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Leave your damn kids at home
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Aug 4, 2009, 2:34 PM
Post #101 of 357 (5023 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2008
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Re: [MikeSaint] Sucker [In reply to]
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MikeSaint wrote:
Whats up with Rumney? Never been in that neck of the woods. I guess I'm due for a bad day at the crag. Never had a problem with dogs, boomboxes and children.

You narrowly escaped the kid issue Saturday. There was a temper tantrum throwing screaming baby at Central Bubba that was by and far the worse disruption I've ever come across at a crag. Kid barreled on at the top of his lungs for a solid 40 minutes. At one point a normally calm guy (chris) commented "I wish I was good at punching babies". Shocked


Aug 4, 2009, 2:38 PM
Post #102 of 357 (5020 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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wonderwoman wrote:
Here is where your problem begins:

climberguy2011 wrote:
So, a few weekends ago, I was up at rumney for some sport goodness.

Rumney is a zoo. If you want solitude, try some multi-pitch or areas that have longer approaches. Then I can write a rant complaining about you being there and ruining my day of climbing.

no shit, last august when I was at Mt webster, I saw five people...totally ruined my communion with the slabs. fuckers, they were talking and everything.

(This post was edited by robbovius on Aug 4, 2009, 2:39 PM)


Aug 4, 2009, 2:40 PM
Post #103 of 357 (5018 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2003
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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climberguy2011 wrote:
How about you during your recent climbs? Climbing is an arena of effort. Success and failure both hold lessons for those who are receptive.

Thanks for asking. My most recent climb involved taking a new climber up his first multi-pitch climb -- a four-pitch 5.8 I put up a few years ago. He was totally jazzed being 350' off the deck. During the day I also mentored two climbers who stumbled on the area last year, but didn't have any route beta.

Earlier in the year I hosted a climbing day for the Access Fund staff. It was a combination of assessing my development to date and letting them have a "private" day on a large unpublished crag. The AF staff's climbing experience spanned a wide range -- it was a blast encouraging all through their individual cruxes and seeing their successes.

And when I'm not doing FA's, I often take climbers of moderate abilities on tours of our new routes, coaching them through the tougher sections should they desire any beta.

Partner camhead

Aug 4, 2009, 2:41 PM
Post #104 of 357 (5014 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
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Re: [lena_chita] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I'm not going to say much about the original topic. I've seen annoying kids at the crag, I've seen bad parents at the crag. I've also climbed with people who bring their kids to the crag (Lena is one of them), with no calamitous effects.

However, I don't want to talk about that. I want to profile/stereotype the douche nozzle who originally posted this.

Given that his username has "2011" in it (probably a graduation date), and that he sprays freshman-level pseudo intellect (overpopulation! I'll NEVER have kids! durrrrr), that he does not have a clear idea of basic genetics or reproduction ("I haven't allowed my chromosomes to join with an X chromosome," wft?), that he sprays on about taking a WFR class (Oh NOEZ! I skinned my knee! Good God get me a WFR!), here's my profile:

You're going to be a sophomore, probably started majoring in biology, switched your major to something like outdoor rec, you probably surround yourself with lesser climbers while boldly hangdogging the bolted 11a's, similarly, you sate your ego by aspiring to some sort of "guiding" job, and You probably have around a B-/C+ GPA. And whether I am right or not, you are going to tell me that you are really smart, and that you climb way better than your profile says.

that was fun.


Aug 4, 2009, 2:43 PM
Post #105 of 357 (5011 views)

Registered: Dec 7, 2007
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Re: [dingus] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Rahhr britch rahr, Thats funny dingus. Yes I am a uneducated mudder truckjer that cant contriol my frucken mouth at times but this is all in fun. Arswhole. Blush


Aug 4, 2009, 2:48 PM
Post #106 of 357 (5003 views)

Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: [camhead] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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In reply to:
You're going to be a sophomore, probably started majoring in biology, switched your major to something like outdoor rec, you probably surround yourself with lesser climbers while boldly hangdogging the bolted 11a's, similarly, you sate your ego by aspiring to some sort of "guiding" job, and You probably have around a B-/C+ GPA. And whether I am right or not, you are going to tell me that you are really smart, and that you climb way better than your profile says.

This is the most in depth stereotyping I've ever seen. Context clues will get you far.


Aug 4, 2009, 2:57 PM
Post #107 of 357 (4993 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2006
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Re: [camhead] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
I'm not going to say much about the original topic. I've seen annoying kids at the crag, I've seen bad parents at the crag. I've also climbed with people who bring their kids to the crag (Lena is one of them), with no calamitous effects.

