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Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea??
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Jul 23, 2005, 8:17 AM
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Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea??
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Anyone ever had an accident with a piercing while climbing?? Obviously big earrings or eyebrows could be yanked out by the rope, and I know of at least 1 case of a navel piercing being torn out by the harness when falling...
Pierced or not, post your experiences (or those of a friend of a friend of a girl you once talked to) or just feel free to rant about what you think about metal in your body blended with climbing.


Jul 23, 2005, 9:55 AM
Post #2 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I have a bunch of piercngs (including about 6 in my face, nipples as well as a PA) never had a problem with any of them while climbing. The only thing I am a little worried about is tattoos. I have some on my arms and have been slowly completing my sleeves. Some times when I climb, especially when Im doing some sort of fist jam, i tend to scratch my arms. The last thing i want is to screw up a few grand in tattoo work, but i figure the day i worry bout gettin scratched and bloody is the day i become a pussy. Anyone got a simiar problem, anyone ever thought about light leather bracers to protect the arm? bla bla bla bla bla bbbbblllaaaa

p.s rail trip begins tommorrow, goin to be in san fran for 2 weeks any local climbers need a belay monkey and are willin to spread a little knowledge, give me a jingle

Partner gunksgoer

Jul 23, 2005, 12:34 PM
Post #3 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I have a huge nose ring, and it seems to get caught on everything, especially on balancy moves where im close to the rock.


Jul 23, 2005, 2:09 PM
Post #4 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I've noticed when TRing the rope will often graze my nipple rings. This tends to irritate them after a while, and on occasion they have gotten a pretty good yank as the rope passes over my chest. I've also lost the bead of a CBR at the gym.


Jul 24, 2005, 6:05 AM
Post #5 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Good point about tattoos being scraped... hadnīt thought about that.
I have a dyd but I guess that a PA is subjected to about the same forces when taking a fall.
Iīve been wanting to get upper arm halfsleeves but canīt find a design or freehand artist I like. Besides having nowhere near enough money to get inked, Iīd have to take a couple of months off of climbing for each section to heal... :( . Not a big selling point for me....


Jul 24, 2005, 1:16 PM
Post #6 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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unless you are from a tribe that traditionaly pierces you shoulddn't pierce anything other than an ear or two. It makes you look like a wannabe tough guy :roll: the other thing that is such a shame is is how ugly it can make a naturaly good looking chick to have a bunch of metal sticking out of eveywhere :? Ever notice how nose piercings ALLWAYS look infected. If you think that a red irratated puss oozing hole in your nose is a turn on you are definatly only fooling yourself or someone else with the same issue. The creator gave you a pretty decent body so honor it with good food and excercise, not too much booze or drugs and pleanty of sex. Don't mangle it :roll: You asked for a rant :D


Jul 24, 2005, 2:23 PM
Post #7 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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A while back, I got the ultimate piercing: an arrow through my head. It made climbing, and just about every thing else, a real bitch. Can you imagine pulling a sweater over your head with that thing? I just got so sick of the funny looks at work and the behind my back comments, "look, here comes steve martin...giggle, giggle." I mean, it's my head. People can be so closed minded.


Jul 24, 2005, 2:24 PM
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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I've noticed when TRing the rope will often graze my nipple rings. This tends to irritate them after a while, and on occasion they have gotten a pretty good yank as the rope passes over my chest...

Ditto that. I find this is only a problem when climbing sans shirt. Because of this and other reasons, when ever on the sharp end, I wear a shirt.

There are two blood stains on my rope. One from untieing after falliing on a fist jam that held...and the other from a toprope fall that kicked my nipple's ass.



Jul 24, 2005, 5:45 PM
Post #9 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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i was on a trip to canada when i decided to get the middle of my nose pierced. i was bouldering in squamish a few days later and then i fell. i was going to land on my feet but this girl decided to give me a spot anyway. her idea of a spot was sticking your hands out and turning your head away. well, needless to say, she tore my nose ring a little bit and it started bleeding. i shouted "YOU BITCH" while clasping my nose, then walked off.


Jul 24, 2005, 7:15 PM
Post #10 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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i have a nipple ring an i never had a problem with it, except once while backpacking. it got irritated and i took it out.

if youre worried, just protect them with some tape.


Jul 25, 2005, 6:14 PM
Post #11 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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yeah i work at a outdoor center and have never had a problem with my frenum. we do suggest to our clients that they cover any body piercings with a band aid when they're on a course here. but most don't and i've personally never seen anyone here loose anything.


