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Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample
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Sep 25, 2008, 10:51 PM
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Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample
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While I don't personally want video in an slr and I am a loyal Nikon fanboy (if you will), this is still pretty cool.


Sep 25, 2008, 11:11 PM
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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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Sep 25, 2008, 11:35 PM
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Re: [blondgecko] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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I posted that and yet my brother was telling me that RED Digital is working on something that may prove to be a phenomenal still/ video hybrid.

video from existing product.


Oct 27, 2008, 2:05 AM
Post #4 of 38 (20829 views)

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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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Another one here:

Wedding based, but still shows some of the potential. I have never really messed with video, but can see potential for some pretty cool multimedia slide show style stuff. Guess that means a copy of FCP or maybe just FCE is in my future...


Oct 28, 2008, 3:07 AM
Post #5 of 38 (20770 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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One more - really shows what you can do with DOF, and a bit more techy background...


May 27, 2009, 11:01 PM
Post #6 of 38 (20153 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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Just picked up a 5d II last week! Haven't worked with the video yet, but there is a new firmware out next week that will allow full manual control for the video capture. So, will be able to shoot with super shallow DOF, high ISO, and varied shutter speeds! Should be pretty rad.

The still images are amazing and it handles pretty well for a non 1 series.


May 28, 2009, 2:29 PM
Post #7 of 38 (20118 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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wes_allen wrote:
Just picked up a 5d II last week! Haven't worked with the video yet, but there is a new firmware out next week that will allow full manual control for the video capture. So, will be able to shoot with super shallow DOF, high ISO, and varied shutter speeds! Should be pretty rad.

The still images are amazing and it handles pretty well for a non 1 series.

So the question is “with these new updates is the 5D MKII the ultimate hybrid camera/camcorder?”. I think it is. However, it still is not really portable enough to climb with and it is expensive.

On the other end of the spectrum my Panasonic DMC-ZS3 gives me 720p video and good stills in well lit areas. It is definitely no competition for a DSLR in the stills category. However, my videos are good enough for streaming HD on the web.

If only they could make a Panasonic DMC-LX5 with full 1080p video. That f 2.0 lens in a pocket camera with full HD video would be the ideal camera for climbers.

Here are some decent samples from my ZS3. It does well for my current needs and the $400 for it was a lot easier to swallow instead of the $3000 for the 5d MK II.

(This post was edited by JasonsDrivingForce on May 28, 2009, 2:30 PM)


May 28, 2009, 6:42 PM
Post #8 of 38 (20083 views)

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Re: [JasonsDrivingForce] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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All about your perspective, I guess. The 5dII is much lighter then my Mark III, and cost $1500 less, though used Mark III's are selling for about the same as new 5dII's these days.

I also think we might have different ideas about what is "good enough," but I totally agree that they are for completely different markets.

I am pysched to get out and shoot a few fusion style sessions - mix some stills with some video, etc. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have something worthy of posting...


May 28, 2009, 7:09 PM
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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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My photography skills are much better than my climbing skills currently. Neither are great but I definitely need all the help climbing that I can get.

Considering I am a novice climber I don’t think I would be climbing outside if the conditions are anything but ideal(Clear Skies and bright light). That means that even my point and shoot ZS3 can take a decent shot when I climb.

If you are a great climber and can handle a larger camera while climbing then more power to you. I am sure you are going to get some incredible shots and perhaps some sick videos as well.

Regardless of which camera you choose, isn’t it great that we have so many choices of cameras that can shoot great pictures and great video?

Please post your pics and videos when you get settled in with your MKII. I would love to see some great climbing videos.

I shot some really cool videos of my son climbing and I am just waiting for the HD version to load on youtube before I post them.


May 28, 2009, 7:20 PM
Post #10 of 38 (20068 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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I'm drooling after watching those vids. If only there were a way of convincing my wife that I need one.


May 28, 2009, 7:27 PM
Post #11 of 38 (20067 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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wes_allen wrote:
I also think we might have different ideas about what is "good enough," but I totally agree that they are for completely different markets.

