discuss certain things on this forum.

But in order to set the record straight; in fact CRUX operates on a different business structure to a normal magazine.
We are a small community based magazine made up of a bunch of friends (currently myself, Simon Carter, Neil Monteith, Simon Murray, with a few others helping with advertising, proofing etc) that prints articles & photos by us & our mates & their mates kinda thing. We have a very small print run, and only have enough advertising to cover print costs (about 14 pages, in a 112 page thrice-yearly magazine) & none of the staff get paid a cent for our work- in fact we all lose significant money not only in direct expenses but also in massive amounts of time taken away from our own businesses.
Basically, the relatively small Australian climbing market is currently incapable of sustaining such a magazine if we were to pay full market prices, so it became a labour (and a labour it is!) of love project for the community instead of a business venture for a few people.

But thanks for your concern about my business ethics...


Jun 19, 2007, 12:06 PM
Post #53 of 120 (4487 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Putting spin on it does not change anything. You cant rip a guy for underpaying INYOP and then under pay yourself. makes you look like a tool. Typically small circulation rags pay $10 to $20 per photo, certainly you could at least try to cover that.......


Jun 19, 2007, 12:12 PM
Post #54 of 120 (4483 views)

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Re: [fencipede] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I know that it sucks for you folks who want to make a living as a photographer, but hell this isn't the third world. Shooting photos is a luxury compared to harvesting coffee beans in Colombia and stitching clothes in China for $1 a day.

Or maybe shoes and crashpads?

There is ALWAYS going to be someone willing to work for less. Its too bad that they don't realize they are shooting themselves in the foot in the long run. Not to mention dragging industry standards down too.

Way to keep undercutting everyone else to make yourself another buck Joe.


Jun 19, 2007, 12:23 PM
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Re: [fulton] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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If I were the professional, I would simply decline the $200 and get the exposure. Maybe next time Mad Rock will be willing to pay the professional fee that you require. Maybe not, but at least you have your dignity.



Jun 19, 2007, 2:51 PM
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Re: [percious] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Thank you for clarifying that. If I read this correctly, it's OK for you and your buddies to "RIP off" photographers because your market is saturated, but Mad Rock, a fairly small company too shouldn’t pay $200.00 to photographers who are willing to accept that as payment.

They are three publications I submit photos and articles free too because I like and support what they do. One of them offers me 25.00, I never accept it. Actually, I donate it back to them to keep their paperwork simple. Before you say anything about my tax incentive on donations, I am an expat, until I make $70,000 a year, I don’t pay taxes or need deductions.

All I can say is, photos, like collectables, are only worth what the photo buyer is willing or can afford to pay for them. Each photographer has to decide whether or not they are willing to accept that price. Another words, each photographer needs to decide whether they will operate in that market.

The photography industry is in no danger here. Small markets have out numbered big market for the last few decades. Those of you in America, I recommend you pick up a copy of the Photographer’s Market Guide. It list photo-buyers. When you thumb through there, you’ll notice many more small markets then big markets. Many full-time photographers are making a large income supplying these markets. I have seen plenty of Harrison’s photos in issues of Bouderdash Magazine (north Carolina Publication) They were a very small market, but he supported what they did.

I am also speaking strictly of stock (editorial or commercial) photography, not assignments’ here. Again, as a photographer, I have the choice to sell or not sell the right to use my image for whatever price I choose.

deepplaymedia wrote:
As incredibly frustrated as I am by many posts in this thread, I just cant be bothered having a full on rant.
I will say this though- if photos are worth publishing then they are worth paying for.

For the record I have I have talked to Joe about this. I think there's a lot to be said for understanding what you are worth & sticking to your guns.

deepplaymedia wrote:
Actually Gwungzow, the reason I PM'd Mike is because I don't think it's appropriate to discuss certain things on this forum.

But in order to set the record straight; in fact CRUX operates on a different business structure to a normal magazine.
We are a small community based magazine made up of a bunch of friends (currently myself, Simon Carter, Neil Monteith, Simon Murray, with a few others helping with advertising, proofing etc) that prints articles & photos by us & our mates & their mates kinda thing. We have a very small print run, and only have enough advertising to cover print costs (about 14 pages, in a 112 page thrice-yearly magazine) & none of the staff get paid a cent for our work- in fact we all lose significant money not only in direct expenses but also in massive amounts of time taken away from our own businesses.
Basically, the relatively small Australian climbing market is currently incapable of sustaining such a magazine if we were to pay full market prices, so it became a labour (and a labour it is!) of love project for the community instead of a business venture for a few people.

But thanks for your concern about my business ethics...

What I don’t like about forums like this is that people criticize others for doing the very same things they do and refuse to admit.

I have never attacked you business ethics, but you did attack Mad-Rock. You speak ill of Mad-Rock for offering 200.00 bucks to up and coming photographers and you don’t pay for writing or photography at your publication. I realize you are an up and coming publication and don’t have the revenue to pay for articles or photos, but you are complaining about people who under sell their images. You can’t have it both ways, it OK for you have free photos from photographer, but other companies can’t pay low prices.

tradmanclimbs wrote:
Putting spin on it does not change anything. You cant rip a guy for underpaying INYOP and then under pay yourself. makes you look like a tool. Typically small circulation rags pay $10 to $20 per photo, certainly you could at least try to cover that.......

Good call on this. Seem to be a trend on this site.