Jul 25, 2005, 7:02 PM
Post #12 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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So I am in the gym training a few winters back in Ohio. I am about midway through my workout, feeling good, feeling strong, sufficiently warmed-up. I decide to give a top-rope route a try to test my limits and my strengths. I had no idea how much I would be tested.

There I am, about half way up the route, my next move is a power lieback, pull-up, lock off, rock onto the left foot and shift my weight. Somewhere in between there I lost it. I fell! Not the first time I have fallen, definitely not the last. But, as I fell, the TR grazed across my chest, leaving my nipple in dire straights and the ring hanging on by a thread. Talk about a test of strength. Luckily all has healed very well.

Those who thought the piercing was painful are sorely mistaken when comparing the pain of the pierce, to the pain of the practically tearing out.

OUCH. No more nipple rings for me, thank you very much. I have since removed both rings.


Jul 25, 2005, 7:34 PM
Post #13 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Tradgal. Good for you for getting some common sense. 8^)


Jul 25, 2005, 9:03 PM
Post #14 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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... as I fell, the TR grazed across my chest, leaving my nipple in dire straights and the ring hanging on by a thread ...

OUCH. i'll be sure not to do any gym TRing now!!!
My nipple rings give me no trouble. i climb outside roughly 4 days a week right now, and i would like to think, pushing my limit. climbing sans shirt, with shirt, whatever, my piercings have not affected my climbing nor vice versa. the day i see any conflict between them is the day i give up my steel.


Jul 25, 2005, 9:26 PM
Post #15 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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unless you are from a tribe that traditionaly pierces you shoulddn't pierce anything other than an ear or two. It makes you look like a wannabe tough guy :roll:
wow. :shock: to share another opinion ... people with piercings do not necessarily do it to look "tough." It could be that they do it for ornamental purposes, and believe that they can be beautiful. In fact, many people also do it for spiritual purposes, as relaxing into the high of the endorphines and adrenalyne during a piercing experience can be rather enlightening. a very good friend of mine is a Reverend of the Church of Body Modification and after he explained his views to me, I wanted to see what the fuss was about, so I allowed him to pierce my nipples. the experience of relaxing into that rush is really unexplainable.
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the other thing that is such a shame is is how ugly it can make a naturaly good looking chick to have a bunch of metal sticking out of eveywhere :? Ever notice how nose piercings ALLWAYS look infected. If you think that a red irratated puss oozing hole in your nose is a turn on you are definatly only fooling yourself or someone else with the same issue.

a little judgemental are we??? Personally, I find that piercings do not necessarily take away from natural beauty, when done in a way to compliment one's natural features, and can be quite beautiful. I am not necessarily a fan of metal all over one's face (although I can't really criticize that as it is not my body nor my choice) but a nose ring, eyebrow, lip, whatever, can be very attractive and tasteful even.
and no, i've never noticed how all nose piercings always look infected.

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The creator gave you a pretty decent body so honor it with good food and excercise, not too much booze or drugs and pleanty of sex.
you mean The Creator? good food and exercise are great, as is moderating the use of alcohol or other substances, as is sex, but I fail to see how piercings contradict any of that.


Jul 26, 2005, 7:54 AM
Post #16 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Ike pretty much covered what I would have said to tradman...
A lot of people (surprisingly enough) actually get pierced for other reasons than just a fad.
Me, I got mine for aesthetic purposes and because I wanted expand my horizons (damn did I ever). Most people are really freaked out by anything similar to my piercing or andrealphusīs or adamchiltonīs, quite frankly so was I when a fwe years back I heard something like that was even done.
Most nose piercings donīt look infected at all, ever. Maybe a little irritated but something oozing out of the hole isnīt normal or very common with well cared for nose piercings.
I had a girlfriend with 23 piercings, 19 on her head. She was (by general consensus) really good looking with or without the metal...


Jul 26, 2005, 7:59 AM
Post #17 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Thanks to everyone whoīs responded so far, especially the rants, we need more of those... then tend to spice things up a bit...


Jul 26, 2005, 12:02 PM
Post #18 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I have none but, I climb with a few ladies who have belly piercings. It only took one time on TR for one belly piercing to get caught on one harness while lowering before they all decided to not have their belly buttons stretched further than intended.


Jul 26, 2005, 12:33 PM
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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I don't have any piercings, but I have a sleeve on my right arm and other misc. tattoos. There has only been one occasion when the ink came out and that was when I took a huge fall on runout slab. All the other cuts and scrapes (especially from crack climbing) have had no effect on the appearance of the tattoo.



