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A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other
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Jan 20, 2011, 4:17 AM
Post #26 of 37 (2942 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2279

Re: [dan2see] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:
With people, you cannot place an order, and expect delivery!

But I have the perfect wife:

She enjoys shopping, social, and work. She likes nature, but is afraid of heights.

I enjoy nature and the outdoors, and I study. I visit the mountains frequently for climbing, scrambling, and camping.

Together, we like entertainment and tourism. At home we find ways to treat each other, and we like each other's company.

So you see, it's great living together, and living separately. It keeps the involvement going, and the interest, too.

Cracklover it says Dan studys and his wife works. Its unclear if there are children, who takes care of them. Maybe he's a climbing husband and student.
Dan does have a very pretty homepage.
I do agree with you if the husband works, pays the rent, bills and food, he is contributing financially.
I think the concern for women is that they don't want to take the entire burden of working, taking care of the children f/t including nursing, paying most or all of the bills and cleaning their home.
While their SO hangs out and just climbs,hikes,takes a class,watches t.v, drinks etc.
With the economy and the jobs situation now there are sometimes only one wage earner. I don't know their personal situation.
Of course there are women out there, who are okay with being the sole-provider of everything too.


Jan 20, 2011, 6:45 AM
Post #27 of 37 (2927 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2006
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Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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Enigma, it's easy for me to tell half a story, but it's not fair.

My wife and I have been married for 40 years already. When our kids were kids, we shared hiking and camping and I taught them climbing. Now they're both drivers: he drives heavy equipment and she drives trains.

There were many times when one of us was out of work, and each supported the other in times of need. It's real hard for me to get a job, because I'm too smart or too experienced, so I gave up my previous carreer and went to back college. My new career is Graphic Design. We both think I will make good money at this, "real soon now". Meanwhile she works and I am looking for projects.

Every week-end I climb, scramble, or camp. She doesn't do elevation, but she often joins me for hikes and picnics. Every week-day she works, while I try to start my new business.

What makes us a "Ideal" couple is: we like each other, we work at mutual involvement and respect, and we share the experience of successes and failures.

Life is an on-going challenge that will never go away. But it's fun, and we are both looking forward to more successes.


Jan 20, 2011, 7:28 AM
Post #28 of 37 (2921 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
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Re: [dan2see] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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dan2see wrote:
Enigma, it's easy for me to tell half a story, but it's not fair.

My wife and I have been married for 40 years already. When our kids were kids, we shared hiking and camping and I taught them climbing. Now they're both drivers: he drives heavy equipment and she drives trains.

There were many times when one of us was out of work, and each supported the other in times of need. It's real hard for me to get a job, because I'm too smart or too experienced, so I gave up my previous carreer and went to back college. My new career is Graphic Design. We both think I will make good money at this, "real soon now". Meanwhile she works and I am looking for projects.

Every week-end I climb, scramble, or camp. She doesn't do elevation, but she often joins me for hikes and picnics. Every week-day she works, while I try to start my new business.

What makes us a "Ideal" couple is: we like each other, we work at mutual involvement and respect, and we share the experience of successes and failures.

Life is an on-going challenge that will never go away. But it's fun, and we are both looking forward to more successes.

The fact you have been married 40 years is a statement of support in itself.
I think your homepage is great. I have an art background too.
Its also tough to change careers, companys like you to do pretty much the same.
Sometimes I've been offered jobs 2 hours away, and then to work from 5:30 AM- 8 PM . So I can work on East Coast and West Coast Time.
Its like day and night from where I came from to where I live now.
Remember it will make you stronger. Best of Luck. Too bad you are so far away.
Enjoy life and your wife.Smile


Jan 20, 2011, 4:51 PM
Post #29 of 37 (2902 views)

Registered: Oct 29, 2004
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Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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enigma wrote:
I think the concern for women is that they don't want to take the entire burden of working, taking care of the children f/t including nursing, paying most or all of the bills and cleaning their home.
While their SO hangs out and just climbs,hikes,takes a class,watches t.v, drinks etc.

