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This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed)
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Partner macherry

Apr 14, 2016, 10:34 PM
Post #176 of 238 (25942 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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still dead and jeff hasn't logged in since feb. might be time to put a fork in it


Apr 14, 2016, 11:12 PM
Post #177 of 238 (25938 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [macherry] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Apr 16, 2016, 5:50 AM
Post #178 of 238 (25893 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2007
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Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Yup, I used to have fun here. The last substantive discussion I've had here was about dinnerware.

It's like a favorite bar that closes. Sad, but time to move on. It has been nice knowing you here, such as it is.


Apr 22, 2016, 5:45 PM
Post #179 of 238 (25744 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2008
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Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
zchandran wrote:
curt wrote:
zchandran wrote:
ncrockclimber wrote:
Jeff wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:
So Jeff, you locked the thread titled This place is DEAD! In effect, eliminating one of the few remaining active topics anyone concerned about the site can offer up advice. Not sure why, unless you were feeling insecure. Let it run. Let people have discussion.

I didn't lock that discussion, not sure who did. I have no problem with you guys grousing about a situation that I agree sucks.

Possibly one of the mods thought the thread had run its course, I don't know.

Regardless, I'm still chipping away, writing code every day on the site.

Wow. One of only two or three threads in the last month that has created ANY conversation gets locked by "someone" and you just shrug your shoulders.

I continue to be shocked with what has happened (or actually not happened) to this site since October 2013. I keep on thinking it can't get any worse, but it does.

It's probably not fair to blame Jeff for locking threads. It's the "let people have discussion" that was the problem all along. Back when I was a beginner, I posted a few questions on the Beginners forums. Most of the replies were of the tone of "OMFG WHY DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS" and "NOOB YOUR GONNA DIE". Which leads me to my simple solution for these problems:

Cull the a-holes from this site.

It's that simple. I posted the same questions as a beginner on Mountain Project, and was given judgement-free advice from the posters there. Over at MP, there were climbers genuinely concerned for my welfare, and trying to help me improve. Over here, it was wall to wall a-holes who were on some type of multi-stage ego trip. Look through the posts here for snarky guides and self-fellating trad climbers ("sport climbing is neither"), and you'll see what I mean.

You're saying that you were getting the kinds of answers to your posts that you were looking for over at MP. That being the case, why don't you simply post over there exclusively instead of insisting that this site change to suit you? There is absolutely no reason why, MP, Supertopo, etc. should have identical criteria for what constitutes acceptable content. I'm sorry that you got your feelings hurt here, but this place is not actually hostile to beginning climbers--some posters here simply have a low tolerance for stupidity and/or repetitive questions.


I think "don't be a douchebag" is universal enough that multiple sites can follow it without conflict. Unless your business model is to minimize your members, in which case RC is doing a bang-up job and successfully differentiating itself from all those other forums that don't cater to the "total dick" demographic...

Calling out stupidity, when merited, does not constitute being a douchebag. It's more of a public service.


It's never "stupidity" unless you're a pompous prick. In a beginner forum, it's always an honest question. Let me say that again. It's ALWAYS an honest question. In a motorcycle forum, if someone asks whether it's really that big a deal to make sure your wheels are mounted correctly, you don't say "your gonna die noob", you give them a patient explanation of how important basic safety checks are. In a chess forum, when someone asks why the Ruy Lopez is so great if it repeats moves, you don't say "STFU noob just play more", you try to give them an insightful answer that they can understand at their level.

But on RC, every time a beginner asks a question, the same twelve egotistical assholes jump on them, and tell them how stupid they are. And the "moderators" do nothing.

Stop being a dick. It's really that simple. It's too bad that the "experts" on RC don't get it. You want to bring this forum back? Simple. Fire each and every moderator for gross incompetence. Once you get rid of that dead wood, get some moderators who'll shut down the ego whores - the self-aggrandizing "guides", the trad climbers who think they're more important that Jesus, and the geezers who demand respect because they used a piton back in '82.

Then, and only then, this forum will become useful...


Apr 22, 2016, 6:00 PM
Post #180 of 238 (25738 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 18275

Re: [zchandran] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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zchandran wrote:
curt wrote:
zchandran wrote:
curt wrote:
zchandran wrote:
ncrockclimber wrote:
Jeff wrote:
billcoe_ wrote:
So Jeff, you locked the thread titled This place is DEAD! In effect, eliminating one of the few remaining active topics anyone concerned about the site can offer up advice. Not sure why, unless you were feeling insecure. Let it run. Let people have discussion.

