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I got a relationship thing for ya.
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Mar 20, 2006, 5:31 PM
Post #1 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Dec 23, 2001
Posts: 6179

I got a relationship thing for ya.
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Actually, I don't care. I think I'm just going to tell this guy off, but . . . perhaps someone out there knows this game.

I've been on all of three blind dates in my life, and two of them were this year. They all ended the same.

See, the first date goes fine, but the guy doesn't kiss me at the end - it's not the nature of the location or what have you. He also doesn't ask for a second date. And I'm shy so I don't.

A few days pass by and no word, so I call him and ask him out again. He always says yes.

Now, here's the weird part . . . the second date is still ambiguous. I figure it's just blind dateness, right? And then, no word. For at least a week.

And here I am like, "Okay, whatever, wrote you off, silly blind date."

And then the guy will email me about a week and a half later about how busy he is and how he's going to be busy for another week, but we should continue this when he's not busy. This last guy signed off with: "The
start of the quarter is always pretty hectic as well (he's a prof), so write me if I become a slacker and don't get around to writing you."

The other two times the guy never called back, and that was fine, because I have a philosophy that if a guy likes you, he will MAKE time.

But what is the point of the intermediary email? Some kind of guilt assuager like, "Well, I'm not just fading out . .. I'm BUSY?"

I'm genuinely curious. This guy has no shot with me because I am of a higher quality than an afterthought. Pshaw. But still. Analyse away.


Mar 20, 2006, 5:46 PM
Post #2 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jul 4, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Attraction is a visceral emotion, which defies intellect and reason. It is something that you either simply run with or not.

You sound as though you have analyzed the results of your blind date experiences in depth. Is it not possible that you are actually doing this during your dates. in which case you and the other person have little chance of just letting things develop or not?

Analyzing scientific hypotheses is a good practice, although dissecting the psyche of your dates is not. In fact, it is a sure way to sabotage your chances of ever really getting to know these potential mates.

You might try just enjoying these dates with zero expectation in mind. Be pleasant and easygoing, and give your date the chance to take it all in.

It is also wise that you realize that sex is most likely always going to be on your date's mind and that he might feel reluctant to be forthright about, for fear of offending you. If you sincerely like the person, but don't want to jump into a sexual situation, then be considerate and open about your feelings with friendly, tactful dialogue. Let him know that you understand human nature and that you might even entertain that thought, but that you need to let those things develop at their own pace.

If he truly likes you, then he will work with that. If not, then he isn't worth another thought. The key is to give him the chance to feel comfortable around you and be able to be himself.

One other thing that is the kiss of death is to be intellectually competetive with him. Dates are not a pissing contest. If you truly believe that you both share an intellectual capacity, then try to explore it in harmony with him, but don't push the issue. It is a date, and they are supposed to be fun.

Good luck,



Mar 20, 2006, 5:57 PM
Post #3 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Dec 29, 2002
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Sounds like "Nice Guy Syndrome" to know, when they really aren't that into you, but they don't want to feel guilty about hurting you/rejecting you, so they tell you this bullshit to string you along, thinking that they are "letting you down easy." This also saves them the guilt of feeling like that really jerky-guy they know who uses and abuses women. At any rate, its like a communism: a really nice idea in theory, but nearly impossible to prevent the preversion of it in practice.

I think you're right though, you shouldn't email him in the future. You aren't an after-thought and you are worth more than that. If he was truly interested, very little could stop him from initiating contact with you if he really wanted to see you again.


Mar 20, 2006, 5:57 PM
Post #4 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2006
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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The other two times the guy never called back, and that was fine, because I have a philosophy that if a guy likes you, he will MAKE time.

I think you hit the nail on the head with that statement.

I hate to admit it, but I have played the old, "I am going to be busy for two weeks" card, and it's BS. It's a way to keep your hooks in someone, while not really letting them intrude on your life. You have been put on hold. I suggest you hang up.

The other guys just sounded too passive to be straight with you. Easier to just fade away, than actually deal with their feelings, or lack there of.

Blind dates, heh, you gotta love em.

Partner j_ung

Mar 20, 2006, 6:05 PM
Post #5 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Mac, it's the Swingers Effect. Allow me to explain.

Any man who has ever seen Swingers understands (and some of us intuitively!) that if you show too much interest at the very beginning, you risk being labeled a loser or stalker and written off. He's trying to guage how interested you are, that's all. But in the process, he's coming off as too disinterested. That's the Swingers Effect. I think you have blind dated a man who has yet to find the balance between honesty and patience.



