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Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap
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Jan 25, 2006, 3:01 PM
Post #126 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Sep 3, 2005
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Watched this on the tube. Thought it was pretty cool, all 'n' all. Liked the footage from places I'd been to. Also, Jack did some s---; a slow guided trip up the Salathe is a long way from clubbing. Good for him!

no mention of the Hollow flake, however.
And WTF was up with doing the falls trail for descent? Twice!

Funny, I thought the same thing; guess it's hard to capture the 'emotion' of HF, Ear and last pitch (among others) on film...(?)

I'd rather watch this (even if it emphasized drama) than most other schlock.

We were by far worse off than them at the top. But we didn't use the Falls Trail!

Partner jammer

Jan 25, 2006, 3:16 PM
Post #127 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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9 Pages on Jack! Amazing how "popular" individuals get all the attention ...

Anyway, not reading all the post before, I just have to say that after watching the documentary on the Travel Channel, I have more respect for him then I ever had. He did admit that climbing has produced more of a high then anything else he had ever taken (drugs, drinking, you name it) in his life. He felt more Alive! Is this not what we all are looking for??

He did the Thai Boxing, the Bull Run, and so on with just on thing in mind, and that was he had stated that he was going to climb El Cap and he did. Many times he wanted to turn back to his old self but did not. If anything, we should admire his determination and success.

And yes, his $$ did allow him to do what most of us only dream about. Suck it up bros! Jealousy sucks!


Jan 25, 2006, 3:21 PM
Post #128 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Jan 18, 2006
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I loved the show... funnest entertainment I've seen on TV in a long time. I got totally into it, I found myself feeling sorry for Jack at some points (when he couldn't help but be a twit) and envying him others (turned his life around in 6 months). Mind you I don't watch TV all that much but still, it was better than watching most of the other crap aired these days. I think over all what Jack did for himself is very commendable.


Feb 12, 2006, 3:53 PM
Post #129 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2005
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Now he is healthy and clean, yes he still is a Gumby, but it is his first year climbing. The real test is will he be climbing in five years. I see why every one is so bent, yes he can go in to the Bent Gate and buy it out, I can’t so I resent his $$$. Yet I must say he is trying. He even mentioned that he would have a long road to ho, to prove him self to us climbers. A year ago he was on MTV showing of his custom car, stoned and alone in his wealth, I felt so sorry for him. I remember being a Gumby with new draws in the New thinking the same dammed thing. Years later I have lived in a truck, moved across the U.S. and spent all my extra $$$ to climb. It would have been great to get the help he did at the start. I did in a lot of ways, in the form of love and support from my parents if not in cash.I still had to work to get respect from my peers, it look as if he is trying. I think that it is hard to see him get so much attention, that we didn’t get when we started. I love that his parents supported him in this, they love him very much. My mother was the same way. If you read this jack come out to Eldo We can swap leads.


Feb 13, 2006, 4:48 PM
Post #130 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: May 5, 2004
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Now he is healthy and clean, yes he still is a Gumby, but it is his first year climbing. The real test is will he be climbing in five years. I see why every one is so bent, yes he can go in to the Bent Gate and buy it out, I can’t so I resent his $$$. Yet I must say he is trying. He even mentioned that he would have a long road to ho, to prove him self to us climbers. A year ago he was on MTV showing of his custom car, stoned and alone in his wealth, I felt so sorry for him. I remember being a Gumby with new draws in the New thinking the same dammed thing. Years later I have lived in a truck, moved across the U.S. and spent all my extra $$$ to climb. It would have been great to get the help he did at the start. I did in a lot of ways, in the form of love and support from my parents if not in cash.I still had to work to get respect from my peers, it look as if he is trying. I think that it is hard to see him get so much attention, that we didn’t get when we started. I love that his parents supported him in this, they love him very much. My mother was the same way. If you read this jack come out to Eldo We can swap leads.

This post forced me to realize another facet of what Jack'O is facing here. I was a Noob, I had buddies as my sponsors and they introduced me around and took me climing and gave me lots of support, all in relative privacy. Then, I imagine Jacks journey....he has to deal with the public eye following him everywhere. Surely many climbers already know who he is and have already formed an opinon of him. He has to face that everywhere he goes. Then, one year into climbing and you stick me on a big wall and send massive camer contingent to follow me around....I would be hating it, the pressure has to be intense. Many of us might crack under the heat of the camera lights. Just my insight, and two hundreths.


Mar 2, 2006, 7:06 AM
Post #131 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: May 21, 2003
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More JACK [In reply to]
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The climbing was probably more realistic then the BS muay thai fight after a couple of weeks training, which he "won" because it was fixed. That was the fakest fight I've seen. At the end, after competing in a brutal sport he wasn't bruised or bleeding!

What did you all think about his getting daily colonic irrigations, only drinking clay shakes and fasting (not eating) supplements such as colloidal silver (a fine suspension of the metal in water), which supposedly boosts immunity for 2 weeks in Thailand between kickboxing training sessions? Do any reputable nutritionists/trainers etc recommend driking clay shakes, fasting, collodial silver and colonics? Seems really unhealthy...and dubious science.

If he lost all the weight without diet drugs I commend him more then Anna Nicole! Curious to see if he keeps it off.

I predict Jack will attempt Everest or even the 7 summits. It'll be interesting to see if he actually climbs them or has sherpas carry him to the summit.