I personally support Mad Rock and any photographer who decides to submit images to them. I was planning on shooting a few photos during the last couple of weekend specifically for this, but it rained, I’ll shoot some when I am in the states this summer instead. I’ll add these images to my stock collection afterward.

Mad-Rock isn’t asking for all rights to these photos. They are printing 500.00 copies of a poster and giving 40 of them to the photographer. They also pay the photographer 200.00. When you consider that magazines in this industry pay 400 to 600 dollars for a cover shot with much larger circulation, this price seems fair. Climbing photography sold in the climbing world will never make the same as climbing photography sold in other markets. Same is true of many of the outdoor/adventure sports, the markets are just to small.

The Joke,


Jun 19, 2007, 3:07 PM
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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I have several good pics of my feet in a pair of you Loco's!!! Unfortunately, the shoes are less than a year old and are already falling apart. The rubberized web like crap on the outside peels off like mad. I went out and bought a pair of five ten's, much more comfortable, durable. The only plus to my madrocks is i can climb stuff about a grade harder....Anyways, if you want the pics(some pretty good one's) send me $200 bucks so I can afford a pair of La Sportiva's.


Jun 19, 2007, 9:14 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I will re-read my posts but I don't believe that I ever attacked MadRock or Joe... in business he will obviously be trying to cut down overheads, that's just good business. You are completely right that photos are only worth what someone will pay for them, so it is the responsibility of the photographer to sell photos at a sustainable price & keep food on their table.

I also donate images to certain smalltime publications for various reasons, but sure as hell not for commercial/advertising usages!!
You don't seem to be making any distinction between editorial & commercial usages, even so far as citing magazine payrates/circulations for comparison! Whereas in fact they are a completely different ballgame.

Also, what I said about CRUX had little to do with market saturation. It is not a case of me & my buddies rippping off photographers... in fact the large majority of the photos are *by* (& of) me & my buddies.

(This post was edited by deepplaymedia on Jun 19, 2007, 9:29 PM)


Jun 19, 2007, 10:28 PM
Post #59 of 120 (4367 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
As incredibly frustrated as I am by many posts in this thread, I just cant be bothered having a full on rant.
I will say this though- if photos are worth publishing then they are worth paying for.

For the record I have I have talked to Joe about this. I think there's a lot to be said for understanding what you are worth & sticking to your guns.

Looks like an attack to me. Of course, I have been wrong before.

I also realize that I am only a part-time photographer, but when you consider that small markets and various royalty free imigages made me over 35,000 last, year, I must know something about generating income through photography.

Again, every photographer who licenses images needs to decide what market to put the images into.

True, photographers have traditionally charged more for commercial use of images then for editorial with the same print run. I realize this. What amazes me is why? Magazines and cooperation’s are in the business of making money, why not charge them the same price for the same time/print run.

I see no difference between a photo being used on the cover of a magazine with exclusive first time north American rights for 6 month and the same photo being used on 500 posters advertising shoes with the same six month exclusive right. Yet photographers would charge a different price for just that.

Can you imagine going to a grocery store and being charged for groceries according to your income or usage of those groceries? I wouldn’t stand for it and neither should photo buyers.


Jun 19, 2007, 10:50 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
Mad Rock, a fairly small company...


Jun 19, 2007, 11:10 PM
Post #61 of 120 (4346 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Just a question from a guy who doesn't even take photos..

is this really a problem from say a grassroots perspective? Just an open free for all contest, open submission, for a small prize and a small poster run? Is MadRock likely to be flooded with entries from pro photographers?


Jun 19, 2007, 11:29 PM
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Re: [caughtinside] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Yeah, were all so broke we are scrapeing like old ladies at a flea market for that 200 clams and bitching the whole way about how were being lowballedCool


Jun 20, 2007, 4:27 AM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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In reply to:
Looks like an attack to me. Of course, I have been wrong before.

The comments you quoted were citing my frustration at some of the 'photographers' in the forum, NOT at Joe.

Your other comments in your last post demonstrate your complete and utter lack of understanding of the industry & how/why it works.


Jun 20, 2007, 6:18 AM
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Re: [foeslts16] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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foeslts16 wrote:
^^ add to that, whiners with an extreme sense of entitlement.

well said


Jun 20, 2007, 6:23 AM
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Re: [chossmonkey] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
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I know that it sucks for you folks who want to make a living as a photographer, but hell this isn't the third world. Shooting photos is a luxury compared to harvesting coffee beans in Colombia and stitching clothes in China for $1 a day.

Or maybe shoes and crashpads?

There is ALWAYS going to be someone willing to work for less. Its too bad that they don't realize they are shooting themselves in the foot in the long run. Not to mention dragging industry standards down too.

Way to keep undercutting everyone else to make yourself another buck Joe.

The way I look at it, if you didn't want to be in a profession where a hobbyist could take your job, you should have take up a career where once you earned your stripes you were untouchable.

Many come to mind. Ones that don't are photographer and firefighter. On the flip side go to med school and then try to let some schmuck hobby their way into your kids college funds.


Jun 20, 2007, 6:28 AM
Post #66 of 120 (4274 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
Actually Gwungzow, the reason I PM'd Mike is because I don't think it's appropriate to discuss certain things on this forum.

