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Beer and Climbing?
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Nov 10, 2006, 12:55 AM
Post #26 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Feb 13, 2005
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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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Please don't phrase it as fricken east coasters. I climb on the east coast. Most of the ppl I climb with pull out the beer when we get back to the cars. If we are going to a campground dinner is always preceded and followed by more beer. You must have run into a cpl snobs or it could be they didn't like your choice of beer. :lol: It's five oclock somewhere.

Hey Bill, you know we dont wait to ge to the car :D

Good thing these people dont camp by us huh...I'd hate to have to unleash the German (Stals) on


Nov 10, 2006, 1:33 AM
Post #27 of 68 (4295 views)

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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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So, me and a bunch of old friends showed up a Seneca one friday eve, STOKED and we crack a few around the campfire. Around 10:00, we're getting up on the keel and doing one of my favorite activities... telling climbing stories.

A guy in a campsite about 100 feet away (we really weren't that loud) storms over and, all pissed off, goes "GEEZ! I've heard every damned climbing story for over an hour. Some of us actually want to climb tomorrow!" He was so rude about it, half of us thought he was f-cking with us and started laughing in his face!

Next morning, they get up at the crack of who the hell knows, because we left and went climbing, but they moved their tent the next night only to be surrounded by a big group of bikers... nothing like listening to "Bad to the bone" and choppers to lull you into dreamland! I'd take the drunken climbing stories.


Nov 10, 2006, 2:44 AM
Post #28 of 68 (4295 views)

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After a good day of climbing, my buddies and I like to nightcap by cracking a brew or two, or whipping out the whiskey. However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife. We make it a point to distance ourselves from the other campers, but I can still sense their elitist condescension. Please tell me there are still people out there with a penchant for hard drink after hard climbing? Any good drinking/climbing stories?

You need to shite upon the hoods of their BMWs and steal their cardigan sweaters when they are talking to Buffy on the cell.


Got spliff?



Nov 10, 2006, 2:56 AM
Post #29 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Apr 26, 2003
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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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The drinking never bothers me so much as the goddamned hand drums that seem to show up when it's around.

I like to think of Kurt Russel with a big ol' moustache...screaming something like this:

"I see a djembe, I kill the man carrying it! So run you cur! And tell all the other curs that the law's coming. You tell them I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me, you hear! Hell's coming with me!"

Sometimes I scream it myself. Sometimes it makes me feel better. Sometimes it makes me feel worse. But it always gets people's attention.

LOL I'm here Huckleberry


Nov 10, 2006, 3:18 AM
Post #30 of 68 (4295 views)

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A few weeks ago I was camped at Chipmonk flat, to meet a climbing partner there the next morning. I'd forgotten but that Sat morning was opening day for bow season.

So anyway, just across the road, another party was playing the stereo in their truck way loud. Didn't really care but it was 80s rock (80s rock is an oxymoron of course), some big haired bullshit.

I had a small fire and two beers in me. Pretty sure some fire smoke got into my lungs at one point too.

So I strolled a tad from my fire, waited for a lull in the music then bellowed at the top of my lungs,


Silence. I mean silence. They turned off the stereo and shortly there after they turned in.

It was a joke on my part but the result was very satisifying.



Nov 10, 2006, 3:52 AM
Post #31 of 68 (4295 views)

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Thank god Dingus showed up, finally a real climber. I seriously doubt that most could keep up with Tucker and I. Contrary to popular belief, we actually get some climbing done as well.



Nov 10, 2006, 4:50 AM
Post #32 of 68 (4295 views)

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Beer and climbing certainly do go together.....

Like peanut butter and jelly........ 8^)

Like fish and chips...... :lol:

Like ham and cheese...... :D

I think I need to go cook dinner........ :lol:


Nov 10, 2006, 8:19 AM
Post #33 of 68 (4295 views)

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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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After a good day of climbing, my buddies and I like to nightcap by cracking a brew or two, or whipping out the whiskey. However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife. We make it a point to distance ourselves from the other campers, but I can still sense their elitist condescension. Please tell me there are still people out there with a penchant for hard drink after hard climbing? Any good drinking/climbing stories?
beer and climbing? its like, ( for those movies from the 80s ) sex and a cigarat, or cookies in milk, or beer and climbing. They are good each on there own but together they are perfect!

Partner brent_e

Nov 10, 2006, 12:50 PM
Post #34 of 68 (4295 views)

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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife.

are they all climbers for christ, or what????

