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The laws of climbing
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Jan 16, 2011, 2:15 AM
Post #126 of 159 (9360 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2003
Posts: 8

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Do people climb in Hawaii? I like the "Laws" but they are way too focused on douchebag climbers-- what about adding Laws about knowing how your gear works or making proper placements and committing to trips when you say you would.


Jan 16, 2011, 2:47 AM
Post #127 of 159 (9356 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2007
Posts: 6319

Re: [djayr] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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djayr wrote:
Do people climb in Hawaii? I like the "Laws" but they are way too focused on douchebag climbers-- what about adding Laws about knowing how your gear works or making proper placements and committing to trips when you say you would.
It's a list for sport climbers, not trad climbers.


Jan 16, 2011, 10:04 PM
Post #128 of 159 (9329 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2003
Posts: 8

Re: [spikeddem] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Good point-- but even sport climbing has quickdraws and top anchor placements. Easy I suppose, but there are some things you don't wanna do wrong


Jan 20, 2011, 10:59 PM
Post #129 of 159 (9249 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [djayr] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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djayr wrote:
Good point-- but even sport climbing has quickdraws and top anchor placements. Easy I suppose, but there are some things you don't wanna do wrong

It takes time in the game and lots of pitches following an experienced leader to really dial in quickdraw placements. Especially in critical applications like an anchor where you have to be redundant.


Jan 21, 2011, 12:32 AM
Post #130 of 159 (9236 views)

Registered: Oct 19, 2009
Posts: 25

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Hilarious! Somebody is lacking a little self awareness....!

I think maybe your climbing partner shows up with other people because... you're a crazy person! Good luck with that!


Jan 21, 2011, 2:06 AM
Post #131 of 159 (9226 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I doubt he lacks self awareness. I'm guessing he spends hours looking at himself in the mirror admiring how great he is. Most likely wonders why the rest of us aren't as good at things as he is.


Jan 22, 2011, 3:41 AM
Post #132 of 159 (9164 views)

Registered: Sep 13, 2010
Posts: 30

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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This is one of the funnier posts I have read on this site. We have all climbed with less than desireable partners, and you ticked the list. one fault you did not mention is worse than No. 7 (when you climb with me, climb w me). Worse is when you propose a project to someone and then they tell you later they did it with someone else. had it happen to me and that burns.

I went up a route one time in Rumney and my "belayer" was smoking (not something i would smoke), drinking a beer, had a big loop of rope out, and was ogling his girlfriend (who was worth the look). I knew i was going to fall on this climb, i even knew where I was going to fall. after looking over my climbing "partner" I decided to go anyway, figuring I would wake him up if nothing else when I fell. sure enough, trying to clip the third bolt I peeled. hit the ground (luckily only tweaking my ankle). my belayer was quite suprised. I did get a closer look at his girlfriend, though. I chalked it up to experience.


Jan 28, 2011, 8:27 AM
Post #133 of 159 (9071 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
From a sport climbers perspective...

1. Climbing is done on lead.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go CLIMBING tomorrow. Climbing is done on lead; top rope is for training and noobs. Today you were pissing your pants three feet above a ½” bolt on a 5.8. Grow some balls and get some mileage on lead. I am tired of always belaying you on TR. STOP FOLLOWING, START LEADING. It’s one thing to be scared 15 feet above the last bolt over 5.12 moves but to be top roping 5.11 and hanging 5.8 is pitiful. Next time get your shit together and get on lead. If you need more practice I will work with you but top roping is not going to do shit for you.

2. Show up all the time, show up on time.

- Today I was sitting in my car at high noon at the crag and I got a call from you, “umm I uhha lost my cell in my umma the uhha grass so I can’t umm climb today”. YOU’RE FIRED! Show up ON TIME ALL THE TIME. You have held down a job before right? Obviously you are capable of being at an assigned place at an assigned time; it’s not that damn hard. The next time you stand me up I am deleting you from my phone and I am telling everyone at the crag how much of a shit bag you are.

3. Stop short roping me!

- You think “oh shit he is climbing a hard line I better keep him tight because he might fall”. Instead you should be thinking “he is definitely going to fall because I am pulling him off the damn wall”. There is plenty of distance between me and the ground, give me some damn slack. The next time you pull me off the wall I am throwing a quickdraw at you.