But in order to set the record straight; in fact CRUX operates on a different business structure to a normal magazine.
We are a small community based magazine made up of a bunch of friends (currently myself, Simon Carter, Neil Monteith, Simon Murray, with a few others helping with advertising, proofing etc) that prints articles & photos by us & our mates & their mates kinda thing. We have a very small print run, and only have enough advertising to cover print costs (about 14 pages, in a 112 page thrice-yearly magazine) & none of the staff get paid a cent for our work- in fact we all lose significant money not only in direct expenses but also in massive amounts of time taken away from our own businesses.
Basically, the relatively small Australian climbing market is currently incapable of sustaining such a magazine if we were to pay full market prices, so it became a labour (and a labour it is!) of love project for the community instead of a business venture for a few people.

But thanks for your concern about my business ethics...

So what you are saying is you are a magazine thats essentially a hobby. in a sense you are undercutting the magazine industry which is already going through a transition with the digital age.

I'm also partially joking but what you are doing is no different then some guy who shoots as a hobby and gives his work away or sells it on the cheap.

Do you feel bad if someone drops their hard earned dollars on your rag over climbing or alpinist? probably not.


Jun 20, 2007, 6:58 AM
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Re: [pico23] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Editor of CRUX here:

There is a big difference between advertising and editorial photography. If an image is featured in advertrising, the talent and photographer are in effect 'endorsing' the product. It then means the talent/photographer is then eliminated from working on rival manufacturs (ie conflct of interest). 'talent' in advertsing photos are also required payment. The larger advertising photo rates encorporate these sorts of additional costs into what seems like inflated costs. Also, most advertisers will want to OWN the photo outright, and thus they pay a heap more to have sole use of the image.

Photo contributions to small magazines are in effect just a way of sourcing a compilaton of work to be enjoyed by the wider community. I treat a magazine as a condensed (edited) version of the web, a place where people can enjoy the best bits without wading through piles of crap posts/images. We offer considerable value prizes to randomaly drawn contributors to our magazine (ie $200 worth of gym holds is an example). Photos contributed to CRUX are still the property of the photographer, they can be re-submitted to advertising clients and other magazines wihout gaining our permission.

To compare CRUX to Madrock is ridiuclas. We are a tiny regional mag with an annual turn over in the low tens of thousands. Mad Rock on the other hand is a 'made in china' manufactuer and distributer to a huge world wide market.


Jun 20, 2007, 4:10 PM
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Re: [cruxmag] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
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Looks like an attack to me. Of course, I have been wrong before.

The comments you quoted were citing my frustration at some of the 'photographers' in the forum, NOT at Joe.

Your other comments in your last post demonstrate your complete and utter lack of understanding of the industry & how/why it works.

Your assumption of how the industry works.

You work for a magazine, so I assume you know how to write and explain yourself in writing. Instead of making a general statement on my lack of knowledge about the stock photography industry, give me specific example of where I am wrong. I don’t claim to be an expert, just someone who has first hand experience selling photos to magazines (Nationally and Internationally) and selling stock photography. What comment are you referring too? I would love a rational explanation, not an emotional response.

cruxmag wrote:
Editor of CRUX here:

There is a big difference between advertising and editorial photography. If an image is featured in advertrising, the talent and photographer are in effect 'endorsing' the product. It then means the talent/photographer is then eliminated from working on rival manufacturs (ie conflct of interest). 'talent' in advertsing photos are also required payment. The larger advertising photo rates encorporate these sorts of additional costs into what seems like inflated costs. Also, most advertisers will want to OWN the photo outright, and thus they pay a heap more to have sole use of the image.

Photo contributions to small magazines are in effect just a way of sourcing a compilaton of work to be enjoyed by the wider community. I treat a magazine as a condensed (edited) version of the web, a place where people can enjoy the best bits without wading through piles of crap posts/images. We offer considerable value prizes to randomaly drawn contributors to our magazine (ie $200 worth of gym holds is an example). Photos contributed to CRUX are still the property of the photographer, they can be re-submitted to advertising clients and other magazines wihout gaining our permission.

To compare CRUX to Madrock is ridiuclas. We are a tiny regional mag with an annual turn over in the low tens of thousands. Mad Rock on the other hand is a 'made in china' manufactuer and distributer to a huge world wide market.

I never compared your magazine to Mad ROck, what I said was you co-owner couldn't bitch at photographer for participating in Mad Rock’s poster contest because MR is paying low when he doesn't pay at all.

I think you are overlooking the whole royalty free industry when you mentioned the commercial use of photos above. I have never sold alights to any of my photos. I sell a ton of Royalty free right to commercial company. By definition, royalty free doesn't give any company, magazine or individual exclusive right for any period of time. One of the risk the buyer has is that his competitor might have the same images in their ad too.

When I shoot photos of people that I plan to use for commercial purposes, I get a model release form from any recognizable person in the shot. I do this so I can market my photos to any photo buyer who want it. Just because someone uses my photo doesn't mean that I as a photographer of my model “endorse” the product or service the photo advertises. That would be like saying actors in commercial support the product they are being paid to advertise.

Selling photos for commercial purposes is a business. When I shoot stock photos, I have a concept in look in mind, but that does not mean I know what the photo will actually be used for in the long run.

Awhile back, I took a series of photos of an Asian man and Woman smoking. At the end of the shoot, I had various photos of the man, the woman, and the couple smoking. I also had images of the man smoking and the woman looking unhappy about it and vises versa. I have seen those images appear in cancer articles (Editorial), dating article(Editorial), smoking ads (Commercial), and anti-smoking ads (Commercial).

