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Partner artm

Jul 23, 2008, 10:18 PM
Post #5126 of 26795 (4562 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
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     Re: [artm] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Partner artm

Jul 23, 2008, 10:18 PM
Post #5127 of 26795 (4561 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
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     Re: [artm] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Jul 23, 2008, 10:22 PM
Post #5128 of 26795 (4560 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

     Re: [artm] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Let's be serious, there are others on the list before me.
Just check out the "post count increaser" thread.
Or maybe they was good little boys and stayed over there?
ANyways, and more importantly (I can take a shot in the face), salmoneering.
I tried it properly today- it was awesome.
I went for the less swiming more climbing option of trying to traverse the whole way whilst it was possible, but fell in a few times resulting in some funky semi-rapid swimming and a *haggisdonny shitz his pants in fear!* jump over a waterfall.
The end result?
A new sport is born! Spread the word, but let's keep this old new style semi-secret: we don't want posers making it all mainstream, and if the word "shizzle" is ever used in reference to it I will shitz pants in rage.


Jul 23, 2008, 10:28 PM
Post #5129 of 26795 (4557 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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     The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!


Jul 23, 2008, 10:31 PM
Post #5130 of 26795 (4555 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
Posts: 6142

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Holy shit Sty!

Hope you get that sorted out ASAP.

That's some scary shit!

Partner artm

Jul 23, 2008, 10:34 PM
Post #5131 of 26795 (4553 views)

Registered: Jun 22, 2001
Posts: 17990

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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whoa sty, hope they figure out what's going on quickly!


Jul 23, 2008, 10:41 PM
Post #5132 of 26795 (4550 views)

Registered: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 19994

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:
so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!

Damn man, that sucks.

Do some research, and get multiple second opinions.
I had a friend who was having some sort of siezures. Multiple neuro exams, doc appointments, money, time... no explanation. Lost his license for months. Not to mention the emotional stress.

His G.P. finally decided to do some routine bloodwork. Turned out he was just mildly diabetic and simply had to monitor his nutritional intake. Siezures went away, he's been fine ever since.


Jul 23, 2008, 10:44 PM
Post #5133 of 26795 (4546 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

     Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!

Damn man, that sucks.

Do some research, and get multiple second opinions.
I had a friend who was having some sort of siezures. Multiple neuro exams, doc appointments, money, time... no explanation. Lost his license for months. Not to mention the emotional stress.

His G.P. finally decided to do some routine bloodwork. Turned out he was just mildly diabetic and simply had to monitor his nutritional intake. Siezures went away, he's been fine ever since.
good tip there on the mildly diabetic thing... wonder if the ER still has my blood sample, could maybe do another test on it..


Jul 23, 2008, 10:51 PM
Post #5134 of 26795 (4542 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Get to the bottom of that, fast. Make sure they recheck the blood tests.
It would suck to be out of driving and epic climbing for any length of time due to some overlooking on a doctors part.


Jul 24, 2008, 1:41 AM
Post #5135 of 26795 (4525 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
Posts: 7250

     Re: [sungam] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Get to the bottom of that, fast. Make sure they recheck the blood tests.
It would suck to be out of driving and epic climbing for any length of time due to some overlooking on a doctors part.
i have scheduled an appointment with a neurologist for next Wednesday.


Jul 24, 2008, 2:01 AM
Post #5136 of 26795 (4521 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

     Re: [Arrogant_Bastard] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
Arrogant_Bastard wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
It was obviously a trap.

I've renounced the PTFTW. Now it's all about the anti-PTFTW.

Viva la revolution!
That is so last year.

Being ahead of the times was so two years ago. Being behind the times will soon be the new rage. So I'm ahead of the times being behind the times. It's the new. So stick that in your paradoxical pipe and smoke it.
My head hurts. Your intellect is dizzying.


Jul 24, 2008, 2:05 AM
Post #5137 of 26795 (4521 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
Cool 20 pages behind and i walk in with the PT! Take that you whore turds!
Whore turds? I'm not sure whether to be offended or aroused.


Jul 24, 2008, 2:06 AM
Post #5138 of 26795 (4521 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
the_climber wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
the_climber wrote:
artm wrote:
sungam wrote:
the_climber wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
the_climber wrote:
On another note my resume was requested by a company today.
Was it this place?


