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The laws of climbing
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Dec 11, 2009, 6:40 AM
Post #1 of 159 (26835 views)

Registered: Nov 6, 2007
Posts: 2667

The laws of climbing
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From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

(This post was edited by USnavy on Dec 11, 2009, 10:28 AM)


Dec 11, 2009, 6:48 AM
Post #2 of 159 (26828 views)

Registered: Mar 5, 2009
Posts: 106

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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who pissed in your cheerios?Tongue


Dec 11, 2009, 6:56 AM
Post #3 of 159 (26821 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2005
Posts: 3371

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...
The 12 Days of Christmas of a sport climber.

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damm hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damm wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damm slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damm pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.


Dec 11, 2009, 8:39 AM
Post #4 of 159 (26785 views)

Registered: Mar 13, 2007
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.

Partner j_ung

Dec 11, 2009, 12:08 PM
Post #5 of 159 (26751 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
9. Stop with the negative attitude.

Jeesus dood, who the hell are you climbing with?


Dec 11, 2009, 12:21 PM
Post #6 of 159 (26742 views)

Registered: Dec 7, 2007
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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HAHA your partner lets dogs bang his leg.
He also pets the Geckos as the dog piises on your rope.
Maybe you suck as a partner, Maybe you suck as a person and thats the only partner you can find.
Maybe you need free solo lessons from Petie


Dec 11, 2009, 1:41 PM
Post #7 of 159 (26692 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2006
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

I don't understand why it is ok for you to be scared on a 5.12, but it is shameful for someone new to leading to be scared on a 5.8. Get over yourself.


Dec 11, 2009, 1:50 PM
Post #8 of 159 (26686 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 17398

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

3. Stop short roping me!

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

Yes I can go for all of those - though 'law' is a bit strong a word for my usage.

In reply to:
6. Stand up and pay attention!
You start sending and quit doggin and I might start paying attention. Otherwise stfu!

In reply to:
7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

What are you gay??? I'm talking to the babe standing at the next line bro and there is nothing you can do about it. STFU.

In reply to:
8. Shut up beta master.

9. Stop with the negative attitude.
Check, check.

In reply to:
10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

Look, I done tole you I'm hitting on that babe at the next route whether you like it or not.

In reply to:
11. Keep your hand on the damn rope![/quote

Why? I got a grigri. I'll mind the store till I stop wanking.

In reply to:
12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

Sit there silently and obey your commands eh chief? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!



Dec 11, 2009, 1:59 PM
Post #9 of 159 (26673 views)

Registered: Jun 15, 2009
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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i enjoyed this thread.


Dec 11, 2009, 2:01 PM
Post #10 of 159 (26669 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

complain complain complain

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

grumble grumble troll grumble

The ironing is thick.....


Dec 11, 2009, 2:58 PM
Post #11 of 159 (26610 views)

Registered: Mar 1, 2007
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Re: [dynosore] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

complain complain complain

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

grumble grumble troll grumble

The ironing is thick.....



Dec 11, 2009, 3:03 PM
Post #12 of 159 (26608 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2009
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Re: [dynosore] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Its a good thing you are on an isolated island. I don't know if I could put up with you either. Did you ever consider the reason you cant find a partner is because no one can reach you standing on that skyscaper of a pedestal you've put yourself on? Now STFU, troll.


Dec 11, 2009, 3:11 PM
Post #13 of 159 (26594 views)

Registered: May 5, 2009
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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This was nice to wake up to. I laughed a lot. You sound very unhappy. Maybe you could search for a deaf and dumb partner. No silly talking to get in the way.


Dec 11, 2009, 3:18 PM
Post #14 of 159 (26584 views)

Registered: May 11, 2006
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

that's what you get for climbing with a sub-man.

i do, howevr, find the dingus-style chatting with the ladies a bit disconcerting when i'm @ the crux.


Dec 11, 2009, 3:20 PM
Post #15 of 159 (26579 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2006
Posts: 1497

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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All of your 12 rules require a reasonable standard of performance, and you've explained them, so it's pretty easy to see whether your partner can conform, or not.

I can see how a military person would judge this list as cool. And it's good -- we need people like you, in our civilization, for positive strength and integrity.

But what bothers me is that ALL your rules are performance-based. Where is the people value? Where is the personal value? Where is the fun?

So we should all recognize how "different strokes for different strokes" is a type of rule that supersedes your list. That is, every climber has his own play style, and his own leadership style.

I wouldn't hesitate to meet you on the rocks, But those rules automatically bar me (and a lot of my friends) so I'd only say "Hi!" and then wave "Bye" as you disappear up the crag.

But to focus on performance? Not for me. There's too much fun in my life is for that!

So, USnavy, here's how to fix your list:
1. Focus on values, especially the values that you get from this sport.
2. Think of ways to build those values.
3. Let your friends know how to help you get it.

There's no value to gain by judging your friends. You can weed out a lot of riff-raff, but you still can't make anybody conform to standard. Allow folks to do what they do, and figure out how to take advantage of what they offer you. And they will!


Dec 11, 2009, 3:23 PM
Post #16 of 159 (26567 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
i do, howevr, find the dingus-style chatting with the ladies a bit disconcerting when i'm @ the crux.

Consider my record bro... in 35+ years of active climbing I have

1. Never dropped anyone
2. Always caught the lead falls.
3. Never caused a leader to break an ankle
4. Most always get the phone number.

Now if and when you can match that record, let's talk! If you're climbing with me we aren't going to be on anything that will challenge you anyway... you could free solo these lines dude. And if she's a hot red head you just may BE.



Dec 11, 2009, 3:45 PM
Post #17 of 159 (26542 views)

Registered: May 11, 2006
Posts: 673

Re: [dingus] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
jcrew wrote:
i do, howevr, find the dingus-style chatting with the ladies a bit disconcerting when i'm @ the crux.

Consider my record bro... in 35+ years of active climbing I have

1. Never dropped anyone
2. Always caught the lead falls.
3. Never caused a leader to break an ankle
4. Most always get the phone number.

Now if and when you can match that record, let's talk! If you're climbing with me we aren't going to be on anything that will challenge you anyway... you could free solo these lines dude. And if she's a hot red head you just may BE.


well, it seems your record is pretty you use the non-climbing-related-conversation technique?

i once went 25 ft. on a slab. i slipped while my "pard." was watching the tight spandex next door. I also "solo'ed" tiptoe in josh, while my "belayer" was doing a climbing survey for the park service with this hot coed from CSU.


Dec 11, 2009, 4:33 PM
Post #18 of 159 (26498 views)

Registered: Jun 4, 2004
Posts: 1769

Re: [dingus] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
And if she's a hot red head you just may BE.



Dec 11, 2009, 4:37 PM
Post #19 of 159 (26489 views)

Registered: Feb 21, 2006
Posts: 1876

Re: [irregularpanda] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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irregularpanda wrote:
USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.
You read that far in?

Hey USN? You're not jt. Stop trying.


Dec 11, 2009, 4:38 PM
Post #20 of 159 (26485 views)

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Re: [justroberto] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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justroberto wrote:
irregularpanda wrote:
USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.
You read that far in?

Hey USN? You're not jt. Stop trying.

Why is everyone talking in this voice?


Dec 11, 2009, 4:41 PM
Post #21 of 159 (26481 views)

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Re: [Alpine07] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Alpine07 wrote:
justroberto wrote:
irregularpanda wrote:
USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.
You read that far in?

Hey USN? You're not jt. Stop trying.

Why is everyone talking in this voice?
What do you suggest?


Dec 11, 2009, 4:42 PM
Post #22 of 159 (26476 views)

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Re: [justroberto] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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justroberto wrote:
Alpine07 wrote:
justroberto wrote:
irregularpanda wrote:
USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.
You read that far in?

Hey USN? You're not jt. Stop trying.

Why is everyone talking in this voice?
What do you suggest?

How the hell should I know? I didn't even know I was doing it... Shit, I think I still am.


Dec 11, 2009, 4:44 PM
Post #23 of 159 (26473 views)

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Re: [justroberto] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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justroberto wrote:
Alpine07 wrote:
justroberto wrote:
irregularpanda wrote:
USnavy wrote:

11. Keep your hand on the damm rope!

It's spelled damn.
You read that far in?

Hey USN? You're not jt. Stop trying.

Why is everyone talking in this voice?
What do you suggest?





Dec 11, 2009, 4:45 PM
Post #24 of 159 (26471 views)

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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
dingus wrote:
jcrew wrote:
i do, howevr, find the dingus-style chatting with the ladies a bit disconcerting when i'm @ the crux.

Consider my record bro... in 35+ years of active climbing I have

1. Never dropped anyone
2. Always caught the lead falls.
3. Never caused a leader to break an ankle
4. Most always get the phone number.

