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Stupid things non climbing people say
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Jul 22, 2005, 5:34 AM
Post #101 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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Was at a crag a couple of months back and there was a small group of obnoxious, arrogant, loud, young punks in some outdoor education program gathered at the base after their almighty 100 foot abseil. I was gearing up to climb a 10b bolted line. They were whispering to each other as I tightened my shoes and dipped for chalk. I could hear my belay partner chuckling under his breath as we heard them say to each other:

"Look at the stuff that's on his harness." More whispers were exchanged and a few 'I've done that once, so I'm an expert' comments too. Then one of the more 'confident' 16 year old boys yells over:

"Do you guys need all that crap that's hanging off your harness?"

I just shook my head, turned to him and said:

"Do you need all that crap that's coming out of your mouth?"

.....ahh, the young and confident..... and ignorant :roll: :lol:


Jul 22, 2005, 9:33 AM
Post #102 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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climbing shoes= mountain sneekers
This isnt dumb, i think i will call my climbing shoes mountain sneakers from now on. i really like the word.

I know, you shouldnt laugh at those people, since climbing really is a strange thing for a non climber, but as long as its not ment in a hurting manner... :lol:

Some people on top of a cliff:
"Look, there is a climber!"
erveryone is going like wow, and look and oh and ah
"look there is another one!!
repat the ohs and ahs
"oh theres a third climber!"
oh ah! look!
(whe were climbing in a party of three)

Another favorite:
"You are climbing? so you doing really freeclimbing, without a rope?"



Jul 22, 2005, 11:44 AM
Post #103 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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I was asked this by a new climber:

"Do the color of my climbing shoes matter?"


Jul 22, 2005, 11:55 AM
Post #104 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: May 18, 2004
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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One of my all time favorites: "Are you guys training for the real thing?" (I think that's supposed to mean, 'Are you going to climb Everest next?')

I once had an old man scold me and say, "Do you realize that climbing is dangerous and you're taking very serious risks, young man!"

While I was leading, a new climber once said, "Your first placement is technically an anchor. You should have at LEAST 3 pieces, an equalized anchor and two biners in opposition at the end." When I tried to explain that I was leading he said, "You obviously don't know the rules of climbing. Don't blame me for trying to save your STUPID life!"

Dumbest thing a non-climber ever did was chuck a crushed soda can at me while I was soloing. The guy with him suddenly said, "Dude, he doesn't have a rope! Let's get out of here."



Jul 22, 2005, 12:55 PM
Post #105 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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"Hello Everyone, I am 18 years old
I watched the rodeo yesterday and I normally watch it on tv but its totally different in real life. I went there and the smell,the animals,the people, it did something to me. I want to get involved in something like that. I would love to get into bull rideing like you wouldnt beleive. How would a person start doing something like that? please help it would be greatly appreciated."




Jul 22, 2005, 3:39 PM
Post #106 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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"So, you went mountain climbing on the weekend?"

....uhh, yeah.... mountain climbing on the weekend.... :roll:

Some of us can.

How about stupid things non-climbers do. My son wen to the biffy one evening at the City of Rocks. We heard a scream. When he returned he said, wide eyed, "Some kid just fell off a rock." We then saw a vehicle tear out of that campsite. The next morning after my son returned from his morning stroll to the biffy he informed us that "little kids were dancing on the boulders, jumping up and down." (They are not little boulders in that campsite.) My son is 10.


Jul 23, 2005, 2:14 AM
Post #107 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: May 14, 2003
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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I'm sure there is, and there is probably that one special cowboy telling the other cowboys they need to be more understanding with the general public.
And that special cowboy is probably mostly getting ignored by the "real" cowboys who want to continue to make fun of the ignorant but well-meaning non-bullriders...

Yes. I know you are you are being sarcastic, but you are still correct. If you don't like these threads, you can choose not to read them, I'm not sure why you feel you need to be a moral compas here? The posts I laughed the most at were the ones I knew I had either asked or thought myself a few years back before I started climbing. It seems to be in fun, I certainly didn't get insulted when I read my own mistakes being poked fun at, and I NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ON THIS SIGHT IF I WASN'T ALREADY CLIMBING. As far as the kid asking about becoming a bullrider, I have seen many threads of people asking the same things on, and almost all the replies are positive. I don't want to tell you guys to lighten up, because this is obvoiusly important to you, and that's cool, but perhaps energies would be best spent elsewhere.