Mar 20, 2006, 6:05 PM
Post #6 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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I think I agree with what Dr. Phil, I mean rufus, said, although I'm not absolutely sure. He used a lot of big words that really have no place in community, so I'll need to read it a few more times.

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The other two times the guy never called back, and that was fine, because I have a philosophy that if a guy likes you, he will MAKE time.

This is true. It sounds like he's just not into you. He's probably a big closet 'mo. Move on to the next guy.


Mar 20, 2006, 6:29 PM
Post #7 of 37 (1831 views)

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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Jay, would that be "affect" as in - put on, or "effect" as in brings about change?


Mar 20, 2006, 6:30 PM
Post #8 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Oct 17, 2001
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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he's gay....


Mar 20, 2006, 7:12 PM
Post #9 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Well, it could go either way. I went on a date on Thursday, and I haven't called her back yet, even though I had a great time. St. Paddy's friday, some psycho 24 hour party in SF (don't ask) and crazy day at work today. If I remember before I pass out, I'll call her tonight.


Mar 20, 2006, 7:29 PM
Post #10 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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I'm with Jay.

Show a girl you are interested in no uncertain terms, even if SHE hit on YOU first, (as in, touches you, gives her your phone number, says CALL ME!!!!) she's going to run most of the time.

You women have nobody to blame but yourselves for this.

Next time some guy is nice to you, if you like him, be nice back.

Partner j_ung

Mar 20, 2006, 7:35 PM
Post #11 of 37 (1831 views)

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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Jay, would that be "affect" as in - put on, or "effect" as in brings about change?


Luckily, still none of them understand it. :P


Mar 20, 2006, 7:37 PM
Post #12 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Feb 15, 2006
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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he's gay....

:lol: Who knew the answer was so simple... apparently Mad.


Mar 20, 2006, 8:07 PM
Post #13 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Jay, would that be "affect" as in - put on, or "effect" as in brings about change?

Ask her for some advise and she slams you're grammer. One wonder's if she displays such behavior on her date's.


Mar 20, 2006, 8:08 PM
Post #14 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Feb 3, 2004
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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That thought crossed my mind........


Mar 20, 2006, 8:52 PM
Post #15 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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I think that may be the best post Iīve ever seen from Rufus, not that I usually bother reading his posts anyway.... 8^)

(intended for all women, not just you Mac):

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You might try just enjoying these dates with zero expectation in mind. Be pleasant and easygoing, and give your date the chance to take it all in.

Good advice, your only expectation should be to have a good time (and make it happen, donīt wait for it).

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It is also wise that you realize that sex is most likely always going to be on your date's mind and that he might feel reluctant to be forthright about, for fear of offending you. If you sincerely like the person, but don't want to jump into a sexual situation, then be considerate and open about your feelings with friendly, tactful dialogue. Let him know that you understand human nature and that you might even entertain that thought, but that you need to let those things develop at their own pace.

Depends on the dude and the circumstances. Some guys will freak and get scared off, so youīll need to weigh the situation just right, but most confident malesīll take it in stride.

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If he truly likes you, then he will work with that. If not, then he isn't worth another thought. The key is to give him the chance to feel comfortable around you and be able to be himself.

Yes, to a degree. If he really liked you, then yeah heīll go the extra 5 miles to get another date, but not all 1st dates are mindbogglingly great (!), so if you felt anything, try a 2nd date to gauge both your and his responses.

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It is a date, and they are supposed to be fun.

Damn straight! WAY too many people donīt seem to get this tiny little detail.

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Sounds like "Nice Guy Syndrome" to know, when they really aren't that into you, but they don't want to feel guilty about hurting you/rejecting you, so they tell you this s--- to string you along, thinking that they are "letting you down easy." This also saves them the guilt of feeling like that really jerky-guy they know who uses and abuses women. At any rate, its like a communism: a really nice idea in theory, but nearly impossible to prevent the preversion of it in practice.

That Nice Guy stuff doesnīt work for shit!! Sure, it might work for getting nice girls (or bad girls :twisted: ), but donīt try that fucking shit in real life! I got my damn nose broken this weekend because I tried to be a halfway decent nice guy.... (will inevitably post rant at a later date)

screw that


Mar 20, 2006, 8:56 PM
Post #16 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Sometimes if guys string you along by actually going out with you then they might just be trying to keep you as a back-up, in that they have another love interest(maybe not dating but an interest). Next regardless of what guys say on here, if you go on two dates with a chick and she shows interest in another, email contact or phone contact is no big deal. On the dates did he pay? If a guy pays it is a good sign, where a mans money is there his heart is also. When people say they are too busy they do not mean that they are TOO BUSY. If I think a woman is pretty and intelligent I will find at least 15 minutes in one week to call or email her. His intermediary email thing is probably as you said kmac to assuage his guilty conscience.