Now if and when you can match that record, let's talk! If you're climbing with me we aren't going to be on anything that will challenge you anyway... you could free solo these lines dude. And if she's a hot red head you just may BE.


well, it seems your record is pretty you use the non-climbing-related-conversation technique?

i once went 25 ft. on a slab. i slipped while my "pard." was watching the tight spandex next door. I also "solo'ed" tiptoe in josh, while my "belayer" was doing a climbing survey for the park service with this hot coed from CSU.
Perils of the trade, dude. Perils of the trade.

Hey belayer? Go ahead and skeez on the ladies; I'll let you know when I need you.


Dec 11, 2009, 5:15 PM
Post #25 of 159 (26424 views)

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Re: [justroberto] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Love this post!!!!! Cool


Dec 11, 2009, 6:13 PM
Post #26 of 159 (12939 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I guess I must not a sport climber because I refuse to climb with self righteous hard asses.


Dec 11, 2009, 6:35 PM
Post #27 of 159 (12927 views)

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Re: [j_ung] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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j_ung wrote:
USnavy wrote:
9. Stop with the negative attitude.

Jeesus dood, who the hell are you climbing with?

Yeah, hypocritical much?


Dec 11, 2009, 6:39 PM
Post #28 of 159 (12925 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I don't give a shit about #1. If my partner wants to follow and TR single pitch, so what? Doesn't hurt me and I don't have to worry about arguing over the money pitch.


Dec 11, 2009, 7:14 PM
Post #29 of 159 (12897 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Life must be pretty hard if you can't find another partner, but your weak subman can.

Unless of course you don't actually want an equal partnership, but rather someone who could climb at your level if they elected to climb, but really prefers belaying you and only opening their mouth to verbally fellate you (if not fellate you out right).


Dec 11, 2009, 7:32 PM
Post #30 of 159 (12876 views)

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Re: [hafilax] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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hafilax wrote:
I guess I must not a sport climber because I refuse to climb with self righteous hard weak asses.


Dec 11, 2009, 7:33 PM
Post #31 of 159 (12874 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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This was actually an entertaining post, and hits on a few peeves -- mostly striking a balance between short-roping and the monster loop of slack on the ground sort of belay.

This said, the only "rule" in climbing is gravity. Everything else is a guideline.

Second, I appreciate your efforts in the service answering the call for our country, but isn't Hawaii pretty much the red-headed step child of climbing? You know, Nebraski, Ohio, Hawaii... are you so in a twist because you are stuck on what is actually a fairly small island, the paradise aspect has lost its luster, and now its just a hot, humid, touron packed cruise-ship you're floating on?


Dec 11, 2009, 8:34 PM
Post #32 of 159 (12828 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I know people like to hate on you, USnavy, but I think this is a pretty good list. I could heartily agree with most of it, and I didn't see anything that was too far off.

One of my partners ran into #3 recently with a unknown belayer that claimed to be experienced . She was leading through a balancy crux move and felt the rope come tight on her. After some harsh words slack was provided.

When she was back on the ground the belayer claimed that some people like a "tight" belay when they climb. That would be correct if "some people" meant gumbies and "climbing" meant top roping. Careful who you let hold your rope.


Dec 11, 2009, 9:34 PM
Post #33 of 159 (12797 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I'm so glad I'm not you.


Dec 11, 2009, 9:52 PM
Post #34 of 159 (12782 views)

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Re: [petsfed] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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petsfed wrote:
...but really prefers belaying you and only opening their mouth to verbally fellate you (if not fellate you out right).

In all fairness, it's not like they can give him a decent hand-job instead, as that would break rule #11.

(This post was edited by kriso9tails on Dec 11, 2009, 10:48 PM)


Dec 11, 2009, 10:10 PM
Post #35 of 159 (12766 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
1. Climbing is done on lead.

It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead.
Some, even many, people will disagree.Mad


Dec 12, 2009, 3:16 AM
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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hilarious, i literally LOLed


Dec 12, 2009, 3:24 AM
Post #37 of 159 (12711 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:
All of your 12 rules require a reasonable standard of performance, and you've explained them, so it's pretty easy to see whether your partner can conform, or not.

I can see how a military person would judge this list as cool. And it's good -- we need people like you, in our civilization, for positive strength and integrity.

But what bothers me is that ALL your rules are performance-based. Where is the people value? Where is the personal value? Where is the fun?

So we should all recognize how "different strokes for different strokes" is a type of rule that supersedes your list. That is, every climber has his own play style, and his own leadership style.

I wouldn't hesitate to meet you on the rocks, But those rules automatically bar me (and a lot of my friends) so I'd only say "Hi!" and then wave "Bye" as you disappear up the crag.

But to focus on performance? Not for me. There's too much fun in my life is for that!

So, USnavy, here's how to fix your list:
1. Focus on values, especially the values that you get from this sport.
2. Think of ways to build those values.
3. Let your friends know how to help you get it.

There's no value to gain by judging your friends. You can weed out a lot of riff-raff, but you still can't make anybody conform to standard. Allow folks to do what they do, and figure out how to take advantage of what they offer you. And they will!

And let's all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya while we pass around a joint.

You're parents must have been dirty hippies.


Dec 12, 2009, 3:59 AM
Post #38 of 159 (12695 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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The only pure form of climbing is the naked, barefoot, solo climber--everything else, ropes, chalk, sticky rubber, belayers etc. is a compromise.

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.


Dec 12, 2009, 7:19 AM
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Re: [potreroed] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 you want to bolt.

(This post was edited by USnavy on Dec 12, 2009, 7:20 AM)


Dec 12, 2009, 4:34 PM
Post #40 of 159 (12634 views)

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Re: [stagg54] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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stagg54 wrote:
And let's all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya while we pass around a joint.

You're parents must have been dirty hippies.

Actually, I think dan2see is a dirty hippie. Was probably 15 or 16 in 1968.


Dec 12, 2009, 4:39 PM
Post #41 of 159 (12630 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 you want to bolt.

get the fuck over yourself.


Dec 12, 2009, 5:02 PM
Post #42 of 159 (12619 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Dec 12, 2009, 5:12 PM
Post #43 of 159 (12616 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 you want to bolt.

2009-11-21 Hang Dog 5.12c Slice of Death
2009-11-17 Top Rope 5.12d Dragon Slayer
2009-11-15 Top Rope 5.11b Confusion
2009-10-24 Onsight 5.9 Cat Daddy
2009-10-24 Hang Dog 5.11d The Invisible Seam
2009-10-21 Onsight 5.10b Yankee Clipper (13)
2009-10-21 Hang Dog 5.12a Time Wave Zero

perhaps you should bolt something more within your ability eh?

(btw 5.13 doesn't mean shit unless you are a 14 year old girl, go climb something actually hard and maybe you will fit into your overblown ego)


Dec 12, 2009, 5:34 PM
Post #44 of 159 (12605 views)

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Re: [petsfed] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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petsfed wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
And let's all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya while we pass around a joint.
You're parents must have been dirty hippies.

Actually, I think dan2see is a dirty hippie. Was probably 15 or 16 in 1968.

Shocked How did you know? Laugh

Actually, in 1968, I had already completed 5 years in the Canadian Air Force. I'm much too hippy to join the Navy Blush.

In 1968, I was riding my third motorcycle, a Triumph Bonneville 650. I was dating my wife. We rode around the small towns of Southern Ontario.
We'd dress in bell-bottom pants (not jeans) and spangles, and cruise Yorkville Village, and groove on live folk and espresso.

A couple of years later, we proceeded to adopt our boy, and then our girl, who were both accidents of college free-love. They're in their mid-thirties now. He sky-dives for fun, and she drives a train for pay.

But Mad I don't smoke anything, and I hate that kumbaya stuff!

(Edit to add "groove" and "Air Force")

(This post was edited by dan2see on Dec 12, 2009, 6:23 PM)


Dec 12, 2009, 5:52 PM
Post #45 of 159 (12594 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 you want to bolt.

Maybe you should focus on improving your personality before you project your awfulness onto the rock in the form of bolts.


Dec 12, 2009, 5:53 PM
Post #46 of 159 (12593 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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On the serious side, though, I posted to this topic because of what I see in my own climbing community.

You can define rules and standards, and it's good to do so. It's also good to tell your friends how you feel about them.

But when you're dealing with people, you cannot place your order, and expect delivery. Especially when you're going out to play with a bunch untrained, unpaid amateurs.

Well you can expect any kind of behaviour you choose, but you're not going to get it. People are people, and they will do what people do. USnavy can't change that, and that's the second law he should have promulgated. The first law is: follow your dreams.

So am I a hippy? Sure. But I'm just as much a climber as you guys.