Anyone would be concerned with this kind of situation. I personally don't know anyone who fits into this kind of senario. I work full time, my husband works mostly full time (he takes off time on days where I worked nights so I can rest while he mostly watches the baby), we have a wonderful grandma who watches the baby when we both work, I don't clean the house, and I do nurse when I am home. It just happens I make most of the money so I pay most of the bills. But we are in equal partnership. Why do you assume childrearing would fall on the woman automatically? Sure nursing is a lot of work, but let me assure you that there are many many other time consuming work involved with raising a baby that your partner can do to make things even.

And being a professional, I work with at least 3 women who have full time stay at home dads, and I can tell you for sure these women don't take on all.

If you want a 'provider' that is your choice. I respect your desire to be a stay home wife. I certainly would not generalize and say all ladies' ideal climbing significant other would fit your description.

It's hard enough finding your soul mate without putting requirements, in my opinion. I shudder to think what may have happened if I had started climbing before I met my husband. I may have been foolish enough to look over him. Instead I have a soul mate who doesn't climb. And there isn't one day that goes by that I don't feel so lucky to be with such an awesome man.

Partner cracklover

Jan 20, 2011, 5:48 PM
Post #30 of 37 (2892 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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enigma wrote:
Cracklover it says Dan studys and his wife works....

I'm not sure why this is directed at me. Were you looking for some kind of comment from me on Dan's situation? Or looking for info about my situation?



Jan 20, 2011, 9:50 PM
Post #31 of 37 (2867 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2279

Re: [boymeetsrock] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
Agreed! Housework & raising kids IS work. It's just as hard, if not harder, than your average day job & a whole lot more meaningful. It's just that no one values it so you don't get paid. A husband who works is part of a partnership rather than a fiscal sponsorship.

My wife doesn't climb so I can't help you in this particular quest. I would agree with dan2see wholeheartedly though!

wonderwoman, I agree with what you say above, but I take issue with the bolded part. To say no one values the stay at home parent's work is patently false, unless you have a truly heartless partner. As for getting paid... who is supposed to pay you a check? Riddle me this, do you not have a bank account with money in it? A roof over your head? Food on the table? Go shopping and take vacations some times?

IMO, if you are a stay at home parent, and you answered any of the above questions 'yes', then you are indeed being paid for your work. It may not feel the same, but it is in all reality. Divorced stay at home parents are the most pure example of this, but that is almost another story all together.

And, I'm not trying to be rude or misogynistic here. It just bugs me when I hear the bolded sentence. I'd say a husband who works (or a wife who works) is not only a partner but a fiscal sponsor as well. Unless, of course, they are withholding food, home, spending money, etc.

Cracklover- Your post was very well thought out. Thanks, Dan answered his post as well.

This is the only one that seems have some questions. Have a great day! (My mouse needs a replacement.)


Jan 20, 2011, 9:56 PM
Post #32 of 37 (2865 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2279

Re: [clee03m] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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clee03m wrote:
enigma wrote:
I think the concern for women is that they don't want to take the entire burden of working, taking care of the children f/t including nursing, paying most or all of the bills and cleaning their home.
While their SO hangs out and just climbs,hikes,takes a class,watches t.v, drinks etc.

Anyone would be concerned with this kind of situation. I personally don't know anyone who fits into this kind of senario. I work full time, my husband works mostly full time (he takes off time on days where I worked nights so I can rest while he mostly watches the baby), we have a wonderful grandma who watches the baby when we both work, I don't clean the house, and I do nurse when I am home. It just happens I make most of the money so I pay most of the bills. But we are in equal partnership. Why do you assume childrearing would fall on the woman automatically? Sure nursing is a lot of work, but let me assure you that there are many many other time consuming work involved with raising a baby that your partner can do to make things even.

And being a professional, I work with at least 3 women who have full time stay at home dads, and I can tell you for sure these women don't take on all.

If you want a 'provider' that is your choice. I respect your desire to be a stay home wife. I certainly would not generalize and say all ladies' ideal climbing significant other would fit your description.

It's hard enough finding your soul mate without putting requirements, in my opinion. I shudder to think what may have happened if I had started climbing before I met my husband. I may have been foolish enough to look over him. Instead I have a soul mate who doesn't climb. And there isn't one day that goes by that I don't feel so lucky to be with such an awesome man.