Jul 23, 2005, 2:18 AM
Post #108 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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How about stupid things non-climbers do. My son wen to the biffy one evening at the City of Rocks. We heard a scream. When he returned he said, wide eyed, "Some kid just fell off a rock." We then saw a vehicle tear out of that campsite. The next morning after my son returned from his morning stroll to the biffy he informed us that "little kids were dancing on the boulders, jumping up and down." (They are not little boulders in that campsite.) My son is 10.


Jul 23, 2005, 2:25 AM
Post #109 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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Another one I remembered.

"... I also climb" it was part of my response to a lady who asked what I did in my free time.

She then replied, "Oh, so you are an extreme hiker then."

Hmm... yup I guess so... It wasn't a stupid response, just funny.


Jul 23, 2005, 2:35 AM
Post #110 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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I'm sure there is, and there is probably that one special cowboy telling the other cowboys they need to be more understanding with the general public.
And that special cowboy is probably mostly getting ignored by the "real" cowboys who want to continue to make fun of the ignorant but well-meaning non-bullriders...

Yes. I know you are you are being sarcastic, but you are still correct. If you don't like these threads, you can choose not to read them, I'm not sure why you feel you need to be a moral compas here? The posts I laughed the most at were the ones I knew I had either asked or thought myself a few years back before I started climbing. It seems to be in fun, I certainly didn't get insulted when I read my own mistakes being poked fun at, and I NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ON THIS SIGHT IF I WASN'T ALREADY CLIMBING. As far as the kid asking about becoming a bullrider, I have seen many threads of people asking the same things on, and almost all the replies are positive. I don't want to tell you guys to lighten up, because this is obvoiusly important to you, and that's cool, but perhaps energies would be best spent elsewhere.
There are people who make fun of people.

There are people who make fun of people who make fun of people.

There are people who make fun of people who make fun of people making fun of people.

There are people who make fun of people who make fun of people making fun of people who make fun of people.

God, I have to go to the biffy now.


Jul 25, 2005, 4:40 PM
Post #111 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: May 24, 2005
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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How about stupid things non-climbers do. My son wen to the biffy one evening at the City of Rocks. We heard a scream. When he returned he said, wide eyed, "Some kid just fell off a rock." We then saw a vehicle tear out of that campsite. The next morning after my son returned from his morning stroll to the biffy he informed us that "little kids were dancing on the boulders, jumping up and down." (They are not little boulders in that campsite.) My son is 10.
Mmmhhh! :? :shock:


Jul 25, 2005, 4:45 PM
Post #112 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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When non climbers ask how I lost my front teeth.
Kathy "How did you loose them (my front teeth)?"
Me "I was lead climbing and placing my own protection"
Kathy "Oh you were smashing metal in the rock with your hammer."
Me "Ah, NOPE, cams and nuts, they come out without hurting the rock."
Kathy "What happens when you fall on them?"
Me "Nothing, they hold just fine."
Me "I fell with the rope in my mouth and it ripped my teeth out."
Kathy "Did you have a rope?"
Me "Yes, I just said that, go away now."


Jul 25, 2005, 4:50 PM
Post #113 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Jan 28, 2005
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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but how do you get the rope up there in the first place?

The really funny thing is, this is a totally reasonable question since there is no way in hell an ordinary non-climber person could hope to figure it out on their own. The idea of placing protection then climbing above it is a little unintuitive. The initia;l response I get when describing this is "then how exactly are you protected?"

At that point, they seem interested enough for a full detailed explanation which I love to give. So far, each layman that I explained it to, including my mom, walked away with totally understanding. At least understanding of the techniques. Not necessarily understanding of why I would do such a thing.


i kinda disagree.....

did you throw it up there?? c'mon....
are you wearing a harness for fun?...
Is all that gear decoration?...
those strange yet somehow wonderfully fashionable rubber slippers...are they just more comfy than sneakers?...

Seriously...If you have half a wit and you are watching this then you really should be able to figure it out. People just like to ask questions without thinking about the answer first.


Jul 25, 2005, 5:07 PM
Post #114 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Mar 30, 2005
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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"Don't fall!"


Partner drector

Jul 25, 2005, 7:15 PM
Post #115 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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but how do you get the rope up there in the first place?

The really funny thing is, this is a totally reasonable question since there is no way in hell an ordinary non-climber person could hope to figure it out on their own. The idea of placing protection then climbing above it is a little unintuitive. The initia;l response I get when describing this is "then how exactly are you protected?"