I didn't lock that discussion, not sure who did. I have no problem with you guys grousing about a situation that I agree sucks.

Possibly one of the mods thought the thread had run its course, I don't know.

Regardless, I'm still chipping away, writing code every day on the site.

Wow. One of only two or three threads in the last month that has created ANY conversation gets locked by "someone" and you just shrug your shoulders.

I continue to be shocked with what has happened (or actually not happened) to this site since October 2013. I keep on thinking it can't get any worse, but it does.

It's probably not fair to blame Jeff for locking threads. It's the "let people have discussion" that was the problem all along. Back when I was a beginner, I posted a few questions on the Beginners forums. Most of the replies were of the tone of "OMFG WHY DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS" and "NOOB YOUR GONNA DIE". Which leads me to my simple solution for these problems:

Cull the a-holes from this site.

It's that simple. I posted the same questions as a beginner on Mountain Project, and was given judgement-free advice from the posters there. Over at MP, there were climbers genuinely concerned for my welfare, and trying to help me improve. Over here, it was wall to wall a-holes who were on some type of multi-stage ego trip. Look through the posts here for snarky guides and self-fellating trad climbers ("sport climbing is neither"), and you'll see what I mean.

You're saying that you were getting the kinds of answers to your posts that you were looking for over at MP. That being the case, why don't you simply post over there exclusively instead of insisting that this site change to suit you? There is absolutely no reason why, MP, Supertopo, etc. should have identical criteria for what constitutes acceptable content. I'm sorry that you got your feelings hurt here, but this place is not actually hostile to beginning climbers--some posters here simply have a low tolerance for stupidity and/or repetitive questions.


I think "don't be a douchebag" is universal enough that multiple sites can follow it without conflict. Unless your business model is to minimize your members, in which case RC is doing a bang-up job and successfully differentiating itself from all those other forums that don't cater to the "total dick" demographic...

Calling out stupidity, when merited, does not constitute being a douchebag. It's more of a public service.


It's never "stupidity" unless you're a pompous prick. In a beginner forum, it's always an honest question. Let me say that again. It's ALWAYS an honest question. In a motorcycle forum, if someone asks whether it's really that big a deal to make sure your wheels are mounted correctly, you don't say "your gonna die noob", you give them a patient explanation of how important basic safety checks are. In a chess forum, when someone asks why the Ruy Lopez is so great if it repeats moves, you don't say "STFU noob just play more", you try to give them an insightful answer that they can understand at their level.

But on RC, every time a beginner asks a question, the same twelve egotistical assholes jump on them, and tell them how stupid they are. And the "moderators" do nothing.

Stop being a dick. It's really that simple. It's too bad that the "experts" on RC don't get it. You want to bring this forum back? Simple. Fire each and every moderator for gross incompetence. Once you get rid of that dead wood, get some moderators who'll shut down the ego whores - the self-aggrandizing "guides", the trad climbers who think they're more important that Jesus, and the geezers who demand respect because they used a piton back in '82.

Then, and only then, this forum will become useful...

This forum is not coming back. Not only is there no pulse, it has been embalmed--all that remains is to bury it.



Apr 24, 2016, 12:24 PM
Post #181 of 238 (25677 views)

Registered: Sep 8, 2004
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Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Apr 25, 2016, 10:01 PM
Post #182 of 238 (25618 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2006
Posts: 71

Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Every forum I visit, on whatever topic, is hurting. No forum is growing unless its so small that getting 10 new guys wil;l make a big difference.

But especially the climbing forums are dead or dying.

Turns out climbers don't like each other. I certainly don't. Climbers suck ass.

Climbing was the greatest sport in the world.


Now its full of asswipes whose goal is simply to make money off of it, or make some cause more famous, or to make some personal fame. And those reasons for climbing suck ass too.

The REAL climbers are those who get nothing but personal stoke from climbing. And those guys don't think much of the guys who attempt to control and profit off'n climbing.