Mar 2, 2006, 10:01 AM
Post #132 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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So is Jack still climbing? Where and with whom? I would think if it was really sticking he'd be spending about 6 months to a year dirtbagging (well as dirtbag as someone like Jack is going to go...).


Mar 2, 2006, 3:23 PM
Post #133 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Jan 13, 2006
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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He's the son of Ozzie! How can you hate on him? Some people you just naturally respect. Sounds like climbing is going to change his life for the better. Must have been the Ozbourne's good parenting that eventually led Jack to discover a new world of values and experience. Good story.
Black Sabbath!

Mar 6, 2006, 6:31 AM
Post #134 of 142 (20532 views)


Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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OK, I have been refraining from making many posts anymore, but I need to chime in here.
To those of you who are poo-pooing his rehab - you are either using addicts/alchoholics or you are one of the lucky human beings that doesn't suffer from those compulsions. I have been a drug addict and an alchoholic, and i have been clean and sober for over six years now. I know quite well the hell he went thru, and he's damned lucky, as am I to have discovered climbing. Climbing has been a big part of my recovery, and I hope it remains a big part of his as well.
As far as his "not deserving to be up there" - yeah, that would have been true if they had to build a ratchet and haul his ass alongside the pig - but he led a few pitches of the Salathe, which is a hell of a lot more then I can do right now. So what if he did it after only a year of climbing - he spent six months training his ass off for that climb. Climbing is a personalized journey, friends - and have any of you stopped to think that, if his love for this sport continues to grow, what a positive influence he could have on this sport? True, it could be negative as well, but that is HIS personal journey, not yours. And those of you that want to sit here and roast on him, could easily persuade him to be a negative influence or quit altogether. This kid has the time, resources, and shows that he might have a lot of ability, to do a hell of a lot of good for climbing. I guarantee that some of those kids that saw that show went to the gym to try it out for themselves. Maybe an addict saw that show and went to a meeting. How many people have you infected with your negative attitudes toward new climbers? As far as I am concerned, from what I can see, is that we have a new climber in our ranks. I don't care that he is "ozzie's son", I care that he is a climber, that is out there putting hands on rocks. But on that note, think about this - yes he has money, and time, that most of us will never have. But he also had to grow up in the shadow of his father - and deal with living with him - and Ozzie is in pretty bad shape. Added to that, a long struggle with drugs and booze that many people die from. And he came out of that, and managed to do something that many of us only dream of. I hope to climb a big wall someday, but my journey will be a lot longer then his, if it happens at all. But thats ok too - my journey is my own.
One final note here. I don't see where a 6 month climber has any right to "sit in camp 4 drinking coffee and laughing his ass off". Um, dude, you were sitting on your ass spewing - he was climbing the Salathe. At that moment, who was more of a climber?
And about his "whining" - I see plenty of 5.12 climbers in Red Rock whining and bitching on climbs every week. I've done my share of it, and I suspect you have too. And you are making that judgement based on a very edited video.
I really hope that Jack sees this thread sometime, and I will say the same thing here that I would say to his face:
Welcome to the family, climb hard, and stay safe. Congratulations Jack!


Mar 6, 2006, 10:47 AM
Post #135 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Again, does anyone have any idea if he's kept climbing? Where? With whom?


Mar 8, 2006, 4:52 AM
Post #136 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: May 21, 2003
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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The real test will be staying clean and thin in the future.


Mar 26, 2006, 5:37 PM
Post #137 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Sep 23, 2002
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I would like to DOWNLOAD the series. Can anyone get it for me or say where to get it? I can't find it on torrent sites. if you can help.


Mar 26, 2006, 6:11 PM
Post #138 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I would like to DOWNLOAD the series. Can anyone get it for me or say where to get it? I can't find it on torrent sites. if you can help.

You do know thats theft right? You might as well go into a video store and steal the DVD.


Mar 26, 2006, 6:20 PM
Post #139 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Bored on a sunday and was thinking about the fact that i see so many people bashing Jack not on his accomplishment but rather because he has money. Got me to thinking the fact is that according to the wall street journal nearly 70% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. Fact is that the ozman has a large house and expensive cars (i contributed to that lol) but most of those who have those kind of lifestyles have insanely high debt. Anyone can accumulate wealth if they alter there lifestyle by living within their means and saving money and investing it properly.(Trust me i got on the dave ramsey plan and it has changed my life!) So i guess i dont see the point of whos son he is matter but rather hes out there climbing and living life to the fullest.


Mar 28, 2006, 7:16 AM
Post #140 of 142 (20532 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2001
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Again, does anyone have any idea if he's kept climbing? Where? With whom?

I read in an English climbing mag that he was to do some deep water soloing for a movie. He was suposed to be the draw card if Sharma didn't show. Something like that anyway. It was a couple of months ago when I read it.


May 31, 2006, 9:16 PM
Post #141 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I encourage anyone to lead a healthy, fit and happy life. Climbing is for the few who really want to push limits. I am excited when anyone works hard for any level of climbing(including jack osbourne). It is when the little shit decided to turn climbing into a f***kin TV sitcom that pisses me off.


Jun 1, 2006, 1:40 AM
Post #142 of 142 (20532 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Jack Osborn is now here in New Zealand working on another series of "Adrenalin Junkie" lots of rafting and bungy jumping but haven't heard much about climbing.

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