I did have cash offers from a couple girls to make a video in college (M/F/F). Somehow turing them down made it way easy with all the other res girls once they found out.
Unimpressed The story end there for you jokers.
Haha, but did you have video evidence of it, to keep and savior your entire life?
The ultimate chat-up line:
"Hey, baby, wanna come round to my house for some popcorn, soda, and to watch my hard-core porn debut vid?"
broowwwrr, brooowwr, yaaarrrr, brooowwrrrr yaarrrr broooowwwrrrr

Stfu Haggisdonny!

How should I put it...

Turnign that opertunity down made me very.... shall we say, marketable with the women patrons of the college bar. Which I happened to work at. Which was owned by the Student Association, of which I also sat on a couple of the councels for. Ie I was kind of a big deal around there.

Big fish in a small pond?

Pond wasn't small.
Neither were your women.
Corn fed huskers up there on the plains of Canadia.
A whole lot of woman.


Jul 24, 2008, 2:11 AM
Post #5139 of 26795 (4521 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
artm wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
WMD is now in the land of "eh."
WMD is climbing well (so far) and is enjoying the land of "eh" immensely.

Fuckin' eh!!!

That guy is going to burn through his whole gas budget and only hit three places. All before the month is up.
it's gonna be one short road trip.

Shorter than mine?
That would suck if it was
Actually, even if WMD fell on a boyscout's path today I think he trip has already been longer than Docs (unless you count Doc's time in the hospital).
Maybe we should start a pool?
Maybe we could just use L'habitant's?
Didn't you pee in her pool?
I'd pee in her pool.
Are you coming onto me doc? Wink

Nope. Just stating my unquenchable desire to matriculate in your pool.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:14 AM
Post #5140 of 26795 (4483 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Oh and I want to know why SHIT always happens when bruce is away?!?!
He is trying to cutz yur rope?!?!?!
Shocked I never should have taken out that huge insurance policy

Hopefully your kids will at least come out ahead when he finally cutz the rope.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:15 AM
Post #5141 of 26795 (4482 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
Oh shit. is this donny still here?
Stop talking to the donnys!


Jul 24, 2008, 11:17 AM
Post #5142 of 26795 (4481 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Was away for a few days. got back. House got struck by lightening yesterday 8:30 am. Made the paper. All the electronics are fried, including the phone line and internet. 3 computers, satelite dish etc etc. Blew a hole in the bathroom ceiling through the fan. Hunks of drywall missing. Shot a hole of drywall clear across the room.

On a good note, I had 4 Hot firemen in my bedroom!

Luckily no fire was started in the roof.

Got your facebook msg beccs. will reply here from work while I'm here. Going home soon to deal with electricians.

I used to like lightening storms Unsure

Just a driveby. Will have to catch up someday when I get my laptop back

I've seen tower sites that have been hit before, and the towers are built knowing that they're going to get hit eventually. I can hardly imagine all that destruction concentrated in a fucking HOUSE!

...still... wow.
yep, thinking about buying a ligtening rod. Apparently this area has had a 20% increase in lightening storms this year. global warming sucks
It has nothing to do with global warming.

This year did set a new record for rain, at least in Toronto.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:20 AM
Post #5143 of 26795 (4478 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [obsessed] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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obsessed wrote:
the_climber wrote:
sungam wrote:
the_climber wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
obsessed wrote:
Was away for a few days. got back. House got struck by lightening yesterday 8:30 am. Made the paper. All the electronics are fried, including the phone line and internet. 3 computers, satelite dish etc etc. Blew a hole in the bathroom ceiling through the fan. Hunks of drywall missing. Shot a hole of drywall clear across the room.

On a good note, I had 4 Hot firemen in my bedroom!

Luckily no fire was started in the roof.

Got your facebook msg beccs. will reply here from work while I'm here. Going home soon to deal with electricians.

I used to like lightening storms Unsure

Just a driveby. Will have to catch up someday when I get my laptop back
Oh, and its all worthless without pics.Laugh

The DVDA? Or the destruction in the house?
I think chossy was talking about the hot firemen.