At that point, they seem interested enough for a full detailed explanation which I love to give. So far, each layman that I explained it to, including my mom, walked away with totally understanding. At least understanding of the techniques. Not necessarily understanding of why I would do such a thing.


i kinda disagree.....

did you throw it up there?? c'mon....
are you wearing a harness for fun?...
Is all that gear decoration?...
those strange yet somehow wonderfully fashionable rubber slippers...are they just more comfy than sneakers?...

Seriously...If you have half a wit and you are watching this then you really should be able to figure it out. People just like to ask questions without thinking about the answer first.

I wanted to say that asking how the rope gets up there is not so stupid if you had never watched before. Everyone who has asked me that sort of question was asking at my home during a party or something and really had never seen someone do it. I guess I'm missing out on meeting the really dumb spectators that everyone else encounteres. My opinion is therefore worthless.

My 65 year old mom understood what I told her about climbing yet my 40 year old neighbor who lives next to a ski area and actually excercises took 1/2 hour to understand. Hmmm. You can just never tell about a person.



Jul 25, 2005, 7:28 PM
Post #116 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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Used to climb in Garden of the Gods a lot in the 80's. I constantly heard:

"How'd you get the rop up there?"


"How do you get the rope back down?"

Mostly from very nice people, tourists mostly, who had just never seen climbing done before.

(For people who don't know the Garden, it's actually a city park so limitless pedstrian traffic came through. Had my picture taken a thousand times.)


Jul 25, 2005, 7:46 PM
Post #117 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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Used to climb in Garden of the Gods a lot in the 80's. I constantly heard:

"How'd you get the rop up there?"


"How do you get the rope back down?"

Mostly from very nice people, tourists mostly, who had just never seen climbing done before.

(For people who don't know the Garden, it's actually a city park so limitless pedstrian traffic came through. Had my picture taken a thousand times.)

pretty much the same thing Here in Lake Louise AB.

one of the funnier (and mildly annoying ones) trying to finally get the redpoint on one of my hard projects. fallen many times in the exact same spot, and just as I go for the all points off dyno, i hear below me

" Don't fall ok! we're coming through"

had no idea what was going on or what. gave me the incentive i needed to stick the hold which is basically a credit card on edge ontop of a really bad sloper.

I stick the move, make the next clip and look down to see.....them f ucking horseback riding tours. the kind that run nose to butt....when i got to the top, of the climb, I waited for the tour to come back through, unclipped from the anchor and jumped off producing a jaw dropping whipper of around 25 feet or so...after screaming at the top of my lungs FALLING!!!!!

I giggling all the way down. oddly the tour guide wasn't all that impressed :shurgs: go figure


Jul 25, 2005, 8:22 PM
Post #118 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2005
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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1. My brother works at a Gym in Texas. One day he had a man come in asking" Do you guys have any good dyno hops here?"he said," I just love doing dyno hops!" :)

2. He also had a guy come in and ask, "Could you guys order me some prusiks?". Before they responded in laughter they asked," Do you mean some cord for prusiks?" And the man responded,"No, some prusiks!" :lol:


Jul 25, 2005, 9:17 PM
Post #119 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Jul 17, 2005
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not really stupid but it was so cute.

while bouldering on the rock walls of the observation tower at the top of the Blue Hills, a little boy at a picnic table screams "Mom! What are those people do-ing?" Mom, "I don't know." Boy, "They are climbing the wall!"

It's cool when non-climbers are amazed that you are one foot off the ground.

Partner iclimbtoo

Jul 25, 2005, 10:44 PM
Post #120 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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While practicing some soloing skills at a nearby area, two middle-aged women happened to pass underneath, stop, and silently stare. From a quick glance, I could tell they were serious outdoor enthusists :roll: ...all the way from the fanny packs to the unscathed trekking poles held in each hand to help with the incredibly difficult terrain which had an elevation change (besides the rock) of what I think was about 10 feet. In fact, I was rather impressed that each of their wiener dogs managed to make it up the trail with them (which I might add, had matching doggy sweaters). After staring for quite a considerable amount of time, one of them decided to break the uncomfortable silence that they had let fall on themselves. I'm sure it was the more outspoken of the two of them...probably the one who considered her sense of humor to be God's gift to the world...

Woman: "So what exactly are you doing up there?"

Myself: "I'm rock climbing." *pause* "Nice dogs."