So yes, this place, as strong as it once was, is dead and will likely stay dead. Not because it wasn't fun (some of it was) but because those asswipes who had the biggest hardon for making climbing profitable also had the biggest hardon for those who saw no need for indoor gyms, color coded equipment or paid guide services that set on the boards of alphabet coded certification panels. The money-grubbers had to hate on the real enthusiasists because they just laughed at the money grubbers and the presidents of fucked-up groups like the AAC, the Sierra Club or the fucking friends of panda bears always begging for your money.

This site is just a dead canary. Just one more. You want to know what is killing climbing, look to Kalifornai, most of the real pricks in our sport seem to live there.

A couple years ago, a guy I met "online" nicknamed "skully" and I tried to become climbing partners. Or at least I tried. But within a few weeks, the guy grew to hate me, perhaps due to the thoughts I had on the future of climbing, and perhaps also a few of his "other friends". Among other things, I told him his skillset was pisspoor. He told me about all the walls he ahd done. Along with a few stories about the accidents he was in. I told him I knew he could pound pins, that he culdn't CLIMB.

A few days ago I saw a heli moving some guy off the Black Cliffs. Took them many hours from the time of the fall, even though he wasn't at ALL far from the road, maybe a couple hundred yards. Down a rocky hillside.

Turned out a few minutes ago I found out it was Skully. Took a fourty foot fall, then pulled his pro evidently.

He reportedly had 8 hours of surgery but is expected to survive.


So if I can tell some guy his skillset is weak, and he decides to hate me and spreads shit about me all over hell and back, then what chance do I have of actually helping someone here? Everybody already knows what a prick I am...

Unfortunately, I am a prick. A fucking smart one. And I am usually right. So when the guys that are right get slandered when they are right, what hope can I have? I can wait like now, until I am proven right again, but what does that make me? More hated.

You guys send money to St. Al's, care of room 4229. Cappy is there, and I am pretty sure he still has no money, no wife, and no insurance. But he's a BIG WALL CLIMBER!

With none-to-limited free climbing skills, and poor protection skills.

We are climbers, we hate climbers, climbers are fucking moronic pussies nowadays. Why SHOULDN'T this site die? WHAY too many people think climbing can be taught over the computer screen. This place was a danger to the community. All dangerous sport forums are.

The only thing a climbing website is good for is boosting the ego of the owners.

Too Fucking Bad. I could use some new partners, my old ones are dying out from old age. But where would I find them, Here???

No fucking chance, MY reputation is bad. Forum Posters don't like me. My advice is suspect, I don't support flying squirrels.

Or stupid shit. "Yer Gonna Die" is about all I can offer most new climbers. They are innoculated against my advice, I don't own a Indoor Gym, sell raw fish for the climbers Raves or offer to guide noobs for cash. I don't support ASCA, AAC or any of the clubs that exist to take money from climbers.

And I think I am actually more like most climbers than the "regulators" want to admit. I support my sport, not the sport those who want to manipulate climbing want to create.

Properly viewed, Climbs are not created, they are discovered. If you are cleaning, bolting and yo-yoing pitches for any reason, you are not climbing, you are wanking off.

And I hate wankers. Especially climbing wankers.

Yes, climbing forums are dead, just some guys are willing to spend a lot of time on something that makes no money at all, but makes them feel relevant and important. The body is kept fresh looking... like Lenin in his glass crypt; but its still a dead motherfucker.

Good luck Curt, aren't you glad you didn't spend YOUR money on this crypt?


Apr 26, 2016, 1:42 PM
Post #183 of 238 (25597 views)

Registered: Aug 13, 2006
Posts: 869

Re: [Rokjox] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Rokjox wrote:
Every forum I visit, on whatever topic, is hurting.

Maybe you are the common thread? Self-stroking wall of text posts can be a turn off.

Partner jammer

Apr 26, 2016, 3:42 PM
Post #184 of 238 (25589 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2002
Posts: 3472

Re: [curt] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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curt wrote:

This forum is not coming back. Not only is there no pulse, it has been embalmed--all that remains is to bury it.


I use to look forward to checking this site as much as possible when I first joined. It was exciting to see the encouragement, learn from the experienced, attend the gatherings at Rumney, make new friends ... but then there were those whose posts put out the fire in many threads. This place could be alive once again if people would stop slamming others just for the fun of it.

Just for the heck of it, I thought I would stop by today (since it is snowing outside) to see how the site is doing ... and I came upon this thread.