Do you mean “good enough” video or “good enough” stills. I won’t argue that ZS3 takes stills like the MKII. However, its video can definitely compete with almost all video and hybrid cameras.

Really what is your end goal for shooting video? Are you going to burn it to Blu-ray and sell those? If so then by all means the MKII would be your only option. However, I think most of us would just like to stream the HD videos over the web. If that is the case then 720p video is about the limit of current streaming technologies.

Have a look at this video. Not bad for streaming HD content that only costs me $9 a month!


May 28, 2009, 7:51 PM
Post #12 of 38 (20053 views)

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Re: [JasonsDrivingForce] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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Both. Can you use high end slr lenses? Control depth of field/ISO/Shutter? Shoot under really low light? I am very new to creating video, but I also can see the power of being able to use slr lenses, DOF, and low light capabilities.

Goals? Not 100% sure yet, but I am hoping to work in some fusion style stuff for our weddings, mostly. Just 60-90 second clips with video and stills, mostly for web use, but also for them so show on an iPod or hd tv. May try to do a few ads in the same style as well. So, having the ability to use my 135 F2, or 15mm 2.8 Fisheye, or 70-200 2.8IS and create video that doesn't look like the usual prosumer stuff is what I am excited about. Even with a pretty pricey dedicated video camera, you still can't get the same kind of *look,* and many video people buy adaptors to add 35mm glass to their pro cams.

So, while I suck (have zero experience) at shooting and editing video, I now have a tool that give me the ability to try some cool stuff, basically for free, since we use it as a still cam for paid gigs already.

Your vid didn't play for me, but just looking at the single frame, I can tell we are talking about different things when we say "good enough"

JasonsDrivingForce wrote:
wes_allen wrote:
I also think we might have different ideas about what is "good enough," but I totally agree that they are for completely different markets.

Do you mean “good enough” video or “good enough” stills. I won’t argue that ZS3 takes stills like the MKII. However, its video can definitely compete with almost all video and hybrid cameras.

Really what is your end goal for shooting video? Are you going to burn it to Blu-ray and sell those? If so then by all means the MKII would be your only option. However, I think most of us would just like to stream the HD videos over the web. If that is the case then 720p video is about the limit of current streaming technologies.

Have a look at this video. Not bad for streaming HD content that only costs me $9 a month!


May 28, 2009, 8:09 PM
Post #13 of 38 (20045 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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How many of those “high end slr lenses” can you carry up a cliff at a time?

Yea if you are talking about shooting weddings and selling videos for money then you need full manual controls like the MKII will offer next week. However, I thought we were talking about a video camera for climbing. Those are two very different events to shoot.

I would argue that “low light” doesn’t apply to rock climbing nearly as much as it would for weddings.

Also if you plan on shooting for weddings what format do you plan on giving to the customer? Standard DVD or low quality streaming I can only assume? Why shoot in glorious FULL HD to only down rez it to 480i for the final product? I would much rather see a 720p streaming video than a 480i DVD.

Are there any videographers distributing for Blu-ray yet? If there are then I bet they cost a fortune.

I would love to see well lit MKII footage and my ZS3 footage compared with the exact same scene. For most scenarios I think they would be similar.


May 28, 2009, 8:10 PM
Post #14 of 38 (20039 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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wes_allen wrote:

Your vid didn't play for me, but just looking at the single frame, I can tell we are talking about different things when we say "good enough"

Just let it buffer for a minute or so. It will start playing on its own.


May 28, 2009, 8:17 PM
Post #15 of 38 (20033 views)

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Re: [JasonsDrivingForce] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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I think we just need to agree that we have different ideas and goals, there is nothing wrong with what you shoot, if it works for you.

As for what I take when I go to shoot climbing? Usually two dslrs, three-four lenses, couple of flashes, 200 feet of static rope, plus all the usual gear.


May 28, 2009, 8:30 PM
Post #16 of 38 (20020 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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wes_allen wrote:
I think we just need to agree that we have different ideas and goals, there is nothing wrong with what you shoot, if it works for you.