My models received payment for the shoot and have no idea what the images get used for unless they see the ads. I $25.00 to $125 per image leased as royalty free. Some of those images are now on the micros earning me .25 a download, the series has brought me over 100.00 in the last month.

I personally don’t smoke and would never date a smoker. Only one of my models was a smoker, the other just acted like a smoker. Both model were paid with images for their own personal portfolios and no money exchanged hands. TFP/CD.

Of course, I have limited to no knowledge of the photo industry.

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Jun 20, 2007, 9:54 PM)


Jun 21, 2007, 6:50 AM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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In reply to:
What comment are you referring too? I would love a rational explanation, not an emotional response.

I originally did start to disect your post and give a detailed explanation, but to be honest it was doing my head in.
If you would like to discuss this properly & in detail via email I'd be happy to. My address is
Though it is not something I believe to be entirely appropriate to do publicly, I must disagree with some of CRUXMAG's comments...
While a surprising number of companies originally request ownership of images, when they are properly educated as to the costs involved in such a thing (tens of thousands, or much higher depending on the client) they usually rethink their specific needs. 'Licensing' is the name of the game these days.

On the note of royalty-free stock, it's something I steer well clear of. If you need the 'throw images at them & let them do the rest' marketing power of a stock library, check out the fantastic rights-managed options available. As far as I'm concerned, RF is selling yourself WELL short.


In reply to:
I never compared your magazine to Mad ROck, what I said was you co-owner couldn't bitch at photographer for participating in Mad Rock’s poster contest because MR is paying low when he doesn't pay at all.

I also believe that you did & still are making that comparison...but whatever.
I am not bitching at photographers for wanting to participate, hell I think it's a great idea! I am just encouraging those who choose to participate to realise the value of their images & stick to their guns in terms of rights & reimbursement.

(This post was edited by deepplaymedia on Jun 21, 2007, 7:04 AM)


Jun 21, 2007, 2:04 PM
Post #70 of 120 (4123 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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yea we have the right to submit photos to your rag for FREE but you think we are chumps for accepting $200.00 from Mad Rock. LOSER OF THE DAY AWARD RIGHT HERE BABYCool

Partner oldsalt

Jun 21, 2007, 5:21 PM
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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I admit it, I submitted 3 of my images. I have a gallery of my work in my office, and I have sold my work in the past. Having said that, I do it for fun and my own pleasure.

In this case, the idea of getting some recognition for my work is an ego boost that would also buy me a new pair of shoes and a cam. Believe me, look at the images in my folder and you will know that I am a better Assessment Director than photographer.

Finally, if I sold an image for publication, I would have established that I can sell a current work and I would plan on getting more $$$ if I put myself out there.

I appreciate Joe's offer and agree with those who say, "If $200.00 is too little for you, don't sell." Don't tell me what to do, unless you are willing pay me more than $200.00 for my work.


Jun 21, 2007, 9:52 PM
Post #72 of 120 (4068 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
In reply to:
What comment are you referring too? I would love a rational explanation, not an emotional response.

I originally did start to disect your post and give a detailed explanation, but to be honest it was doing my head in.
If you would like to discuss this properly & in detail via email I'd be happy to. My address is
Though it is not something I believe to be entirely appropriate to do publicly, I must disagree with some of CRUXMAG's comments...
While a surprising number of companies originally request ownership of images, when they are properly educated as to the costs involved in such a thing (tens of thousands, or much higher depending on the client) they usually rethink their specific needs. 'Licensing' is the name of the game these days.

On the note of royalty-free stock, it's something I steer well clear of. If you need the 'throw images at them & let them do the rest' marketing power of a stock library, check out the fantastic rights-managed options available. As far as I'm concerned, RF is selling yourself WELL short.


In reply to:
I never compared your magazine to Mad ROck, what I said was you co-owner couldn't bitch at photographer for participating in Mad Rock’s poster contest because MR is paying low when he doesn't pay at all.

I also believe that you did & still are making that comparison...but whatever.
I am not bitching at photographers for wanting to participate, hell I think it's a great idea! I am just encouraging those who choose to participate to realise the value of their images & stick to their guns in terms of rights & reimbursement.

Thanks for the email address. You have already explained that you are not comfortable enough with this to have an open discussion on the forum. I prefer to discuss this on the forum. Based on the private messages I received lately, many of the RC members have questions and I keeping track of this. I wouldn’t be surprised if other members also start participating. I don’t like to hide in the closet.

I know a little about Rights Managed images. I have 2000 of them placed with two different agencies. For my time to income ratio, I make more money of my Royalty free images, so I will continue that route. Rights managed works for some, but not for me.

I like the easy approach to my royalty free images. I only do this part time and rather spend my down time photographing and climbing rather then managing my images, contracts, and licenses. I definitely don't want to spend time negotiating.

Libraries do sell RM images at much higher rates, but they also take their commission. Estimate don’t in America on the stock industry is 2.00 per image in portfolio per year in the right managed, but 5.00 per images in the Rf sector. To survive, photographers need to adjust with industry trends.

Last I checked, $35,000 plus a year is a good income for a part-time job. I know many full time pro-photographers who aren't pulling that in now.

Many professional full-time photographers agree that rights managed are on their way out of the industry. While I don't completely agree with them, I do agree that Royalty free will hold a much larger portion of the market in the future. With my limited time, I will concentrate on the market that is growing instead of shrinking.

