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Free Ticket To Punch Rufus
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Dec 17, 2005, 12:38 AM
Post #51 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Your sig photo disturbingly reminds me of Reno. 8^) :lol: :lol:

My sig? He's actually mine and Reno's love child.

Anyone got a cigarette?


Thank gOD! He finally got some. So now that you've been cyber humped by M_S - she's had a lot of practice with her pillow - does that mean that you're going to lighten up and have some fun, or are you going to continue to finger f--- the Google button and always insist on DEBATING THE ISSUES?

And once again, Rufus shows his total lack of class.

And once again, Reno shows his total lack of a sense of humor.

1. You insinuate that a long time, upstanding, quality member of this climbing community... whom you've never met... practices with her pillow (at what, you don't identify,).

2. You assume that I'm "finger fucking" the "Google Button."

3. You show your inability to have a serious conversation, yet you continually berate others for "flaming you."

What part of that is supposed to be funny?


Dec 17, 2005, 12:52 AM
Post #52 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Dude TV producers spend millions on this kind of shit!!!!

This is a fucking goldmine!

The first annual Rost of Rufusandcompany,

flame back brother!


Dec 17, 2005, 12:55 AM
Post #53 of 100 (2804 views)

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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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1. You insinuate that a long time, upstanding, quality member of this climbing community... whom you've never met... practices with her pillow (at what, you don't identify,).

she already said she does you nimrod.

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2. You assume that I'm "finger f---ing" the "Google Button."

what else would you be fingerfucking?

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3. You show your inability to have a serious conversation, yet you continually berate others for "flaming you."

if you think this thread is serious, you're dumber than you appear usually

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What part of that is supposed to be funny?

the part where you JUST DON'T GET IT and blather on with no frame of reference

... you are like a child, who wonders into the middle of a movie ....


Dec 17, 2005, 1:12 AM
Post #54 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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1. You insinuate that a long time, upstanding, quality member of this climbing community... whom you've never met... practices with her pillow (at what, you don't identify,).

she already said she does you nimrod.

And here comes boondock, making personal insults, trying to defend his idol.

It must be difficult for you to be so much better than everyone else. How do you do it?

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2. You assume that I'm "finger f---ing" the "Google Button."

what else would you be f---ing?

Your girlfriend?

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3. You show your inability to have a serious conversation, yet you continually berate others for "flaming you."

if you think this thread is serious, you're dumber than you appear usually

"dumber than you appear usually"? Ah, the classic humor.

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... you are like a child, who wonders into the middle of a movie ....

This coming from a guy who makes his foirst post to a thread on page 4?


Dec 17, 2005, 1:16 AM
Post #55 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Your sig photo disturbingly reminds me of Reno. 8^) :lol: :lol:

My sig? He's actually mine and Reno's love child.

Anyone got a cigarette?


Thank gOD! He finally got some. So now that you've been cyber humped by M_S - she's had a lot of practice with her pillow - does that mean that you're going to lighten up and have some fun, or are you going to continue to finger f--- the Google button and always insist on DEBATING THE ISSUES?

And once again, Rufus shows his total lack of class.

And once again, Reno shows his total lack of a sense of humor.

1. You insinuate that a long time, upstanding, quality member of this climbing community... whom you've never met... practices with her pillow (at what, you don't identify,).

2. You assume that I'm "finger f---ing" the "Google Button."

3. You show your inability to have a serious conversation, yet you continually berate others for "flaming you."

What part of that is supposed to be funny?


Why is it that you are defending a person who actually gets my humor and is not offended by it? She has proven to have a great sense of humor. You, on the other hand, are turning out to be a real killjoy. Stop patronizing her. She doesn't need your protection. She actually handles herself much better than you.

Actually, I have shown an astute ability to maintain serious conversations, not that I always choose that path. You just happen to decimate most of them with your dogmatic Reno's-word-is-the-final-word attitude about certain topics. There is no fucking way that you have the information from all of those topics stored in your brain, which is why your arguments oftentimes sound like media bytes. So I maintain that you are indeed finger fucking the Google button, and I would also venture to say that you would not have so much information - albeit abridged - at your immediate recall during a live debate.

So lighten up. I have tried on most occasions to be friendly to you, but you don't make it easy. So fucking what if we see things from a extremely different point of view. I haven't robbed you, tortured your family, or killed your favorite pet, so what is the problem here? If you truly don't like me, then summon up the maturity and balls to do what Pharmboy did and just say so. If I know that, I will graciously part company with you. It is your choice.




Dec 17, 2005, 1:29 AM
Post #56 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Why is it that you are defending a person who actually gets my humor and is not offended by it? She has proven to have a great sense of humor. You, on the other hand, are turning out to be a real killjoy. Stop patronizing her. She doesn't need your protection. She actually handles herself much better than you.