As for what I take when I go to shoot climbing? Usually two dslrs, three-four lenses, couple of flashes, 200 feet of static rope, plus all the usual gear.

Nothing wrong with discussing it though. I would love to see a picture of you lugging all of that equipment up a slab.

How do you usually shoot? Do you take everything up and shoot pictures of other climbers with each lens or do you shoot from the ground and zoom in?

Just curious but does any super high quality video of climbers(Like what you are talking about for weddings) exist? Even the pro footage I have seen is down rezzed to 720p at the most and I can’t find any climbing Blu-rays at all.

I know there is at least one Blu-ray for surfing(Step into liquid) and it is amazing. However, I have never really seen any climbing footage that I thought “Wow that is unbelievable quality and resolution”.


May 28, 2009, 10:38 PM
Post #17 of 38 (19986 views)

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Re: [JasonsDrivingForce] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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JasonsDrivingForce wrote:
Just curious but does any super high quality video of climbers(Like what you are talking about for weddings) exist? Even the pro footage I have seen is down rezzed to 720p at the most and I can’t find any climbing Blu-rays at all.

King Lines.


May 29, 2009, 10:38 AM
Post #18 of 38 (19960 views)

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Re: [wes_allen] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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wes_allen wrote:
One more - really shows what you can do with DOF, and a bit more techy background...

The 5DII looks nice, although it seems pricey for what it is. Might want to check out these pre-release hands on reviews. I'm hoping to get my test copy shortly for my usual 6 month long term review! Only downside I see (for others, not myself who could not care any less about video) is the max res video is only 1536x1024, not quite sure why they couldn't squeek out a few more pixels to make it full 1080 which if nothing else would satisfy tech gurus? Anyway, 720P should be adequate considering blueray disk aren't all that cheap yet as someone noted! Or I suppose upsampling 1024i shouldn't lose too much quality either.

As far as Red. I really don't see Red doing much in the existing market. It seems like Red is designed for a different purpose than the SLR market. Yeah, it's a still motion hybrid system, but it's big, bulky, expensive (although modular), and it's not like Red is coming out of no where with this video in a camera thing...Canon, Nikon, Pentax all have Red in their sites and I'm sure Sony and Olympus aren't far behind!

Red is like $10,000 to start, the K7 is $1199 or 1299, a fully weather sealed with a magnesium body. Basically it's 1D/D3 build at $1300 with video. Then the D90 is a little less and the 5DII a little more, not sure where Red fits in!

The following is from

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Fortunately, unlike many competing video-capable SLRs, the Pentax K-7 has a microphone jack on its left side, to which you can attach an external stereo microphone. Pentax provided a Rode SVM shoe-mounted stereo mic for us to use with the prototype K-7, and we found it to be an excellent addition. It's far from bargain priced, selling for around $250, and it does add noticeably to the bulk of the K-7, but its compliant mounting system pretty much eliminates any transmission of sound from the camera's body to the mic, and recorded sound quality was really excellent, with surprisingly good stereo separation: Listening to videos recorded with it, the sound was remarkably crisp, and we could very clearly locate sound sources spatially. If you plan to use the Pentax K-7 for any serious video recording, we strongly suggest that you invest in an external mic like the Rode SVM.

by way of Wes's comment I'm assuming they didn't retest the 5DII after the firmware was released. Thus, this is the first camera to be released with this option, and second to have the capability.

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True Aperture Control with Video!

True aperture control with video! To the best of our knowledge, the Pentax K-7 is the only SLR offering direct aperture control for video recording. (Brightness changes likely due to prototype status of sample unit, didn't appear in final videos.)
While you can control the lens aperture on some competing SLRs by faking-out the exposure system, the Pentax K7 is the first video-capable SLR that we're aware of that lets you set the lens aperture explicitly. You can't adjust it during recording, but whatever value you set before you begin your clip is the one the camera will use. This is a great feature, one that's been sorely lacking in other video-capable SLRs. We really liked the control this gave us over the depth of field of our recorded videos, and liked knowing that the aperture was exactly what we'd set it to, not some value we hoped we'd tricked the camera into using.