4. Keep the appropriate amount of slack in the rope all the time.

- My foot didn’t pass the last bolt but I stopped 20 feet down. How the hell did that happen…? Belaying is not done with a loop of rope coiled on the ground between me and you. Wake the hell up, apart from a 15 foot dyno there is no way in hell I would ever need that much rope instantly. Two feet of slack in the line is appropriate. It’s not hard to keep only two feet out without short roping the climber. If a bit more is needed for a dynamic move, so be it, but if the rope touches the ground YOU’RE FIRED.

5. Provide a dynamic belay when appropriate.

- The next time I take a seven foot fall and I question whether I accidently grabbed the static rope out of the closet this morning, YOU’RE FIRED. Static catches rips gear and breaks ankles. I am 50 feet off the ground I am not going to hit the ground so JUMP! I am tired to saying “hey man please remember to jump the next time I fall so I don’t swing into the wall”. Learn how to fucking belay, dynamic belays are a crucial part of lead belaying and they are not hard to perform. If you don’t know how to do it ASK!

6. Stand up and pay attention!

- How the hell are you going to provide a static, dynamic or running belay if you’re sitting on your ass day dreaming about the 5.8 you’re going to hang on next? How are you going to react to a lead fall appropriate if you’re flirting with the dude five lines down? The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and I look down and see you playing with a Gecko on the rock, YOU’RE FIRED.

7. When you climb with me you climb with ME.

- Last night you asked if I wanted to go climbing tomorrow. Today you show up with a different partner. “Oh, sorry I figured you already had a partner”. Why the hell would I call you and ask if you want to go climbing tomorrow if I had no intention of climbing with you?! If I meant in a group, don’t you think I would have specified? Group climbing is cool but not when you’re the only one in the group without a partner because your partner blew you off for someone else... If you want to climb in a group SPECIFY so I can call someone else to bring so it’s actually a group.

8. Shut up beta master.

- If I want to hear someone spray beta about a route eight grades above their top rope limit I will go to the gym. Your useless “just dyno for it” beta is fucking with my concentration. Actually, why don’t you try this 5.13. You seem to know everything about it, I would like to see you onsight it. Just don’t cry when you find out you don’t know a thing about it. If I ask for beta, by all means. But when you see someone on a route they have wired going for the redpoint STFU!

9. Stop with the negative attitude.

- “Oh, I suck; I will never be able to lead 5.12”. Yes you do suck; no you won’t ever be able to lead 5.12. Know why? Because instead of actually working on your goal you just spray your self-remorse pitiful attitude around. It’s fucking depressing man. Actually put some real time and effort into your goal and you will get it.

10. The crag is not a petting zoo.

- I am tired of looking down to find a dog coiled up in my rope. Keep your damn pets at home if they can’t behave themselves. Your little friend is endangering my life because it’s trying to fuck my belayer’s leg. Oh and the next time I have to replace my rope because you’re dog pissed on it, I am taking yours…

11. Keep your hand on the damn rope!

- I don’t give a shit if you’re using a GriGri or not, your hand will be on the rope at all times. A GriGri can slip, it’s not unheard of. The next time I am ten feet above the last bolt and look down to find your hands on your head, YOU’RE FIRED!

12. This is not a talk show, this is climbing.

- I came here to climb, not to hear your life story. Some talking in-between climbs is cool but when I am pulling the crux I don’t want about how much you hate your job. Save that shit for the pizza parlor at the end of the day. Actually save it for someone else.

I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.


Jan 30, 2011, 5:52 PM
Post #134 of 159 (9004 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2006
Posts: 51

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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OMG this used to be me! Wink


Jan 31, 2011, 2:26 AM
Post #135 of 159 (8962 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2008
Posts: 376

Re: [westhegimp] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!



Jan 31, 2011, 2:35 AM
Post #136 of 159 (8958 views)

Registered: May 9, 2007
Posts: 1190

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:
USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. . . .I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now....

He's in the navy.

do the math.



Jan 31, 2011, 2:51 AM
Post #137 of 159 (8951 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2008
Posts: 376

Re: [k.l.k] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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I hear what you're saying, but never underestimate the appeal of a uniform.

I'm constantly surprised myself.

Then again...if he had a nice rack...

oh wait, this is sport...

oh well.



Jan 31, 2011, 3:59 AM
Post #138 of 159 (8938 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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So true.


Jan 31, 2011, 10:36 AM
Post #139 of 159 (8920 views)

Registered: Nov 6, 2007
Posts: 2667

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


(This post was edited by USnavy on Jan 31, 2011, 10:38 AM)


Jan 31, 2011, 11:28 AM
Post #140 of 159 (8908 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 309

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!


In reply to:
USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner.