So we're back to the Homo thing?
Ya see choss. Everyone knows your'e a homo
They only wish.

DVDA isn't really a homo thing. QA would be though.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:24 AM
Post #5144 of 26795 (4477 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [artm] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
epoch wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:

eye half sean bettah!
Yeah, I know.

It was WMD's photo, I'll blame that as the kiss of death
It is key to start out with an interesting subject, unfortunately you started out with a pic of Wander.
I thought that was the climbing succubus that made him go to the Valley instead of taking the good advise.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:31 AM
Post #5145 of 26795 (4474 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:
so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!

I here there is a certain "medication" that can ease seizures. Hopefully they didn't permabanz you from driving. They are ghey like that. Bec had her license suspended after her accident and she didn't even have a fair assessment. It was a pain in the ass to get it back. Hopefully your doctor didn't actually report you.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:34 AM
Post #5146 of 26795 (4471 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [dr_feelgood] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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dr_feelgood wrote:
obsessed wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
granite_grrl wrote:
artm wrote:
dr_feelgood wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
chossmonkey wrote:
artm wrote:
wanderlustmd wrote:
WMD is now in the land of "eh."
WMD is climbing well (so far) and is enjoying the land of "eh" immensely.

Fuckin' eh!!!

That guy is going to burn through his whole gas budget and only hit three places. All before the month is up.
it's gonna be one short road trip.

Shorter than mine?
That would suck if it was
Actually, even if WMD fell on a boyscout's path today I think he trip has already been longer than Docs (unless you count Doc's time in the hospital).
Maybe we should start a pool?
Maybe we could just use L'habitant's?
Didn't you pee in her pool?
I'd pee in her pool.
Are you coming onto me doc? Wink

Nope. Just stating my unquenchable desire to matriculate in your pool.
You think the pool pissers did this?


Jul 24, 2008, 11:38 AM
Post #5147 of 26795 (4468 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

     Re: [stymingersfink] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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stymingersfink wrote:
so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!

Have you gotten any notice that you're no allowed to drive? I'm not sure if verbal commands are enough. Not that its a good idea to drive right now regardless.

I hope you didn't get the paperwork to tell you you can't drive. I went though all that crap, it still took months after seeing the neurologist to have all the paperwork go through and get my license back. It sucked.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:49 AM
Post #5148 of 26795 (4465 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [granite_grrl] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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granite_grrl wrote:
stymingersfink wrote:
so this morning was something a little different... unsettling and downright alarming.

I was in bed, sleeping as normal as could be, when sometime around sunrise, I ended up having two of some kind of seizure, within minutes of each other.

One of my roommates who witnessed the event called 911, a few minutes later some medical guys showed up and assessed my situation, then recommended I check into the hospital and get examined ASAP. The roomie drove me to the ER to get checked out, which after a CT scan and blood/urine samples, was inconclusive as to the cause, other than it's not caused by some sort of brain tumor.

The Dr. there referred me to a neurologist to get some further testing done, informing me that until I'm cleared by the Neurologist not only should I not drive, but that were I to do so I would be violating the law. This means no work for the next week, as driving is an integral part of getting stuff done.

Upon reflection, I can only be happy that the seizures hit me while I was sleeping, rather than some time driving down the road, or perhaps soloing on some of the local routes as I have a tendency to do

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there during the seizures I bit the fuck outta my tounge... it hurts like a BITCH!

Have you gotten any notice that you're no allowed to drive? I'm not sure if verbal commands are enough. Not that its a good idea to drive right now regardless.

I hope you didn't get the paperwork to tell you you can't drive. I went though all that crap, it still took months after seeing the neurologist to have all the paperwork go through and get my license back. It sucked.

It takes time for the paperwork to go through.

If the doctor says you shouldn't be driving you really shouldn't. If the paperwork hasn't and won't be filed you can consider yourself lucky.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:50 AM
Post #5149 of 26795 (4463 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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It looks like we won't be going Mt.biking tonight.

Fucking rain.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:50 AM
Post #5150 of 26795 (4461 views)

Registered: Feb 1, 2003
Posts: 28414

     Re: [chossmonkey] The Lounge™ [In reply to]
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