Do I require rule-based standards of behaviour, to succeed on the rocks? Sometimes.
But people-oriented expectations are just as valid, and just as important.


Dec 12, 2009, 6:19 PM
Post #47 of 159 (12580 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:

Do I require rule-based standards of behaviour, to succeed on the rocks? Sometimes.
But people-oriented expectations are just as valid, and just as important.

ummmm..... i think i'm following you,....i will say this: climbing is unimportant, period. see how big a deal leading 5.12 or 5.14 is when you're staring down cancer or something like that. climbing is a luxury position.....we should feel fortunate to be getting out, and not being confined to a wheelchair.


Dec 12, 2009, 6:35 PM
Post #48 of 159 (12570 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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One of us is doing something wrong. Because I think of these laws I've never had a problem with even one of them.

I think you are not climbing at your limit if you have time to be worried about this.

Further if your partner is pulling a dingus with the ladies and does have a grigri then you should plan a 20 foot whipper to get his attention. Of course plan properly.

Might I even suggest a "Victory Whipper"? Or was that law 14.

With all my climbing partners this has just not ever been an issue. But I'd bring tomatoes in a small haul bag and I'd overhand them at Dingus if he got too frisky with the ladies. That might even be kind of fun. He could bring some too.

RuLz = rUlz = hey... did you have an attorney check these?


Dec 12, 2009, 6:38 PM
Post #49 of 159 (12566 views)

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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I walked out of my gym the other day and was facing a 19 year old in a wheel chair. I was lugging shoes, chock, gear and I remember looking him in the eyes and wishing that I could give him 1 day of trading places. Just 1 day to let him run and be free again.

Good post man. The best so far. Climbing is a luxury and there is no law that guarantees we get to do that. One mistake and I'm the one in the chair. Where are all those laws now?


Dec 12, 2009, 8:18 PM
Post #50 of 159 (12527 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 5.15 you want to bolt.

unless you are a giant pussy....

you are such a moron, why just because you climb at grade 5.xx is it that every one who climbs at a lower grade than you is a wuss.

so what they want to toprope all day, great that is there own choice.

Also i do climb sport, but also trad, so what happens when some guy on trad shows you up on a 5.13+ trad climb and calls you a giant pussy?? He is obviously better than you....

I put no climber above another, and i don;t mind some people being a little cocky. but you have to be more good then cocky, not more cocky then good, as in your case.


Dec 12, 2009, 8:30 PM
Post #51 of 159 (11461 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:
petsfed wrote:
stagg54 wrote:
And let's all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya while we pass around a joint.
You're parents must have been dirty hippies.

Actually, I think dan2see is a dirty hippie. Was probably 15 or 16 in 1968.

Shocked How did you know? Laugh

Actually, in 1968, I had already completed 5 years in the Canadian Air Force. I'm much too hippy to join the Navy Blush.

In 1968, I was riding my third motorcycle, a Triumph Bonneville 650. I was dating my wife. We rode around the small towns of Southern Ontario.
We'd dress in bell-bottom pants (not jeans) and spangles, and cruise Yorkville Village, and groove on live folk and espresso.

A couple of years later, we proceeded to adopt our boy, and then our girl, who were both accidents of college free-love. They're in their mid-thirties now. He sky-dives for fun, and she drives a train for pay.

But Mad I don't smoke anything, and I hate that kumbaya stuff!

(Edit to add "groove" and "Air Force")

You, Sir, are a BadassLaugh


Dec 12, 2009, 8:35 PM
Post #52 of 159 (11457 views)

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Re: [suprasoup] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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suprasoup wrote:
You, Sir, are a BadassLaugh

Badass is hereditary. You get it from your children.

But I love to climb. They got it from me.

(This post was edited by dan2see on Dec 12, 2009, 8:36 PM)


Dec 12, 2009, 8:39 PM
Post #53 of 159 (11450 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:
suprasoup wrote:
You, Sir, are a BadassLaugh

Badass is hereditary. You get it from your children.

But I love to climb. They got it from me.



Dec 12, 2009, 8:46 PM
Post #54 of 159 (11444 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

Just when I thought USnooby couldn't make himself look any more like an idiot, I see this post.

Nice work, douchebag!


Dec 12, 2009, 9:14 PM
Post #55 of 159 (11431 views)

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Re: [rockforlife] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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rockforlife wrote:

I put no climber above another, and i don;t mind some people being a little cocky. but you have to be more good then cocky, not more cocky then good, as in your case.

That is foolish. Climbers are always either above or below each other. That is the whole point of climbing. Otherwise we would traverse all day and be satisfied.


Dec 12, 2009, 10:01 PM
Post #56 of 159 (11425 views)

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Re: [rockforlife] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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rockforlife wrote:
USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 5.15 you want to bolt.

you are such a moron, why just because you climb at grade 5.xx is it that every one who climbs at a lower grade than you is a wuss.

Actually, the grade he climbs at is 5.(X–2), where X is the grade of the "project" he's supposedly "working."


Partner camhead

Dec 12, 2009, 11:30 PM
Post #57 of 159 (11394 views)

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Re: [dugl33] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dugl33 wrote:
This said, the only "rule" in climbing is gravity. Everything else is a guideline.

No, gravity is not a law. it's only a theory. like evolution.


Dec 13, 2009, 1:10 AM
Post #58 of 159 (11374 views)

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Re: [stagg54] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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stagg54 wrote:
dan2see wrote:
All of your 12 rules require a reasonable standard of performance, and you've explained them, so it's pretty easy to see whether your partner can conform, or not.

I can see how a military person would judge this list as cool. And it's good -- we need people like you, in our civilization, for positive strength and integrity.

But what bothers me is that ALL your rules are performance-based. Where is the people value? Where is the personal value? Where is the fun?

So we should all recognize how "different strokes for different strokes" is a type of rule that supersedes your list. That is, every climber has his own play style, and his own leadership style.

I wouldn't hesitate to meet you on the rocks, But those rules automatically bar me (and a lot of my friends) so I'd only say "Hi!" and then wave "Bye" as you disappear up the crag.

But to focus on performance? Not for me. There's too much fun in my life is for that!

So, USnavy, here's how to fix your list:
1. Focus on values, especially the values that you get from this sport.
2. Think of ways to build those values.
3. Let your friends know how to help you get it.

There's no value to gain by judging your friends. You can weed out a lot of riff-raff, but you still can't make anybody conform to standard. Allow folks to do what they do, and figure out how to take advantage of what they offer you. And they will!

And let's all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya while we pass around a joint.

You're parents must have been dirty hippies.
We don't sing kumbaya (that would be too capitalist christian), we beat the bongos whilst passing our doobers, THANK YOU. And secondly, if i ever climb w/ Navyswab im totally short roping his arss and tying off the belay (only to collect 2 biners for my new cams and the free fire starter they are attached to) then go beat my droms and pass the doob. Oh yeah, I'll leave him enough slack to get down(if his sport climbin arss can figure out a few rope tricksSly)


Dec 13, 2009, 4:00 PM
Post #59 of 159 (11339 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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You must be a joy to climb with.

Although, most of what you said I agree with, it seems that the only people who want to climb with you are n00bs who don't know any better. I wonder why that is.



Dec 13, 2009, 5:57 PM
Post #60 of 159 (11307 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Good stuff. One can argue with the tone, as some have, but no one can argue with 1. showing up on time / not blowing off partners at the last minute 2. paying attention when belaying.


Dec 13, 2009, 6:06 PM
Post #61 of 159 (11304 views)

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Re: [ClimbClimb] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ClimbClimb wrote:
Good stuff. One can argue with the tone, as some have, but no one can argue with 1.

No one can argue with #1? That's an odd statement. #1 is the only one that is pure bullshit.



Dec 13, 2009, 6:09 PM
Post #62 of 159 (11298 views)

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Re: [jt512] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
ClimbClimb wrote:
Good stuff. One can argue with the tone, as some have, but no one can argue with 1.
No one can argue with #1? That's an odd statement. #1 is the only one that is pure bullshit.

I didn't mean USN's #1 and #2, those were my own -- confusing in retrospect. I don't agree with his #1, necessarily, either.


Dec 14, 2009, 6:10 AM
Post #63 of 159 (11254 views)

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Re: [dugl33] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dugl33 wrote:
but isn't Hawaii pretty much the red-headed step child of climbing? You know, Nebraski, Ohio, Hawaii... are you so in a twist because you are stuck on what is actually a fairly small island, the paradise aspect has lost its luster, and now it’s just a hot, humid, touron packed cruise-ship you're floating on?
Yes, to some degree. We have climbing and the climbing we do have is actually fairly good. However we only have about 100 routes and its difficult to establish new lines due to a nice cost of about $200 a line.

