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No babies please
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May 16, 2012, 1:01 PM
Post #1 of 94 (17398 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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No babies please
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So there are so many threads on here about getting preggers, having kids, etc. So this is a little thread for those of us who don't HAVE kids, don't WANT kids and maybe don't even LIKE kids!

I personally have no interest in childern. I feel that I'm too selfish and they don't do that much for me anyway. I like to do what I want and when I want and kids are just going to get in the way of that. Me and my husband will have a nice little nest egg built up in a year or two and the plans are to head on the road for a while. Obviously kids are not part of that plan, and I feel no loss about not having them.

So how does a childless life treat you? Does your family still bug you about it? Do you feel like strangling someone whenever there's a crying child around? Does a thread like this feel a little taboo to you because of what society seems to expect from you?


May 16, 2012, 1:45 PM
Post #2 of 94 (17382 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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Funny. I just turned 38 and it recently occurred to me that I have never had the slightest desire to become pregnant (much to my mother's dismay). It's not that I don't like kids.

I always pictured myself adopting an older child and I got exactly what I wanted when I met and married Josh, who already had a daughter. I met Dakotah when she was 5. She is now nearly 16 and at the 'You're not my real mom' stage. But I predicted that day, too, would come. She gives her biological mom hell, too, so I figure that I am in good company and that she will someday come back. I hope.

What bothers me is that people expect you to have your own baby. I explain that I do already have a kid, and am happy with my life. But I think some people feel that you are somehow 'incomplete' if you don't go through the whole pregnancy thing.

Sometimes I feel that people think you are missing out on something. But I look at all that I have in life and am so happy. I am really thrilled with my life and would not change a thing.


May 16, 2012, 2:46 PM
Post #3 of 94 (17367 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2012
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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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Can't Post I'm in both camps..

I do have a son, age 7...that I have shared custody of..why? because I am too selfish to be a f/t mom...possibly. I love my son, but I need me time and in hindsight was greatly pressured into having a child by both my family and my ex-spouse (note the ex). I personally never really felt like I wanted to have a child.

I hate the sound of a crying child. Have never been comfortable around children, my son is the only exception. After my ex and I went our separate ways and I was looking one major qualification in a future children, no desire to have children.

Call my for me. I like traveling, climbing, spontaneous trips.

Trust me you will never catching me posting about babies...PROMISE!


May 16, 2012, 2:58 PM
Post #4 of 94 (17359 views)

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Re: [Kerry_NC] No babies please [In reply to]
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We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting to have children.

(This post was edited by wonderwoman on May 16, 2012, 3:07 PM)


May 16, 2012, 3:00 PM
Post #5 of 94 (17354 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.


May 16, 2012, 3:04 PM
Post #6 of 94 (17347 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
So there are so many threads on here about getting preggers, having kids, etc. So this is a little thread for those of us who don't HAVE kids, don't WANT kids and maybe don't even LIKE kids!

I personally have no interest in childern. I feel that I'm too selfish and they don't do that much for me anyway. I like to do what I want and when I want and kids are just going to get in the way of that. Me and my husband will have a nice little nest egg built up in a year or two and the plans are to head on the road for a while. Obviously kids are not part of that plan, and I feel no loss about not having them.

So how does a childless life treat you? Does your family still bug you about it? Do you feel like strangling someone whenever there's a crying child around? Does a thread like this feel a little taboo to you because of what society seems to expect from you?

No judgement here. In fact, I think its always better to realize you don't like/want kids and go with it, than to squeeze yourself into some box because of societal pressure. So, good for you...I think the world would be a much better place if more people thought like you do.
But I will say that I love love love my daughter and being a Mom is the best thing that ever happened to me. It is not for everyone though!


May 16, 2012, 3:06 PM
Post #7 of 94 (17346 views)

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Re: [SylviaSmile] No babies please [In reply to]
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SylviaSmile wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.

In a fight between couples? Sure. But society-wise? Probably not.

However, I do believe partners should be in sync with long-term family planning before settling down. That makes sense.


May 16, 2012, 3:10 PM
Post #8 of 94 (17337 views)

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Re: [SylviaSmile] No babies please [In reply to]
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SylviaSmile wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.

Uh, that should be what dating is all about...if one doesn't want kids, and the other does, then its probably not going to work out. Sometimes people get married and then one realizes, oh they really want kids all of the sudden (Or what I see sort of often is one doesn't want kids and the other PRETENDS to not want kids also...sad sad sad). It probably won't work out either. But sticking around and yelling "selfish!" randomly isn't going to make it work or make it better. Its so important to find someone who has the same views and wants WELL before marriage or big commitment.