What is it with you? Are you really incapable of reading?

I'm not defending anyone else. What I am doing is telling you that your personal insults, cheap shots, and pathetic attempts to be buddy-buddy with people who you don't know are really fucking annoying to lots of folks.

I mean, honestly: Have you ever bothered to read what people say to you? You make insulting jabs, post insulting pictures, exhibit racism, elitism (pseudo- or otherwise is left for the reader... caveat lector is the phrase, I think,) and otherwise drag the conversations down every single time anyone disagrees with you. You've done it from Day ONE, and it's sad to see a self-proclaimed adult act in such a manner.

Here's some facts for you to mull over a while: I know Mother-Sheep. We've shared a friendship for a while. I'm well aware... much better than you... that she doesn't need me to defend her, patronize her, or stick up for her. She knows this. Everyone that matters knows this. You, however, do not. Or, if you do, you ignore it.

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Actually, I have shown an astute ability to maintain serious conversations, not that I always choose that path. You just happen to decimate some of them with your dogmatic Reno's-word-is-the-final-word attitude about certain topics. There is no f---ing way that you have the information from all of those topics stored in your brain, which is why your arguments oftentimes sound like media bytes. So I maintain that you are indeed finger f---ing the Google button, and I would also venture to say that you would not have so much information - albeit abridged - at your immediate recall during a live debate.

1. Show me where you've "shown an astute ability to maintain serious conversations." It sure as hell hasn't been here. Every single thread you've participated in has resulted in you making insults. EVERY ONE of them.

2. I've not seen any of your posts where you cite any references, data, sources, or facts. What you call "finger fucking the Google Button," others call "looking up data, doing research, or checking facts." To each his own. But for the record, yeah, I actually DO have a lot of facts in my head. Talent for memorizing things is a gift from my family genes.

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So lighten up. I have tried on most occasions to be friendly to you, but you don't make it easy.

Would that be when you insulted me? Or my friends? Or my profession? Or my opinions? Or....

Stop making insults to others here, and I'll not be forced to expose you for the putz that you are.

And work on your sense of humor, because what you pass off as "humor" is quite insulting. To more folks than you probably think.

Edited for a typo.


Dec 17, 2005, 1:38 AM
Post #57 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Stop making insults to others here, and I'll not be forced to expose you for the putz that you are.

And work on your sense of humor, because what you pass off as "humor" is quite insulting. To more folks than you probably think.

Edited for a typo.

I read to these last two sentences and need go no further. All you have exposed is that you are a clueless, boring, intellectual wannabe, with a sound and light proof bag over your head. Taking this any further would be a complete waste of my time. Prove your position and simply ignore me.


Dec 17, 2005, 1:43 AM
Post #58 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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love the sig, reno ...


Dec 17, 2005, 1:47 AM
Post #59 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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I don't know who is pissed and who is not, but I have to say, you have a great style.

Thanks, Nate. There is nothing but good natured fun on this end of the line.


Dec 17, 2005, 1:57 AM
Post #60 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Is there a Doctor in the house?



Dec 17, 2005, 1:59 AM
Post #61 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2005
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I don't know who is pissed and who is not, but I have to say, you have a great style.

Thanks, Nate. There is nothing but good natured fun on this end of the line.

It all makes sense to me, anyways....


Dec 17, 2005, 2:23 AM
Post #62 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Aw!! Who´s family album was that?


Dec 17, 2005, 2:25 AM
Post #63 of 100 (2804 views)

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Aw!! Who´s family album was that?



Dec 17, 2005, 2:28 AM
Post #64 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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That´s a low blow...



Dec 17, 2005, 2:30 AM
Post #65 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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That´s a low blow...


He also Emailed me the most sentimental holiday poem.

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'Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the shack
Not a creature was stirrin', cept the lice on muh back.
The skoal cans wuz nailed to the screen door with care,
With hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were sleepin', all snug in their beds,
While visions of tractor pulls danced in their heads.
And Ma in her nightgown all stained with pound cake.
Had just settled down to watch Ricki Lake.

When out in the driveway, a loud noise I heard,
I opened the winder to check muh T-bird.
I ran to the door, like I's on a mission,
But I tripped on some parts from muh granny's transmission.

The moon shone outside, the hound dog wuz barkin'.
Muh daughter weren't home yet, she wuz still out parkin'.

When what to muh whiskey blind eyes should I see
But a Chevy S-10, pulled by eight flyin' sheep.
With a fat nasty driver, so disgustin' and sick
I said "Shoot Fire!" That must be St. Nick!

More rapid than X-lax his wooly sheep came
And he belched and he hollered, and he called 'em by name.


From the top of the shack to them there garbage bins
Now Dash Away! Dash Away! Dash Away youins!