Jul 26, 2005, 1:22 PM
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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Of course i am being judgemental. You asked for a rant so i gave you a rant :twisted: The puss thang was just part of the rant. Seriously though you allmost never see a nose piercing that is not red and irritated looking unless the person has really dark skin. If you think that look is sexy you are being blinded by you own need to feel good about your mutilations. Belly button can be tastefull if it's small. ears are tastefull. Anything through the nose, lip, eyebrow or toung is stupid and gross. If you hang out only with people who are into body art you will obviously support each other and feel accepted and beautifull. Out in the general population you will not be as beautifull as you think. Even people with pierced ears are gonna look at those twenty pieces of metal in your head and say what a shame. She could be so beautifull without all that crap :roll: You may not feel the need to be accepted in the general population. That is fine untill you have kids and need to support them, put them through college etc. Even if you are not going for the tough look that is often how you come accross. Wanna be tough guy. Unless you go for the punk look where you wear those stupid baggy pants with the wimpy chain down the backs of the legs. Whats up with that stupid shit :roll: How can you be taken seriously if you have to buy your pants with chains allready attached :roll: You can't buy toughness or beauty, you have to earn it. Who are you gonna respect more, the person with a bunch of external modifications or the person with inner strength 8^)


Jul 26, 2005, 2:54 PM
Post #21 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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I think piercing and tattoo's are distracting and take the eye off the body, much like clothing. A little tease is fine, maybe, but some of us way over do it. I often wonder if it's like the girl who is so conscious that people might think she's not wearing a bra that she lets the straps show, and suddenly she has so many straps you can't see the shoulders. I know these are all fads, but why do we add interfering distractions when we are trying to get attention?

I have three earpieces. My loop got caught on an "earring hold" once. Fortunately my feet were placed just well enough that I could take a hand to deal with it.


Jul 27, 2005, 5:30 AM
Post #22 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Tradmanīs one funny guy.
Dude, chill out for a sec. Yes I hang out with like 8 people who are openly modified (or "evolved" as some ppl like to put it :? ), but most of my friends are not, except earings on the girls. Iīm a person who, through a variety of life circumstances, has been exposed to a very wide spectrum of people and personalities from ALL walks of life.
...discussing this in depth would take us WAY off topic and weīd start waxing all philosophical and then the psycology babble would kick in: low self-esteem, inferiority complex, blind unconcious rebellion against overbaring parents, etc (those were, literally, my psych teacherīs favorites). Talking about punks and BodMod tends to end up there...

Letīs keep things simple, or at least on topic. I will respond to your comment about the girl though. I liked her because of who she was on the inside. I liked her personality and certain takes on her view of life. The metal was there and to me, at that point in time at least, it looked good. Would I have prefered her to not have any of them?? Maybe, I donīt know. If she didnīt she might not be the way she is.
One of the views I have on BodMod, is that it should be done because you want to and donīt give a rats @ss what some people might think.
Iīm actually a student for now, 4.0 average, Iīve had scholarships and whatever in the past and I do know what itīs like to be more mainstream; itīs the primary reason Iīm not tattoed or visible pierced, because Iīm, looking to the future to "posibly" having a family that Iīll need to guide and support while walking the social straight and narrow...yadayadayada...
Freedom is our ultimate right, and plenty of people have died to insure that. Doing something with your body like tattoing or piercing is personal and shouldnīt be construed as "stupid" by someone on the outside. But then again, since Iīve seen the inside (at least a little bit) maybe Iīm biased, so what do I know right?? :wink:


Jul 27, 2005, 5:33 AM
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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Again thanks for the replies, some will probably prove helpful to someone somethime somewhere (... :?: ...).
I do apreciate the rants, theyīre fun to reply to, but please try to keep things a little bit more on topic.
If you want to open a thread about body adornment in Community, youīre welcome to do it, though it will likely have pandoresque results. 8^)


Jul 27, 2005, 5:34 AM
Post #24 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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Again thanks for the replies, some will probably prove helpful to someone sometime somewhere (... :?: ...).
I do apreciate the rants, theyīre fun to reply to, but please try to keep things a little bit more on topic.
If you want to open a thread about body adornment in Community, youīre welcome to do it, though it will likely have pandoresque results. 8^)


Jul 27, 2005, 5:56 AM
Post #25 of 45 (8812 views)

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Re: Piercing+Climbing= Good or bad idea?? [In reply to]
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some groosum stories im hearing here. havent seen any accidents with my friends piercings so no story here. ouch about almost tearing out the nipple ring. (cringe) ouch.

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