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Dear Asshole - a short rant
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Jul 23, 2011, 8:58 PM
Post #76 of 298 (5512 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
I am also sure you can understand wher one would take offense to that kind of judgement.

No apology needed, but very decent of you.

Perhaps my intent wasn't cristal clear. I'm not a fan of preconceived notions; I'm arrogant and narcissistic enough to believe I can make up my own mind off the facts. That goes both ways however, in that I don't blindly trust strange animals or people with my physical well being and that of my loved ones. Discreet, respectful caution is what I'd call it. Just like you wouldn't trust the guy in an 18 wheeler to be constantly checking his mirrors and see your car, you shouldn't trust a large dog you know nothing about more than a few seconds of looking at it.

Btw, I love american pitbulls. They're probably one of the smartest dog breeds I've had the pleasure of knowing. And I hate their bad rep too, but the problems is very rarely the dog, it's the owners.

(This post was edited by squierbypetzl on Jul 23, 2011, 9:05 PM)


Jul 23, 2011, 9:52 PM
Post #77 of 298 (5495 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Fuck pittbulls. Those things are bred to be violent. It's in the core of their nature to attack anything that they think they can beat. Mix that with the fact that they are cocky by nature, and you understand why smart countries like the UK have made them illegal.


Jul 23, 2011, 9:52 PM
Post #78 of 298 (5494 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Much agreed, I would guess toward the end of this thread. We come to a consensus that ANY DOG at the crags should have owners who have enough edicut to maintain their animal in a way that is respectful and conducive to the environment. Also if an animal at the crag assaults you it should be handled there and then, not here as an after thought. If the intent here was to warn others of a group of jerks with wild animals biting people and not giving two shits, we would have a different level of seriousness and concern.


Jul 23, 2011, 10:00 PM
Post #79 of 298 (5490 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
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Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Fuck pittbulls. Those things are bred to be violent. It's in the core of their nature to attack anything that they think they can beat. Mix that with the fact that they are cocky by nature, and you understand why smart countries like the UK have made them illegal.

MOST dogs started in a breeding line of being protective and for hunting. PITT BULLS where bred originally for hunting. Yes here in America and probably other places they did get bred for fighting by some. Hell man, some ankle bitters can be worse. YET again like I just stated above we should be focusing on the THREDS TOPIC rather then getting into the politics of BREEDS. Ignorance and prejudice should be criminal .


Jul 23, 2011, 10:35 PM
Post #80 of 298 (5478 views)

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Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Fuck pittbulls. Those things are bred to be violent. It's in the core of their nature to attack anything that they think they can beat. Mix that with the fact that they are cocky by nature, and you understand why smart countries like the UK have made them illegal.

Common misconception. The breed was originally intended to be a manageable, confident, strong dog that was loyal to its owner to the bitter end. No one with a properly functioning brain breeds dogs that will attack anything of its own volition.

Plenty of breeds were specifically bred for security purposes, that doeth not a bad dog make. The pitbull has the very worst reputation of any dog because of the terrible owners its had.

Contrary to popular belief, not every owner can handle any breed of dog they take a fancy to. It's like expecting to learn to ride a motorcycle on an 800cc sportbike: without the required experience and skill for such a delicate machine, only disaster can ensue. Same with dogs. Some breeds can "handle" a greater degree of owner inexperience, others fall apart at the seams, and still others become almost feral.

Like I said, pitbulls are strong, agile, loyal dogs, which make them very attractive to idiots who want a big mean dog. The same goes for Dobermanns (I've heard AKC members call them the "cadillac of dog ownership"). Big powerful dogs attract stupid irresponsible owners, who give the breed a bad name, which attracts more irresponsible owners.

Partner macherry

Jul 23, 2011, 10:50 PM
Post #81 of 298 (5472 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
No I've never ended up on there. Most spelling errors are the clients fault. They write out what they want written, then sign of on the stencil if one is needed. Regardless of all of it. What does any of this have to do with climbing? Anyway None of it really matters.

it has nothing to do with climbing, but you brought up your white collar job. so nice of you to proof your client's errors.

that's some advertising.


Jul 23, 2011, 11:34 PM
Post #82 of 298 (5464 views)

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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Delayed smiley:


Jul 23, 2011, 11:41 PM
Post #83 of 298 (5462 views)

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Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Delayed smiley:

Dam yuu!!!


Jul 24, 2011, 12:56 AM
Post #84 of 298 (5447 views)

Registered: Nov 11, 2007
Posts: 401

Re: [gblauer] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
...Ouch, did it break the skin? Did the dog have it's shots? In our town if your dog/cat bites someone and you can't prove that it had shots they kill it or quarantine it for 6 months!

kachoong wrote:
Wow... six months? That's like jail for four dog years. Unlike humans (well, this is debatable too) I doubt this teaches the dog anything.