I heard a loud sound on the roof of muh shack.
Pud down muh beer and went fer muh gun rack.
He fell through the roof, plum killed my dog,
I swear that ole' Santa looked just like Boss Hog.

He wore a T-shirt, rebel flag on the front,
And his jeans were all bloody from that morning's hunt.
A big nekkid lady tattooed on his arm,
And he wore black boots that he'd picked up in 'Nam.

His eyes, how they glazed from too much Wild Turkey.
From the side of his mouth hung a stick of beef jerky.
A scar on his cheek from a fight with the cops.
The veins on his face looked ready to pop.

The butt of a Marlboro clung to his lip
He wore a hip pack full of B-B-Q chips.
He had a fat face and a hairy beer belly.
I ain't seen one that big since muh ex-wife Shelly.

He was gap-toothed and dumb with an I.Q. of three
And I laughed cause that redneck was smarter than me.
A wink of his eye, a fierce shake of his head,
From his hair came a rat that ran under the bed.

He reached in his sack, sipped his gin and tonic,
Then filled the kid's stockings with Hooked on Phonics.
His toys came from Big Lots and they weren't very nice
But he had lots of them and yuh can't beat the price.

He gave us a tape of them hound dogs that sing Jingle Bells.
Some Crisco, some Spam, some Oatmeal Cream pies,
And a Nascar T-shirt in Double X size.

When the presents were gone and he had no more,
He staggered and stumbled right through muh screen door.

He hopped in his truck, to his sheep gave an order
"Hurry up youins! To the Tennessee border!"
And I heard him cry out, with a strong southern drawl,


Dec 17, 2005, 2:32 AM
Post #66 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 2004
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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I haven't read many of Rufus's other posts, but from those I have read, as well as this one It seems that he frequently comes across as an annoying self righteous intolerant prick...

just my two cents...


Dec 17, 2005, 2:40 AM
Post #67 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 18, 2002
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I have something to saaaayyyy:

1. I used to constantly hump my pillow. Seriously, it started when I was about 6. I don't do it that much anymore but I had a boyfriend tell me once that I had really strong thighs and I hurt him with them when we were "playing". My secret. . .pillow humping. Yes, it's true.

2. Holy crap. Reno is one of the few who have made me laugh until my stomach hurt. Remember the ice fest when you told me about your girlfriend's pendulous breasts? I think everyone was watching us while you fondeled the air as if you were making sweet love to your girlfriends boobies. And I remember you keeping your humor in check when we bailed off that manky piton. Still managed to keep it light. And then there was that time we were climbing in Eldo and you split your pants and I saw your heart boxers and how you let me give you crap about it for the remaining pitches of the climb. Dude, I adore you!

3. And Rufie, I like your style sometimes too. You're like me in the fact that you're passionate and vocal about your feelings and people hate you for it. Not that you need my approval or anything but I felt compelled to chime in. I wonder what you'd be like as a climbing partner. I bet you're fun as hell to climb with. Just a hunch.

It's too bad we're all so misunderstood online. I think for the most part, if most of us met, we'd have lots to talk about, disagree about, agree about, laugh about, etc. . . but I think that one thing that we should remember is what drew us to this site, our love for climbing. If we have nothing else in common, at least we have that. Right? Right? Can you feel me?


Dec 17, 2005, 2:53 AM
Post #68 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2004
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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I have to say that this is greatly amusing. The fact that you managed to blindly lead numerous posters here under the pretense that you are holding court has got to be included among the most obscene things you have accomplished on the site lately. I can't say I've been around here long enough to spout off about the line of puerile condescensionistas asinine idea of assuming the crown to a hermartiatic realm of their own design. So, I'll simply give you your due as the carnival geek of community who fought his way to the stage of his own little sideshow. In comparison to any serious minded information that is exchanged between thousands of other members on this site, you really are a sideshow. IMO if you have half the driven intellect supposed in your defenses, you would be up to an entirely different kind of mischief. Good luck with that thing.


Dec 17, 2005, 3:03 AM
Post #69 of 100 (2804 views)

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Dec 17, 2005, 3:06 AM
Post #70 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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I have to say that this is greatly amusing. The fact that you managed to blindly lead numerous posters here under the pretense that you are holding court has got to be included among the most obscene things you have accomplished on the site lately. I can't say I've been around here long enough to spout off about the line of puerile condescensionistas asinine idea of assuming the crown to a hermartiatic realm of their own design. So, I'll simply give you your due as the carnival geek of community who fought his way to the stage of his own little sideshow. In comparison to any serious minded information that is exchanged between thousands of other members on this site, you really are a sideshow. IMO if you have half the driven intellect supposed in your defenses, you would be up to an entirely different kind of mischief. Good luck with that thing.

A bit verbose, but I'll take it to mean that you don't appreciate my style of humor. At the risk of sounding cliche', let me remind you that variety is the spice of life and that you are entitled to pursue the flavor of your choice. That I am not it is perfectly okay with me.