I think quite a few sane people have a favorite climbing brew - mine is guiness.....story.... shortened

buddy of mine and I went on a climbing trip near kingston, Ontario. Rock Dunder - great spot for some adventure - no one around, a few cool routes and very nice granite. It's summer, so the bugs are....well, they are like fog. The first night we suffered in our bivy bags - we were too hot inside with them closed but couldn't sleep with all the buzzing if we opened them. we probably got 3 hours of sleep between us. The next night we planned to sleep on top of the rock.....but it was WORSE UP THERE. there were so many bugs i could hardly hear myself swear at them.
Down we went again. there is a spot to walk down, and a small scouts cabin 15 minutes away that we were heading for. It was getting dark, so our headlamps were out. My buddy had a big pack on full of crap we didn't need, and there were a couple small drops, and one 50 foot face along the decent. He set his pack at the bottom of the first drop, and it started rolling towards the second 8 foot drop and subsequently for the 50 he chased is. I thought I was watching my friend get killed when he jumped off the 8 footer landing about 4 feet from the edge of his demise. His packs was ok, his ankle was SCREWED. Not broken, but not good.
We eventually hobbled the rest of the way to the cabin, where we cracked out last 2 guiness over potatoes for dinner, and went to sleep.


Nov 10, 2006, 1:16 PM
Post #35 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Oct 19, 2004
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After a good day of climbing, my buddies and I like to nightcap by cracking a brew or two, or whipping out the whiskey. However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife. We make it a point to distance ourselves from the other campers
Ah-ha - another group of tourists who wont share!

That's why the dirty looks - sneaking furitively away with your bottles.



Nov 10, 2006, 1:22 PM
Post #36 of 68 (4295 views)

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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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This is really just a case of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." See, when you come up to the north east, try to speak in complete sentences and wear something other than overalls. You'll be accepted and can then drink all you want. The opposite is also true. When I go to where you idiots are from, I drool on myself and don't shower. This way no one bothers me.

Elitist condescension is the right of your social betters. Know your place and this wouldn't bother you so much.


Nov 10, 2006, 1:25 PM
Post #37 of 68 (4295 views)

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This is really just a case of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." See, when you come up to the north east, try to speak in complete sentences and wear something other than overalls. You'll be accepted and can then drink all you want. The opposite is also true. When I go to where you idiots are from, I drool on myself and don't shower. This way no one bothers me.

Elitist condescension is the right of your social betters. Know your place and this wouldn't bother you so much.


Nov 10, 2006, 1:38 PM
Post #38 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Sep 16, 2004
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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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After a good day of climbing, my buddies and I like to nightcap by cracking a brew or two, or whipping out the whiskey. However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife. We make it a point to distance ourselves from the other campers, but I can still sense their elitist condescension. Please tell me there are still people out there with a penchant for hard drink after hard climbing? Any good drinking/climbing stories?

Here I thought most climbers enjoyed drinking a few beers after a hard day's climbing.

Maybe it isn't your drinking that bothers them. Do you litter? Are you loud? It has been my experience that the vast majority of the climbing community tolerates alcohol consumption incredibly well...until some jackass drunkard comes along that can't drink responsibly.


Nov 10, 2006, 1:45 PM
Post #39 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Apr 13, 2002
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This is really just a case of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." See, when you come up to the north east, try to speak in complete sentences and wear something other than overalls. You'll be accepted and can then drink all you want. The opposite is also true. When I go to where you idiots are from, I drool on myself and don't shower. This way no one bothers me.

Elitist condescension is the right of your social betters. Know your place and this wouldn't bother you so much.

Good idea, but I think my place is wherever thef**k I want to be and screw the person who thinks I don't belong there. If the crowd is too elitest, I don't want to be there.

Partner thespider

Nov 10, 2006, 1:51 PM
Post #40 of 68 (4295 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2006
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After a good day of climbing, my buddies and I like to nightcap by cracking a brew or two, or whipping out the whiskey. However, here on the east coast we've been getting some serious hate from other climbers for our uncouth nightlife. We make it a point to distance ourselves from the other campers, but I can still sense their elitist condescension. Please tell me there are still people out there with a penchant for hard drink after hard climbing? Any good drinking/climbing stories?

As an east coaster myself, you just have to tell those fools to fuck off. Once they know your cool, they'll whip out their liquor. You see, they feel threatened by your coolness and don't want to start drinking because you've already started. If they start after you do it will look like copying. And the pansy east coasters don't want you to know that they copy the west coast, even though they do.

So just wait for them to start drinking or yell really loud, "Go Eat your mommas pussy"!

Works everytime! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Nov 10, 2006, 3:37 PM
Post #41 of 68 (4296 views)

Registered: Aug 11, 2006
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Re: Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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I agree whole heartedly with all of you tho my crew and I have taken it one step farther... when at all possible after climbing outside or after one of our may trips to the rock gym each week we haul ass to the local hooters for all you can eat wings and pitchers. it has become a regular thing and as it turns out there really doesn't seem to be any better combination than a good pump from climbing hard tearing into wings while putting down beer and coercing with the incredible staff. i am not sure where on the east coast you are climbing but you do also have to realise that we get alot of climbers down from Canada. speaking from experience if anyone is giving you a hard time about drinking after climbing i can almost guarantee you its not the locals.


