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I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do?
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Feb 8, 2006, 3:29 PM
Post #26 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Feb 3, 2004
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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okay, so I'm guessing I should hit it with a 2x4, spray its eyes with ammnonia and pepper spray, and when it is incapacitated give it a "hand job," then call animal control.


67% of all reasonably intelligent dog trainers I know will agree with this approach.


Feb 8, 2006, 3:41 PM
Post #27 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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What kind of man are you?


Partner bill

Feb 8, 2006, 3:47 PM
Post #28 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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I know that it is an unpopular opinion, but sometimes beating a dog can achieve results. As a child we had a large male black lab named Thunder.
He was a sweet dog, and always very gentle around myself and my siblings. Unfortunately he was also extremely territorial and distrustful of strangers. One evening late at night, a friend of my older brother who was sleeping over got up to use the bathroom and Thunder attacked him in the hallway. My father woke up, pulled the dog off the kid and locked the dog in the garage. The next morning, realizing that this dog could never be allowed children again, he took him to a good friend of his who was a professional hunting dog trainer. The trainer decided that he would give Thunder a second chance at life as a hunting dog. At first the trainer could not even enter the dog pen without a blunt object and a cattle prod as Thunder would instantly go on the attack. After receiving numerous beatings and actually chewing the tip off a cattle prod while the button was pressed, Thunder learned who was the boss in the relationship. Thunder went on to be one of the best hunting dogs that this particular trainer ever worked with, and he ended up keeping him as his own dog. He died many years later at the ripe old age of 12.


Feb 8, 2006, 5:18 PM
Post #29 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2003
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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tradman, what usually happens in that case, is that the dog cowers when the owner is around, but lashes out at the next person to walk by
I think this bears repeating here. While YOU may have noticed a difference trad, that dog could very well then act out against someone else completely. Problem not solved at all, really.
There is a difference, however and in my eyes, between 'beating' a dog, and disciplining a dog. Have I ever hit my dog? Sure have. Screamed, yelled, and plenty of other things. She knows who's boss now, has since she was a pup. Give a dog an inch and they'll walk right over you. Have I ever beaten my dog? Hell no. Wouldn't dream of it, even if it bit. We too have an understanding, if our dog attacks us or anyone else, when completely unprovoked, that's it. A harsh reality, but a reality.
Tradgal, while it's very nice and happy that your dog didn't bite again and lived to a ripe old age, that is a 'best case scenario', and IMHO, not always the case. Once a dog turns on people - especially it's owner or someone in it's family- then you've got issues. It does appear in your situation, each time it bit it was because it was aggrivated by you, and that in many cases is somewhat understandable. I got bit by my dog (when I was around 4/5 years old) a few times for doing stupid acts just like that - sticking my hand near its mouth when it was eating etc. In that case, YOU learned a lesson (maybe not right away from the sound of it though... ;)).
There is a huge difference between that and a dog biting someone when completely unprovoked. Again, when that happens you've got issues.
In my old hometown not too long ago a woman was jogging down the road minding her own business. Someone visiting some relatives from mass. had brought her 2 boxers with her up to town. She let them run loose on the backroads. These 2 boxers were running together in a pack, and attacked the jogger (a friend of my sisters mom, actually). And I'm talking attacked, they tore leg muscles away from bone. This lady might not walk again, not to mention the disfigurement. That is a vicious, vicious act and completely unprovoked. I fully support putting those dogs down for that kind of aggression. That's not safe. Many say 'but that's the only time they did that!'. Sure, and they MAY not do it ever again.... but what if they DO. That's the heavy here. How much are you willing to risk by keeping that dog alive? Possibly getting sued for everything you're worth because you wanted to keep your dog, then it attacks someone again?
It's a tough call. Each pet owner has to make their own decision on that one, I guess, but to me and many other dog owners that I know, the safest thing you can do for both the dog and yourself, is put it down if it turns like that. But that's just my opionion. ;)

Partner tradman

Feb 8, 2006, 5:32 PM
Post #30 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2003
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Fair enough.

If the dog is in the habit of biting anyway, one less person being bitten is no bad thing. I doubt beating the dog would cause it to bite another person.

I guess it depends on the person too - I'm, uh, a little on the large side, which firstly makes it easy for me to physcially dominate even a large dog and secondly inclines most dogs to not want to try their luck with me anyway.

One of the biggest problems I see is when a small, or old owner has a big dog which they just can't control.


Feb 8, 2006, 5:51 PM
Post #31 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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What kind of man are you?