I will actually be removing my images from the Rights’ managed agencies in the near future and placing them in the RF file.

Thanks for the interesting conversation to date.



Jun 21, 2007, 10:06 PM
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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Hey Guanzhou - what's your real name?


Jun 21, 2007, 11:10 PM
Post #74 of 120 (4043 views)

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Re: [chossmonkey] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
There is ALWAYS going to be someone willing to work for less. Its too bad that they don't realize they are shooting themselves in the foot in the long run. Not to mention dragging industry standards down too.

Way to keep undercutting everyone else to make yourself another buck Joe.

There's a difference between being an undercutter and a loss leader. Economics lesson: The loss leader is a pricing strategy which involves selling products/services at a price that will generate little or no profit and in some cases not even cover all associated costs (marketing, overheads, direct costs, etc).

If I'm merely 'undercutting' because I'm a hobbyist and haven't invested a huge amount into becoming a photographer, $200 is a great deal if I can get it. My day out climbing and shooting and having fun just earned me some money for my pocket. Sweet.

If I was a photographer who was loss leading, I'd have to increase the volume of pics I sold to make up for lower profits per pic. It's a legitimate tactic to attract business, but ultimately if someone had better photos, they'd take my spot and my loss leading strategy would result in my financial solvency diminishing.

Get the picture?

Now, we can revisit the notions of competition, but in a saturated market where digital photography allows any kid to unleash creative potential, your work has to raise the bar. If a hobbyist earning a little cash is dragging down industry standards, could the standards be inflated? It's already been said, but the digital age is going to change the industry, whether its wanted or not.

Like I said before, the really top notch guys aren't going to submit their work to this. This is for the general public, and if a hobbyist can beat the rest of you, good for him/her. The number of pro photographers websites listed in this debate isn't gonna change the fact that exactly zero of those photographers will try and win this. If one did, that would be shooting himself, and himself alone, in the foot.

For the rest of us, you miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take.

(This post was edited by fencipede on Jun 22, 2007, 3:16 PM)


Jun 22, 2007, 3:29 AM
Post #75 of 120 (4016 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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isn't talking about this privately almost admiting you are wrong OR trying to hide something.

I like a good debate/arguement so why don't you have at it.

I think if anything you've decreased your credibility by admiting you under pay for images but that others should not under price their images.

Seems like you are playing both ends. Perhaps I just don't understand. I do recognize you are making a distinction between editorial and advertising but thats IMO just because you have such a forum.

On the flip side, I bet, you preach not under pricing to editorial uses either when the forum is available?


Jun 22, 2007, 4:09 AM
Post #76 of 120 (4007 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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might need these to get your ass out of the hole you have dug yourself.

have a nice day.


Jun 22, 2007, 7:09 AM
Post #77 of 120 (3997 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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In reply to:
yea we have the right to submit photos to your rag for FREE but you think we are chumps for accepting $200.00 from Mad Rock.

CRUX is not interested in random submissions from random people.
Local photographers & writers here are stoked on supporting a local community based magazine. It is *their* project, their outlet, their labour of love. Everyone involved (and many people that aren't!) regard the mag as a valuable contribution to the local climbing community.
If it ever evolves to anything more 'business oriented' than that (or if we happen to find a wad of cash in the CRUX drawers), we will figure out a way to properly financially reimburse contributors.

In reply to:

I'm really struggling to be offended mate...

As for pico's claims of my 'guilt', I'm not trying to hide anything. It is simply my preference to deal with people directly & privately. It allows certain things (specific figures, business particulars etc that are not appropriate to discuss in public forums) to be involved in the discussion & in this particular case it also allows people to speak their minds...

Old salt- I'm completely dig your approach to photos, nothing wrong with what you are doing EXCEPT for the prices. Put aside all the undercutting & industry standard waffle- what would you rather get for your image, $200 or $700? All it takes is confidence in the quality of your work & a couple of emails. Honestly!

I'm not going to be contributing to this thread any more because I see no valuable reason to. As I've said already, I can be contacted by email (or phone if you wish, my contact details are available on my website. Just remember the time differences)

Well that taken care of, now there's drinking, snowboarding & ice climbing to be done. See you nerds later! Cool

(This post was edited by deepplaymedia on Jun 22, 2007, 7:32 AM)


Jun 22, 2007, 12:11 PM
Post #78 of 120 (3969 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Alright. Take your ball and go home. Pirate

Edited to add:


(This post was edited by mshore on Jun 22, 2007, 12:12 PM)


Jun 22, 2007, 3:23 PM
Post #79 of 120 (3934 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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yea, Don't forget to pm Deep play if you got some photos to give awayTongue they better be top knotch cause they don't accept free photos from just anybody.... You said your distribution is in the LOW TENS OF THOUSANDS?? that ain't all that small...... it aint big but it's big enough to at least pay what the dinky local newspaper pays.


Jun 22, 2007, 3:30 PM
Post #80 of 120 (3928 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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are you guys going to stop this fight and give us the grace of seeing some poster quality picture??


Jun 22, 2007, 7:46 PM
Post #81 of 120 (3907 views)

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Re: [winglessangel] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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winglessangel wrote:
are you guys going to stop this fight and give us the grace of seeing some poster quality picture??

No doubt. I'm looking forward to seeing which pics get selected.


Jun 22, 2007, 9:59 PM
Post #82 of 120 (3888 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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knieveltech wrote:
winglessangel wrote:
are you guys going to stop this fight and give us the grace of seeing some poster quality picture??