Sure teaches the owner something!

The dog/cat has to be boarded or has to be quarantined in a cage in the owner's house. The owner is subject to un-announced inspections to ensure compliance.

warning: boring humorless information to follow...

It's not whether it teaches the dog or owner anything. Once reported to officials, the quarantine period and where the dog can be quarantined is state dependent (as is requirement for specific records of rabies vaccination for a given period previous to the bite). But regardless, the quarantine period always exceeds the potential shedding period (and in some cases expected incubation period). That way, they know if the animal has rabies even though post-exposure vaccination for the human typically follows regardless (unless animal is submitted for testing immediately and found to be negative). There are some states that don't even have a quarantine for dogs without proof of rabies vaccination that bite people. In those cases or if the person cannot afford quarantine, it's straight to testing, which unfortunately, according to current testing protocols, requires a brain (i.e. no more doggy). They take this disease very seriously because there's a basically 100% mortality rate (there actually has been ONE reported survival throughout history and that person had severe neurologic deficits despite technically "surviving").


Jul 24, 2011, 1:03 AM
Post #85 of 298 (5440 views)

Registered: Nov 11, 2007
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Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Fuck pittbulls. Those things are bred to be violent. It's in the core of their nature to attack anything that they think they can beat. Mix that with the fact that they are cocky by nature, and you understand why smart countries like the UK have made them illegal.

i like you scottsman, but that is simply untrue. properly raised pits are no more dangerous than any other dog. it's the mistreated ones and those raised for the wrong intentions that create a reputation that unfortunately precedes the dog.

some of the sweetest most passive dogs i've met have been pits (and i've met a LOT of dogs). as for my own breed prejudice, i'd take a pit over a papillon or pomeranian any day.


Jul 24, 2011, 2:42 AM
Post #86 of 298 (5421 views)

Registered: May 28, 2011
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
Learner wrote:
you'd better believe that a man like Joe does what he does for a reason.

Everybody does what they do for a reason.
Pure bullshit.

Everybody does what they do for many reasons--not one reason.

(This post was edited by Learner on Jul 24, 2011, 2:43 AM)


Jul 24, 2011, 6:28 AM
Post #87 of 298 (5399 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
Posts: 815

Re: [macherry] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
No I've never ended up on there. Most spelling errors are the clients fault. They write out what they want written, then sign of on the stencil if one is needed. Regardless of all of it. What does any of this have to do with climbing? Anyway None of it really matters.

it has nothing to do with climbing, but you brought up your white collar job. so nice of you to proof your client's errors.

that's some advertising.

One,I am not advertising. Two you should learn how to let things go. Three, why am I responding to an instigator who proves to not have much of a life.


Jul 24, 2011, 6:33 AM
Post #88 of 298 (5399 views)

Registered: Jul 14, 2004
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Re: [chilli] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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I agree pits seem like loyal and sweet animals. That being said, I think they are extremely dangerous animals. I have owned dogs my entire life, my two now spend about 20 hours a day with me on average as they go to work, crags and even shopping with me. About a decade ago one of the dogs I had that I shared with my girlfriend at the time was a pit. The dog was very happy golucky dog, then one night for no reason something crazy happened. It snapped and started trying to tear the throat out of my other dog. This was a dog that he had grown up with. I made the mistake of trying to break up the fight and the dog turned on me. Hit an artery, severed a nerve. Not so fun. We had to keep the dogs completely separated after that and the pit also started becoming more aggressive towards people as well. Not sure why it all happened and I'm not blaming it on the the dog being a pit necessarily, but after that I started reading about a bunch of other similar cases involving pits.


Jul 24, 2011, 6:51 AM
Post #89 of 298 (5397 views)

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Re: [leapinlizard] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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That is most unfortunate. There could have been a possible case of INBREEDING. Truly I'm not saying that is the case. The breeder I got my dog from is a twenty year friend and has breeding dogs for about 30 years. His opinion on the "crazy pitbull" is generally inbreeding or bad training. And like many "animals" not just dogs when they get a taste for blood they like it . Take a lizard for instance, many are vegetarians, yet you can get them to eat meat (crickets, meal worms,mice,) Once they do they get a taste and liking to them. They also go from docile to aggressive. People do it as well, a human vegetarian is generally more passive then a meat eater. NOW none of this a rule,and there are exceptions,I know some human vegans who love to fight and are quite good at laying down an ass whoopin'


Jul 24, 2011, 7:42 AM
Post #90 of 298 (5386 views)

Registered: May 28, 2011
Posts: 187

Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
No I've never ended up on there. Most spelling errors are the clients fault. They write out what they want written, then sign of on the stencil if one is needed. Regardless of all of it. What does any of this have to do with climbing? Anyway None of it really matters.

it has nothing to do with climbing, but you brought up your white collar job. so nice of you to proof your client's errors.

that's some advertising.

