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Bush is a fascist!!
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Nov 4, 2004, 3:43 PM
Post #1 of 45 (971 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2004
Posts: 144

Bush is a fascist!!
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Just saw Bush's planned agenda for his second term. All I have to say is WOW! What year is this? A constitutional ammendment to ban gay marriage and pro-life legislation is right around the corner. Kiss Roe vs. Wade goodbye and say hello to fat old white men telling women what they can do with their bodies and writing their personal opinions with regard to homosexualty into law. I can't believe I live in a country that is advanced in so many ways and so backward and negative in so many others. It is truly astounding. I guess the lesson is that their are a lot of people out there that are indeed threatened by the "other" and get their values from an ancient book with archaic out of date ways of dealing with things. I hope I'm not offending anyone but I probably am and I'm not sure I care. I have never felt more alienated or disconnected from a government that is supposed to be representing me. Our political system is broken. What are we gonna do about it? :?: :?: :?: :?:

Partner tisar

Nov 4, 2004, 3:49 PM
Post #2 of 45 (971 views)

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Just saw Bush's planned agenda for his second term.

Woke up little late, didn't ya? It's thursday... :roll:

- Daniel


Nov 4, 2004, 3:51 PM
Post #3 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Question: Why did Daschle get voted out of office?

Answer: He was too ambitious with what he wanted to change, as well as what he succeeded in changing.

Politics is a balancing game of doing good and getting reelected. Bush may very well sabotage his party's goals by actively pursuing anything as severe as his published goals. More likely he will keep the course and if given the chance to restrict rights on sexual orientation, abortion, and the like, he will. But he has more pressing concerns, like rebuilding the economy, and rebuilding Iraq, and rebuilding the tax code so the government isn't starving to death, and rebuilding Social Security.


Nov 4, 2004, 3:52 PM
Post #4 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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you could try to protest, but chances are he wont listen.


Nov 4, 2004, 3:55 PM
Post #5 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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I don't see the balance in the Bush agenda of doing any good to balance out the bad. All I see is a hick puppet in our highest office who got elected because he appealed to the Lowest common denominators fears in order to do good for the wealthy. He sucks. :x


Nov 4, 2004, 4:03 PM
Post #6 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Oh and thank you "Tisar" for your oh so insightful and helpful comment oh uberinformed poster to climbing websites. May I suggest, you'd fit right in over there buddy. :twisted:


Nov 4, 2004, 4:04 PM
Post #7 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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As an aside, why is it that the better canidates (eg McCain, Clark, etc) never, ever, make it to November? It seems to me that both parties are intentionally shooting themselves in the foot here. We get the chance to really pick between the best of two good people, but instead we have to choose the lesser of two evils. Why is that?

To this day, I'm frustrated that McCain didn't win the GOP nomination some 5 years ago. The last two elections would've been landslides. And I'd be registered republican.

An open question to the party elite (from Dem, to Repub, to Green, to Libretarian): Why do you hate America so?

John Kerry was a joke. I have door knobs that exhibit more leadership ability than him. Likewise I have door knobs that exhibit more intelligence than Bush. My door knob for president?

Perhaps its sour grapes. I never had any real illusions that anyone but George W. Bush would win. It just seems that we have a paradox: whosoever has the vision, intelligence, and ambition to lead this country to greatness also has too much vision, too much intelligence, and too much ambition to get elected. Furthermore, if you're smart enough to be a good president, you're smart enough not to run.


Nov 4, 2004, 4:14 PM
Post #8 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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i aree with pestfed on this one.

BOTH candidates were bad. Bush just a little bit worse than kerry. the dems really didnt choose their candidate well. they shouldve chosen someone else from their ranks.

as should the republicans, if they were sensible. but everybody knows theyre not :wink:

Partner tgreene

Nov 4, 2004, 5:04 PM
Post #9 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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I'm not going to repost, but if you take the time to read my detailed posts that outline a few domestic issues, you'll see that there are a lot of us that do in fact like Bush, and what he and the Republican party have done to counter or halt the Democrats from trampling over people in rural agricultural areas, from coast-to-coast...