No doubt. I'm looking forward to seeing which pics get selected.

Me too.


Jun 23, 2007, 6:20 PM
Post #83 of 120 (3844 views)

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Re: [winglessangel] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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winglessangel wrote:
are you guys going to stop this fight and give us the grace of seeing some poster quality picture??

post up, bee-otches!


Jun 25, 2007, 6:57 AM
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Re: [stymingersfink] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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It's sad but inevitable that the digital revolution is going to affect photography in some of the same ways that globalization affects manufacturing in the US. Once folks who are willing to do things cheap have the ability to compete with expensive producers, things change.

After all, many hobbiests have natural talent, whacca gonna do? Can't blame the photogs for fighting this though. It's like trying to form a union to protect a living wage.

Now I don't think Mad Rock deserves props though. They are trying to get a quality image on the cheap. Can't blame em for that but it's not charity for the noobs they are offering but free publicity, goodwill, and a bargain image in the process. Good idea but not noble idea.




Jun 25, 2007, 1:11 PM
Post #85 of 120 (3773 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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karlbaba thanks for your input. I just don't think the guy who stirred all of this is a professional photographer. I think he wanted to attack people on this forum and now he realizes that he didn't know as much as he though he did. From the private messages I am getting, a lot of people here know a lot more then he does and definitely a lot more than me. Now he is running away from could have been a wonderful discussion. As a teacher, I explain to my students that it’s great to express an opinion, but you need to have concrete facts to support your view. It’s amazing how much that helps in discussions like this.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with globalization. As an International schoolteacher, I work in the very same countries that these factories are being put into. Locals don't complain much. Actually, while in China, people were fighting and begging for the jobs foreign companies/factories offered. The hard reality is that foreign factories paid better then Chinese Factory and employers. We can not compare life in other countries to life in the States or Europe. For many workers in China, going foreign companies is actually earning a raise.

In this case, the profit from Royalty Free images is much hire then the profit from right managed to the individual photographer. I will agree that on a per sell is not, but generic stock sold as RF is much more profitable for me. The bottom line is more important then the individual sell to me.

Example: If I had to hourly job offers on the table. One paid me 10.00 an hour and the other paid me 25.00 an hours. The 25.00 an hour job worked me one hour a week and the other 40 a week, which job would I make more money with at the end of them month.

If professional photographers are worried about the product put out by "armatures," then I would say the professional photographers who's worried needs to put out a better product. The reality is that the market has room for both sales models. Both products are very different.

A single McDonald makes more money a day then a fine restaurant make in a month. They serve a different clientele and provide a different product. Neither are right or wrong for what they do. The fine restaurant doesn't complain about McDonald. Royally free images are like McDonald, fast, convenient and cheaper, while Rights Managed are line a fine restaurant more exclusive, more refined, and often over priced.


Jun 25, 2007, 2:36 PM
Post #86 of 120 (3751 views)

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Re: [bigfatrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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$200 is a pretty low-ball shot for a poster, but I'd take it anyday...


Jun 25, 2007, 4:34 PM
Post #87 of 120 (3715 views)

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Re: [dbrayack] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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It is not the premise of this thread but MadRock offering $500, $600, whatever in SWAG from their line-up may have worked for both parties.
The cost of manufacturing product is very little. Bumping up the payout and keeping it "in house" may have increased the perceived value while actually awarding the winner more than what they would have received in paying retail.
Yes, cash spends everywhere and maybe the idea was considered. People would have argued about that too...

Good luck and time to unleash the hounds!!!!


Jun 25, 2007, 5:37 PM
Post #88 of 120 (3689 views)

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Re: [dbrayack] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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dbrayack wrote:
$200 is a pretty low-ball shot for a poster, but I'd take it anyday...

The average photo liscense at Corbis is $250.00. When you consider that Corbis is the bigest, it says something. The photogrpaher only get his percentage of that sell, normally 40 to 60%.

Inflated photo prices are often spoken of, but rarely seen in the stock industry.

I sure like facts

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Jun 25, 2007, 6:54 PM)


Jun 25, 2007, 5:40 PM
Post #89 of 120 (3686 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Wait, are you saying that $200 for a poster isn't a low ball?


Jun 25, 2007, 6:50 PM
Post #90 of 120 (3660 views)

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Re: [dbrayack] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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dbrayack wrote:
Wait, are you saying that $200 for a poster isn't a low ball?

I am saying a photographer sells a product and he can decide whether or not he want the fee offered.

In this case, a photogrpaher can choose to submit photos or not. A photographer with a photo that Mad Rock really wants, can also make a counter offer and Mad Rock can decide whether or not they like the counter offer.

Once I am home, I have several photos in my Stock files that I will submit for consideration. I will gladly accept the 200.00 offer if they like my photos.

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Jun 25, 2007, 6:53 PM)


Jun 25, 2007, 7:04 PM
Post #91 of 120 (3644 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
I sure like facts

Then you had better get your facts right.

$200 is a lowball offer for a poster


Jun 25, 2007, 7:11 PM
Post #92 of 120 (3636 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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The problem with trying to make a living through photography is that nowadays, any yo-himby with a digital camera can get a great image.

If this said photographer is willing to take, say a free rope for the photo instead of fair pay, then all of a sudden, it becomes more difficult for a photographer to make a living selling photos.

Basically, by taking lower offers or gear, you are under cutting a professional photographer's livly hood.