However, I don't want to talk about that. I want to profile/stereotype the douche nozzle who originally posted this.

Given that his username has "2011" in it (probably a graduation date), and that he sprays freshman-level pseudo intellect (overpopulation! I'll NEVER have kids! durrrrr), that he does not have a clear idea of basic genetics or reproduction ("I haven't allowed my chromosomes to join with an X chromosome," wft?), that he sprays on about taking a WFR class (Oh NOEZ! I skinned my knee! Good God get me a WFR!), here's my profile:

You're going to be a sophomore, probably started majoring in biology, switched your major to something like outdoor rec, you probably surround yourself with lesser climbers while boldly hangdogging the bolted 11a's, similarly, you sate your ego by aspiring to some sort of "guiding" job, and You probably have around a B-/C+ GPA. And whether I am right or not, you are going to tell me that you are really smart, and that you climb way better than your profile says.

that was fun.

I will admit, that is pretty entertaining. But hey he may be an adult that just does not want kids, there are some of us out there.


Aug 4, 2009, 2:58 PM
Post #108 of 357 (4990 views)

Registered: Dec 7, 2007
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Re: [robbovius] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Hey p-nas go back to picking your nose. I love Georgia. Your just mad cause we have bulletproof sandstone and granite. All within 2 hours away. OK finished with you now. Go change your diaper


Aug 4, 2009, 3:00 PM
Post #109 of 357 (4989 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [markc] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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markc wrote:
People have said, "Leave them at home until they're responsible." How do you think responsibility is instilled?

Through good parenting.



Aug 4, 2009, 3:02 PM
Post #110 of 357 (4989 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2009
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Re: [markc] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Umm... that was so incredibly... *COOL*!

Great post. Really great. My kids have all been up a 60' pitch grade 5.8 even my 4 year old and she actually rocked the crag like a vetted vet. Of course 3 months at a gym with 40' walls helped and lots of patience. It took her 2 months to break the bouldering line but after that she never looked back and she's got a freakishly good rap form that blows my mind.

I think of all my kids my 4 year old will be the one dragging me to yose when I'm 40+ and making me belay her up the stuff I dream of. Sure I'll be the sloppy 2nd, the pig, the sherpa but I cannot wait.

Your point I liked most about, "How do you think responsibility is instilled is brilliant." all of my kids are guaranteed at least 2 full pitches at grade 5.7 if I can find it or 5.8 if I cannot and hell or high water if they want it they get it. My son ties in my two girls, he's the safety guy on the ground and he does a great job. He has caught me on a few minor things and I've been very impressed. A hot fire burns in his eyes and I can tell he can feel a lead just waiting to bust out.

I think your photo is the 1000 words that shows how it can be done right.

I've had people stop, talk to my kids. This one guy checked each of their harnesses and talked climbing with each of them. This guy was thoughtful and intelligent for a 20 something. He gave each of them a biner of their own and he was careful to give them lockers that were all the same. Each of them carries it on their harness no matter where they are.

That dude did it with style and really proxied my kids into climbing with open arms. It was a cool day. If I was a softie like Dingus I would have cried. Tongue

It was cool. When my kids are out they know that most importantly we "Leave no trace." we "Leave it as we found it." and we have fun.

Loved your comments though. They were great.Cool The photo was too cool. Great stuff!


Aug 4, 2009, 3:08 PM
Post #111 of 357 (4977 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2009
Posts: 58

Re: [ACJ] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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ACJ wrote:
I think your going a little over the top, there are bound to be some responsible adults out there.

Anyway, this is what I experienced today...

A sketchy summer camp full of crappy staff leading trips to the local crag. Then I looked on in horror as the staff teach the kids how to carve their names into the rock and knock over widow maker trees while they wait for their turn to "race" up the 4th class terrain that they put on top rope.

Now somebody needs to revoke their commercial permit to climb in the national forests...

report them? I'd think at the least the name carving would cause them to at least warn the people.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:27 PM
Post #112 of 357 (4955 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [rockreaver] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Crying is good for me.



Aug 4, 2009, 3:30 PM
Post #113 of 357 (4949 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [bobbj22] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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bobbj22 wrote:
You chose to have children or are just lucky (or unlucky depending on your mentality) so in doing so you silently agreed that you were gonna give some things up.

Nope, never did.

Maybe you're forcing your opinions on child rearing on other people.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:33 PM
Post #114 of 357 (4945 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [dingus] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
Bitch all you want - it changes nothing. Our kids bother you more than they bother us. We are way worse than dog people.


You implying there's something wrong with dog-people?