Mar 20, 2006, 9:07 PM
Post #17 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: May 29, 2002
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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That Nice Guy stuff doesnīt work for s---!! Sure, it might work for getting nice girls (or bad girls :twisted: ), but donīt try that f---ing s--- in real life! I got my damn nose broken this weekend because I tried to be a halfway decent nice guy.... (will inevitably post rant at a later date)

screw that

I definitely want to hear about this!


Mar 20, 2006, 9:37 PM
Post #18 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Mar 19, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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That Nice Guy stuff doesnīt work for s---!! Sure, it might work for getting nice girls (or bad girls :twisted: ), but donīt try that f---ing s--- in real life! I got my damn nose broken this weekend because I tried to be a halfway decent nice guy.... (will inevitably post rant at a later date)

screw that

I definitely want to hear about this!

I agree. Can't wait to hear this story.

Keep the comments coming guys. This is quite educational!


Mar 20, 2006, 10:15 PM
Post #19 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Nov 26, 2002
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Fuck him, Mac. Wait till you find that hunk who is literally knocking your front door down to get at your hotness. Then make him beg to enter--and you're off to the races.



Mar 20, 2006, 10:21 PM
Post #20 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Very true.

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Attraction is a visceral emotion, which defies intellect and reason. It is something that you either simply run with or not.


Mar 20, 2006, 11:22 PM
Post #21 of 37 (1831 views)

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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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f--- him, Mac. Wait till you find that hunk who is literally knocking your front door down to get at your hotness. Then make him beg to enter--and you're off to the races.


Does this ever really happen? I have yet to experience this sort of thing...I seriously doubt that guys get this excited over a chick...or least normal chicks like myself- not the kind that appear in movies and stuff.


Mar 20, 2006, 11:53 PM
Post #22 of 37 (1831 views)

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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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Define normal

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f--- him, Mac. Wait till you find that hunk who is literally knocking your front door down to get at your hotness. Then make him beg to enter--and you're off to the races.


Does this ever really happen? I have yet to experience this sort of thing...I seriously doubt that guys get this excited over a chick...or least normal chicks like myself- not the kind that appear in movies and stuff.


Mar 21, 2006, 12:50 AM
Post #23 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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I don't know you but I think that's really cool that you've been dating a professor (sort of). If he is young I bet he's fighting for tenure right now and maybe enamored by his personal projects. That must be really cool. Good luck on finding your guy. If you really feel interested in a guy I think you would still be a cool person if you were to take an active role in the whole dating scene. Some guys like girls more because they see that they care for them.

oh yea, if you end up marrying a professor - remember - and this is so important: TWEED JACKETS AND REPP TIES. TWEED JACKETS AND REPP TIES.

That is THE professor look. It is all about the "town and country" look and not the dark, black, "I"m a working prole" suit look. Girls don't know crap about men's clothes so I thought I'd drop a hint just in case you end up marrying the guy (no offense girls).


Mar 21, 2006, 1:41 AM
Post #24 of 37 (1831 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2005
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Re: I got a relationship thing for ya. [In reply to]
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"The start of the quarter is always pretty hectic as well (he's a prof), so write me if I become a slacker and don't get around to writing you."

And you you want this to happen later? "Knock on my door if I forget to have sex with you this month."

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But what is the point of the intermediary email?"

My guesses are...
a. He's not that into you
b. He's heavily medicated
c. Somebody keeps saying supposebly instead of supposedly
7. He lives at home
XVII. He has an exhaust leak in his car


Mar 21, 2006, 2:02 AM
Post #25 of 37 (1831 views)

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f--- him, Mac. Wait till you find that hunk who is literally knocking your front door down to get at your hotness. Then make him beg to enter--and you're off to the races.


This more or less sums it up. I've had strings of dates that were like that, with no idea how you end up after the evening and no real clear indication of how to proceed...or not for that matter. Nine times out of ten they end up with some sort of tepid relationship that never lasts if they develop at all. So a hearty "fuck that" to the lot of 'em.

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