May 16, 2012, 3:17 PM
Post #9 of 94 (17319 views)

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Re: [karmiclimber] No babies please [In reply to]
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karmiclimber wrote:
SylviaSmile wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.

Uh, that should be what dating is all about...if one doesn't want kids, and the other does, then its probably not going to work out. Sometimes people get married and then one realizes, oh they really want kids all of the sudden (Or what I see sort of often is one doesn't want kids and the other PRETENDS to not want kids also...sad sad sad). It probably won't work out either. But sticking around and yelling "selfish!" randomly isn't going to make it work or make it better. Its so important to find someone who has the same views and wants WELL before marriage or big commitment.

Yeah, I agree. It's a maturity thing . . . it's harder if you get married young, before you are even sure what path you want your life to take. But there is something natural about wanting kids. Getting married might awaken some people to that natural urge, whereas before they (like me) were content to have lots of fun without babies on the scene. I'm not married and don't want kids right now, but I'm okay with saying that it seems like the rule to want kids at some point in your life and the exception not to want them ever. I think that's part of the gist of the OP is getting at--you feel a bit of pressure to conform to the norm of most people. Smile


May 16, 2012, 3:18 PM
Post #10 of 94 (17316 views)

Registered: Apr 23, 2012
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Re: [karmiclimber] No babies please [In reply to]
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That's what happened to ex and I dated for 5 yrs, the entire time he said "no kids" which was perfect for me. 6 yrs into the marriage...the I want kids now started. There is no history of divorce in either of our to 'conform and save the marriage', hindsight wrong decision. After we had our son, the pressure to have more was intense..I had to get out.

Best decision of my life. I am happy, my son is happy, my ex has a family with 5 kids now, and I have a great bf who shares my appetite for adventure and travel...and who brought me into climbing. :-)


May 16, 2012, 3:24 PM
Post #11 of 94 (17308 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting to have children.

I did use the term selfish, but I don't think it's as negative as it's being made out to be here. It just means that I want to put myself and my husband first instead of having a child that I will also have to be concerned about.

I do think that if you do have a child they should be your main priority, which is another reason I don't want a child. In my mind good parents are the ones that put their childern first and I'm just don't want to have to do this.


May 16, 2012, 3:25 PM
Post #12 of 94 (17308 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2004
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Re: [SylviaSmile] No babies please [In reply to]
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SylviaSmile wrote:
karmiclimber wrote:
SylviaSmile wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.

Uh, that should be what dating is all about...if one doesn't want kids, and the other does, then its probably not going to work out. Sometimes people get married and then one realizes, oh they really want kids all of the sudden (Or what I see sort of often is one doesn't want kids and the other PRETENDS to not want kids also...sad sad sad). It probably won't work out either. But sticking around and yelling "selfish!" randomly isn't going to make it work or make it better. Its so important to find someone who has the same views and wants WELL before marriage or big commitment.

Yeah, I agree. It's a maturity thing . . . it's harder if you get married young, before you are even sure what path you want your life to take. But there is something natural about wanting kids. Getting married might awaken some people to that natural urge, whereas before they (like me) were content to have lots of fun without babies on the scene. I'm not married and don't want kids right now, but I'm okay with saying that it seems like the rule to want kids at some point in your life and the exception not to want them ever. I think that's part of the gist of the OP is getting at--you feel a bit of pressure to conform to the norm of most people. Smile

I am pregnant and have lack of filter when I am pregnant, so if this comes off as rough, I am sorry...

That is why I don't think people should get married til they are older.
That said...I've made my own mistakes in life. But after you grow up and realize what you want, you cannot remain chained to someone who doesn't want what you want. Its not fair to either party.
As far as wanting kids being a natural thing...I disagree. In my mind, there is far more to sway you off of wanting kids than to want them. They are expensive, the biggest responsibility you will ever EVER have, and it doesn't ever go many people take it too lightly, IMO. "Oh, I'll make a mini me and we can go shopping together and drink frappochinos." Its not like that. 2 cents.


May 16, 2012, 3:28 PM
Post #13 of 94 (17302 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2002
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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting to have children.

I did use the term selfish, but I don't think it's as negative as it's being made out to be here. It just means that I want to put myself and my husband first instead of having a child that I will also have to be concerned about.

I do think that if you do have a child they should be your main priority, which is another reason I don't want a child. In my mind good parents are the ones that put their childern first and I'm just don't want to have to do this.

Okay. You can be selfish. However, I am not selfish. I just don't want babies. Tongue

Partner macherry

May 16, 2012, 3:30 PM
Post #14 of 94 (17297 views)

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Re: [karmiclimber] No babies please [In reply to]
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i have two kids. i love them dearly, but for the most part, i dont like kids or tolerate other people's kids.

my husband could have gone either way on the kid decision, but we did make the decision together about reproducing.

now that my kids are in their 20's, they both have told us that they have no interest in having kids. they will get no pressure from me for grand kids. i totally get their decision.