One,I am not advertising. Two you should learn how to let things go. Three, why am I responding to an instigator who proves to not have much of a life.
macherry = owned

And macherry, if you're reading this, NO, I WILL NOT SEND YOU PICS. (Quit PMing me. Thanks.)


Jul 24, 2011, 2:06 PM
Post #91 of 298 (5353 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [Learner] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Uh... Guys? Can I give you some friendly advice?
Don't start on Ma. Usually I wouldn't say anything but the chance of survival... It's just too low.

Not to mention the fact that Ma fed me delicious tasties when I stayed at her house - So I too would have to destroy you.

Basically what I am saying is your only chance would be to team up with Kartissa, and, well, she a beeotch!


Jul 24, 2011, 4:35 PM
Post #92 of 298 (5334 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
That is most unfortunate. There could have been a possible case of INBREEDING. Truly I'm not saying that is the case. The breeder I got my dog from is a twenty year friend and has breeding dogs for about 30 years. His opinion on the "crazy pitbull" is generally inbreeding or bad training. And like many "animals" not just dogs when they get a taste for blood they like it . Take a lizard for instance, many are vegetarians, yet you can get them to eat meat (crickets, meal worms,mice,) Once they do they get a taste and liking to them. They also go from docile to aggressive. People do it as well, a human vegetarian is generally more passive then a meat eater. NOW none of this a rule,and there are exceptions,I know some human vegans who love to fight and are quite good at laying down an ass whoopin'

This is such a bullshit argument that always gets made. I love dogs, and I've met some very well behaved and trained pits, and doberman's, etc, that I've really enjoyed, that have played well with my dog, etc.

But here's the thing. I've met tons of badly trained golden retrievers. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they jump up on people trying to lick their face, they chase deer and don't come back when called, they steal food, won't give back the other dogs ball.

I've met plenty of badly trained border collies and aussie shepherds. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they run around barking at other people or dogs, nipping at heels, they chase deer and don't come back when called.

I've met plenty of badly trained springer/english spaniels or weimeriener/vieslas. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they bark at people, steal other dog's toys, run after birds and squirrels without coming back when called, etc.

You know what all these breeds don't typically do when not well trained? Kill people or other dogs.

You know what pit bulls have a long history of doing when not properly trained? Kill people and other dogs.

Like I said, I really have nothing against pit bulls per se. But it's the exception and not the rule for a dog to be violent/deadly when not well trained. And therefore using an argument that goes "its not the dog but the owner", while true, isn't necessarily a useful one, because there are scores of other dog breeds that aren't as overtly and repeatedly dangerous when not well trained. Which means that, more than likely, we as a society need to rethink how we handle breeds with that kind of history.

Partner macherry

Jul 24, 2011, 4:55 PM
Post #93 of 298 (5325 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [Learner] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Learner wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
No I've never ended up on there. Most spelling errors are the clients fault. They write out what they want written, then sign of on the stencil if one is needed. Regardless of all of it. What does any of this have to do with climbing? Anyway None of it really matters.

it has nothing to do with climbing, but you brought up your white collar job. so nice of you to proof your client's errors.

that's some advertising.

One,I am not advertising. Two you should learn how to let things go. Three, why am I responding to an instigator who proves to not have much of a life.
macherry = owned

And macherry, if you're reading this, NO, I WILL NOT SEND YOU PICS. (Quit PMing me. Thanks.)

don't even go there.


Jul 24, 2011, 4:56 PM
Post #94 of 298 (5324 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
Posts: 815

Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Sun, I am trying not to start with anyone. That said I hope we can all move on now. What about the Akita they are said to be a great dog ,yet they are a guard dog and bite other dogs and people ,so does the Shepard. My dog was in the truck leashed when two black labs came from a 1/4 mile down the road to start shit with her. The owner of those was dogs however was amazing,she cam running tackled her dog and verbally contained the other as I approached. As I approached the second dog started to bark and show teeth toward me ,I STOPED, closed my hand and calmly said hi ,. MY point is ,just like PEOPLE can get a bad stereotype so can a breed of dogs, I will agree a stereotype generally ,loosely has some merit ,but we can live by them. IF two boulders came to the crag blasting hip hop ,would you be checking your car every ten minutes thinking they are thieves or gangsters


Jul 24, 2011, 4:58 PM
Post #95 of 298 (5321 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
And like many "animals" not just dogs when they get a taste for blood they like it . Take a lizard for instance, many are vegetarians, yet you can get them to eat meat (crickets, meal worms,mice,) Once they do they get a taste and liking to them. They also go from docile to aggressive. People do it as well, a human vegetarian is generally more passive then a meat eater.
It's rare to see unmitigated bull shit of such high quality on rc.noob. Oh, and dogs aren't vegetarians.