This Thread


Nov 4, 2004, 5:06 PM
Post #10 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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what he has done to counter or halt the democrats from trampling over people in rural agricultural areas...

Who's going to stop the Republicans from trampling over the peoples basic rights and freedoms?

Partner tgreene

Nov 4, 2004, 5:08 PM
Post #11 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Such as..?


Nov 4, 2004, 5:21 PM
Post #12 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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I don't see the balance in the Bush agenda of doing any good to balance out the bad. All I see is a hick puppet in our highest office who got elected because he appealed to the Lowest common denominators fears in order to do good for the wealthy. He sucks. :x

Do you like the pissing more, or the moaning? Get over it. Life goes on.



Nov 4, 2004, 5:27 PM
Post #13 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Such as..?

Gay marriage and abortion for starters.


Nov 4, 2004, 5:40 PM
Post #14 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Curt wrote: "Get over it. life goes on"

What kind of apathetic citizen are you friend? How about doing something about it. Which includes talking about it. Ranting is OK when it comes to this in my opinion, I'm pissed off and I'm gonna let people know about it.


Nov 4, 2004, 5:40 PM
Post #15 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Since when is gay marriage a right?... that President Bush can be blamed for "taking away"?

The citizens of eleven states decided on this issue on Tuesday.


Nov 4, 2004, 5:45 PM
Post #16 of 45 (971 views)

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Since when is gay marriage a right?... that President Bush can be blamed for "taking away"?

The citizens of eleven states decided on this issue on Tuesday.

What about the other 39?


Nov 4, 2004, 5:51 PM
Post #17 of 45 (971 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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It wasn't on the ballot in the other 39 states. The amendments, which define marriage as between only a man and a woman, passed overwhelmingly in all 11 states, clearly receiving support from Democrats and independents as well as Republicans. Only in Oregon and Michigan did the amendment receive less than 60 percent of the vote.


Nov 4, 2004, 6:12 PM
Post #18 of 45 (971 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Do you even know what fascism is? Define it for us, in terms of your reality, and then I'll be happy to point out why you are being alarmist, at best; completely inaccurate and lying, at worst.



Nov 4, 2004, 6:15 PM
Post #19 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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It wasn't on the ballot in the other 39 states.

Why not?


Nov 4, 2004, 6:25 PM
Post #20 of 45 (971 views)

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It wasn't on the ballot in the other 39 states.

Why not?

You really are dense at times.

Do you think all states address identical issues at every election?

FYI Some states have already passed such amendments. Some have laws addressing the issue.

The significant point here is that among the 11 states, where this was on the ballot, it was a clean sweep.


Nov 4, 2004, 6:31 PM
Post #21 of 45 (971 views)

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It wasn't on the ballot in the other 39 states.

Why not?

You really are dense at times.

Do you think all states address identical issues at every election?

FYI Some states have already passed such amendments. Some have laws addressing the issue.

The significant point here is that among the 11 states, where this was on the ballot, it was a clean sweep.

And you're an asshole all of the time.

But thanks for answering the question.


Nov 4, 2004, 6:33 PM
Post #22 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Curt wrote: "Get over it. life goes on"

What kind of apathetic citizen are you friend? How about doing something about it. Which includes talking about it. Ranting is OK when it comes to this in my opinion, I'm pissed off and I'm gonna let people know about it.

If bush is such a facist, how come Kerry only mustered 27% of the gay vote?


Nov 4, 2004, 6:41 PM
Post #23 of 45 (971 views)

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The significant point here is that among the 11 states, where this was on the ballot, it was a clean sweep.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

HL Menken


Nov 4, 2004, 6:41 PM
Post #24 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
There is some of this to a degree, it all depends on your personal perspective.

People feel they are being suppressed, so how can we work together to resolves these concerns?


Nov 4, 2004, 6:48 PM
Post #25 of 45 (971 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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And you're an asshole all of the time.

Smart and witty.

What a joy it must be to be you.


Nov 4, 2004, 6:52 PM
Post #26 of 45 (711 views)

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And you're an asshole all of the time.

Smart and witty.

No wit needed, just telling it like it is.