May 16, 2012, 3:33 PM
Post #15 of 94 (17293 views)

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Re: [karmiclimber] No babies please [In reply to]
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karmiclimber wrote:
SylviaSmile wrote:
karmiclimber wrote:
SylviaSmile wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting toh have children.

I don't know if that's actually true. I've heard of marriages where the wife wanted children but the husband didn't, and yeah, the word "selfish" was flung around a bit for those situations.

Uh, that should be what dating is all about...if one doesn't want kids, and the other does, then its probably not going to work out. Sometimes people get married and then one realizes, oh they really want kids all of the sudden (Or what I see sort of often is one doesn't want kids and the other PRETENDS to not want kids also...sad sad sad). It probably won't work out either. But sticking around and yelling "selfish!" randomly isn't going to make it work or make it better. Its so important to find someone who has the same views and wants WELL before marriage or big commitment.

Yeah, I agree. It's a maturity thing . . . it's harder if you get married young, before you are even sure what path you want your life to take. But there is something natural about wanting kids. Getting married might awaken some people to that natural urge, whereas before they (like me) were content to have lots of fun without babies on the scene. I'm not married and don't want kids right now, but I'm okay with saying that it seems like the rule to want kids at some point in your life and the exception not to want them ever. I think that's part of the gist of the OP is getting at--you feel a bit of pressure to conform to the norm of most people. Smile

I am pregnant and have lack of filter when I am pregnant, so if this comes off as rough, I am sorry...

That is why I don't think people should get married til they are older.
That said...I've made my own mistakes in life. But after you grow up and realize what you want, you cannot remain chained to someone who doesn't want what you want. Its not fair to either party.
As far as wanting kids being a natural thing...I disagree. In my mind, there is far more to sway you off of wanting kids than to want them. They are expensive, the biggest responsibility you will ever EVER have, and it doesn't ever go many people take it too lightly, IMO. "Oh, I'll make a mini me and we can go shopping together and drink frappochinos." Its not like that. 2 cents.

Yeah, I hear ya. I'm not saying it makes logical SENSE to want kids, and that the more you think about it the more you'd want them . . . to the contrary. But I've seen friend after friend succumb to marriage+kids, a lot of people even on here seem to have kids, and the human race appears to continue on even as technology to hinder reproduction is increasingly available. As far as the mini-me with frappocinos thing--I think it's like with marriage, in that people still get married even after you see so many marriages fail. There's still hope that it can be a more ideal situation in your own case. I agree with you that it should not be taken lightly. On the other side of the equation, though, I do love to go home and drink coffee with my mom. Wink


May 16, 2012, 3:35 PM
Post #16 of 94 (17289 views)

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Re: [macherry] No babies please [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
they will get no pressure from me for grand kids. i totally get their decision.

To this day, my mother still requests that I get myself impregnated. Thank god for moms like you!


May 16, 2012, 3:43 PM
Post #17 of 94 (17276 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
macherry wrote:
they will get no pressure from me for grand kids. i totally get their decision.

To this day, my mother still requests that I get myself impregnated. Thank god for moms like you!

My mom is pretty cool with my and the hubby, she seems to have accepted our decsion and has never pressured aunts on the other hand.....


May 16, 2012, 3:51 PM
Post #18 of 94 (17268 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting to have children.

I did use the term selfish, but I don't think it's as negative as it's being made out to be here. It just means that I want to put myself and my husband first instead of having a child that I will also have to be concerned about.

I do think that if you do have a child they should be your main priority, which is another reason I don't want a child. In my mind good parents are the ones that put their childern first and I'm just don't want to have to do this.

Okay. You can be selfish. However, I am not selfish. I just don't want babies. Tongue

No, but you do take care of your husband's kid, who I assume you treat like your own daughter? You might not want babies, but you do have a kid to take care of.


May 16, 2012, 3:57 PM
Post #19 of 94 (17265 views)

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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
We are not selfish when we don't want to have children. We just don't want children. You would never hear a man being accused of being selfish for not wanting to have children.

I did use the term selfish, but I don't think it's as negative as it's being made out to be here. It just means that I want to put myself and my husband first instead of having a child that I will also have to be concerned about.

I do think that if you do have a child they should be your main priority, which is another reason I don't want a child. In my mind good parents are the ones that put their childern first and I'm just don't want to have to do this.