I really miss the days when a climber could feel at home here.


Apr 26, 2016, 5:11 PM
Post #185 of 238 (25580 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2006
Posts: 71

Re: [jammer] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Did your daddy beat you with a belt?

Did Yo Momma spent her time telling you what a dumship you were?

Did your brothers outed you whenever you did anything you could get into trouble over?

Did your sisters tell their friends that you werre a wanker who knew nothing about how to screw and you usually dropped
your partner before the finish?

Did some strange neighbor offer to school you on sex over the internet?

Did your grandmother tell you that you were doing it all wrong?

Did your grandfather tell you he did your girlfriend years before you ever saw her and
that he did her without modern rubber, did not take her to dinner first and thought she
was so unimpressive that he never even bragged about it?

If home was anything like this place, You got a weird homelife.

Eat dirt and fall, brother. Dead is dead for a reason.

PS: If your attention span is so short or your reading skills so poor that
a half page of text forms an inpentratable "Text-Wall"
for you, well, I'm impressed by
your raw determination to put me in my place. I really do support The Handicapped.

I am so ashamed. I feel the need for an explanation... see, I actually learned to TYPE
before the second grade, MY mother was taking a typing class, and I duplicated her homework on a manual TYPEWRITER!
Had to actually PRESS the keys and everything.
I was being dual tracked before they called it that, homeschool AND
public school, and I learned to think in paragraphs.
Oh, and Daddy taught me to read before I ever went to my first, first grade class. It's just the kind of guy he was.

It's quite noisy in my head, you should hear it... except that to you it might
just sound like the "Brrrappp" of a Modem.

Sorry again for the "wall of words". Find someone to read it for you, or just skip it.
Thats what most people do when they see a "wall of words" beyond their ability to handle.

They just skip it.

I really don't care if one particular person removes themselves from
the conversation. If you can't keep up, its perfectly understandable. We all do what we can, at the level we find ourselves at..

Perhaps I need to rate my posts?

""WARNING! 5.9+ Wordwall ahead with 5.10b cusswords and an R to X degree of risk to your ego!
Watch the runnout in the third paragraph!""

What more do you want from Me?

Free Beer?

(This post was edited by Rokjox on Apr 26, 2016, 5:53 PM)

Partner jammer

Apr 26, 2016, 8:35 PM
Post #186 of 238 (25561 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2002
Posts: 3472

Re: [Rokjox] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Rokjox wrote:
Did your daddy beat you with a belt?

Did Yo Momma spent her time telling you what a dumship you were?

Did your brothers outed you whenever you did anything you could get into trouble over?

Did your sisters tell their friends that you werre a wanker who knew nothing about how to screw and you usually dropped
your partner before the finish?

Did some strange neighbor offer to school you on sex over the internet?

Did your grandmother tell you that you were doing it all wrong?

Did your grandfather tell you he did your girlfriend years before you ever saw her and
that he did her without modern rubber, did not take her to dinner first and thought she
was so unimpressive that he never even bragged about it?

If home was anything like this place, You got a weird homelife.

Eat dirt and fall, brother. Dead is dead for a reason.

PS: If your attention span is so short or your reading skills so poor that
a half page of text forms an inpentratable "Text-Wall"
for you, well, I'm impressed by
your raw determination to put me in my place. I really do support The Handicapped.

I am so ashamed. I feel the need for an explanation... see, I actually learned to TYPE
before the second grade, MY mother was taking a typing class, and I duplicated her homework on a manual TYPEWRITER!
Had to actually PRESS the keys and everything.
I was being dual tracked before they called it that, homeschool AND
public school, and I learned to think in paragraphs.
Oh, and Daddy taught me to read before I ever went to my first, first grade class. It's just the kind of guy he was.

It's quite noisy in my head, you should hear it... except that to you it might
just sound like the "Brrrappp" of a Modem.

Sorry again for the "wall of words". Find someone to read it for you, or just skip it.
Thats what most people do when they see a "wall of words" beyond their ability to handle.

They just skip it.

I really don't care if one particular person removes themselves from
the conversation. If you can't keep up, its perfectly understandable. We all do what we can, at the level we find ourselves at..

Perhaps I need to rate my posts?

""WARNING! 5.9+ Wordwall ahead with 5.10b cusswords and an R to X degree of risk to your ego!
Watch the runnout in the third paragraph!""