Partner tgreene

Nov 4, 2004, 6:56 PM
Post #27 of 45 (711 views)

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A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
There is some of this to a degree, it all depends on your personal perspective.
The firearms community instantly became all too aware of this under the Clinton administration, so your assertations can easily be looked at from any perspective. At least the public was allowed the opportunity to vote down the rights that you mentioned. In my case, a handful of members from the Democratic party got together one day, and made myself and hundreds of thousands of others just like me, instant criminals. In order to remain legal, I had to actually take a chopsaw and grinder to one of my rifles! :evil:

Besides, then 2 issues you specifically brought up (gay Marriage and Abortion), are the 2 issues that I personally lean strongly to the left on. While I despise abortion as a form of "birth control", I do feel that it must remain legal, due to cases of rape, incest and medical issues. If outlawed, it would be illegal under all circumstances, and NEITHER party would ever allow that to happen. Regardless of the fact that the gay marriage has been taken to a public ballot in 11 states, I still feel that it should be 100% legal everywhere, and that divorce should be the issue that is put to the test, rather than running rampant!


Nov 4, 2004, 6:58 PM
Post #28 of 45 (711 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Curt wrote: "Get over it. life goes on"

What kind of apathetic citizen are you friend? How about doing something about it. Which includes talking about it. Ranting is OK when it comes to this in my opinion, I'm pissed off and I'm gonna let people know about it.

What exactly would you like me to do? Whining on the internet is certainly not going to change anything. You picked a good screen name for yourself, numbnut. :roll:



Nov 4, 2004, 7:02 PM
Post #29 of 45 (711 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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And you're an asshole all of the time.
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Yeah, congrats to Bush and company. I didn't want him to win but I knew he would.
Here's the only post consistent with the thread title. Well said VR :wink:


Nov 4, 2004, 7:07 PM
Post #30 of 45 (711 views)

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And you're an asshole all of the time.
Should I delete the following post?
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Yeah, congrats to Bush and company. I didn't want him to win but I knew he would.
Here's the only post consistent with the thread title. Well said VR :wink:

You're right, let me rephrase that... you're an asshole 99% of the time.


Nov 4, 2004, 7:36 PM
Post #31 of 45 (711 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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That's just your opinion. However, your posts on this site prove that you're an idiot pretty much all of the time.

Luv ya.

Mean it. :wink:


Nov 4, 2004, 8:02 PM
Post #32 of 45 (711 views)

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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Try wanna be theocratic leader, no where near fascist though.


Nov 4, 2004, 10:34 PM
Post #33 of 45 (711 views)

Registered: Oct 5, 2004
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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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i think abortion is just wrong its murder. i mean think about most of your are in your 30's some in your 20's or 40's but if your mothers' would of had the choice to abort you some of you might not be here today ,and don't you think that because you were given a chance at life that someone shouldn't be given that same chance. no matter what way they were concived

what about the baby's choice... im sure it would choose to live than die. wouldn't you?


Nov 4, 2004, 11:11 PM
Post #34 of 45 (711 views)

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i think abortion is just wrong its murder. i mean think about most of your are in your 30's some in your 20's or 40's but if your mothers' would of had the choice to abort you some of you might not be here today ,and don't you think that because you were given a chance at life that someone shouldn't be given that same chance. no matter what way they were concived

what about the baby's choice... im sure it would choose to live than die. wouldn't you?

Read Hills Like White Elephants by Hemingway sometime. It was first published in 1927. The process of abortion has been around for a long time. In no way was it not a choice to any of the mothers of those here now.

Conversely, your last point suggests that you support suicide (retroactive abortion) for those who really do deem their lives unworthy of the living. Afterall, if you were a horribly inbred and/or the product of a rape on a woman particularly ill-suited to rearing children, would you really want to keep living that much? And do not (please) throw God or family or what have you into your response on that, the smart money says that such a child knows neither.