Okay. You can be selfish. However, I am not selfish. I just don't want babies. Tongue

No, but you do take care of your husband's kid, who I assume you treat like your own daughter? You might not want babies, but you do have a kid to take care of.

Yes, she is my daughter. But no, I never wanted a 'baby'. I wanted a kid. And I wanted somebody else's uterus to do the work.

Still, my family members (and other people who feel like it's somehow their business to say so) seem to think that is not good enough. This perplexes me.


May 16, 2012, 3:58 PM
Post #20 of 94 (17262 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2006
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Re: [granite_grrl] No babies please [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
So there are so many threads on here about getting preggers, having kids, etc. So this is a little thread for those of us who don't HAVE kids, don't WANT kids and maybe don't even LIKE kids!

I personally have no interest in childern. I feel that I'm too selfish and they don't do that much for me anyway. I like to do what I want and when I want and kids are just going to get in the way of that. Me and my husband will have a nice little nest egg built up in a year or two and the plans are to head on the road for a while. Obviously kids are not part of that plan, and I feel no loss about not having them.

So how does a childless life treat you? Does your family still bug you about it? Do you feel like strangling someone whenever there's a crying child around? Does a thread like this feel a little taboo to you because of what society seems to expect from you?

The societal/family pressure to procreate is HUGE.

I honestly don't remember the time in my life when I didn't want kids. From the time I was a little girl, I knew that I would have a baby or two. But then again, I also knew that i would go to college, get married. etc. etc.

In retrospect, ALL of this was pretty much cultural conditioning, growing up in a place where this was pretty much the only way. The only people who didn't have kids were the ones who couldn't have kids, and that was very, very sad, and they were the ones who had to make do with adoption, but the assumption was that of course they still wanted kids, regardless of whether they could make them biologically, or not.

It is hard for me to say, in retrospect, whether I would have felt the same about having kids if I had grown up in America. Sometimes I think that if I had discovered climbing earlier in my life, I might have opted not to have kids. It's a moot point now, because I have them, I love them, and I can't imagine not having them. I fought hard to have them living with me during divorce, and I got what i wanted and what I believe is the best for them. They are wonderful kids.

But in the past two years a lot of my friends have been having babies. And it REALLY drove home the fact that I absolutely don't want any babies anymore. No, thank you!

I love to hold those babies for a few minutes, I think they are adorable, and then I am very much relieved to pass the squealing package back to the parent who has to deal with poop, pee, drool, spit-up, and all the other normal bodily functions, and who has to wake up at night, and juggle that baby on one arm while attempting to eat, have adult conversation, or read a book.

Don't get me started on toddlers. Babies I love. other people's toddlers & tantruming pre-schoolers I can barely tolerate. I really think it is the worst age. Old enough to be mobile, vocal and demanding, not old enough to negotiate, compromise or be considerate to others.

Every time I see one, I thank the Universe for my now-older, smart, mature and delightful kids. I really enjoy having older kids. And I am really looking forward to them getting even older.


May 16, 2012, 7:49 PM
Post #21 of 94 (17212 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] No babies please [In reply to]
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I had almost forgotten (purposely?) a statement from my mother:

"I hope you that you get pregnant so that you stop climbing."


May 17, 2012, 12:17 AM
Post #22 of 94 (17187 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
I had almost forgotten (purposely?) a statement from my mother:

"I hope you that you get pregnant so that you stop climbing."




May 17, 2012, 3:03 AM
Post #23 of 94 (17171 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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Really? You haven't heard people say, "When are you going to find a nice girl and settle down?" And when they say settle down, they mean with kids.

I find professionally the pressure is opposite. Since men don't have to take an extended paternity leave, they can have as many kids as they want, but god forbid a woman has too many kids....


May 17, 2012, 3:34 PM
Post #24 of 94 (17118 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] No babies please [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
I had almost forgotten (purposely?) a statement from my mother:

"I hope you that you get pregnant so that you stop climbing."

LOL, the statement from my parents usually goes along the lines of: Come on, you HAVE kids, you are a mother, when are you going to start acting mature and stop all that climbing nonsense?

Partner macherry

May 17, 2012, 6:25 PM
Post #25 of 94 (17094 views)

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Re: [lena_chita] No babies please [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
I had almost forgotten (purposely?) a statement from my mother:

"I hope you that you get pregnant so that you stop climbing."

LOL, the statement from my parents usually goes along the lines of: Come on, you HAVE kids, you are a mother, when are you going to start acting mature and stop all that climbing nonsense?

oh gawd, even in my 40's i got that line from my mom!!

my favorite line though, is from one of my main climbing partners. mike once said to me, "i like climbing with you. you take no crazy risks, and i know you always want to come home in one're a mom!"

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