I'm glad for you. I guess I was concerned about the other type described. Its wonderful you didn't stop climbing with all you have going on. As well as a supportive partner that still wants you to climb.


Jan 21, 2011, 3:49 PM
Post #33 of 37 (2822 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2005
Posts: 1709

Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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enigma wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
Agreed! Housework & raising kids IS work. It's just as hard, if not harder, than your average day job & a whole lot more meaningful. It's just that no one values it so you don't get paid. A husband who works is part of a partnership rather than a fiscal sponsorship.

My wife doesn't climb so I can't help you in this particular quest. I would agree with dan2see wholeheartedly though!

wonderwoman, I agree with what you say above, but I take issue with the bolded part. To say no one values the stay at home parent's work is patently false, unless you have a truly heartless partner. As for getting paid... who is supposed to pay you a check? Riddle me this, do you not have a bank account with money in it? A roof over your head? Food on the table? Go shopping and take vacations some times?

IMO, if you are a stay at home parent, and you answered any of the above questions 'yes', then you are indeed being paid for your work. It may not feel the same, but it is in all reality. Divorced stay at home parents are the most pure example of this, but that is almost another story all together.

And, I'm not trying to be rude or misogynistic here. It just bugs me when I hear the bolded sentence. I'd say a husband who works (or a wife who works) is not only a partner but a fiscal sponsor as well. Unless, of course, they are withholding food, home, spending money, etc.

Cracklover- Your post was very well thought out. Thanks, Dan answered his post as well.

This is the only one that seems have some questions. Have a great day! (My mouse needs a replacement.)

Are you trying to respond to me or cracklover? Not sure what you are trying to say here.


Jan 22, 2011, 12:32 AM
Post #34 of 37 (2793 views)

Registered: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2279

Re: [boymeetsrock] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
wonderwoman wrote:
Agreed! Housework & raising kids IS work. It's just as hard, if not harder, than your average day job & a whole lot more meaningful. It's just that no one values it so you don't get paid. A husband who works is part of a partnership rather than a fiscal sponsorship.

My wife doesn't climb so I can't help you in this particular quest. I would agree with dan2see wholeheartedly though!

wonderwoman, I agree with what you say above, but I take issue with the bolded part. To say no one values the stay at home parent's work is patently false, unless you have a truly heartless partner. As for getting paid... who is supposed to pay you a check? Riddle me this, do you not have a bank account with money in it? A roof over your head? Food on the table? Go shopping and take vacations some times?

IMO, if you are a stay at home parent, and you answered any of the above questions 'yes', then you are indeed being paid for your work. It may not feel the same, but it is in all reality. Divorced stay at home parents are the most pure example of this, but that is almost another story all together.

And, I'm not trying to be rude or misogynistic here. It just bugs me when I hear the bolded sentence. I'd say a husband who works (or a wife who works) is not only a partner but a fiscal sponsor as well. Unless, of course, they are withholding food, home, spending money, etc.

I was trying to get clarification for you.


Jan 22, 2011, 8:23 AM
Post #35 of 37 (2768 views)

Registered: Jan 22, 2004
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Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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Enigma, honest question for you....
Do you understand how the Reply and Quote functions work in this Forum?
If yes, please be more careful when replying to and quoting others user's posts. Your continual cheesetitting of quotes and/or replying to someone other than the person you are "talking" to is making it very hard to follow and add to the discussion.
I am sure many users would be interested in interacting with you beyond constantly having to post "who are you talking to?" or "why are you talking to me?"....or nothing at all, due to complete confusion Tongue

(This post was edited by sbaclimber on Jan 22, 2011, 8:24 AM)


Jan 22, 2011, 9:30 PM
Post #36 of 37 (2745 views)

Registered: Feb 11, 2005
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Re: [enigma] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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Um.... Ok. Thanks.


Jan 24, 2011, 12:36 AM
Post #37 of 37 (2686 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2002
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Re: [wonderwoman] A Ladies Ideal Climbing Significant Other [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
My partner has crazy a idea that someday I'll strike it rich so that he can become a kept man. He's delusional, obviously.

I don't wanna be a kept man...I just don't want to work, so I can climb more. What's so delusional about that? Don't worry, I'll do ALL the housework! Oh wait, I already do that Cool


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