What more do you want from Me?

Free Beer?

A perfect example of why this site is highly ignored by anyone. Good luck with the site and let the quoted response be a warning for all who venture here.


Apr 27, 2016, 4:55 AM
Post #187 of 238 (25542 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2006
Posts: 71

Re: [jammer] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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You don't like "text-walls" so you cut and for no reason paste together a duplicate of the one I just posted, then added a little whine. How curious.

And you make a simple mistake in comprehension... this place is NOT "highly ignored". It is DEAD. There is a difference. Highly ignored is You. DEAD is DEAD.

There is nobody left here but the fleas and the worms.

This is the Highest Level of, the General Tab.

You think this kind of off topic shet would just set here for a couple fortnights (forever) if the site were not an abandoned building? This is Chernobyl after the meltdown.
The thread topic is "This Place Is DEAD, Part 2." You had honest and fair warning when you clicked the top thread in the top level post.
A little critical comprehension goes a long way. Be personally responsible for what happens to you.

((Hint: they WANT you at Supertopo. They love gumbys there, they will LOVE you and PAMPER you there. Go there. They will answer all your short and simple questions there. THEY NEED YOU.))

Kid, you are FAR too serious to be a climber. You got to take off some of your clothes and wave your junk around. Get a fkng sense of humor about yourself. You ain't posting stuff good enough to inspire big think kind of responses. Just having a personal need on your behalf puts no onus on my behalf to help you. You want help, you get to ask nice or you get what you get.

You are the one with the problems, not me. You want help, go ask someone who cares about you, or make me care.

With your attitude, well;

You Are Gonna Die.

Whether you whine about it or not.

(This post was edited by Rokjox on Apr 27, 2016, 5:03 AM)

Partner jammer

Apr 27, 2016, 1:54 PM
Post #188 of 238 (25521 views)

Registered: Jun 25, 2002
Posts: 3472

Re: [Rokjox] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Fleas and worms? I see you think highly of this site. May I ask why you are still here? I wonder why the only people left are those who tear the place down instead of build it up?

Flashback to the early 2000's. People came here to find partners, discuss road trips, create gatherings, share good times, provide solid instruction to new climbers, do new product research, ENCOURAGE each other. All the traits that built this site in the beginning are missing. Page after page of insults have replaced the valued insight people use to give.

For some reason those who remain believe the better they are at insulting people the better climber they must be ... or has the reason for the site moved from climbing to pure insolence?

And yes, there are many sites where a climber can have a normal conversation with other climbers without flame wars.


Apr 27, 2016, 4:06 PM
Post #189 of 238 (25516 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2006
Posts: 71

Re: [jammer] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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jammer wrote:
Fleas and worms? I see you think highly of this site. May I ask why you are still here? I wonder why the only people left are those who tear the place down instead of build it up?

Flashback to the early 2000's. People came here to find partners, discuss road trips, create gatherings, share good times, provide solid instruction to new climbers, do new product research, ENCOURAGE each other. All the traits that built this site in the beginning are missing. Page after page of insults have replaced the valued insight people use to give.

For some reason those who remain believe the better they are at insulting people the better climber they must be ... or has the reason for the site moved from climbing to pure insolence?

And yes, there are many sites where a climber can have a normal conversation with other climbers without flame wars.

WOW, I have not laughed that hard in weeks. You talk about how rad this place was around 2000. Do you know what this year is?
I don't remember offhand when this site originated, but 2000 was 16 years ago. I had been climbing for about 30 years by them and I PROMISE
you that if that was the "Golden Age" of forums, well then you missed it.

Yeah, Go to StuporTopo, NOBODY has flamewars There.

(Damn, another burst of laughter, I am Gasping like I just did a 1/4 mile sprint.)

Guy, I "respected" this site when it was viable, but now its DEAD. DEAD. You understand Dead? ((STINKY))
Its still here because their bill was paid up by the year and somewhere a server is humming in the dark, waiting to be turned off.

((Is this a Go-Daddy site? I don't care enough to even look. Its actually irrevelant now.))

Thats all it is, and when the fee for the name runs out, it will go into the tank again until someone again pays for the name. But it is unlikely that all the databases
here of the past will ever be preserved, as the people selling the name are not the people who own the content.
And it appears that "Mitch" is dead. Forever, most likely. Our common future. Shared destiny.