Aug 4, 2009, 3:36 PM
Post #115 of 357 (4940 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2006
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Re: [rockreaver] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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rockreaver wrote:
Umm... that was so incredibly... *COOL*!

Great post. Really great. My kids have all been up a 60' pitch grade 5.8 even my 4 year old and she actually rocked the crag like a vetted vet. Of course 3 months at a gym with 40' walls helped and lots of patience. It took her 2 months to break the bouldering line but after that she never looked back and she's got a freakishly good rap form that blows my mind.

I think of all my kids my 4 year old will be the one dragging me to yose when I'm 40+ and making me belay her up the stuff I dream of. Sure I'll be the sloppy 2nd, the pig, the sherpa but I cannot wait.

Your point I liked most about, "How do you think responsibility is instilled is brilliant." all of my kids are guaranteed at least 2 full pitches at grade 5.7 if I can find it or 5.8 if I cannot and hell or high water if they want it they get it. My son ties in my two girls, he's the safety guy on the ground and he does a great job. He has caught me on a few minor things and I've been very impressed. A hot fire burns in his eyes and I can tell he can feel a lead just waiting to bust out.

I think your photo is the 1000 words that shows how it can be done right.

I've had people stop, talk to my kids. This one guy checked each of their harnesses and talked climbing with each of them. This guy was thoughtful and intelligent for a 20 something. He gave each of them a biner of their own and he was careful to give them lockers that were all the same. Each of them carries it on their harness no matter where they are.

That dude did it with style and really proxied my kids into climbing with open arms. It was a cool day. If I was a softie like Dingus I would have cried. Tongue

It was cool. When my kids are out they know that most importantly we "Leave no trace." we "Leave it as we found it." and we have fun.

Loved your comments though. They were great.Cool The photo was too cool. Great stuff!

See, now it sounds like you have trained/raised your kids properly. Unlike the origional posters experience, encountering your family at the rocks seems like it would be inspiring rather than annoying. It sounds like your kids are into it, well behaved and respectful of their surroundings and not screaming and running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:45 PM
Post #116 of 357 (4918 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
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Re: [robbovius] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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robbovius wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
Future children there will be none. Fuck off..

then you will never, ever, not ever, fully mature, and will spend your life in a state of arrested adolescense.

....and every other parent reading this thread, knows that for the truth.

the truest fullness of your humanity, the only true measure of success, is in raising children. all else is gloss.

Really? So people who have gone through a series of worsening miscarriages and ultimately found out kids are not going to happen are failures? Nice.


Aug 4, 2009, 4:03 PM
Post #117 of 357 (4897 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: [robbovius] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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robbovius wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
Future children there will be none. Fuck off..

then you will never, ever, not ever, fully mature, and will spend your life in a state of arrested adolescense.

....and every other parent reading this thread, knows that for the truth.

the truest fullness of your humanity, the only true measure of success, is in raising children. all else is gloss.

Not buying it, dude.

Not everyone is able to have children, for various reasons... physical ailments, for example. Others elect to find fulfillment of life by other means. Doesn't mean they're living in a state of arrested adolescence or that they've failed as humans.


Aug 4, 2009, 4:13 PM
Post #118 of 357 (4894 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2009
Posts: 187

Re: [nickrp] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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nickrp wrote:
See, now it sounds like you have trained/raised your kids properly. Unlike the origional posters experience, encountering your family at the rocks seems like it would be inspiring rather than annoying. It sounds like your kids are into it, well behaved and respectful of their surroundings and not screaming and running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

You know each of my kids has had to be inspired to do well in life. Sometimes a swat gives them the courage to do the right thing next time. Sometimes with my 8 year old son I tell him, "I won't be there and I cannot judge the choices you make. I have to trust you but here's what you can expect from {this} so choose well." Sometimes I stand guard and am the wall they use at their backs. I don't push, I don't bend. I'm just there. Other times I have to hoot and holler like a cheerleader to get them to try the roof and mantel it over the top.

Parenting becomes offensive when your kids motivate someone to make a post like the OP made. I think he could have been more lenient but the grain of truth is there in his words. Had he chosen a different stance. Had he worded his anger more thoughtfully there would have been a lot of people piling on and saying, "Yeah that's hard. I've seen 5 year old's doing it and I've seen 23 year old's just as bad." Really we've all been there. I cannot stand screaming or loud kids in restaurants, movie theaters and such. I work too hard for my weeknights, weekends and evenings to give up a precious outing for someone else to crash it with a "selfish fest". I get really angry at people who say, "If you don't like it too bad I'm going to {climb} or whatever."