I'm not a professional photographer (actually, I'm that yo-himby with a amateur digital camera), though I've found myself walking away from deals based on the principles dicussed above.

That said, I'd totally take the $200 for a poster!



Jun 25, 2007, 8:15 PM
Post #93 of 120 (3604 views)

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Re: [dbrayack] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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...So. Everybody's situation is different and no right or wrong way to do it...

There is no good or bad, only the perception of good or bad.


Jun 25, 2007, 9:20 PM
Post #94 of 120 (3580 views)

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Re: [uptick] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Ok THIS is my last post.... promise Wink

In reply to:
I just don't think the guy who stirred all of this is a professional photographer.

You are correct, photography is not my only source of income nor is it the majority.
But I do send out enough invoices (yes, ones that I have negotiated) to have some idea what I am talking about.

In reply to:
I think he wanted to attack people on this forum and now he realizes that he didn't know as much as he though he did. From the private messages I am getting, a lot of people here know a lot more then he does and definitely a lot more than me. Now he is running away from could have been a wonderful discussion. As a teacher, I explain to my students that it’s great to express an opinion, but you need to have concrete facts to support your view. It’s amazing how much that helps in discussions like this.

Holy shit dude, how did your divorce from reality go?
I wanted to attack people? I ran away from a wonderful discussion?

In reply to:
A single McDonald makes more money a day then a fine restaurant make in a month. They serve a different clientele and provide a different product. Neither are right or wrong for what they do. The fine restaurant doesn't complain about McDonald. Royally free images are like McDonald, fast, convenient and cheaper, while Rights Managed are line a fine restaurant more exclusive, more refined, and often over priced.

McDonalds is shit.

Good luck to you Gungz!!


Jun 25, 2007, 11:29 PM
Post #95 of 120 (3561 views)

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Re: [deepplaymedia] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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deepplaymedia wrote:
Ok THIS is my last post.... promise Wink

In reply to:
I just don't think the guy who stirred all of this is a professional photographer.

You are correct, photography is not my only source of income nor is it the majority.
But I do send out enough invoices (yes, ones that I have negotiated) to have some idea what I am talking about.

In reply to:
I think he wanted to attack people on this forum and now he realizes that he didn't know as much as he though he did. From the private messages I am getting, a lot of people here know a lot more then he does and definitely a lot more than me. Now he is running away from could have been a wonderful discussion. As a teacher, I explain to my students that it’s great to express an opinion, but you need to have concrete facts to support your view. It’s amazing how much that helps in discussions like this.

Holy shit dude, how did your divorce from reality go?
I wanted to attack people? I ran away from a wonderful discussion?

In reply to:
A single McDonald makes more money a day then a fine restaurant make in a month. They serve a different clientele and provide a different product. Neither are right or wrong for what they do. The fine restaurant doesn't complain about McDonald. Royally free images are like McDonald, fast, convenient and cheaper, while Rights Managed are line a fine restaurant more exclusive, more refined, and often over priced.

McDonalds is shit.

Good luck to you Gungz!!

Shit or not, they are doing exactly what they are in bussiness to do. They are making money selling a product to the consumers.


Jun 25, 2007, 11:32 PM
Post #96 of 120 (3558 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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DIE THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!



Jun 28, 2007, 10:45 PM
Post #97 of 120 (3432 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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mshore wrote:
DIE THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't like the thread, stop reading it


Jun 29, 2007, 2:36 AM
Post #98 of 120 (3407 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I dont like it, but I'm still reading it.


Jun 29, 2007, 3:15 AM
Post #99 of 120 (3399 views)

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Re: [akornylak] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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i am amazed anyone is still paying for photos in this industry. it seems like every time i check in to see what is going on, contributor rates are dropping and companies are playing the, "if you help us out this time, we will make it worth your while in the future" card. it is funny (read:sad) to me that climbing exceeds snowboarding in popularity but no one is making any money within the sport. i wish all of you the best. cheers, matt


Jun 29, 2007, 5:24 AM
Post #100 of 120 (3381 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Well "a week or two" is coming up on 4 weeks.....will we ever know?


Jun 29, 2007, 10:41 AM
Post #101 of 120 (3521 views)

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Re: [starkcontrast] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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starkcontrast wrote:
i am amazed anyone is still paying for photos in this industry. it seems like every time i check in to see what is going on, contributor rates are dropping and companies are playing the, "if you help us out this time, we will make it worth your while in the future" card. it is funny (read:sad) to me that climbing exceeds snowboarding in popularity but no one is making any money within the sport. i wish all of you the best. cheers, matt

Good observation. True, can't make money in the climbing world. To many climbers have an attitude that earning money is a bad thing.

On the other hand, a few companies are doing very well. Climbers in countries outside the U.S. tend to earn a living too.

Outdoor sports photography, to earn a living, needs to be marketed outside of the sport.

Looks like Corbis is getting more active in the royalty free game.

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Jun 29, 2007, 10:42 AM)


Jul 5, 2007, 4:38 AM
Post #102 of 120 (3441 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Eu gostaria muito de ganhar um dinheiro por fotos, pois no Brasil a moeda é diferente.
Só que eu não tenho sapatilha madrock, no Brasil é muito cara.
Gostaria de ganhar uma, tirar fotos, enviar para vocês e ver o que acham.
Sou proprietária de um ginásio de escalada e seria uma ótima propaganda no Brasil também.
Escalo há 20 anos e dou aulas de escalada há 15 anos, sendo 11 anos em ginásios de minha propriedade.