Nov 10, 2006, 4:20 PM
Post #42 of 68 (4296 views)

Registered: Oct 9, 2003
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I agree whole heartedly with all of you tho my crew and I have taken it one step farther... when at all possible after climbing outside or after one of our may trips to the rock gym each week we haul ass to the local hooters for all you can eat wings and pitchers. it has become a regular thing and as it turns out there really doesn't seem to be any better combination than a good pump from climbing hard tearing into wings while putting down beer and coercing with the incredible staff. i am not sure where on the east coast you are climbing but you do also have to realise that we get alot of climbers down from Canada. speaking from experience if anyone is giving you a hard time about drinking after climbing i can almost guarantee you its not the locals.

:wtf: are you basing the Canadian comment on? You really need to give you head a shake and realize that the who stereotype is not exactly, um lets see, correct!
I have had great times drinking with many many Americans climbers when they have been in the Rockies, and you know what.... most of them comment how Canadian climbers really like to have their beer after a good day of climbing, and how refreshing that is to see. And before you start saying they were probably from Montana, Colorado, or somewhere like that…. yeah some were, but there have been a heluvalota people from the eastern states. Oh, if you’re wondering…. I’m not originally from western Canada; I was born and spent half my life in Ontarible, which means I do have an informed opinion on eastern Canadians.

Just make sure you don’t error even further and start saying the Newfies and Nova Scotians are not fond of their drink and might complain if some one drank in the camp. Cause you’d be up for a ‘Great Canadian A$$ Kickin’ then. As for the rest of the folks in the east half of Canada…. They do like their drink.


Nov 10, 2006, 4:56 PM
Post #43 of 68 (4296 views)

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that comment was not meant in a manner stating that Canadians like their alcohol any more or less than americans. i am a pretty personable, outgoing guy and from my past experiences climbing at the Gunks, Rumney, and Acadia i have found that the Canadians that have been in camp with us have seemed less personable and willing to interact with than others. dont get me wrong i have nothing against Canadians i have infact had the pleasure of climbing with some groups and they are as a group very confident powerful climbers.


Nov 10, 2006, 5:04 PM
Post #44 of 68 (4296 views)

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Beer and climbing??
In the german Frankenjura might the highest concentration of hard sport routes than anywhere else on the world.
But there is definitely the highest concentration of breweries in the world (~200).


Nov 10, 2006, 5:42 PM
Post #45 of 68 (4296 views)

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one word-- Smithwick's :D


Nov 15, 2006, 9:29 PM
Post #46 of 68 (2313 views)

Registered: Sep 15, 2006
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Re: [warthog] Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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Drink beer after climbing? Brilliant!

Partner epoch

Nov 15, 2006, 9:34 PM
Post #47 of 68 (2307 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
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Don't look behind you... [In reply to]
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Beer makes my climbing taste better...



Nov 22, 2006, 10:46 AM
Post #48 of 68 (2240 views)

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Re: [devils_advocate] Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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Man I noticed the same thing last time I went camping on the east coast. We didn�t get it at the time, but now that you mention it I bet it was because we were drinking.

We were over at Camp Slime � a fitting name now that I think of it. These two guys at the site next to us were mad dogging us all night. They kept pointing at us and making comments under their breaths. It really bothered me, enough to the point where we just called it an early night and went to our tents. But it even affected my sleeping, I was tossing and turning all night. After sitting there sleepless for over an hour I got totally frustrated and started to put my clothes on to go have a talk with them. My new lady friend awoke and stopped me from going over to talk to the guy; she said her boyfriend gets like this some times and I should just let him cool off. Fricken East Coasters



Nov 22, 2006, 2:27 PM
Post #49 of 68 (2201 views)

Registered: Jul 15, 2003
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Re: [dontmaytagme] Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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[reply]After climbing? You're kidding right? What ever happened to during climbing?[/reply]

Uh, yer kidding right.......good to know......
(negative points)

Partner csgambill

Nov 22, 2006, 2:57 PM
Post #50 of 68 (2192 views)

Registered: May 3, 2004
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Re: [chossmonkey] Beer and Climbing? [In reply to]
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[reply][quote]After climbing? You're kidding right? What ever happened to during climbing?[/quote]Climb in WI. :wink:[/reply]

It's a bitch and a half lugging booze up that CCC trail approach. I've done it. Not fun! I'm willing to wait until I get back to the car just because I'm too lazy to haul it up to the crag.

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