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Climbing and pregnancy
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Partner macherry

Jan 8, 2007, 2:16 AM
Post #26 of 40 (10905 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [lena_chita] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
It is really impressive that you are still climbing so well!

And as far as C-section... Well, do you REALLY want to have all those muscles that you use for climbing cut through and scarred? They would never be quite the same after it, you know... I hear it from many women who had C-sections, I'm lucky enough to have avoided them. C-section is a major abdominal surgery. Sure, it is sometimes necessary and life-saving, to to CHOOSE one without any need for it is really, really stupid.

I second the Inna May's book recommendation. It's a good read.

i had 2 c-sections. Both my kids were over 9 lbs at birth, and my birth canal was too small for the kids to come through. My pre pregnancy weight was 115 lbs. I could almost hear my pelvis cracking when my son was born.... My daughter was a pre planned c-section because of the difficulties with my son. My pelvic muscles were not damaged and i actually have better stomach muscles than i did back then.


Jan 10, 2007, 12:58 AM
Post #27 of 40 (10796 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: [macherry] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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I'm glad to hear your abs are still in good shape after 2 c-sections. I totally believe it's possible, especially if you have a good surgeon and don't push the healing time of the sutures. I don't know what will happen, but I was 9 lbs, 10oz and my doc seems a little concerned about that.

Just wanted to put in the latest update- At just past 29 weeks, I managed to get up Mr. Slate (10b) without falling and True Value (11a) which has a significant roof, without falling. Crazy. Didn't think I could still get over that roof, but somehow I managed to do it. So, it's still going well and I'm still having fun.

Went to the MD yesterday and asked about the pressure of the harness on my belly and he said it's nothing to worry about as long as I'm not uncomfortable.

Thanks to everyone for all your support. I'm getting my ass chewed out in the General forum. Nice to see we have a real community in the ladies room.


Jan 10, 2007, 1:34 AM
Post #28 of 40 (10784 views)

Registered: Nov 16, 2006
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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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I don't lurk here much, but kinda wandered in to see if there was anything (without searching through the mess some of the forum goons leave about) after I saw that pic of you on the 10b and all I've got to say is damn, that's awesome, and keep it up.

P.S. Miracle of life thing aside, I think we should remember what's truly important: I bet you'll FLY up walls once you're not climbing with the passenger, Fezzik-style.

P.P.S. You're cranking at least two grades harder than I do. Pirate (perhaps my solution is PREGNANCY?)

(This post was edited by TheDullEnd on Jan 10, 2007, 1:35 AM)


Jan 10, 2007, 2:42 AM
Post #29 of 40 (10774 views)

Registered: Aug 4, 2005
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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Aw, Aimeerose. Don't let the obnoxious idiots in General get you too down... in addition to making stupid comments about something that's none of their business, from a purely medical standpoint, they're just plain WRONG.

I figure someday I will be in the same situation myself, so I got out the obs textbooks and did some reading... hopefully someone else out there will find this useful too!

Exercise is definitely encouraged during pregnancy if there are no complications in the pregnancy (placenta previa, pre-eclampsia, etc.). Just some general things: you should try to keep your heart rate under 60-70% of max. heart rate, as there's some evidence that says blood flow to the placenta may be compromised if you exercise too vigorously. Avoid overheating and stay well-hydrated. Avoid exercises lying flat on your back later in pregnancy, because this compromises venous return. In the third trimester, most docs say you should not be doing exercises where you're straining (ie lifting a really heavy weight... the so-called valsalva maneuver). Bouncing around can put a lot of stress on the pelvic floor and possibly increase the risk of urinary incontinence after the pregnancy.

In terms of physiologic changes due to pregnancy, your center of gravity changes, your ligaments tend to stretch because of the hormones and this can lead to pain/easier injury, and there is additional stress on your joints because of increased weight.

I could not find anything specific to climbing in pregnancy (big surprise). I did read that no adverse effects to the fetus have been noted from hiking to altitudes of up to 6000 feet. I did read that "Activities that increase the risk of falls, such as skiing, should include cautionary advice for most pregnant women, with consideration for individual abilities." (bolded for emphasis). Most accidental falls don't cause any problems because the fetus is cushioned by the amniotic fluid, but there is always the risk of a miscarriage, placental abruption, or other problem, even with a relatively minor trauma. Also, the risk of falling during pregnancy is definitely increased... one study estimates that 26% of pregnant women fall at least once during pregnancy.

Shrug. I guess the bottom line is discuss it with your doctor and see what you're both comfortable with (in other words, don't take what I wrote as a substitute for individualized medical advice).

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, Aimeerose!

(This post was edited by lhwang on Jan 10, 2007, 5:40 AM)


Jan 10, 2007, 10:16 PM
Post #30 of 40 (10722 views)

Registered: Sep 20, 2006
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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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I am a mom of 4. I kept up a routine of running, biking, climbing & walking throught all 4 normal, healthy pregnancies. I had MAJOR morning sickness with all 4 for all 9 months.On days that it was real bad I walked. The most important thing is to keep up a routine and to LISTEN to your body, not to others! If you don't feel good or something is not right, back off for a day or so. Make sure you eat right. Everybody is different, you may not have a morning sickness, you might be bothered by different smells, foods you normally liked etc. Only you will be able to judge when you should back off. As your first time pregnant, take things as they come, you might not be able to do what you normally do. Good Luck to you and enjoy it will go by fast!


