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Jul 4, 2011, 10:46 PM
Post #51 of 266 (8520 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2011
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Re: [realityclimber] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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realityclimber wrote:
Ceebo... your points are vaild and noted. However, as a coach and prior gym owner, I am personally more interested in sticking to a discussion more on topic with the original question.... "Will this affect the climbing community?"

Well said. Ceebo's maniacal rantings are going further and further away from the discussion at hand.

Kids that I coached and mentored told me everything. Problems with parents, step-parents, teachers, boyfriends, you name it. I was in a position to be the first adult to know if these kids got into trouble. I was also in the position be the first adult to offer advice for these situations.

So to ask, will this effect the climbing community? I'd say no, we're mostly adults. What it will effect is the community and interactions of children and adults at climbing walls.

Teachers, pastors, and especially parents aren't told shit. They claim to be judgement free and that kids can tell them anything. This absolutely isn't true. One of the few scenario's that I can imagine where kids actually do talk to adults will necessarily have to be much more formal and far less personal now.


Jul 4, 2011, 11:58 PM
Post #52 of 266 (8504 views)

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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notaplicable.. why do you keep quoting?.

To perserve them, in case someone here should manage to shame you in to trying to deleting your absurd rantings.

This is a human made society. People are born like a blank canvas, what ever they amount to and the morals they hold are a result of many different influences over their life. Parenting, peers, tv, etc etc etc.

The children around this man and girl will be effected by it. I sincerely hope they understand what went on here is wrong. I hope they do not grow up to think that this kind of thing was acceptable, for when they become adults..... ''oh, well when i was a teen.. 3 of my friends fucked their teachers''. The fact that the police is involved does not bare much weight to a child. Most of the stuff kids get up to is illegal anyway.. they can barely differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, only ''what is fun'' and what gives them acceptance among their peers.

Nothing i have written here is absurd. We are coming to the point of a huge backlash in what has been at least 3 generations of piss poor parenting. The boundarys of what is acceptable in society keep getting pushed further and further back.. rebellious children go to a even greater measure to be rebellious. For example.. beating a old disabled man to a fucking pulp.. then posting it on youtube.

We allow children to go off in large gangs unmonitored, they are left to their own devises and are able to make their own ''society'' within a society. All of these things influence future generations, slowly but surely we are in a state of decline.

It was only 2 days ago while at work that i had to send a child and mother out of the building. He was 9 years old and was calling his mother every single swear word under the sun. I had to bite my lip.. but in my mind i was thinking FFS LADY DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILD. She did not even attempt to say nothing.. she was scared of her own damn kid.

If you think all of these kinds of behaviours and so forth are not effecting are society as a whole then you have been hiding away on the side of some rock for too long. Every action has a reaction as they say. But in a complex human setting where actions can be witnessed by multiple people.. every single action can have a multitude of reactions. Depends how each individual interpretate and deals with it...

The human animal is still just that, an animal. And we are most certainly not more violent or sexualised now than in our past.


Jul 5, 2011, 1:44 AM
Post #53 of 266 (8476 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2009
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Re: [notapplicable] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notaplicable.. why do you keep quoting?.

To perserve them, in case someone here should manage to shame you in to trying to deleting your absurd rantings.

This is a human made society. People are born like a blank canvas, what ever they amount to and the morals they hold are a result of many different influences over their life. Parenting, peers, tv, etc etc etc.

The children around this man and girl will be effected by it. I sincerely hope they understand what went on here is wrong. I hope they do not grow up to think that this kind of thing was acceptable, for when they become adults..... ''oh, well when i was a teen.. 3 of my friends fucked their teachers''. The fact that the police is involved does not bare much weight to a child. Most of the stuff kids get up to is illegal anyway.. they can barely differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, only ''what is fun'' and what gives them acceptance among their peers.

Nothing i have written here is absurd. We are coming to the point of a huge backlash in what has been at least 3 generations of piss poor parenting. The boundarys of what is acceptable in society keep getting pushed further and further back.. rebellious children go to a even greater measure to be rebellious. For example.. beating a old disabled man to a fucking pulp.. then posting it on youtube.

We allow children to go off in large gangs unmonitored, they are left to their own devises and are able to make their own ''society'' within a society. All of these things influence future generations, slowly but surely we are in a state of decline.

It was only 2 days ago while at work that i had to send a child and mother out of the building. He was 9 years old and was calling his mother every single swear word under the sun. I had to bite my lip.. but in my mind i was thinking FFS LADY DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILD. She did not even attempt to say nothing.. she was scared of her own damn kid.