Nov 4, 2004, 11:15 PM
Post #35 of 45 (711 views)

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i think abortion is just wrong its murder. i mean think about most of your are in your 30's some in your 20's or 40's but if your mothers' would of had the choice to abort you some of you might not be here today ,and don't you think that because you were given a chance at life that someone shouldn't be given that same chance. no matter what way they were concived

what about the baby's choice... im sure it would choose to live than die. wouldn't you?

mur·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mūrdr)
The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.

There's the problem, an embryo is not considered a human being, therefore its not murder until after the 8th week and it atleast remotely resembles a human being. so if you want to play the murder card atleast understand what murder is. secondly my mother had the choice and she made a decision not to and instead to consider adoption. In order to deal the depression associated with it she drank in excess and smoked alot of weed. luckily i'm not that screwed up, but think about the situations other people endure before you peddle the conservative religious murder card.


Nov 4, 2004, 11:41 PM
Post #36 of 45 (711 views)

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i think abortion is just wrong its murder. i mean think about most of your are in your 30's some in your 20's or 40's but if your mothers' would of had the choice to abort you some of you might not be here today ,and don't you think that because you were given a chance at life that someone shouldn't be given that same chance. no matter what way they were concived

what about the baby's choice... im sure it would choose to live than die. wouldn't you?

mur·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mūrdr)
The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.

There's the problem, an embryo is not considered a human being, therefore its not murder until after the 8th week and it atleast remotely resembles a human being. so if you want to play the murder card atleast understand what murder is.

Another brilliant legal scholar among us. If you think the simple dictionary definition of murder is the actual legal definition, I have some bad news for you.



Nov 5, 2004, 12:11 AM
Post #37 of 45 (711 views)

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of course its not the legal definition and we should be somewhat glad webster isn't in charge of law. legal scholar, hell no too boring. but anyway my point is that i'm sick of people throwing the murder card with abortion when clearly within the first 8 weeks an abortion is simply a parasite flush. The majority of current arguments that seek to deny all abortions are based on religious concepts and last time i check this is a democracy not a theocracy.
as an aside I personally disagree with abortion, but until a scientific definition is conjured up that defines an embryo as being a human being the right choose should be just that.


Nov 5, 2004, 12:34 AM
Post #38 of 45 (711 views)

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Glad I started some kind of discussion. Curt thanks for your condescension. I really took it to heart pal. :lol:

I just can't help venting my gut reactions to this president and frankly the feeling of a lot of people in this country, it's more backwards than I thought. Am I an elitist? Damn straight.



Nov 5, 2004, 1:43 AM
Post #39 of 45 (711 views)

Registered: May 25, 2004
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i think abortion is just wrong its murder. i mean think about most of your are in your 30's some in your 20's or 40's but if your mothers' would of had the choice to abort you some of you might not be here today ,and don't you think that because you were given a chance at life that someone shouldn't be given that same chance. no matter what way they were concived

what about the baby's choice... im sure it would choose to live than die. wouldn't you?

Flyingsquirrel....your thoughts on the death penalty?


Nov 5, 2004, 2:40 AM
Post #40 of 45 (711 views)

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no im just kiding let them all sit in jail for the rest of their lives if they deserve it. its not our descision on wether someone should die or not thats kindof where i was coming from. i was raised catholic an im sorry for not seeing where most of you people come from and i respect your view of abortion. but you could say i was born an brainwashed on the catholic tradition that all things have life from the moment of conception till natural death, thats all. i didn't mean to tell you what you could and could not do. i try not to judge cus thats for God alone to do all i can do is judge myself and try to live my life by what i believe.

"the road of life is rocky and you may stumble too so while you point your fingers someone else is judging you" could you be loved - Bob Marley

no one is perfect


Nov 5, 2004, 2:49 AM
Post #41 of 45 (711 views)

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petsfed i don't support suicide. sure if you say your gonna kill yourself ill try and stop you if i could but i can't make you not want to. it all comes down to how a person percives life and the world around them. if you want to believe your life is a reck cus your mother was a whore or you were the child of rapist or any of that go ahead. im not gonna tell you your any worse of a person because of your backround. and im not perfect no one is, ill admit it i smoke pot do drugs all that other bad stuff a young person shouldn't be doing but im not going to kill myself because i turned to be what someone thought of as bad person. all i have in my life that is for certain is what i believe and if you don't believe in anything then you are truely someone who is deserving of pity. and those beliefs of the church WRONG OR RIGHT are what i have so...

have a nice day :D


Nov 5, 2004, 7:07 AM
Post #42 of 45 (711 views)

Registered: Mar 23, 2004
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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Curt wrote: "Get over it. life goes on"

What kind of apathetic citizen are you friend? How about doing something about it. Which includes talking about it. Ranting is OK when it comes to this in my opinion, I'm pissed off and I'm gonna let people know about it.