However it’s not as much the climbing that is the issue. There are plenty of people who climb here but most are not very committed and just climb on a light recreational basis. Our climbing community is rater small with only about 20 climbers who could be considered "dedicated" to the sport. Accordingly it’s a difficult place to climb for someone who really loves the sport and is highly motivated. So the main issue is finding equally motivated, safe and reliable partners. The only time I generally get all three of those things is when someone comes to visit from the mainland who is a dedicated climber back home.

So in the end it’s not an issue of how skilled any of my partners are on the rock, it’s an issue of safety, reliability, and motivation. The only things I really care about on that list are those that reflect such. I don’t think it’s an issue with their reliability as a whole, I think it’s an issue of motivation. When we talk to our partners the night before they get all hyped up to climb the next day but when the alarm rings in the morning they say, “fuck it, why get up when I can sleep?”. Or maybe I am wrong and they are simply completely unreliable in all aspects, I don’t know. Those who do show up can be considered partly reliably but many of those are unmotivated or lazy. Others are simply unsafe.

But this is nothing new; every crag has these issues to some extent. But what sets those crags apart from mine is that climbers at other crags can simply choose a different more reliable and more motivated partner. Such is not the case here and I am stuck climbing with less motivated, unsafe and/ or unreliable partners fairly often.

So do I really feel the way I wrote my original post? Not really. I am neither aggressive nor violent. I don’t yell at my partner if they do any of the things on my list, I respectfully bring the issue up. I intentionally wrote it in a malicious and aggressive manner as that was kind of necessary to keep the tone I wanted. The only things I do really care about are safety, reliability and continuing motivation.

(This post was edited by USnavy on Dec 15, 2009, 4:36 AM)


Dec 14, 2009, 3:41 PM
Post #64 of 159 (11195 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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That's perhaps one of the better posts you have written. Now, hop on a boat and move to California.Tongue


Dec 14, 2009, 3:51 PM
Post #65 of 159 (11186 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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climbing in hawaii sounds like trying to be a hard-core surfer in phoneix.

blueeyedclimber wrote:
Now, hop on a boat and move to California.Tongue

ummm.....the climbing is not very good in cali.....i heard duluth is the new power base.


Dec 14, 2009, 5:03 PM
Post #66 of 159 (11159 views)

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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
climbing in hawaii sounds like trying to be a hard-core surfer in phoneix.

blueeyedclimber wrote:
Now, hop on a boat and move to California.Tongue

ummm.....the climbing is not very good in cali.....i heard duluth is the new power base.

heh heh.
oh yeah, I forgot. My bad. Tongue


Dec 14, 2009, 5:05 PM
Post #67 of 159 (11156 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
... The only things I do really care about are safety, reliability and continuing motivation.


In my post to your thread, I set myself up as a dirty old hippy. Which might be true. I really am a peacenik. I groove on Nature, and laugh at people's mistakes.

But in fact, when I think about myself, I also think about safety and reliability. I tell my friends how I feel about my teamwork skills, and listen to their advice.

I don't talk about motivation, though -- I work hard to show up. My problem here is simply "I hate mornings" so the challenge is to work through it. Once we're on the rocks, I cheer up and shape up.

So whoever is belaying me, I figure if you still have one hand on the brake strand, I'll stop worrying and learn to love the climb. Or if you forget to put a locker on your anchor, I'll quietly swap my own when I get there.

It's a different measure of performance. My first priority is to make it back home for dinner. My second priority is to have fun. As for skills and knowledge, well that's progressive, it comes with experience. I always succeed.

One more thing: Sometimes my friends don't show up. But in the mountains, "Plan B" is always possible. I love hiking too, and solo scrambles are great for adventure and serenity. In fact scrambles take me beyond climbing, for fun, and learning, and skills. Like I wrote above, I always succeed.

(This post was edited by dan2see on Dec 14, 2009, 5:12 PM)

Partner camhead

Dec 14, 2009, 5:18 PM
Post #68 of 159 (11139 views)

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Re: [dan2see] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I will say that, as obnoxious as USNavy can be, he has a point in complaining about climbing with poor attitudes. I had a partner a few years ago who was a total Eeyore. Every climb he did, he complained about. Never once didI hear him say, "wow, I enjoyed this climb!" or "Wow, my gear was really good there"

It was always "shit, bad situation here!" "If this piece blows, the whole team is talus food!" "This climb is terrible!"

I try to keep a good attitude; there is no point bitching about stuff. When times are good, enjoy it, if the situation calls for caution, then be cautious, but don't fucking complain. But eventually this guy's attitude wore on me. We wound up bailing on a wall because he was complaining, dragging, and sleeping in so much. I always wanted to ask him why he even climbed, but I never did.

End of rant.


Dec 14, 2009, 6:45 PM
Post #69 of 159 (11105 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
There are plenty of people who climb here but most are not very committed and just climb on a light recreational basis. ...

So in the end it’s not an issue of how skilled any of my partners are on the rock, it’s an issue of safety, reliability, and motivation. .

Basically, it sounds like people in Hawaii are laid-back, true to stereotype. ;-)

Good post.


Dec 14, 2009, 8:21 PM
Post #70 of 159 (11075 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
only about 20 climbers who could be considered "dedicated" to the sport.

those "dedicated to the sport" move to boulder. dedicated surfers move to hawaii. you're trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.

this may be one of your problems:
In reply to:
when the alarm rings in the morning they say, .

the only time i ever use an alarm in the same reference as climbing is when i'm going for an "alpine" start. otherwise, we gotta have at least 5 cups of coffee and wait for the temps. oh, that brings me to another rule of climbing: if you're on rock beore 12:00, you're not a serious sport climber.

(This post was edited by jcrew on Dec 14, 2009, 8:23 PM)


Dec 14, 2009, 8:22 PM
Post #71 of 159 (11074 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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laws of climbing?
What is wrong with you?
your belayer must've dropped you on your head!
there are no laws, rules or parameters to climbing
Only a sport climber would try to institute a collection of rules to an expression of individual freedom.


Dec 14, 2009, 11:33 PM
Post #72 of 159 (11043 views)

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Re: [mtnjohn] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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mtnjohn wrote:
Only a sport climber would try to institute a collection of rules to an expression of individual freedom.

Did you miss entirely the style and ethics wars of the 70s, 80s, and 90s?

Sport climbing, almost by mere definition and certainly by connotation, broke all of the rules of the ground up, bolt-on-lead, no falls, clean pro, run-it-out till you shit your pants trad etho of the previous generations.


Dec 15, 2009, 12:38 AM
Post #73 of 159 (11025 views)

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Re: [mtnjohn] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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mtnjohn wrote:
Only a sport climber would try to institute a collection of rules to an expression of individual freedom.

New to this site I take it????



Dec 15, 2009, 12:39 AM
Post #74 of 159 (11024 views)

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Re: [dugl33] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dugl33 wrote:
mtnjohn wrote:
Only a sport climber would try to institute a collection of rules to an expression of individual freedom.

Did you miss entirely the style and ethics wars of the 70s, 80s, and 90s?

Sport climbing, almost by mere definition and certainly by connotation, broke all of the rules of the ground up, bolt-on-lead, no falls, clean pro, run-it-out till you shit your pants trad etho of the previous generations.

Actually it was the SAME generation. but carry on!



Dec 15, 2009, 1:23 AM
Post #75 of 159 (11002 views)

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Re: [dugl33] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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True enough and yet it is a sport climber who has posted "The laws of climbing"


Dec 15, 2009, 4:33 AM
Post #76 of 159 (8527 views)

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Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
or "Wow, my gear was really good there"

I always have great gear it's when I place it that things start to get dicey. The one that made me laugh so hard my belayer thought I was hurt was when I casually put in a cam to weight it while I searched my rack for something. I should have paid more attention. It blew and pasted me right on top of the head. Right on that part of your head where no matter what hits you or how hard it hits you it still hurts down in your toes. (Bought a helmet that day when I got back in town.) So it blew, crushed my brain, I fell and was laughing my ass off.

I thought the whole thing was funny. My belayer thought I was seriously hurt. Things didn't improve much. I laughed too hard and got the hiccups.

Climbing with hiccups totally sucks. I mean it just sucks. Now look what you've done. I've made it look like I have a bad attitude. Stupid hiccups.Cool

(This post was edited by onrockandice on Dec 15, 2009, 4:34 AM)


Dec 15, 2009, 4:49 AM
Post #77 of 159 (8522 views)

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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ClimbClimb wrote:
USnavy wrote:
There are plenty of people who climb here but most are not very committed and just climb on a light recreational basis. ...

So in the end it’s not an issue of how skilled any of my partners are on the rock, it’s an issue of safety, reliability, and motivation. .

Basically, it sounds like people in Hawaii are laid-back, true to stereotype. ;-)

Good post.