Yeah it's a lot of work. Yes I waited forever to be able to take them into public. Yes I said no to a lot of things. My wife and I had to learn to have our own lives and we had to learn that time together had a price. We got babysitters or we picked activities appropriate for where our family was. I cannot tell you the nights I've stood in the back and been the jungle gym my kids climbed on in sheer boredom and I was ready to exit the moment they made even the slightest sound. I've missed 1/2 or more of movies, plays, meals. I don't regret any of it. Parenting isn't easy. It's a choice and you make it.

Just like climbing in many ways. We've all been stuck on a climb above our ability. Stacking fingers and they pull (with less skin than before), cranking on a flake and your fit slips... well your skin on your shin will grow back right? Raising kids is just as hard. Takes work.

I don't begrudge this guys right to climb in a reasonable setting. I don't at all because I know how much effort I put into my kids behavior and I get angry when other parents don't work just as hard. I just think that what you say isn't nearly as important as *how* you say it. This guy did it all wrong. So he's either going to be part of "Future homewreckers of America" and he'll bail on each kid he fathers or he'll stand fast, hold the brake no matter what and anchor his family for years to come. That's his choice and maybe he has some things to think about now.

I just cannot help but wonder if he was the same kid he expected those kids to be or if he's just some selfish jerk that orders a meal for each side of his face. I have no idea and I don't want one. If I saw him at the crag I'd walk. He would certainly climb alone in my book. That's fine with him but a life alone can be lonely and he needs to figure out some lessons.

That's why message boards are brilliant places to learn about life. I'm sure he made that post and expected everyone to praise him for sharing their view exactly. Had he worded it differently they just might have. So hopefully he'll reconsider and take more away from this than insults.

It's his life though. If he wants to be angry for most of it then he's the loser. I'm okay with that. Sure I work my butt off. Sure I swat my kids. Sure I make them behave. It's a ton of work and now it's really paying off.

I have 3 sherpa's coming up in the ranks. Laugh


Aug 4, 2009, 4:18 PM
Post #119 of 357 (4881 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [reno] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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reno wrote:
robbovius wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
Future children there will be none. Fuck off..

then you will never, ever, not ever, fully mature, and will spend your life in a state of arrested adolescense.

....and every other parent reading this thread, knows that for the truth.

the truest fullness of your humanity, the only true measure of success, is in raising children. all else is gloss.

Not buying it, dude.

Not everyone is able to have children, for various reasons... physical ailments, for example. Others elect to find fulfillment of life by other means. Doesn't mean they're living in a state of arrested adolescence or that they've failed as humans.

I thought it was sarcasm.


Aug 4, 2009, 4:31 PM
Post #120 of 357 (4867 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: [kriso9tails] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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kriso9tails wrote:
reno wrote:
robbovius wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
Future children there will be none. Fuck off..

then you will never, ever, not ever, fully mature, and will spend your life in a state of arrested adolescense.

....and every other parent reading this thread, knows that for the truth.

the truest fullness of your humanity, the only true measure of success, is in raising children. all else is gloss.

Not buying it, dude.

Not everyone is able to have children, for various reasons... physical ailments, for example. Others elect to find fulfillment of life by other means. Doesn't mean they're living in a state of arrested adolescence or that they've failed as humans.

I thought it was sarcasm.

If it was, then I apologize if I offended, but I stand by my statement.

Partner camhead

Aug 4, 2009, 4:43 PM
Post #121 of 357 (4855 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
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Re: [reno] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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reno wrote:
kriso9tails wrote:
reno wrote:
robbovius wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
Future children there will be none. Fuck off..

then you will never, ever, not ever, fully mature, and will spend your life in a state of arrested adolescense.

....and every other parent reading this thread, knows that for the truth.

the truest fullness of your humanity, the only true measure of success, is in raising children. all else is gloss.

Not buying it, dude.

Not everyone is able to have children, for various reasons... physical ailments, for example. Others elect to find fulfillment of life by other means. Doesn't mean they're living in a state of arrested adolescence or that they've failed as humans.

I thought it was sarcasm.

If it was, then I apologize if I offended, but I stand by my statement.

Don't think it is sarcasm. Rob has gone off on the whole "if you don't have kids you're a selfish terrible person" thing more than once.


Aug 4, 2009, 4:50 PM
Post #122 of 357 (4850 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2006
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Re: [rockreaver] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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rockreaver wrote:
I don't begrudge this guys right to climb in a reasonable setting. I don't at all because I know how much effort I put into my kids behavior and I get angry when other parents don't work just as hard. I just think that what you say isn't nearly as important as *how* you say it. This guy did it all wrong. So he's either going to be part of "Future homewreckers of America" and he'll bail on each kid he fathers or he'll stand fast, hold the brake no matter what and anchor his family for years to come. That's his choice and maybe he has some things to think about now.