Se interessar meu e-mail é

(This post was edited by pattriciamattos on Jul 5, 2007, 4:43 AM)


Jul 23, 2007, 7:46 PM
Post #103 of 120 (3300 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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CrazyIf you do not think that 200 bucks is enough for your photo, don't submit it! if you would like to have 200 dollars for your photo that you already took anyway and will most likely not get paid to have have it published in the library of congress than go ahead. And furthermore susan, most of us could care less if our crappy wannabe pro pictures taken with ridiculously expensive gear we don't even know how to use right brings down the value of your "artistic" prints. Also, the price you paid for all of your gear has absolutely no bearing on the value of the image that Joe Schmoe buys from you.

For most of us that are interested in rock climbing, getting a picture we took of our pal about to top out on "crowd pleaser" on a MAD ROCK poster in our local shop or gym would be payment enough. I think that ALL climbing gear companies should use these grassroots type programs for their marketing and all you whiney little bitches can go take glam shots of teenyboppers. So, if you think your a pro...just don't submit. And if you really are a "pro" you most likely have already sold a few pics to industry and didn't post on this thread.Wink


Jul 31, 2007, 3:10 AM
Post #104 of 120 (3199 views)

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Re: [mshore] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Well, I was all stoked about submitting an awesome photo that I shot. I know it would have won, but now I'm so disenfranchised about my bleak future as a climbing photographer, I don't think I will. Hmmm, I think I'll just go lie down now.


Jul 31, 2007, 4:58 AM
Post #105 of 120 (3177 views)

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Re: [florida-rock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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i thought this thread was dead!!!!!


Jul 31, 2007, 8:38 AM
Post #106 of 120 (3158 views)

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Re: [pico23] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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pico23 wrote:
i thought this thread was dead!!!!!

there you go thinking again


Jul 31, 2007, 12:27 PM
Post #107 of 120 (3137 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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What about winners??????


Aug 16, 2007, 6:04 PM
Post #108 of 120 (3012 views)

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Re: [starkcontrast] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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starkcontrast wrote:
it is funny (read:sad) to me that climbing exceeds snowboarding in popularity but no one is making any money within the sport.

Somehow, I'm not quite buying this. Maybe gym climbing is more popular, but actual climbing is not. The difference, as it relates to your confusion about $$$? TONS of the people at the gym will never buy their own gear, and when they do, it's shoes and a chalk bag. Spending a day on the slopes, just to start to learn to board, costs that much, alone. After a few times of that, you're hooked and you are spending a grand on board, binding, boots, etc...

For whatever reason, this usually doesn't hold true with climbers. Most people get introduced to climbing at a gym and VERY few will actually take the sport outside. Then, let's have a look at the people who actually start climbing... Most of those will be sport climbers and have considerably less investment in gear still.


Aug 16, 2007, 7:04 PM
Post #109 of 120 (2992 views)

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Re: [nefarius] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I'll take $10 for this image.
Attachments: madrock1.JPG (89.7 KB)


Aug 16, 2007, 7:09 PM
Post #110 of 120 (2984 views)

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Re: [organic] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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organic wrote:
I'll take $10 for this image.

That's pretty good! How did you Photo Shop those Mad Rocks onto your feet? Wink


Sep 23, 2007, 12:06 PM
Post #111 of 120 (2622 views)

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Re: [bent_gate] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Am I missing something?? What happened to this contest?? why were no winners announced? who got the prize money that we all squabbled about??


Sep 24, 2007, 1:40 PM
Post #112 of 120 (2560 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Sep 25, 2007, 12:39 AM
Post #113 of 120 (2517 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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tradmanclimbs wrote:
Am I missing something?? What happened to this contest?? why were no winners announced? who got the prize money that we all squabbled about??

Looks like the original OP ducked out once the spray started. Can't say I blame em. Shame, really.


Sep 25, 2007, 11:17 AM
Post #114 of 120 (2482 views)

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Re: [knieveltech] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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I know at least a few of us submited photos. It was a typical flame fest but thats to be expected and no reason to cancle the contest. Maby all the photos suck? Maby Joe is pissed at all the whiners? Either way he should update us....


Sep 26, 2007, 8:26 AM
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Sep 26, 2007, 8:35 AM
Post #116 of 120 (2426 views)

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Re: [kest2703] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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In reply to:
well, how did you start?

if you're an 'aspiring expert', more reason than ever to START AS YOU PLAN TO CONTINUE!
I was lucky enough to be 'taken under the wing' of Simon Carter when I was starting out, and that is the single most helpful piece of advice he ever gave me. Treat yourself as a professional, present yourself professionally, or you will always be viewed by clients as an amateur.

(This post was edited by deepplaymedia on Sep 26, 2007, 8:37 AM)


Sep 26, 2007, 8:43 AM
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Sep 26, 2007, 11:58 AM
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Sep 27, 2007, 1:14 PM
Post #119 of 120 (2357 views)

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Re: [madrock] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Sep 27, 2007, 1:36 PM
Post #120 of 120 (2352 views)

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Re: [tradmanclimbs] Mad Rock Posters, Photos Needed, Pay $200 [In reply to]
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Maybe you should EMAIL Joe?

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Last Logon: Jul 2, 2007, 1:52 PM
he doesn't really stop in so often...

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