Well Hawaiians are. However in two years I have only seen one Hawaiian climber here. Just about everyone else moved here from the continental US.

jcrew wrote:

those "dedicated to the sport" move to boulder. dedicated surfers move to hawaii. you're trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.

this may be one of your problems:

In the military one cannot say, “I want to move to 36.349421,-115.169678”. You submit four general requests and the Navy will try to match you up to something similar to one of them. For me I was given the choice to move to Hawaii. It was basically move to Hawaii or go to some boring base in Florida.

(This post was edited by USnavy on Dec 15, 2009, 4:56 AM)


Dec 15, 2009, 4:54 AM
Post #78 of 159 (8516 views)

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Re: [mtnjohn] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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mtnjohn wrote:
True enough and yet it is a sport climber who has posted "The laws of climbing"

chris sharma is a sport climber....

usnavy is ...well...something else


Dec 15, 2009, 5:45 AM
Post #79 of 159 (8504 views)

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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
climbing in hawaii sounds like trying to be a hard-core surfer in phoneix.

blueeyedclimber wrote:
Now, hop on a boat and move to California.Tongue

ummm.....the climbing is not very good in cali.....i heard duluth is the new power base.

Mad hey the climbing is getting better and better here, and when its not -40* with three feet of snow Coolthere is some world class climbing.


Dec 15, 2009, 4:40 PM
Post #80 of 159 (8474 views)

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Re: [rockforlife] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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rockforlife wrote:
jcrew wrote:
climbing in hawaii sounds like trying to be a hard-core surfer in phoneix.

blueeyedclimber wrote:
Now, hop on a boat and move to California.Tongue

ummm.....the climbing is not very good in cali.....i heard duluth is the new power base.

Mad hey the climbing is getting better and better here, and when its not -40* with three feet of snow Coolthere is some world class climbing.

i was serious....chadnsc enlightened me.


Dec 15, 2009, 4:46 PM
Post #81 of 159 (8473 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
In the military one cannot say, “I want to move to 36.349421,-115.169678”. You submit four general requests and the Navy will try to match you up to something similar to one of them. For me I was given the choice to move to Hawaii. It was basically move to Hawaii or go to some boring base in Florida.

You made the right call. That there Harwhya is a nice place.

I've spent quite a bit of time there on business. I decided a long time ago that the islands were 'too small' for me and I'd go bloody mad living there.

But I also decided if I did live there? I would try to touch every summit on every island...

I think the peak bagging ops there are quite unique...

The sport climbing? Same ole 100 routes year in, year out?


But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.



Dec 15, 2009, 6:31 PM
Post #82 of 159 (8434 views)

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Re: [dingus] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
USnavy wrote:
In the military one cannot say, “I want to move to 36.349421,-115.169678”. You submit four general requests and the Navy will try to match you up to something similar to one of them. For me I was given the choice to move to Hawaii. It was basically move to Hawaii or go to some boring base in Florida.

You made the right call. That there Harwhya is a nice place.

I've spent quite a bit of time there on business. I decided a long time ago that the islands were 'too small' for me and I'd go bloody mad living there.

But I also decided if I did live there? I would try to touch every summit on every island...

I think the peak bagging ops there are quite unique...

The sport climbing? Same ole 100 routes year in, year out?


But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


Oh GOD! I lived in a crappy town called Eva Beach, right across the harbor from Pearl City. Boring as fuck. The most exciting thing to happen to me was when Mauna Loa blew up in '84, causing the sky to go black with ash for about a month. As a nine-year-old kid who wasn't allowed to even go outside, let alone go to school, during that period as a result of the ash, that was the most fun I ever had on that crummy, dry, boring-as-all-fuck island. Even Hurricane Eva (Iwa, Eva, same fucking thing) was boring.

It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there (again).

(actually, seeing the Magnum PI helicopter fly over on a regular basis was actaully pretty cool, and so was playing GI Joe using hollowed out tree routes, where scorpions tended to live. But smelling the burning sugar cane, having the beach closed in Eva Beach because sharks in Pearl Harbor got to a surfer (not that the surf there is good, just proximate), not being able to walk around barefoot because of the stupid prickly things, getting chased by wild mongoose, and getting chewed out by MPs for trying to hit landing planes with tennis balls (yes, when they flew directly over my house they were so close that we weren't allowed to fly kites, and yes, a friend of mine did, in fact, nail the bottom of a C-17 by hitting a tennis ball straight up into the air with a tennis racket) was not fun. Oh yeah, and for a kid used to throwing snowballs at the mailman at Christmas, Hawaii sucks donkey balls.)


Dec 15, 2009, 6:41 PM
Post #83 of 159 (8429 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [Gmburns2000] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Didn't mean to prick your last nerve there gymbo.

HAWAII!!!??? Sloooooly I turned....


I got to spend weeks of my work time in Hawaii, primarily Oahu and Big Island but also spent a tiny bit on Molekai and Maui.

I even did work at Malama Market in Haleiwa and took my burgers at Kua Aina, the BEST BURGERS in Hawaii, across the street. USNavy knows the spot.

I mean if you're going to do some work in a grocery store there are worse ones than the Malama Market that serves the North Shore and Sunset beach hehe.

And I say if you are going to LIVE in Hawaii, you would not want to do so in the hoods surrounding ANY military installation hehe.

Hawaii Kai. Maybe over by the Marine base on the other side. Or how about one of those little houses up on the bluff over Haleiwa?

But if I had to, and got to choose, it would have to be Big Island I reckon....



Dec 15, 2009, 7:08 PM
Post #84 of 159 (8414 views)

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Re: [dingus] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
Didn't mean to prick your last nerve there gymbo.

HAWAII!!!??? Sloooooly I turned....


I got to spend weeks of my work time in Hawaii, primarily Oahu and Big Island but also spent a tiny bit on Molekai and Maui.

I even did work at Malama Market in Haleiwa and took my burgers at Kua Aina, the BEST BURGERS in Hawaii, across the street. USNavy knows the spot.

I mean if you're going to do some work in a grocery store there are worse ones than the Malama Market that serves the North Shore and Sunset beach hehe.

And I say if you are going to LIVE in Hawaii, you would not want to do so in the hoods surrounding ANY military installation hehe.

Hawaii Kai. Maybe over by the Marine base on the other side. Or how about one of those little houses up on the bluff over Haleiwa?

But if I had to, and got to choose, it would have to be Big Island I reckon....


heh - yeah, for a nine-year old kid from Maine, it was pretty boring. I imagine there's lots to do for people who like what activities are there. But I doubt I'll go back to Oahu, except to maybe head to Maui or Kuai (or Niihua, if I could ever get permission, which I doubt I could - did you know they almost put the UN there?).


Dec 16, 2009, 3:18 AM
Post #85 of 159 (8363 views)

Registered: Aug 26, 2009
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Re: [Gmburns2000] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Oahu's north shore is one of the best places in the world to live if you surf and climb, in my limited experience, i love it here. Last weekend i got to surf double overhead glass in the morning then climb in the afternoon.

I may be the guy shaking over the first bolt, well see:)

(This post was edited by surfer9joe on Dec 16, 2009, 6:50 AM)


Dec 16, 2009, 3:40 AM
Post #86 of 159 (8357 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2006
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
...In the military one cannot say, “I want to move to 36.349421,-115.169678”. You submit four general requests and the Navy will try to match you up to something similar to one of them. For me I was given the choice to move to Hawaii. It was basically move to Hawaii or go to some boring base in Florida.

Hey that's not fair! I was given the choice of staying in Cold Lake in northern Alberta, or a posting in Val d'Or in northern Quebec. "Forward Alert" was really boring (the Russians didn't come) but the town folk were a lot of fun.

Partner angry

Dec 16, 2009, 3:49 AM
Post #87 of 159 (8352 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2003
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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So what you're saying is that there are more routes in Bermuda than in Hawaii.



Dec 16, 2009, 8:45 AM
Post #88 of 159 (8317 views)

Registered: Nov 6, 2007
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Re: [surfer9joe] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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surfer9joe wrote:
Oahu's north shore is one of the best places in the world to live if you surf and climb, in my limited experience, i love it here. Last weekend i got to surf double overhead glass in the morning then climb in the afternoon.

I may be the guy shaking over the first bolt, well see:)
You will be fine, I just showed Matt how to lead. I will go over lead belaying with him the next time I climb with him and then you should be able to lead with him. Pig Tree is a good option. Easy Rider is another option as it’s a bit easier but much more boring.


Dec 18, 2009, 4:04 PM
Post #89 of 159 (8224 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
I just showed Matt how to lead. I will go over lead belaying with him the next time



Jan 1, 2010, 11:20 PM
Post #90 of 159 (8077 views)

Registered: Jan 16, 2005
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Re: [johnwesely] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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johnwesely wrote:
USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

I don't understand why it is ok for you to be scared on a 5.12, but it is shameful for someone new to leading to be scared on a 5.8. Get over yourself.