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With most video-capable DSLRs, even normal hand tremor can produce an unsettling unsteadiness in the video image. Thanks to the Pentax K-7's IS system, your videos will be rock-steady, even in the face of poor camera-holding technique.

One other note, non video related that really has me pumped up (yeah, it's only a few millimeters, but it's another bonus of sensor based shift!):

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When you're shooting on a tripod, you presumably don't need the Pentax K7's Shake Reduction capability, but why let those actuators go to waste? The Pentax K-7 has a feature unlike anything we've seen in any other DSLR camera before: You can use the Shake Reduction actuators to shift and rotate (albeit slightly) the image to make very fine adjustments to composition!


May 29, 2009, 6:17 PM
Post #19 of 38 (19926 views)

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Re: [pico23] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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pico23 wrote:
As far as Red. I really don't see Red doing much in the existing market. It seems like Red is designed for a different purpose than the SLR market. Yeah, it's a still motion hybrid system, but it's big, bulky, expensive (although modular), and it's not like Red is coming out of no where with this video in a camera thing...Canon, Nikon, Pentax all have Red in their sites and I'm sure Sony and Olympus aren't far behind!

Red is like $10,000 to start, the K7 is $1199 or 1299, a fully weather sealed with a magnesium body. Basically it's 1D/D3 build at $1300 with video. Then the D90 is a little less and the 5DII a little more, not sure where Red fits in!

Starting at ten grand is nothing special. All of the newer Phase and Leaf backs are starting in the tens of thousands of dollars even without a body or glass.

I don't think anyone is sure where Red fits in yet, but Esquire magazine has already done one magazine cover by pulling a single still from video shot on a Red One video camera. I didn't see the actual printed magazine cover, so I can't speak to the true quality; however, this certainly is a departure from how we have traditionally treated photo shoots.

So far it's not something I'm going to write off, but that's easy to say when I'm two years off of investing in a new camera.


May 29, 2009, 6:28 PM
Post #20 of 38 (19924 views)

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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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kriso9tails wrote:
JasonsDrivingForce wrote:
Just curious but does any super high quality video of climbers(Like what you are talking about for weddings) exist? Even the pro footage I have seen is down rezzed to 720p at the most and I can’t find any climbing Blu-rays at all.

King Lines.

Perfect! That is exactly what I was looking for. Now where can I get the full video in HD?

I remember stumbling onto the NBC airing of it but I did not record it. I wasn't into climbing then. I wish I had recorded it now.


May 29, 2009, 7:43 PM
Post #21 of 38 (19904 views)

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Re: [JasonsDrivingForce] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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You can check with Sender Films.


May 29, 2009, 10:02 PM
Post #22 of 38 (19894 views)

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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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kriso9tails wrote:
pico23 wrote:
As far as Red. I really don't see Red doing much in the existing market. It seems like Red is designed for a different purpose than the SLR market. Yeah, it's a still motion hybrid system, but it's big, bulky, expensive (although modular), and it's not like Red is coming out of no where with this video in a camera thing...Canon, Nikon, Pentax all have Red in their sites and I'm sure Sony and Olympus aren't far behind!

Red is like $10,000 to start, the K7 is $1199 or 1299, a fully weather sealed with a magnesium body. Basically it's 1D/D3 build at $1300 with video. Then the D90 is a little less and the 5DII a little more, not sure where Red fits in!

Starting at ten grand is nothing special. All of the newer Phase and Leaf backs are starting in the tens of thousands of dollars even without a body or glass.

I don't think anyone is sure where Red fits in yet, but Esquire magazine has already done one magazine cover by pulling a single still from video shot on a Red One video camera. I didn't see the actual printed magazine cover, so I can't speak to the true quality; however, this certainly is a departure from how we have traditionally treated photo shoots.

So far it's not something I'm going to write off, but that's easy to say when I'm two years off of investing in a new camera.