If bush is such a facist, how come Kerry only mustered 27% of the gay vote?

What are You talking about Tradster???
During the Clinton Admin....The republicans put Clinton under a microscope and were complaining,screaming,pointing,kicking fussing all 8 years. Until the lewinsky scandle the best thing they had was whitewater(wow).The democrats may Have Moore but it is a heck of alot better than limbaugh.

Partner tisar

Nov 5, 2004, 11:07 AM
Post #43 of 45 (711 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2004
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Re: Bush is a fascist!! [In reply to]
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Sorry if it's off topic now, but I really want to react on this one:

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Oh and thank you "Tisar" for your oh so insightful and helpful comment oh uberinformed poster to climbing websites. May I suggest, you'd fit right in over there buddy. :twisted:

Really didn't mean to offend you. I'm totally with you, just felt that there wasn't anything surprising or new in the agenda. Take it as the expression of bitterness while I think the given arguments should have led to another outcome of the election.

For being a little more supportive: Might be a small comfort, but I really hope that the backdraft will reunite the american left to a point where the democrats stop chummig up with the conservative mainstream. Sometimes it's better to have a strong opposition than a weak leadership.

The close outcome of the german election two years ago, paired with the loss of majority in the second house, has visibly weakend the Social Democrats. As an effect they had to come as close to the conservatives you couldn't name a difference any more. In fact they overtake the Christian Democratics (comparable to American Republicans) on the right side in many actions.

As both our left parties (the Green also, parties are allowed to build coalitions to form governmental majorities in Germany) are involved in the leadership there's no real opposition any more. In my darkest hours I wish the conservatives had won the election - just to have someone left who works as a counterweight...

In a way I'm with curt: Live goes on. Mourning doesn't change a thing. Maybe it's time for the left to unite, maybe it's time for the democrats to find a program which really differs from the republican one and maybe it's time to to get on the streets from time to time if things are getting worse.

Meanwhile I hope that Bush's foreign policy will not lead to another war and that the rest of the world will find an alternative way to enforce peace, freedom and democracy than at the cost of thousands of lifes.

- Daniel

Partner tradman

Nov 5, 2004, 11:22 AM
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The close outcome of the german election two years ago, paired with the loss of majority in the second house, has visibly weakend the Social Democrats. As an effect they had to come as close to the conservatives you couldn't name a difference any more.

That's very interesting Tisar, and seems to be a common trend in many countries right now. We've got almost exaclty the same thing happening in Britain now - the ruling party, the Labour Party - traditionally a socialist group - has gradually grown to be almost identical in outlook and in policies to the Conservative opposition party.

What I would add though, is that the change here has been led by a few key figures, Tony Bliar amongst them. If those figures were removed, I think we'd find that other voices who are quiet right now might speak up and return diversity to the parliament.

Do you think that could happen where you are?

Partner tisar

Nov 5, 2004, 11:50 AM
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I don't think that any Social Democratic would have had the chance to act different. To get something done you allways have to get the permission of the second house. Perhaps Schröder is in tendence a neo-liberalist, but I don't see how another one would have come around the fact they have to deal with the conservatives all the time.

The weakening of the Greens perhaps is the worst. They were allways a source of reasonable left programmatic which now has dried out. The Socialists (PDS) can't fill that gap as they are completly at strife and still struggeling with the old (selfcalled communist) members of the former GDR party.

Right now there's no real alternative to the existing constellation which makes things really ugly. That's why I sometimes wish the conservatives will make it next time - giving the left a chance to reorganize again.

- Daniel

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