Obviously Usnavy haven't done Modern Times yet.


Jan 4, 2010, 8:09 PM
Post #91 of 159 (7970 views)

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Re: [tradrenn] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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LOL, so true. Modern Times is scarier than most 10's at NRG. I seem to recall that the Williams book lists it as an 8+. Whatever the rating, I definitely hangdogged it. Also almost took a fat whipper mantling up at the top too.


Jan 4, 2010, 10:37 PM
Post #92 of 159 (7931 views)

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Re: [brokesomeribs] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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brokesomeribs wrote:
Also almost took a fat whipper mantling up at the top too.

I finished that climb in the rain. Totally crushed that final ledge beached whale style.


Jan 4, 2010, 11:38 PM
Post #93 of 159 (7909 views)

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Re: [kriso9tails] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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kriso9tails wrote:
brokesomeribs wrote:
Also almost took a fat whipper mantling up at the top too.

I finished that climb in the rain. Totally crushed that final ledge beached whale style.

You sir, are not alone. That climb has been the site of more beached whales than you can shake a japanese harpoon at.


Jan 5, 2010, 1:30 AM
Post #94 of 159 (7881 views)

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Re: [brokesomeribs] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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brokesomeribs wrote:
LOL, so true. Modern Times is scarier than most 10's at NRG. I seem to recall that the Williams book lists it as an 8+. Whatever the rating, I definitely hangdogged it. Also almost took a fat whipper mantling up at the top too.

It is an 8+, but that only means it is a bit harder than 5.8, but also easier than a 5.9

Unlike Kris's ascent (which I witnessed, Laugh) I managed to climbed it in good style after spending about 5 min. under the roof, you know, to get my shit together. One of the best and most memorable routes in USA.


Jan 9, 2010, 8:57 PM
Post #95 of 159 (7755 views)

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Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:

It was always "shit, bad situation here!" "If this piece blows, the whole team is talus food!" "This climb is terrible!"

Talus food. Thats f/n great, I'll have to use that one on the wife.


Jan 15, 2010, 5:33 PM
Post #96 of 159 (7651 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2004
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer


Jan 15, 2010, 6:08 PM
Post #97 of 159 (7636 views)

Registered: Dec 12, 2007
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Re: [napoleon_in_rags] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs.Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer
ORLY Crazy


Jan 17, 2010, 3:33 PM
Post #98 of 159 (7571 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2010
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Re: [hafilax] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I now remember THE OTHER reason i stopped climbing so much. When the "cool" people started showing up. I have more respect for a gumbie flaying away at a 5-10 than an arrogant "cool" guy that belittles those that still climb what he/she used to struggle on
although the safety aspects you bring up are a different thing entirely
I have not forgotten what it was like 18 years ago to have someone you that know leads 12s and 13s stop for a moment watching you finally succeed at a move after the 10th try on a 10. and Say "NICE MOVE Way to go!.
maybe just maybe the dog figured you deserved to have your rope pissed on


Jan 19, 2010, 4:42 AM
Post #99 of 159 (7515 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [napoleon_in_rags] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

Worth 5 stars for entertainment value.

Plus 1 star for the hypocrisy of "dressing down" on a "civilian forum" six weeks after the fact.


(This post was edited by jt512 on Jan 19, 2010, 4:47 AM)


Jan 19, 2010, 1:17 PM
Post #100 of 159 (7434 views)

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Re: [jt512] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:

Worth 5 stars for entertainment value.

Plus 1 star for the hypocrisy of "dressing down" on a "civilian forum" six weeks after the fact.



Well, I only come to for gear and partner questions now; I try to avoid the internet debate. I had a crampon question when "US Navy" caught my eye, especially on a website that recieves advertising money from the Navy. Maybe I should have just sent him a message instead.



Jan 19, 2010, 5:14 PM
Post #101 of 159 (9814 views)

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Re: [jt512] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

Worth 5 stars for entertainment value.

Plus 1 star for the hypocrisy of "dressing down" on a "civilian forum" six weeks after the fact.

Oh. it was wonderful. it just refreshed my believe that the military motto is still alive and well. You know the one. "Do as I say not as I do


Jan 19, 2010, 7:19 PM
Post #102 of 159 (9789 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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FIRED? ummmph
sounds like you are such an ass you have to pay someone to belay you....
First rule of climbing... Gravity sucks straight down.
lesson 1 to go with rule 1:
You can either fight it or you can use it. Take your pick.


Jan 19, 2010, 7:36 PM
Post #103 of 159 (9781 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [Kevthecoffeeguy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Kevthecoffeeguy wrote:
jt512 wrote:
napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

Worth 5 stars for entertainment value.

Plus 1 star for the hypocrisy of "dressing down" on a "civilian forum" six weeks after the fact.

Oh. it was wonderful. it just refreshed my believe that the military motto is still alive and well. You know the one. "Do as I say not as I do

One case is conclusive evidence of "alive and well"?


Jan 19, 2010, 7:47 PM
Post #104 of 159 (9775 views)

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Re: [shockabuku] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
Kevthecoffeeguy wrote:
jt512 wrote:
napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

Worth 5 stars for entertainment value.

Plus 1 star for the hypocrisy of "dressing down" on a "civilian forum" six weeks after the fact.

Oh. it was wonderful. it just refreshed my believe that the military motto is still alive and well. You know the one. "Do as I say not as I do

One case is conclusive evidence of "alive and well"?
LOL maybe not, but does show it still exists
besides it was really for a bit of humor


Jan 19, 2010, 8:56 PM
Post #105 of 159 (9750 views)

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Re: [napoleon_in_rags] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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napoleon_in_rags wrote:
I had a crampon question when "US Navy" caught my eye, especially on a website that recieves advertising money from the Navy.

Well, that's a bit misleading. This site receives advertising money from adsense who receives advertising money from the Navy. has no direct affiliation (that I am aware of) with the Navy.

Partner drector

Jan 19, 2010, 9:47 PM
Post #106 of 159 (9731 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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F your stupid laws. Let people climb the way they want.

Law #1, don't tell other people how to climb!



Jan 19, 2010, 11:56 PM
Post #107 of 159 (9706 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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1st law of climbing:
USnavy does not talk about climbing
2nd law of climbing:
Usnavy does not talk about climbing



Jan 28, 2010, 11:52 AM
Post #108 of 159 (9591 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2001
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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I agree with the people showing up with other people...

Too many people fuck up a nice climb day.

If I say too many I mean >2....

Girls do not equal people so with those bring as many as you can carry.


Jan 28, 2010, 12:24 PM
Post #109 of 159 (9588 views)

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Re: [dingus] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
USnavy wrote:
In the military one cannot say, “I want to move to 36.349421,-115.169678”. You submit four general requests and the Navy will try to match you up to something similar to one of them. For me I was given the choice to move to Hawaii. It was basically move to Hawaii or go to some boring base in Florida.

You made the right call. That there Harwhya is a nice place.

I've spent quite a bit of time there on business. I decided a long time ago that the islands were 'too small' for me and I'd go bloody mad living there.

But I also decided if I did live there? I would try to touch every summit on every island...

I think the peak bagging ops there are quite unique...

The sport climbing? Same ole 100 routes year in, year out?


But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


Does not hawaii create new routes the whole time with all that lava? Tongue

Hey look I have a brand new mountain range in my living room, now I don't even have to build a woody... those guys on are gonna be so jealous.


Feb 24, 2010, 12:40 AM
Post #110 of 159 (9452 views)

Registered: May 11, 2006
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Re: [napoleon_in_rags] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

easy Chief!

i thought this thread was great; funny and entertaining. US Noobie did a good job, top notch.


Feb 25, 2010, 1:52 AM
Post #111 of 159 (9410 views)

Registered: Mar 2, 2008
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Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

easy Chief!

i thought this thread was great; funny and entertaining. US Noobie did a good job, top notch.

I say screw you we'll determine who's standards are better without your help. Either way you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy by you now, sending PM's when appropriate and such.

-Indian love machine


Dec 5, 2010, 8:08 AM
Post #112 of 159 (9207 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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This is absolutely hillarious, Smile I think anyone who is offended at this post is wound a little too tight


Dec 6, 2010, 3:55 PM
Post #113 of 159 (9090 views)

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Re: [jkeough] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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jkeough wrote:
This is absolutely hillarious, Smile I think anyone who is offended at this post is wound a little too tight

Doesn't count; you're from the same state as the OP.

Gotta love that this is probably USNavy's most disliked post ever: 1-star average after 25 ratings! Ha!