If you think all of these kinds of behaviours and so forth are not effecting are society as a whole then you have been hiding away on the side of some rock for too long. Every action has a reaction as they say. But in a complex human setting where actions can be witnessed by multiple people.. every single action can have a multitude of reactions. Depends how each individual interpretate and deals with it...

The human animal is still just that, an animal. And we are most certainly not more violent or sexualised now than in our past.

And with that very knowledge we attempted to set rules and social behavioural expectations to improve. But at some point.. we fucked up and decided to become liberal to that effort.

The internet itself is a perfect example. I remember outrage from many organisations that every day people were given the power to put up what the hell they wanted on the internet.. in the name of ''freedom'' and expression.

Was that given freedom worth the trade off?.. in that any nut case can go right now to a web site and learn how to make a BOMB from house hold materials?..


Jul 5, 2011, 1:58 AM
Post #54 of 266 (8470 views)

Registered: May 9, 2011
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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Damn dude, you are depressing. Try therapy dude, or drugs, or drugs and therapy. Maybe try some of those class A's you have a problem with.


Jul 5, 2011, 7:48 AM
Post #55 of 266 (8428 views)

Registered: Apr 11, 2008
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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notaplicable.. why do you keep quoting?.

To perserve them, in case someone here should manage to shame you in to trying to deleting your absurd rantings.

This is a human made society. People are born like a blank canvas,


An ever growing mountain of research in the various branches of psychology do not support the notion that people are ever blank slates.


Jul 5, 2011, 12:48 PM
Post #56 of 266 (8393 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
Was that given freedom worth the trade off?.. in that any nut case can go right now to a web site and learn how to make a BOMB from house hold materials?..



Jul 5, 2011, 1:09 PM
Post #57 of 266 (8383 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2009
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Re: [Khoi] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Khoi wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notaplicable.. why do you keep quoting?.

To perserve them, in case someone here should manage to shame you in to trying to deleting your absurd rantings.

This is a human made society. People are born like a blank canvas,


An ever growing mountain of research in the various branches of psychology do not support the notion that people are ever blank slates.

So from that, we can only draw the conclusion that this man was born to do this?.. and it was a unavoidable fate?. I do not for a single second believe that.

I may agree that some people appear to be born pure evil.. but it is hard to use that as fact, since a majority of them came from extremely messed up child hoods. Serial killers are a prime example.

''Many serial killers have faced similar problems in their childhood development. Hickey's Trauma Control Model explains how early childhood trauma can set the child up for deviant behavior in adulthood. The child's environment (either their parents or society) is the dominant factor in whether or not the child's behavior escalates into homicidal activity.''

Their are also allot of strange cases were people completely change over a small period of time. For example, allot of straight men and women have went to jail but came out prison gay. Maybe they were gay all along?.. or maybe they just ''adapted'' to the new social setting.

If they were gay all along then that clearly shows people have the ability to abide by what they perceive as socially acceptable (so they did not come out on the outside in fear of ridicule).

If they were not gay.. then that proves that people are able to make quite drastic changes in relatively short amounts of time.


Jul 5, 2011, 1:47 PM
Post #58 of 266 (8359 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
Khoi wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
notaplicable.. why do you keep quoting?.

To perserve them, in case someone here should manage to shame you in to trying to deleting your absurd rantings.

This is a human made society. People are born like a blank canvas,


An ever growing mountain of research in the various branches of psychology do not support the notion that people are ever blank slates.

So from that, we can only draw the conclusion that this man was born to do this?.. and it was a unavoidable fate?. I do not for a single second believe that.

I may agree that some people appear to be born pure evil.. but it is hard to use that as fact, since a majority of them came from extremely messed up child hoods. Serial killers are a prime example.

''Many serial killers have faced similar problems in their childhood development. Hickey's Trauma Control Model explains how early childhood trauma can set the child up for deviant behavior in adulthood. The child's environment (either their parents or society) is the dominant factor in whether or not the child's behavior escalates into homicidal activity.''

Their are also allot of strange cases were people completely change over a small period of time. For example, allot of straight men and women have went to jail but came out prison gay. Maybe they were gay all along?.. or maybe they just ''adapted'' to the new social setting.

If they were gay all along then that clearly shows people have the ability to abide by what they perceive as socially acceptable (so they did not come out on the outside in fear of ridicule).

If they were not gay.. then that proves that people are able to make quite drastic changes in relatively short amounts of time.

Have you ever considered posting in The Soapbox? It's gotten pretty slow without Pinktricam here lately and I'm thinking you might be a suitable replacement.