That's exactly what I was thinking. Hey Gene, where's your sack? First, confront the fucking dentist and tell him, very bluntly, to keep his dog leashed. Don't threaten him or his dog, but make damn sure he understands that it is his responsibility to keep his dog under control (i.e. on a lease and from running at large) Second, call animal control or the police (non-emergency line) to document that the dog has in fact attached you. You should have done this at the first attack. I do not know the law in your state, but Tennessee law will not hold a dog owner liable for the actions of the dog unless the owner acted negligently and/or the dog is known to have dangerous or vicious propensities. This cannot be established without documented evidence of the dog attacking people. The city municipal code where I live requires seizure of a dog after attacking anyone. After the dentist has his dog taken, maybe he will start to appreciate his responsibilities a bit more.

But above all, man up for God's sake.


Feb 8, 2006, 5:51 PM
Post #32 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Blackmail the owner into free dental.... then sue his ass if the dog bites you again!

....just kidding....

My friends dog went to jail once for biting a 10 year old, because the parents took my friend to court.... it was a gentle border collie and she was maltreated as a pup. My friend got her from the RSPCA (animal shelter).... this 10 year old was pulling at her ears and trying to jump on her back and all sorts of sh!t.... anyway, the dog went to jail for 4 months.... how does that show the dog anything? It wasn't even her fault for biting the kid. I'm still outraged by that, even after 7 years.... I wonder if Australia still jails dogs?


Feb 8, 2006, 5:52 PM
Post #33 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2005
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Hey Gene, out of curiousity, can you explain the "bites" in a little more detail? Was blood drawn? Did you need stitches, bandaids? Etc.

As people have noted, there is a difference between attacking and being viscious, snapping, nipping, playing, etc?



Feb 8, 2006, 6:05 PM
Post #34 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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May I suggest a sound thrashing? To either the dog or his dentist. Dingus knows how I feel about dentists.

Maculated, consider yourself warned. :P


Feb 8, 2006, 6:10 PM
Post #35 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Sep 11, 2004
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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If it was one bite- I'd let it slide. Sometimes nice dogs will do strange things, but the same dog over and over??? I would have set the law on this guy after the second bite.

The owner is simply being REALLY irresponsible. I personally wouldn't punish someone elses dog, but mail couriers do carry pepper spray sometimes. One hit would probably deter this dog forever if you don't want to get the authorities involved. Personally- I would get the authorites involved.

You need to call animal control. This dog could bite a child who's closer to the ground and not able to defend like you. It would suck if the dog had to be put down because it's owner is lazy and inconsiderate. California has fairly stringent laws for dealing with biting dogs. They can force the owner to be more responsible for his animal.

Partner tgreene

Feb 8, 2006, 6:37 PM
Post #36 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2003
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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okay, so I'm guessing I should hit it with a 2x4, spray its eyes with ammnonia and pepper spray, and when it is incapacitated give it a "hand job," then call animal control.

hmmm.....I wonder if I should act on this internet advice? I mean, the owner is like 7-10 feet away from the dog so I gotta be surreptitious and quick I guess.
You should probably ask the owner to step a bit closer, so you can give him a handjob too... :lol:


Feb 8, 2006, 6:50 PM
Post #37 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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There was this one time in some thread that Gene called me coward. No ones ever called me that and I told him so...he never said anything else, I thought (and still do) he was an indecisive dumbass. Finding out that he doesn't have the sack to take care of what is probably a small mostly just loud dog does not surprise me at all. :roll:


Feb 8, 2006, 7:38 PM
Post #38 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Sounds like the dog is alpha over all of you and knows it. :lol: I can't believe a) you let this happen 3 times, b) the owner let it happen more than once, and c) you're still gonna give this irresponsible jerk your business. I bet he doesn't sterilize his dental tools between patients either :mrgreen:

Partner j_ung

Feb 8, 2006, 9:29 PM
Post #39 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Bill, I think your story excludes that the guy disciplining the dog did so over a long period of time and built a relationship with the pooch that also involved feeding and other forms of training. The guy became the dog's alpha. Without that kind of committment, a lone beating will probably only end in Gene or the dog or both being more seriously hurt.

Gene, I understand your problem. You don't want to get bit again, but you also want to maintain a friendly relationship with your neighbor, right? Talk to the dog's owner. Tell him you've been bitten three times and that you really don't want to be bitten again. See what he'll offer to do about it. If you're still unsatisfied, consider calling animal control. A couple folks above had good points in that regard. While, obviously, you have every right to defend yourself, I assume that you aren't actively being attacked as you read this. If I'm correct in that regard, then you have an opportunity to either, one, wait to be attacked again and be forced to REact on the dog's terms or, two, be PROactive now.

It's time to act like an adult, not a dog.


Feb 8, 2006, 9:38 PM
Post #40 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 7, 2006
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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It has been mentioned already but food could be the answer, give it a treat every time you walk by and see what happens. If not then dogs fight other dogs for alpha position all the time, you giving it a good hard kick is no different. No one is saying beat the damn thing, just let it know who's the top dog. Yell at the top of your lungs and stamp your foot if you cant bring yourself to kick it.