Partner camhead

Dec 6, 2010, 6:35 PM
Post #114 of 159 (9048 views)

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Re: [spikeddem] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
jkeough wrote:
This is absolutely hillarious, Smile I think anyone who is offended at this post is wound a little too tight

Doesn't count; you're from the same state as the OP.

Gotta love that this is probably USNavy's most disliked post ever: 1-star average after 25 ratings! Ha!

Wow, "USNavy's most disliked post..." That's an accomplishment. Like Paully Shore's worst movie, or Hitler's most evil act.


Dec 13, 2010, 6:44 AM
Post #115 of 159 (8932 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
potreroed wrote:

Top roping is a perfectly legitimate form of climbing, as long as you are honest about what you did and didn't do.
I can agree with that. Like I said, TR is good for training regardless if thats learning how to climb or working the moves out on a 5.13 you want to bolt.

dude i think after the billionth time you have thrown 5.13 into this we understand you climb on 13's

second i respect the military (im assuming you are in the navy) and thank you guys for what you have done but please take the time you have off to enjoy climbing even though i definitely understand the safety concerns


Dec 13, 2010, 8:05 AM
Post #116 of 159 (8928 views)

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Re: [napoleon_in_rags] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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napoleon_in_rags wrote:
US Navy, I remind you that our standards are higher than that of civilians and still apply when our uniforms are off.

Many of us have self discipline and don;t need leader telling us how to act or not act.

I also think you meant to say, the military is SUPPOSE to have higher standards. What ever that means.

The Military doesn't have higher standards, they have more petty consequences for minor actions. Standards are high, but they are only followed because service members are worried about the consequences, not because they feel they need too or should.

In reply to:
If you are a Chief, you need to remember that our job is to lead, teach and motivate. This can involve counselling, quiet explanation, a solid dressing down, or a well directed kick in the ass. It should be done in person and when the unacceptable behavior occurs. Typing up a list for an anonymous website is not leadership but the kind of bitching I would expect from a non-rate or an Ensign right out of OCS.

I love face to face chats. I hate to admit it, but some of the worse leaders and leadership I've ever dealt with, witness, or tolerated were military based. With that said, they were some good leaders there too. Just like anywhere else I guess.

A person makes the uniform, the uniform doesn't make the person. If wearing a uniform made you instantly better, they would be no need for military police or UCMJ.

In reply to:
If you are not a Chief, go find a REAL Chief for advice on how to deal with your partners. He/she might not undestand climbing but he/she will understand people.

Horrible advice. Instead, go find someone you trust, rank has nothing to do with a person's personality. The military is full of petty people who love to gloats about how much better they are compared to those they outrank.

In reply to:
Either way, you need to be careful about misrepresenting the Navy, especially in a civilian forum with people who know nothing of the Navy other than what they have seen on JAG and NCIS.

-A Chief Petty Officer

Good advice, I wonder why you didn't send it a PM instead of mentioning the Navy even more in this civilian forum.

A veteran
Emmanuel Lacoste


Dec 13, 2010, 8:07 AM
Post #117 of 159 (8924 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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The laws of climbing is meaningless without the laws of climber so if you are an as*hole climber

you are always will be an as*hole climber


Dec 13, 2010, 8:28 AM
Post #118 of 159 (8920 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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So military. Busy making up rules that don't make sense or enhance life/the experience.

USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

Climbing is done on the rocks, sometime on a wall. Who cares if someone want to lead or top-rope.

In reply to:
2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

To be honest, from what I've seen of you and based on this post, I'd most likely stand you up too.

Climbing is fun, not work. Assigned place, I don't climb with dictators, I climb with partners. They understand that things happen and they know I'll show up if they is anyway possible. They also know I can entertain myself if they are running late.

If you're being stood-up so much, maybe it's your fault, your personality, or your attitude, not your partners'.

In reply to:
3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

Mr expert, short roping is a guide technique used for keeping a client and guide close by. How tight or loose the rope is is irrelevant.

In reply to:
4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

I can agree on this in general, but maybe your partners are sending you a message. Slack penalties can come for various reasons and attitudes.

In reply to:
5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

Generally speaking, Dynamic belays are a thing of the past. They definitely don't involve jumping. Maybe you just need a new rope.

In reply to:
6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.
Wow, you need some new partners, but again, maybe your attitude is keeping people away.

In reply to:
7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

Wow, you are full of yourself.

Here you are at sport climbing areas, if someone wanted to tag along and be a third person, who cares, they want to enjoy themselves too.

Maybe the original partner needed someone with a personality to be around while having to put up with
you and all you views about how your way is the right way and everyone is wrong.

I am surprised two people actually showed up at the cliff to climb with you.

In reply to:
8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

Not much for beta either. Of course, you do seem to think you're better than everyone else at the crag. Must be hard to be so perfect.

In reply to:
9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

Negative attitude, have you read what you wrote here?

In reply to:
10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

Wow, how many times have you replaced your rope because of dog piss?
Does it actually affect nylon, never considered it actually.

Now that I think about it, on my last Big Wall, I'm pretty sure I pissed on my rope when the wind shifted.

In reply to:

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

Your belayer really don't like you do they. You sure like to give orders too. Must be that great leadership training you've received on your way to chief-hood.

In reply to:
12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

Again, you have some shot luck with your belayers. Personally, 99% of my climbing partners, and strangers I've climbed with have been fine and exhibited non of the traits you mention above. I wonder if someone is trying to send you a message.

My view, you're hate your job and it affect you entire outlook on life. This has made your life so miserable that you can't even found something positive about going climbing.

(This post was edited by guangzhou on Dec 13, 2010, 8:36 AM)


Dec 13, 2010, 8:28 AM
Post #119 of 159 (8918 views)

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Re: [majid_sabet] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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majid_sabet wrote:
The laws of climbing is meaningless without the laws of climber so if you are an as*hole climber

you are always will be an as*hole climber

Perfect, and so true.


Jan 5, 2011, 9:44 AM
Post #120 of 159 (8698 views)

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Re: [west_by_god_virginia] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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keep it up i must appriciate it ...
i have really enjoyed these laws because i love climbing ...
In reply to:


Jan 12, 2011, 10:14 PM
Post #121 of 159 (8592 views)

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Re: [pakeeza1990] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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pakeeza1990 wrote:
keep it up i must appriciate it ...
i have really enjoyed these laws because i love climbing ...
In reply to:

Wow... I couldn't look at it more differently. I love climbing so these rules are re-god-damn-diculous.

Just climb and have fun while doing it. If me bull shitting and having a good time at the crag pisses you off... well then you can piss off.

And if you don't like my dog humping your leg, just let him finish and he will fall asleep shortly after


Jan 12, 2011, 11:43 PM
Post #122 of 159 (8581 views)

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Re: [j_ung] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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no one with any experience. you really need a solid partner dude, look here!


Jan 13, 2011, 2:40 AM
Post #123 of 159 (8564 views)

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Re: [KidEpic] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Yet another reason not to climb wit you, or to join the U.S. Navy


Jan 13, 2011, 7:38 PM
Post #124 of 159 (8522 views)

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Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
jkeough wrote:
This is absolutely hillarious, Smile I think anyone who is offended at this post is wound a little too tight

Doesn't count; you're from the same state as the OP.

Gotta love that this is probably USNavy's most disliked post ever: 1-star average after 25 ratings! Ha!

Wow, "USNavy's most disliked post..." That's an accomplishment. Like Paully Shore's worst movie, or Hitler's most evil act.

Thirty six ratings and still a 1-star average. This is almost certainly the most infamous post in in it's rated history.


Jan 14, 2011, 5:46 AM
Post #125 of 159 (8488 views)

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Re: [spikeddem] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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spikeddem wrote:
camhead wrote:
spikeddem wrote:
jkeough wrote:
This is absolutely hillarious, Smile I think anyone who is offended at this post is wound a little too tight

Doesn't count; you're from the same state as the OP.

Gotta love that this is probably USNavy's most disliked post ever: 1-star average after 25 ratings! Ha!

Wow, "USNavy's most disliked post..." That's an accomplishment. Like Paully Shore's worst movie, or Hitler's most evil act.

Thirty six ratings and still a 1-star average. This is almost certainly the most infamous post in in it's rated history.

I just added a five star...

now there are 37 ratings.


Jan 16, 2011, 2:15 AM
Post #126 of 159 (9361 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Do people climb in Hawaii? I like the "Laws" but they are way too focused on douchebag climbers-- what about adding Laws about knowing how your gear works or making proper placements and committing to trips when you say you would.


Jan 16, 2011, 2:47 AM
Post #127 of 159 (9357 views)

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Re: [djayr] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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djayr wrote:
Do people climb in Hawaii? I like the "Laws" but they are way too focused on douchebag climbers-- what about adding Laws about knowing how your gear works or making proper placements and committing to trips when you say you would.
It's a list for sport climbers, not trad climbers.