That you missed the entire point of this thread is also of no consequence, although it demonstrates that you aren't nearly as perceptive and you might consider yourself to be. :wink:

Happy Holidays


Dec 17, 2005, 3:20 AM
Post #71 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2004
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Ya, I'll try to keep it centered on buzzwords or at least something under three syllables for the duration.

At least you did'nt tell me you were just a squirrel looking for a nut, buster.


Dec 17, 2005, 3:44 AM
Post #72 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Sep 21, 2005
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Re: Free Ticket To Punch Rufus [In reply to]
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Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I have something to saaaayyyy:

1. I used to constantly hump my pillow. Seriously, it started when I was about 6. I don't do it that much anymore but I had a boyfriend tell me once that I had really strong thighs and I hurt him with them when we were "playing". My secret. . .pillow humping. Yes, it's true.

2. Holy crap. Reno is one of the few who have made me laugh until my stomach hurt. Remember the ice fest when you told me about your girlfriend's pendulous breasts? I think everyone was watching us while you fondeled the air as if you were making sweet love to your girlfriends boobies. And I remember you keeping your humor in check when we bailed off that manky piton. Still managed to keep it light. And then there was that time we were climbing in Eldo and you split your pants and I saw your heart boxers and how you let me give you crap about it for the remaining pitches of the climb. Dude, I adore you!

3. And Rufie, I like your style sometimes too. You're like me in the fact that you're passionate and vocal about your feelings and people hate you for it. Not that you need my approval or anything but I felt compelled to chime in. I wonder what you'd be like as a climbing partner. I bet you're fun as hell to climb with. Just a hunch.

It's too bad we're all so misunderstood online. I think for the most part, if most of us met, we'd have lots to talk about, disagree about, agree about, laugh about, etc. . . but I think that one thing that we should remember is what drew us to this site, our love for climbing. If we have nothing else in common, at least we have that. Right? Right? Can you feel me?

I have always thought the same about that last paragraph, I think I would definitely get along with just about everyone of the fellow post whores here. Really though, I don't think Rufus is that misunderstood really, at least not by me. He just isn't that funny. I do think we'd be a lot better together in person. For one, were he to seriously act the way he does when he's just a name next to his meaningless words I'd display some of my southern upbringing and kick his ass for his holier/smarter/better than you attitude, which I do not tolerate. I take it in stride on the internet because I really don't think he would come off the same in person...but I always have the satisfaction of knowing that wer we to meet, and he were the same, my hairy, cavemanlike ass would beat his like a red headed step-child. Which by the way I think he probably never got enough of as a kid.

As far as Reno goes, I really just started paying attention to these flame wars between the two. I have yet to see Rufus EVER say anything that made Reno/anyone look like a dumbass. I mean did you see a few pages back where Rufus' response to my posts was to post pictures of rednecks he found surfing the net? You gotta be kidding me. How in the hell can someone expect to be taken seriously and keep up such an attitude when that's the best they got. I don't care what accomplishment you may have, you've failed at attaining any class, or manners for that matter. I never agreed with you before, but when you pointlessly try to bait and offend me, I got tired of hjearing anything else you have to say.


Dec 17, 2005, 4:05 AM
Post #73 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Ya, I'll try to keep it centered on buzzwords or at least something under three syllables for the duration.

The monosyllabic among us will probably appreciate that. As my mother used to say: "Don't use hundred dollar words when ten dollars ones will make the same point. It is a drain on people's patience, and it just makes you look like a pseudo intellectual."


Dec 17, 2005, 4:25 AM
Post #74 of 100 (2804 views)

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As far as Reno goes, I really just started paying attention to these flame wars between the two. I have yet to see Rufus EVER say anything that made Reno/anyone look like a dumbass. I mean did you see a few pages back where Rufus' response to my posts was to post pictures of rednecks he found surfing the net? You gotta be kidding me. How in the hell can someone expect to be taken seriously and keep up such an attitude when that's the best they got. I don't care what accomplishment you may have, you've failed at attaining any class, or manners for that matter. I never agreed with you before, but when you pointlessly try to bait and offend me, I got tired of hjearing anything else you have to say.

You've said all of this already. You, like unabonger, are starting to sound like a broken record. You have an unusual way of letting me know that you don't care what I think, over and over and over..........................

Stop balling about the fact that I don't think you're as charismatic and witty as you perceive yourself to be. Your constant whining is in direct conflict with your premise that you could "ever hope to" kick my ass. My little five year old niece has more game than you.

I would actually feel a bit sorry for you if your incoherent diatribes weren't seasoned with so much arrogance.


Dec 17, 2005, 7:12 AM
Post #75 of 100 (2804 views)

Registered: Mar 17, 2004
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Deleting Rufus flames.

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