Jan 10, 2007, 11:10 PM
Post #31 of 40 (10712 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2004
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Re: [ma4] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Yeah don't listen to the people in general... They are acting like you are still leading difficult climbs, and jumping up and down on the rope, when instead you are staying well within your limit and doing only things that are comfortable. From what I've read in this thread I have no doubt that you wouldn't be doing what you are now if you felt something was hurting your baby. I only hope when I have kids I can stay active too :)


Apr 20, 2007, 9:34 PM
Post #32 of 40 (10621 views)

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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Hey Aimeerose,

I was having a working out while pregnant discussion with my sister, and it made me think of this thread... sooo if you happen to notice this, How does the end of the story go Wink? any adorable baby pics Tongue? were you climbing until the day of and such?

**not planning on having kids for awhile, but I found this thread very interesting**


Apr 28, 2007, 12:33 AM
Post #33 of 40 (10561 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: [erisspirit] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Okay, here's the little bundle of "joy". I climbed until about 37 weeks, but only super easy (5.9) and I still had to hang. The crazy part is that I climbed better at 7 months pregnant than 1 month post-partum. But, I have a diastsis recti, which is super important to know for any of those women out there who are going to return to climbing post-pregnancy.

Anyways, here's a pic of us at Red Rocks. If anyone has any questions about anything else, let me know and I'll try to get back to you in between feeding, and trying to get the baby to sleep.
Attachments: 1stclimb.jpg (98.4 KB)

Partner macherry

Apr 28, 2007, 10:13 PM
Post #34 of 40 (10523 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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aimeerose wrote:
Okay, here's the little bundle of "joy". I climbed until about 37 weeks, but only super easy (5.9) and I still had to hang. The crazy part is that I climbed better at 7 months pregnant than 1 month post-partum. But, I have a diastsis recti, which is super important to know for any of those women out there who are going to return to climbing post-pregnancy.

Anyways, here's a pic of us at Red Rocks. If anyone has any questions about anything else, let me know and I'll try to get back to you in between feeding, and trying to get the baby to sleep.

okay, you probably climbed harder pregnant than i do normally!!!

congrats on the arrival of the wee one. What did you have, names, sex etc?


Apr 29, 2007, 1:31 AM
Post #35 of 40 (10513 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2001
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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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I've attached a photo of my baby (Siena Amaru Levine) - she's 3 months old. I still haven't gotten back to climbing - got to wait until this semester is over. So I'm working on my ab's (where did they go Wink), losing weight, getting my flexibility back and trying to survive grad school (I had a grand total of 5 days of maternity leave and had the baby 1 week before classes started in January.). I worked out until the last 6 weeks when I began having a lot of contractions but wasn't able to climb. So if anyone has any advice about preparing to get back I'd appreciate it.

What is a diastsis recti? Will I fall apart if I try to climb? Wink

Best of luck Aimee!!!

Edited to add - If there's anyone who climbs at the Gunks who has kids and would like to do a baby sitting swap or some toproping let me know. Hopefully I'll be back to climbing by June.


(This post was edited by gunkjunkie on Apr 29, 2007, 1:33 AM)
Attachments: to-post.jpg (24.9 KB)


May 20, 2007, 2:39 AM
Post #36 of 40 (10282 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [gunkjunkie] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Just found this thread :) congrats on the baby and you look great Aimeerose. I hope the family climbing is going well :)

Something for all expectant (mom) climbers to remember is that during pregnancy all the ligaments that hold the bones together get loose - it's the body's way of preparing for childbirth.

I couldn't climb while pregnant. I was sick as a dog the entire nine months with both of my kids, my joints were so loose if I sneezed it precipitated a trip to my chiropractor and finally, my non climbing spouse was unsupportive of my desire to climb - pregnant or non pregnant.

I did have a C-section with my son. 12 hours of back labor that resulted in cervical dilation of barely 1 and his heartbeat dissappeared with every contraction - it wasn't what I wanted before going in to labor - but boy, was I glad for it at the time! I hope I won't have appreciable loss of abdominal strength because of that - climbing strength that is.

I've not climbed in 10 years (dear son will be 10 in November). I'm working on loosing 40 more pounds (20 gaind with each child) in order to start climbing again :) My goal is October, though I've done a little bit of minor bouldering here and there in the last month.

Good for all of you that kept yourself fit and have worked at regaining your fitness after childbirth - you are about 100 steps ahead of where I was! Keep it up, y'all !!

God Bless,


May 20, 2007, 3:12 AM
Post #37 of 40 (10278 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: [gunkjunkie] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Sorry it took so long to get back on this one... A diastsis recti is when the rectus abdominus (the 6 pack muscle) separates along the central tendon. If you lay on your back and lift your head while feeling just above your belly button, you should be able to feel if there is a separation. If you can fit more than a finger width or two tight finger widths, then you need to be very careful with any abdominal exercises because you can make it worse. Physical therapy can help, if you go to the right person. Let me know if you have any more questions.


May 21, 2007, 2:13 PM
Post #38 of 40 (10250 views)

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Re: [aimeerose] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Hope things are going well. Congrats on baby! It's cool that you can climb again so soon! I'm just getting out of the baby fog and getting my brain cells together.Wink Thanks for the info.



May 21, 2007, 9:29 PM
Post #39 of 40 (10214 views)

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Re: [gunkjunkie] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Dierdre, I'm pretty sure Hensley (Leemouse2) from may well be looking to trade belaying for babysitting ;-) I think she posted there a while back about climbing while pregnant, and I can't remember when she's due. Good luck (and congrats)!


May 25, 2007, 11:50 PM
Post #40 of 40 (10114 views)

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Re: [gunkjunkie] Climbing and pregnancy [In reply to]
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Holy F..... those kids are cute.

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