Jul 5, 2011, 2:00 PM
Post #59 of 266 (8350 views)

Registered: Nov 9, 2009
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Re: [notapplicable] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Does the direction humanity is taking not at all interest or concern you?. Do you have children?.


Jul 5, 2011, 2:15 PM
Post #60 of 266 (8336 views)

Registered: Jun 1, 2005
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Jul 5, 2011, 2:17 PM
Post #61 of 266 (8336 views)

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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
Does the direction humanity is taking not at all interest or concern you?.

I find certain aspects of it very interesting but not at all concerning. As a matter of fact, I am very pleased with the longterm changes in "cultural attitudes" towards to sex and sexuality here in America. We still have a long way to go, but we will get there eventually.

In reply to:
Do you have children?.

Now why would I go and do a silly thing like that?


Jul 5, 2011, 2:28 PM
Post #62 of 266 (8327 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2008
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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
And with that very knowledge we attempted to set rules and social behavioural expectations to improve. But at some point.. we fucked up and decided to become liberal to that effort.

The internet itself is a perfect example. I remember outrage from many organisations that every day people were given the power to put up what the hell they wanted on the internet.. in the name of ''freedom'' and expression.

Was that given freedom worth the trade off?.. in that any nut case can go right now to a web site and learn how to make a BOMB from house hold materials?..

Dude (1870's term similar to duchebag), your notions of history are FUBAR (WW2 term). Everyone else here recognizes that this isn't a Romeo and Juliet story (R is about 15, J is only 13), but your attempts to link this to some sort of moral decline, especially by the girl are just plain wrong.

BITD, we didn't need no stinking interwebs for bomb making. We had books (Anarchy Cookbook 1971).

And NA is right, you belong in the Soapbox.


Jul 5, 2011, 2:30 PM
Post #63 of 266 (8323 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
ceebo wrote:
Does the direction humanity is taking not at all interest or concern you?.

I find certain aspects of it very interesting but not at all concerning. As a matter of fact, I am very pleased with the longterm changes in "cultural attitudes" towards to sex and sexuality here in America. We still have a long way to go, but we will get there eventually.

In reply to:
Do you have children?.

Now why would I go and do a silly thing like that?

Yes indeed, you people have a long way to go. Since you all appear to believe this man came to earth on a space ship from the planet ''fuck children''.


Jul 5, 2011, 2:39 PM
Post #64 of 266 (8316 views)

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Re: [realityclimber] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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realityclimber wrote:
It is not whether we are concerned about the direction of humanity but that we are not interested in discussing it in its entirety.

Personally, I was interested in hearing from coaches, friends, gym owners, etc. about the topic at hand. That topic is not how our entire world and humanity itself are falling apart but how one small part of an even smaller world (our world as coaches & gym owners & climbers) has been affected or will forever be changed due to Mike's actions.

There will be more ass covering. Legal not physical.


Jul 5, 2011, 2:44 PM
Post #65 of 266 (8309 views)

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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Ceebo, please stop posting to this discussion. You are doing the equivalent of the guy who brings up Satan and judgement day when all I wanted to talk about was the Gulf Spill.

You are completely and totally off topic, unquestionably distracting, and I'm getting the impression that you really really liked "The Professional".

Stop it.


Jul 5, 2011, 3:04 PM
Post #66 of 266 (8294 views)

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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
Do you have children?.

Do you?

My intuition says no, or that child is less than 1 year old. Your ideas about child rearing are sophomoric at best.


Jul 5, 2011, 3:13 PM
Post #67 of 266 (8287 views)

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Re: [shockabuku] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
ceebo wrote:
Do you have children?.

Do you?

My intuition says no, or that child is less than 1 year old. Your ideas about child rearing are sophomoric at best.

While your intuition may be correct, there is not necessarily a link between having kids and having good ideas on child rearing.


Jul 5, 2011, 3:35 PM
Post #68 of 266 (8276 views)

Registered: Apr 22, 2010
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Re: [realityclimber] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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realityclimber wrote:
It is not whether we are concerned about the direction of humanity but that we are not interested in discussing it in its entirety.

Personally, I was interested in hearing from coaches, friends, gym owners, etc. about the topic at hand. That topic is not how our entire world and humanity itself are falling apart but how one small part of an even smaller world (our world as coaches & gym owners & climbers) has been affected or will forever be changed due to Mike's actions.

didn't this already happen once in Texas a few years ago? I don't remember details, and a quick google search is flooded by the more recent maryland news. but nothing really seemed to come of it.