Feb 8, 2006, 9:55 PM
Post #41 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2005
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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I don't know what dog it is but it really looks like a pit but the eyes are different (not a thin line). The skin is a little more fury but still short and the head is shaped like a pit. I know it's not fully a pit but it could be a bastard.

Maybe I should bring my 2x4 in and ask the owner whether or not it is a bastard pitt. If not then I'll bring my 2x4 over that asshole's head (the dog not the other asshole/owner).

I think I'll try first to pet it and junk. my friend, dog owner, says that it doesn't recognize my scent. once it does it'll chill out.

the bites are more like nibbles - only a little painful.


Feb 8, 2006, 9:58 PM
Post #42 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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I don't know what dog it is but it really looks like a pit but the eyes are different (not a thin line). The skin is a little more fury but still short and the head is shaped like a pit. I know it's not fully a pit but it could be a bastard.

Maybe I should bring my 2x4 in and ask the owner whether or not it is a bastard pitt. If not then I'll bring my 2x4 over that asshole's head (the dog not the other asshole/owner).

I think I'll try first to pet it and junk. my friend, dog owner, says that it doesn't recognize my scent. once it does it'll chill out.
the bites are more like nibbles - only a little painful.

Well, damn dude, just drop your man panties and let the dog sniff your ass. Take care though that its nails are trimmed, 'cause it may like what it sees.


Feb 8, 2006, 9:59 PM
Post #43 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Nov 29, 2005
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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Bite the fucking dog back! :lol:

I have no tolerance for dogs that bite. Since the owner has already been witness to the dog's biting and hasn't done anything about it, I don't think the dog or the owner deserve the benefit of the doubt.

For all you liberal dog lovers, how do you get to the place where the dog's treatment becomes more important than the fact that he's biting people? Last time I checked, humans mattered more than dogs and this dog has bitten 3 times at least.

I say pepper spray it at the very least. If that doesn't work, I'd do whatever necessary to get the dog to back the fuck off.

Partner tgreene

Feb 8, 2006, 10:07 PM
Post #44 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Bite the f---ing dog back! :lol:
I've actually done that more times than I can count, and while it tends to get a strange reaction out of any and all humans that are in the proximity, it generally works with the animal.

I tend to go for the more sensitive spots, so I chomp on ears and tails! :twisted:


Feb 8, 2006, 10:10 PM
Post #45 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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Bite the f---ing dog back! :lol:
I've actually done that more times than I can count, and while it tends to get a strange reaction out of any and all humans that are in the proximity, it generally works with the animal.

I tend to go for the more sensitive spots, so I chomp on ears and tails! :twisted:

Why am I not surprised? :roll:

I figured you would have plenty of choices for a PERMANENT solution..."The AR or the AK? .44 or the .45? Decisions decisions."


Feb 8, 2006, 10:46 PM
Post #46 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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I think it can actually help. Where a dog cannot be trained to refrain from biting by normal means, it can sometimes be taught to just be terrified of the person they bite. It's unorthodox and I'd rarely use that approach, but when all else fails...

All I'm saying here is that if this is a working breed (Rottweiler, Australian shepherd, what have you) this won't work. It will make the dog madder and it will make it have it out for Gene. You can ignore me or not, but as a rescue rep for five years and a dog trainer for ten, you'd think you'd listen to me.

Now, drop kicking a pomeranian? Fine.

Partner macherry

Feb 8, 2006, 10:49 PM
Post #47 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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I don't know what dog it is but it really looks like a pit but the eyes are different (not a thin line). The skin is a little more fury but still short and the head is shaped like a pit. I know it's not fully a pit but it could be a bastard.

Maybe I should bring my 2x4 in and ask the owner whether or not it is a bastard pitt. If not then I'll bring my 2x4 over that asshole's head (the dog not the other asshole/owner).

I think I'll try first to pet it and junk. my friend, dog owner, says that it doesn't recognize my scent. once it does it'll chill out.

the bites are more like nibbles - only a little painful.

good, lets rationalize the dog's bites into "nibbles". sounds like you're just going to avoid dealing with the situation. don't be suprised if the dog takes off your hand..........while the owner watches.

Partner climbinginchico

Feb 9, 2006, 12:41 AM
Post #48 of 57 (1600 views)

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Now, drop kicking a pomeranian? Fine.

So vicious, Mac! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Feb 9, 2006, 1:03 AM
Post #49 of 57 (1600 views)

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Re: I keep getting bit by this dog. what do I do? [In reply to]
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What? They look like footballs! I've always wanted to!

Partner climbinginchico

Feb 9, 2006, 2:23 AM
Post #50 of 57 (1600 views)

Registered: Mar 24, 2004
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What? They look like footballs! I've always wanted to!

I'd be lying if I didn't agree. :wink:

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