JoeHamilton wrote:
NOW none of this a rule,and there are exceptions,I know some human vegans who love to fight and are quite good at laying down an ass whoopin'
As if that makes a statement of shockingly idiotic sweeping generality bordering on lunacy somehow rational.


Jul 24, 2011, 8:11 PM
Post #96 of 298 (5294 views)

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Re: [marc801] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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marc801 wrote:
dogs aren't vegetarians.

They aren't hypercarnivorous either.

Everybody please calm down now.


Jul 24, 2011, 9:36 PM
Post #97 of 298 (5277 views)

Registered: May 9, 2011
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Re: [altelis] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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In reply to:
This is such a bullshit argument that always gets made. I love dogs, and I've met some very well behaved and trained pits, and doberman's, etc, that I've really enjoyed, that have played well with my dog, etc.

But here's the thing. I've met tons of badly trained golden retrievers. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they jump up on people trying to lick their face, they chase deer and don't come back when called, they steal food, won't give back the other dogs ball.

I've met plenty of badly trained border collies and aussie shepherds. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they run around barking at other people or dogs, nipping at heels, they chase deer and don't come back when called.

I've met plenty of badly trained springer/english spaniels or weimeriener/vieslas. You know what they do? They pull on the leash, they bark at people, steal other dog's toys, run after birds and squirrels without coming back when called, etc.

You know what all these breeds don't typically do when not well trained? Kill people or other dogs.

You know what pit bulls have a long history of doing when not properly trained? Kill people and other dogs.

Like I said, I really have nothing against pit bulls per se. But it's the exception and not the rule for a dog to be violent/deadly when not well trained. And therefore using an argument that goes "its not the dog but the owner", while true, isn't necessarily a useful one, because there are scores of other dog breeds that aren't as overtly and repeatedly dangerous when not well trained. Which means that, more than likely, we as a society need to rethink how we handle breeds with that kind of history.

well put. i owned a rot. that i had to get it's face the second it got out of line, if you give rots and pits an inch, they take a mile, then they think they own you.

to the person that said pits are smart, i don't think so. they are a lot things, but problem-solving on past for future consequences to assessi a situation isn't one of them. a rot will stare you down while deciding what to do, pitbulls just change and ask questions later.


Jul 24, 2011, 10:20 PM
Post #98 of 298 (5265 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
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Re: [superchuffer] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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The main thing I am trying to get across is simple we got of topic and as an intelligent species we shouldn't be so judgmental. We are getting into a debate about one breed of dog. Yet many a dog alike can be problematic at a climbing area. Very simply if a dog bites you. Try to talk with it's owner calmly and if that can't happen call the local police for help. Real simple.(btw,love this I pad I just got it corrects spelling as I go ,lol)

Partner j_ung

Jul 24, 2011, 10:46 PM
Post #99 of 298 (5252 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [ceebo] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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ceebo wrote:
j_ung wrote:
ceebo wrote:
Back when i was 20 and doing some labour work.. a cross breed ankle biter thing was plodding along. I bent down to give it a stroke and the fucker bit me. I jabbed it in the face with the but end of a sledge hammer but the game little fucker went for me again. Next visual was the little rat flying 6 foot through the air. My brother had ran over and booted the fucker in the ribs.

I felt a bit sorry for the dog, but it was so damn funny how far it flew. Maybe it learned not to bite people.. that is if it didn't die of internal bleeding.

Either I'm trolled, I'm you're a garden variety piece of shit.

Oh i'm sorry, i missed the memo on befriend the dog that tried to rip my hand off. Since you're so eager to turn the other cheek.. i'm going to use that to my advantage and proceed in calling you a delusional moronic pacifist.

There is actually a middle ground between befriending the ankle biter and killing it. But hey, I'm sure you were in mortal danger.

Partner j_ung

Jul 24, 2011, 10:59 PM
Post #100 of 298 (5243 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
Posts: 18690

Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
Fuck pittbulls. Those things are bred to be violent. It's in the core of their nature to attack anything that they think they can beat. Mix that with the fact that they are cocky by nature, and you understand why smart countries like the UK have made them illegal.

Your post is factually incorrect. Fighting dogs were bred to be aggressive toward other dogs. Since "blood sports" often required handlers to be in the pit with the animals, signs of human aggression were systematically culled from those breeds.

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