I just cannot help but wonder if he was the same kid he expected those kids to be or if he's just some selfish jerk that orders a meal for each side of his face. I have no idea and I don't want one. If I saw him at the crag I'd walk. He would certainly climb alone in my book. That's fine with him but a life alone can be lonely and he needs to figure out some lessons.

That's why message boards are brilliant places to learn about life. I'm sure he made that post and expected everyone to praise him for sharing their view exactly. Had he worded it differently they just might have. So hopefully he'll reconsider and take more away from this than insults.

It's his life though. If he wants to be angry for most of it then he's the loser. I'm okay with that. Sure I work my butt off. Sure I swat my kids. Sure I make them behave. It's a ton of work and now it's really paying off.

I have 3 sherpa's coming up in the ranks. Laugh

Are you refering to me, or the origional poster? If you were referring to me, first I do not expect anyone to agree with me, because the whole no desire to have children is not the most popular among other adults and second, yeah I will admit, I was a punk little kid…at home. But my parents one, knew what I could handle, they knew I was loud and well rambunctious. As such they tried to avoid “adult environments” when they could if they knew it would be too much for me. BUT if we were in an “Adult setting” I knew when to behave, because I did get those “swats of encouragement” and I am thankful for em…. Well now I am at least. And as for being a future homewrecker of America…umm no?? If I for some reason accidentally got my wife pregnant (knocking on wood as I type) I would be there through thick and thin. Granted it is defiantly not the path my wife or I want to go down in our lives we do understand that, accidents happen. And I feel that we would do just fine raising a child, we would love and care for him/her and do our best to mold them into a responsible, intelligent and respectful person.

Just curious who you were directing your comments to?


Aug 4, 2009, 4:55 PM
Post #123 of 357 (4843 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2008
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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The FU is hardly enough. What a jackass. My kids started when they were two (yes two). They have grown into incredible kids, climbers, and friends to even some adults. They are very well behaved. Your elitist attitude sucks. Hope you climb here in Durango someday so my little 12 y/o bad ass can climb circles around your punk ass.


Aug 4, 2009, 4:57 PM
Post #124 of 357 (4840 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [camhead] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
Don't think it is sarcasm. Rob has gone off on the whole "if you don't have kids you're a selfish terrible person" thing more than once.

Oh. Well, in that case it might be mental illness.


Aug 4, 2009, 5:03 PM
Post #125 of 357 (4828 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2009
Posts: 187

Re: [nickrp] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Oh gosh not you at all. No! Oops. Not you.

I think my comments (not to you at all) were just kind of "in the future" like what will this guy turn out to be like? I think he's going buy climberguy2011 or some such. I was just wondering what type of person he really is.

He just came off here as a really emo, angry person. When he does have kids (I actually hope he does. I hope he does by choice not accident.) he's going to learn how much work it takes to harness all that energy that is a child. Children are not awful but they sure do get a bad rap from people who don't raise theirs with love, compassion, etc...

When people go somewhere (like a crag) and let their kids go insane when other people are around it really makes them look bad or it should. Ironically people go off about the kids. In this case the parents were really the issue. They really were. But gosh even that's subjective. I didn't witness any of it. These kids may not have been that bad at all I have no idea. This guy feels they were though so I might be making a bigger mistake to take his word (I probably am.) for truth.

Anyway, someday this guy might get to try his hand at it. It's not the kids fault. They are really just wanting someone to notice them and take the time to get on their level. When you pay attention to kids the silence tells the tale. When you don't the chaos is hard to ignore unless... Well so anyway.

I just hope this guy does it better when/if it becomes his turn. Parenting is hard. Really hard. But it's fun too. I'm not one of those that thinks it makes you a better person and your a lesser person for not having kids. I don't buy into that. If you need "things" in your life to "make" you a better person then you've got big problems. Life's experiences should by nature make you better and whether you raise kids or don't really doesn't matter at all.

Wow I have rambled. I guess I'm responding to a few thoughts expressed.

To you though... no. Your words to me were kind and I appreciate them a lot. My reply was to you but not about you in the least. I can tell your living your life with a full rack and you have a pretty good idea about how to use it and when. That came right through. So I appreciated your comments a lot. Mine were to you but about the OP.

Hopefully that's more clear now. I meander a lot (I think I write a lot like I climb) and wander around when I'm writing.CrazyLaugh

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