Women as you've described, much like unicorns, are a myth.Laugh



Jan 31, 2011, 12:11 PM
Post #141 of 159 (8898 views)

Registered: Mar 7, 2005
Posts: 309

Re: [guangzhou] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

A soloist doesn't work for those that have a big headLaugh

Partner camhead

Jan 31, 2011, 12:48 PM
Post #142 of 159 (8885 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2001
Posts: 20939

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

Partner j_ung

Jan 31, 2011, 2:34 PM
Post #143 of 159 (8874 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
Posts: 18690

Re: [Paul_W] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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Paul_W wrote:
I went up a route one time in Rumney and my "belayer" was smoking (not something i would smoke), drinking a beer, had a big loop of rope out, and was ogling his girlfriend (who was worth the look). I knew i was going to fall on this climb, i even knew where I was going to fall. after looking over my climbing "partner" I decided to go anyway, figuring I would wake him up if nothing else when I fell. sure enough, trying to clip the third bolt I peeled. hit the ground (luckily only tweaking my ankle). my belayer was quite suprised. I did get a closer look at his girlfriend, though. I chalked it up to experience.

I think your decision-making skills need work.


Jan 31, 2011, 7:43 PM
Post #144 of 159 (8833 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2007
Posts: 6319

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!

Harvard Medical has no such program.


Jan 31, 2011, 8:27 PM
Post #145 of 159 (8817 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [ladyscarlett] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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ladyscarlett wrote:
I hear what you're saying, but never underestimate the appeal of a uniform.

I'm constantly surprised myself.

Then again...if he had a nice rack...

oh wait, this is sport...

oh well.


you know what's funny, the female carabinieros down here are HOT in uniform. i was never a guy for chicks in uniform, but for some reason even the ugly ones are smoking in their green unis and hats.

yeah, I have a fetish


Feb 1, 2011, 12:43 AM
Post #146 of 159 (8774 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [suprasoup] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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suprasoup wrote:
In reply to:
I just occurred to me, you should buy yourself a soloist. You'd be able to hang out with yourself and wouldn't have to tolerate all the other climbers.

A soloist doesn't work for those that have a big headLaugh


Worth having up again. So true.


Feb 1, 2011, 4:12 PM
Post #147 of 159 (8737 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2010
Posts: 4

Re: [USnavy] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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law of physics?


Feb 2, 2011, 7:38 AM
Post #148 of 159 (8698 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

Have you heard of the Shield? It's a grade 7 nailup!

Have you heard of Monster Skank? It's a route!

Have you heard of Skimble? I haven't!


Feb 2, 2011, 8:45 AM
Post #149 of 159 (8689 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [caughtinside] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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The SHeild is Grade 7 (VII) really?


Feb 14, 2011, 4:51 AM
Post #150 of 159 (8358 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 18275

Re: [camhead] The laws of climbing [In reply to]
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camhead wrote:
USnavy wrote:
ladyscarlett wrote:

I'm tempted to apologize for resurrecting such an old thread, but it's just too funny.

I've been gone for a bit and came back looking for some amusement. Ta Da! provides, and even more specifically USNavy.

Obviously this is not a consideration, but based off the OP, USNavy will never make it with a chill, cool, ready for adventure, no drama, hot climbing chick partner. I speak for my girlfriends (and to some degree myself) here really, and NOT the entire female climbing population (there's someone for everyone!). There's nothing quite so unsexy as someone constantly complaining about how no one ever performs to their exacting standards. I can hear the unsatisfying discussions about sex even now...

No, one does not always go to the crag looking to pick up hot chick climbing partners, personally I like to check out the dudes...but we all go to the crag for different reasons so it seems.

Safety is important. Fun is important. USNavy, maybe everyone would have more fun if you sussed out your climbing partners a little more before heading out to the crag. Then again, why bother with a partner at all? Sounds like at your level, it's best all free solo!

HAHAHA. Thanks!

You seem so sure in your statements. Well I have been dating one of those "cool climbing chicks" you reference for seven months now. And before that? Yep, I dated a different "cool climbing chick", and before that, same thing. It’s been four years since I have dated someone who did not climb. But I won’t challenge your highly prestigious Internet personality diagnosis doctorate you received from Harvard Medical, believe as you wish. Its funny reading posts from someone who speaks from their ass but attempts to pass the information along as well researched concise expertise. It’s even funnier when they try so hard to pass the information along as subject matter expertise that even they forget they are full of shit.

HAHAHA. Thanks!


I think for your argument to be truly successful, you need to post up the redpoint and onsight levels of every girl you've ever dated.

...and, of course, pics.


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