Jul 5, 2011, 3:47 PM
Post #69 of 266 (8265 views)

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Re: [Sheldon] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Sheldon wrote:
Ceebo, please stop posting to this discussion. You are doing the equivalent of the guy who brings up Satan and judgement day when all I wanted to talk about was the Gulf Spill.

You are completely and totally off topic, unquestionably distracting, and I'm getting the impression that you really really liked "The Professional".

Stop it.

Uh, damn, um, shit, I actually, kind of, sort of, gosh, this is embarrassing, liked that movie. In fact, it's one of my favorites. In fact, I think it was one of her and his best movies as individual actors. That and I like sniper movies for some reason.

Shit, I just realized I'm a murder crazy pedophile coward. Aw crap, this changes everything. Unsure


Jul 5, 2011, 3:51 PM
Post #70 of 266 (8260 views)

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Re: [Toast_in_the_Machine] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Toast_in_the_Machine wrote:
shockabuku wrote:
ceebo wrote:
Do you have children?.

Do you?

My intuition says no, or that child is less than 1 year old. Your ideas about child rearing are sophomoric at best.

While your intuition may be correct, there is not necessarily a link between having kids and having good ideas on child rearing.

True, but those who have experience with child rearing, good or bad, don't generally have the naive ideas that ceebo has been spouting.


Jul 5, 2011, 3:52 PM
Post #71 of 266 (8256 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2011
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Shit, I just realized I'm a coward.Unsure

I read your blog


Jul 5, 2011, 5:30 PM
Post #72 of 266 (8213 views)

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Re: [Sheldon] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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Sheldon wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Shit, I just realized I'm a coward.Unsure

I read your blog


Partner happiegrrrl

Jul 5, 2011, 5:54 PM
Post #73 of 266 (8198 views)

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Re: [ceebo] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
Their are also allot of strange cases were people completely change over a small period of time. For example, allot of straight men and women have went to jail but came out prison gay. Maybe they were gay all along?.. or maybe they just ''adapted'' to the new social setting.

If they were gay all along then that clearly shows people have the ability to abide by what they perceive as socially acceptable (so they did not come out on the outside in fear of ridicule).

If they were not gay.. then that proves that people are able to make quite drastic changes in relatively short amounts of time.

Citation for this? Or did you just make it up? Or - did you hear it on Fox News or something....If you can't provide at least SOME sort of resource on this one,...well, it's not going to do much for your credibility.

Edit: Perhaps I am misreading the sentence? I interperated it as "came out OF prison..." but maybe the poster is using slangy wording, what do I know - maybe "prison gay" is a term used....

(This post was edited by happiegrrrl on Jul 5, 2011, 6:46 PM)


Jul 5, 2011, 6:52 PM
Post #74 of 266 (8178 views)

Registered: Jan 21, 2003
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Re: [kletter1mann] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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kletter1mann wrote:
A couple points here. Screening is actually a pretty weak tool. Basically you're just learning if somebody has a criminal record, arrest record etc. There are plenty of evil people out there doing evil stuff that haven't been caught (yet) and so have a no record. The best protection against that stuff is for the organization to make absolutely 100% sure that they're doing something along the lines of the Scouts Youth Protection practices - always 2 adults present with 1 kid, 2 kids with 1 adult, etc etc. As long somebody can engineer a situation where 2 people can be left alone this stuff can happen.

You're spot-on regarding screening only informing you of those who have been caught. That said, potential repeat-offenders aren't going to seek out opportunities in a gym that requires criminal and child abuse checks. At least in Pennsylvania when I had my Act 33 & 34 clearances done, the cost was minimal. Do you see a downside for the gym in requiring a background check?

I wasn't familiar with the Scouts Youth Protection practices, and I don't know enough about climbing coaching to know the usual practices. Keeping a minimum 2 adult/1 kid or 2 kid/one adult ratio not only affords some protection to the kids, but some protection for the adult, as well. I don't know that it would be a concern during open gym hours, but for off-hours training and overnights it seems like a good policy.


Jul 5, 2011, 7:08 PM
Post #75 of 266 (8401 views)

Registered: Nov 30, 2005
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Re: [markc] Will this effect the climbing community? Earth Treks climbing instructor arrested in sexual assault of 14-year-old student [In reply to]
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In the CYA department, adult men would be wise to require parental supervision of underage boys and girls.

Without such supervision, one leaves oneself open to a false accusation from a troubled child. Even though the accusation may be false, once made it can ruin your career, relationship, and life as you know it.

(This post was edited by funnelator on Jul 5, 2011, 7:10 PM)

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