Jan 16, 2011, 10:04 PM
Post #128 of 159 (9330 views)

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Re: [spikeddem] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Good point-- but even sport climbing has quickdraws and top anchor placements. Easy I suppose, but there are some things you don't wanna do wrong


Jan 20, 2011, 10:59 PM
Post #129 of 159 (9250 views)

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Re: [djayr] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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djayr wrote:
Good point-- but even sport climbing has quickdraws and top anchor placements. Easy I suppose, but there are some things you don't wanna do wrong

It takes time in the game and lots of pitches following an experienced leader to really dial in quickdraw placements. Especially in critical applications like an anchor where you have to be redundant.


Jan 21, 2011, 12:32 AM
Post #130 of 159 (9237 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Hilarious! Somebody is lacking a little self awareness....!

I think maybe your climbing partner shows up with other people because... you're a crazy person! Good luck with that!


Jan 21, 2011, 2:06 AM
Post #131 of 159 (9227 views)

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Re: The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I doubt he lacks self awareness. I'm guessing he spends hours looking at himself in the mirror admiring how great he is. Most likely wonders why the rest of us aren't as good at things as he is.


Jan 22, 2011, 3:41 AM
Post #132 of 159 (9165 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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This is one of the funnier posts I have read on this site. We have all climbed with less than desireable partners, and you ticked the list. one fault you did not mention is worse than No. 7 (when you climb with me, climb w me). Worse is when you propose a project to someone and then they tell you later they did it with someone else. had it happen to me and that burns.

I went up a route one time in Rumney and my "belayer" was smoking (not something i would smoke), drinking a beer, had a big loop of rope out, and was ogling his girlfriend (who was worth the look). I knew i was going to fall on this climb, i even knew where I was going to fall. after looking over my climbing "partner" I decided to go anyway, figuring I would wake him up if nothing else when I fell. sure enough, trying to clip the third bolt I peeled. hit the ground (luckily only tweaking my ankle). my belayer was quite suprised. I did get a closer look at his girlfriend, though. I chalked it up to experience.


Jan 28, 2011, 8:27 AM
Post #133 of 159 (9072 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.


Jan 30, 2011, 5:52 PM
Post #134 of 159 (9005 views)

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Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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OMG this used to be me! Wink


Jan 31, 2011, 2:26 AM
Post #135 of 159 (8963 views)

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Re: [westhegimp] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!



Jan 31, 2011, 2:35 AM
Post #136 of 159 (8959 views)

Registered: May 9, 2007
Posts: 1190

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:
USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. . . .I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now....

He's in the navy.

do the math.



Jan 31, 2011, 2:51 AM
Post #137 of 159 (8952 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2008
Posts: 376

Re: [k.l.k] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I hear what you're saying, but never underestimate the appeal of a uniform.

I'm constantly surprised myself.

Then again...if he had a nice rack...

oh wait, this is sport...

oh well.



Jan 31, 2011, 3:59 AM
Post #138 of 159 (8939 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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So true.


Jan 31, 2011, 10:36 AM
Post #139 of 159 (8921 views)

Registered: Nov 6, 2007
Posts: 2667

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


(This post was edited by USnavy on Jan 31, 2011, 10:38 AM)


Jan 31, 2011, 11:28 AM
Post #140 of 159 (8909 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 309

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!


In reply to:
USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner.

Women as you've described, much like unicorns, are a myth.Laugh



Jan 31, 2011, 12:11 PM
Post #141 of 159 (8899 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 309

Re: [guangzhou] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

A soloist doesn't work for those that have a big headLaugh

Partner camhead

Jan 31, 2011, 12:48 PM
Post #142 of 159 (8886 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

Partner j_ung

Jan 31, 2011, 2:34 PM
Post #143 of 159 (8875 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
Posts: 18690

Re: [Paul_W] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Paul_W wrote:
I went up a route one time in Rumney and my "belayer" was smoking (not something i would smoke), drinking a beer, had a big loop of rope out, and was ogling his girlfriend (who was worth the look). I knew i was going to fall on this climb, i even knew where I was going to fall. after looking over my climbing "partner" I decided to go anyway, figuring I would wake him up if nothing else when I fell. sure enough, trying to clip the third bolt I peeled. hit the ground (luckily only tweaking my ankle). my belayer was quite suprised. I did get a closer look at his girlfriend, though. I chalked it up to experience.

I think your decision-making skills need work.


Jan 31, 2011, 7:43 PM
Post #144 of 159 (8834 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2007
Posts: 6319

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!

Harvard Medical has no such program.


Jan 31, 2011, 8:27 PM
Post #145 of 159 (8818 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:
I hear what you're saying, but never underestimate the appeal of a uniform.

I'm constantly surprised myself.

Then again...if he had a nice rack...

oh wait, this is sport...

oh well.


you know what's funny, the female carabinieros down here are HOT in uniform. i was never a guy for chicks in uniform, but for some reason even the ugly ones are smoking in their green unis and hats.

yeah, I have a fetish


Feb 1, 2011, 12:43 AM
Post #146 of 159 (8775 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [suprasoup] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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suprasoup wrote:
In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

A soloist doesn't work for those that have a big headLaugh


Worth having up again. So true.


Feb 1, 2011, 4:12 PM
Post #147 of 159 (8738 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2010
Posts: 4

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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law of physics?


Feb 2, 2011, 7:38 AM
Post #148 of 159 (8699 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

Have you heard of the Shield? It's a grade 7 nailup!

Have you heard of Monster Skank? It's a route!

Have you heard of Skimble? I haven't!


Feb 2, 2011, 8:45 AM
Post #149 of 159 (8690 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [caughtinside] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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The SHeild is Grade 7 (VII) really?


Feb 14, 2011, 4:51 AM
Post #150 of 159 (8359 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 18275

Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

...and, of course, pics.



Feb 14, 2011, 5:21 AM
Post #151 of 159 (3884 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [curt] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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My last girl friend on-sighted 5.10s consistently and red pointed low end 11s. She was able to follow me on Low end 12s with a few hangs.

My wife, is roughly at the same level now. Actually, my wife just did a first ascent of a short sport route, roughly 5.10b.


Feb 14, 2011, 8:04 PM
Post #152 of 159 (3856 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2011
Posts: 275

Re: [guangzhou] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

I have used one of these consistently for the past year or so. A lot of people (never credible people) suggested I not use one but so far I have been very pleased with climbing on mine. I will never use the device if there are not other people at the spot. Still want to have someone around if there is an issue.


Feb 14, 2011, 8:40 PM
Post #153 of 159 (3847 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2007
Posts: 6319

Re: [ENARE] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ENARE wrote:
In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

I have used one of these consistently for the past year or so. A lot of people (never credible people) suggested I not use one but so far I have been very pleased with climbing on mine. I will never use the device if there are not other people at the spot. Still want to have someone around if there is an issue.
Not going to lie, that last bit comes off a little selfish.


Feb 14, 2011, 9:01 PM
Post #154 of 159 (3840 views)

Registered: May 11, 2006
Posts: 673

Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.
i'm not sure numbers have anything to do with "cool, chill, ready for adventure, no drama, and hot."

i've known serious bitches that run 5.13,


Feb 16, 2011, 5:37 AM
Post #155 of 159 (3801 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
Posts: 46

Re: [jcrew] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the LAW"....
Alister Crowley..........


Jul 4, 2011, 7:06 PM
Post #156 of 159 (3508 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2011
Posts: 16

Re: The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Holy crap, this has got to be the funniest thread yet!


Jul 11, 2011, 9:38 AM
Post #157 of 159 (3462 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [ENARE] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ENARE wrote:
In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

I have used one of these consistently for the past year or so. A lot of people (never credible people) suggested I not use one but so far I have been very pleased with climbing on mine. I will never use the device if there are not other people at the spot. Still want to have someone around if there is an issue.

I agree, a lot of people tell me about how unsafe the soloist is and all the possible things an reasons on why I should not own or use one.

I've own a solosit since the late 1990s, love it. Unfortunately, sometimes I do use it with no-one else at the cliff. Actually, I both it for that special reason, climbing when no-one else is.

Partner j_ung

Jul 11, 2011, 11:36 AM
Post #158 of 159 (3454 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
Posts: 18690

Re: [guangzhou] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
My last girl friend on-sighted 5.10s consistently and red pointed low end 11s. She was able to follow me on Low end 12s with a few hangs.

My wife, is roughly at the same level now. Actually, my wife just did a first ascent of a short sport route, roughly 5.10b.

Interesting. My wife is also my last girlfriend.


Jul 11, 2011, 3:51 PM
Post #159 of 159 (3433 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2011
Posts: 275

Re: [spikeddem] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Yeah, I guess it kind of defeats the purpose of going solo.

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