I agree 10K isn't much if you are truly making a living (and a good one) off photography. The people that shot my bros wedding a few weeks ago made $3000 a weekend and are booked 30 plus weekends a year. They were not shooting $8000 DSLRs but rather $1500-3000 ones!

However, some of this stuff is over priced, and while it's true as a working pro (or even a hobbyist to a degree) you can write off your equipment (to a point) it's still out of pocket. Most pros (as in 100% income, not 20 or 10 or 5%) that I work with are cheap bastards. They have gear that is duct taped together, so I'm not 100% sure they don't care about cost at all.

Just a note, the Pentax 645D is coming out in a few months, and it's going to make Phase 1, Leaf, and Hassy shit in their pants. No official price but ~$10,000 is rumored. Considering that is 50% of a Hassy body, and only $2000 more than a D3X, that should turn a few heads. It's good to see them back in the MF game after a long hiatus (although technically they were producing film 645 and 67 till two months ago). I love my 645N, so if the 645D is anywhere near as well built, and the IQ is as expected, it's gonna be an awesome camera (and it will be the first MF with stabilization). Not sure what the sensor res will be, but it will have a removable back and weather sealing in mag alloy body.


May 29, 2009, 11:46 PM
Post #23 of 38 (19883 views)

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Re: [pico23] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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pico23 wrote:
However, some of this stuff is over priced, and while it's true as a working pro (or even a hobbyist to a degree) you can write off your equipment (to a point) it's still out of pocket. Most pros (as in 100% income, not 20 or 10 or 5%) that I work with are cheap bastards. They have gear that is duct taped together, so I'm not 100% sure they don't care about cost at all.

It's out-of-pocket for the business, but that just means that rates adjust accordingly. Things have to be kept in perspective, I suppose. Straight out of school, everything I shot and pretty much everyone I assisted involved Phase backs. Their pricing considered the need to make $X investment in gear every year.

Right now I work in-house shooting mostly small product; a Nikon D300 is perfectly sufficient and if, on occasion, I need something more powerful then it's just a rental away.

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Just a note, the Pentax 645D is coming out in a few months, and it's going to make Phase 1, Leaf, and Hassy shit in their pants.

It's one of those things where we'll have to wait to see the final specs and more importantly, performance reviews. I don't follow camera developments too closely, but the recent reports on the Pentax 646D have been all over the map with the only consistency being that it's around 30MP. I thought that Pentax was supposed to make an official announcement, but I didn't see it.

I'm sure they've equipped it well enough to take a chunk out of current the market. I would be a little surprised if it didn't outperform the P30+, but market Phase caters to is broader than that reaching up the the P65+ $40-50k types.

Regardless, when it comes to the camera industry, increased competition seems to benefit the consumer more often than not.


May 30, 2009, 12:48 AM
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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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Good points on the 645D.

Actually it's initial release is ONLY in Japan. I'm guessing 2 things 1) limited production run 2) japanese market will be more tolerant of hiccups. Dont' forget Pentax has a huge market share in Japan. If it comes out in US it will be sunk if it's not 100% perfect. Lets face it the US is a tough sell while also being the worlds largest consumer. Screw it up, and it's done. I still see grumbling about the 1DMIII and it's been out for a long time, Pentax doesn't have Canon cash (ok maybe it does, Pentax is owned by Hoya which is the worlds largest glass maker) to deal with mass recalls.

However, as long as it has an english language menu, having one imported to the US doesn't seem like it would be unreasonable.

The website does have the official releases. It was announced the same day the 645NII and 67II were discontinued. However, a sign the 645D is coming is the fact that the 645 and 67 lenses are still in production, and were not announced as discontinued.

I'll follow up with some specs and photos, at some point.


Jun 5, 2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: [kriso9tails] Canon EOS 5D MKII video sample [In reply to]
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A thing of beauty!

Official Japanese Websiste (with full size photos)

And for some K7 video (and I was wrong, it is full HD but at 3:2 ratio thus 15xxX1024, or 720P at 16:9 ratio, both at 30FPS with manual aperture control). click on "sample video" below the pre-order button.

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