W: "Thanks, they're wiener dogs. Oh, I see..." (the second woman leaned over and whispered something...probably what to say next)

W: "So, is that a rope you're using?" (while she is staring at my rope that is threaded through numerous peices of pro...why is it that non-climbers only know about ropes?)

M: "Yep, it sure is."

W: "Are you worried it's going to break?"

M: At this point I wanted them to just leave, so I said somthing I probably shouldn't have - "Yes, all the time."

W: *gasp* "Well, then why the hell are you up there!?"

M: "Because I enjoy doing it."

W: "Are you sure?"


Jul 25, 2005, 11:12 PM
Post #121 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2005
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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"do you do ballet?" -friend often gets asked because of his shoes (5.10 spires).

"do you carry guns up so you can shoot things into the rock like in the movies?"

"so you rock climb... that means you climb up rocks and everything, right?"

"wow, he's like spiderman!"

and nothing beats the newb climber who tries to impress you by saying "look, i'm like tom cruise in mi2!"

it really is amazing what you hear at times.

and for what people do... one of the worst times is when i was working an overhang problem at the gym, and some kid with like 20 balloons for somebody's birthday party is standing directly under me staring at me. thank god his mom was close by, otherwise i would've peeled off the wall to land right on him.


Jul 25, 2005, 11:22 PM
Post #122 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Feb 12, 2005
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pretty much the same thing Here in Lake Louise AB.

one of the funnier (and mildly annoying ones) trying to finally get the redpoint on one of my hard projects. fallen many times in the exact same spot, and just as I go for the all points off dyno, i hear below me

" Don't fall ok! we're coming through"

had no idea what was going on or what. gave me the incentive i needed to stick the hold which is basically a credit card on edge ontop of a really bad sloper.

I stick the move, make the next clip and look down to see.....them f ucking horseback riding tours. the kind that run nose to butt....when i got to the top, of the climb, I waited for the tour to come back through, unclipped from the anchor and jumped off producing a jaw dropping whipper of around 25 feet or so...after screaming at the top of my lungs FALLING!!!!!

I giggling all the way down. oddly the tour guide wasn't all that impressed :shurgs: go figure

That made me laugh but hey, I'd like the name of the route and which anchors you were using so I don't use them lol.

Funny things non-climbers say:

"Where's your hammer?"
"How do those toy carabinerthingys work for climbing?"
"Are you good at ballet?"


Jul 26, 2005, 12:34 AM
Post #123 of 264 (42041 views)

Registered: Jun 2, 2004
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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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I work in a store that sells climbing equipment and most of the people who buy it are buying it to do something other than climb. Including but not limited to: paint something high on their house, do roof work, make a tether for when they are out on their sailboat, hang their keys off of "real" get the idea. The all time worst was someone came in to learn how to climb. The first thing he asked was how "crabeneirs" worked. I proceeded to show him Don Mellor's instructional book on climbing, and Freedom of the Hills.


Jul 26, 2005, 1:10 AM
Post #124 of 264 (42041 views)

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Re: Stupid things non climbing people say [In reply to]
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When non climbers ask how I lost my front teeth.
Kathy "How did you loose them (my front teeth)?"
Me "I was lead climbing and placing my own protection"
Kathy "Oh you were smashing metal in the rock with your hammer."
Me "Ah, NOPE, cams and nuts, they come out without hurting the rock."
Kathy "What happens when you fall on them?"
Me "Nothing, they hold just fine."
Me "I fell with the rope in my mouth and it ripped my teeth out."
Kathy "Did you have a rope?"
Me "Yes, I just said that, go away now."

Considering that you forgot to spit the rope out when you fell, you are hardly in a position to be suggeting that someone else is stupid.


Partner tattooed_climber

Jul 26, 2005, 2:05 AM
Post #125 of 264 (42192 views)

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I've finally heard the most personally offencive thing i've heard.....worst of all, by my MOTHER (a long time 'non-supportor' of my climbing) old man supports me and love to see my photos, my mags and my climbing vids., anyways me and my old man were watching "RETURE 2 SENDER" (an awesome film/s by the way) and there was a part in there in Timmy O'neils Parallelajams' about free-soloing, my mom walks in, picks up on the plot and says: Thats the most stupidest thing i've ever heard, those people have asolutely no respect for life....even my dad got this shit-sour look on his face when she said that.......and the way she said it enraged me to say my retort: mom you've never even climbed a ladder before so your opinion doesn't stand.......i was very hurt by that and now she realizes a bit better why it did

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