And the content is too large to be really wanted by a new operator. Most of the actual route data and the advice you value
are duplicated and done BETTER at Mountain Project.

Doesn't the fact that almost nobody BUT me has bothered to recognise that you even posted, strike you as notable? I am the local virtual equivlent to Gollum,
a wretched soul, shunned by the powers of this world, hanging out in the ruins of one large structure and obsessing on the "Precious".
There are a few other hangers on, but in no way is there any "community" here any longer.

Unless YOU want to pony up some cash and take on the responsibility of RUNNING this site, then you are going to be just
another wanderer getting waylayed as you pass by. You are nothing special. You just walked into an Apache Bar,
damn near empty, but Whitey is not especially loved here. You had better flash some money quick before you are just thumped
on and thrown out. Nothing Personal, its just that you are proving yourself not only clueless, but delusional.
This is not 1999, and you cannot go back to the turn of the century. This is how it is. Now. The only real moment in all of eternity.

Dude, you better not go to ST, they will eat you as a snack. You are GRASS and they are cows.

Yeah, there are plenty of forums where climbers don't flame each other... but they are all on another Internet, circling some other star. But I like your fantasy.

Hey, tell me something about yourself. I want to know how it is you found your way here without meeting any actual climbers online.
Give me your age, sexual orientation and IQ. A list of remedial schools and mental hospitals would be fun too.

You on any drugs? Any GOOD ones? Have you ever manged to lose your virginity? To someone else, I mean.

I really want to know. You are IMPORTANT to me. Without you, who will make me laugh around here?

(This post was edited by Rokjox on Apr 27, 2016, 6:44 PM)


May 1, 2016, 2:14 AM
Post #190 of 238 (25385 views)

Registered: Jun 30, 2002
Posts: 4694

Re: [Roxjox] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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Well, I like reading your stuff Lance (although it tends to being too long) but it ain't dead and done till Jeff says it's dead and done. As this thread is going, it ain't there yet. JT even posted!

Hey Jeff, I'm sure someone wants to see a photo of GBlauers husband when they log in and there's probably a story about that, but the rest of us want to see some climbing shots. In the winter, make that climbing shots on a warm sunny beach.

This is what we all see everytime we all log in.

(This post was edited by billcoe_ on May 3, 2016, 1:40 PM)


May 4, 2016, 3:47 AM
Post #191 of 238 (25243 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] This place is dead part 2 (exclamation mark not needed) [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
us want to see some climbing shots. In the winter, make that climbing shots on a warm sunny beach.

zchandran wrote:
You want to bring this forum back? Simple. Fire each and every moderator for gross incompetence.

Okay, so what I'm picking up here is !!!!!!MAKE SUNGAM SUPREME HEAD MOD AND PHOTOEDITER!!!!!

I have been saying this for years!

Maybe I should make several hilarious new photographs and perhaps post my backlog of threads deemed both witty and entertaining by extensive peer review. I have a particularly funny one that I may or may not have saved somewhere (I must check!!!) that involves Kennyoce climbing onto the roof of the shed we built while I stayed at his house and claiming the FA. It was EXTREMELY funny!!!!

Give me a second I might have something here.

(This post was edited by sungam on May 4, 2016, 3:48 AM)


May 4, 2016, 3:49 AM
Post #192 of 238 (25241 views)

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give me a second I think it's on Drive somewhere


May 4, 2016, 4:26 AM
Post #193 of 238 (25239 views)

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May 4, 2016, 4:29 AM
Post #194 of 238 (25238 views)

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May 4, 2016, 4:30 AM
Post #195 of 238 (25237 views)

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May 4, 2016, 4:51 AM
Post #196 of 238 (25234 views)

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WOW RC.COM GOT MY BACK YET AGAIN it totally crashed and didn't post my comedy post about crying because hiking with a big pack on down a steep snowy hill is really shit


May 4, 2016, 5:13 AM
Post #197 of 238 (25231 views)

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Then we found this refuge hut thing and slept for like legit 15 hours it was good.



May 4, 2016, 5:18 AM
Post #198 of 238 (25229 views)

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man that quote block is grim


May 4, 2016, 5:18 AM
Post #199 of 238 (25228 views)

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May 4, 2016, 5:19 AM
Post #200 of 238 (26716 views)

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