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May 19, 2010, 5:45 AM
Post #1 of 56 (17812 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2010
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Have you attempted a climb. Did only part of it. But told your friends you did the whole climb?

Have you done a particular route line. But told your friends you did a more difficult one?

Have you said you did a climb in X amount of time. But this was an exaggeration?

I researched frauds in rock and alpine climbing. Many from the past. Not many in recent time. At least, not fully known. I've been saddened by a recent case. Currently there is an apparent hoax artist, as he's being called. Chad Kellogg, in Seattle.

Was sent on a summary of these reports.

1- He does all of his speed climbs alone, solo, with no witnesses at his start, summit, or finish.
2- Currently alone on Everest, camping alone, climbing alone. Plans a speed climb in a few days. His trip is sponsored by Outdoor Research. His trip reports contain repeated mentions of brand names of shoes, clothes, tents, footwear, power bars, etcet.
3- No planned timers or witnesses to his Everest speed climb attempt. With a lot of the climb being done at night, and in fully gear, most people wouldn't see him, or recognize him.
4- 1998 Rainier register obtained in 2003 by Dan Howitt. Shows Chad's own signature and time listing, "4:20", his time at the summit register. When he finished back at the base, he immediately told the press his time was 3:24.
5-Denali. Speed climb done alone, solo, no summit photo, no start photo, no finish photo. He reported his climb being timed by basecamp managers Lisa Roderick and Mark Westman. Later found, both are good friend's of his. Both were asked if they timed him, and both replied they did not. No summit witnesses, no summit photos, no start witnesses, no start photos. Yes some witnesses at some points along the route.
6- Khan Tengri. Solo, alone, no witnesses to his start, no summit witnesses, no summit photos, no finish witnesses. 3 summit photos provided by Chad show none of the summit ground or background. Photos in above reports.
7- Chad has ignored yearly offers to do a fully time-verified Rainier speed climb, up to $5000 each year, offered by Dan Howitt
8- Bill Wright author of the book "Speed Climbing" states on his website Chad's 1998 Rainier record is "bogus", because he didn't, as proven, go to the summit 14,411'.
9- Team Kilimanjaro think Kellogg's Denali and Rainier "record" are "dubious".
10- Chad has criticized and maligned Dan Howitt in Adventure Sports magazine in 2004.
11- Internet presentations of the multi-controversies are usually responded to by a few people with attempts at personal abuse, and responses unrelated to the multi-controversies.

(This post was edited by lotze on May 22, 2010, 5:38 PM)


May 19, 2010, 6:02 AM
Post #2 of 56 (17792 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2009
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Why do you care? Are you his Mum?


May 19, 2010, 6:15 AM
Post #3 of 56 (17781 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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many top climbers have a tendency to stay low key but some do surface and when they do, they cause trouble so yes, i know few top speed climbers where their name never been mentioned anywhere but those who need to know, know them well.


May 19, 2010, 6:33 AM
Post #4 of 56 (17765 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2010
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     Re: [majid_sabet] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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For many, maybe most, speed climbs. If someone looks into them closely, might be surprised to find what types of problems come up.


For two people who did a rock speed climb together, ask who timed it, might find only one person did.

Photos of watches are suspicious. They mean nothing. Same as the climber's word. Why do people use them? To make it look like the watch itself timed you? They seek something objective, and point to the watch. Watch is nothing though.

Previous records beaten by minutes or seconds.

Climbers reporting niner-times, eg, 8:59, 1:19, 23:59
Climbers reporting :01 second times, eg, 8:59:01, 1:19:01
These are all too common. Some people will do a niner-time and :01 second time, at the same time.
They need to do a sub-something time, to make it look good. And add :01 second to make it look precise. It's all about making it look good. Not about the truth.

Media seekers, promoters, sponsor seekers, money seekers. On one hand, they said "I climb for myself" and they do it alone. But when done, they sprint to the press/media/sponsors to profit, promote, advertise.

No start/summit/finish photos.
Or, self taken photos showing none of the summit.
Or self taken photos showing only the summit and none of the climber.

Climber reporting using a GPS, yet climber doesn't give GPS information to media, example, Christian Stangl's Everest north side speed ascent record.
Claim GPS timed him; fails to give GPS information to media.
Summit photo shows none of the summit.

Almost every variation is found.

Tending to think most speed climb record claims are fraudulent. Times not exactly true. Possibly only partial climb, no summit. Exaggerated times.

(This post was edited by lotze on May 20, 2010, 5:35 PM)


May 19, 2010, 7:43 PM
Post #5 of 56 (17594 views)

Registered: Oct 7, 2003
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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lotze wrote:
I researched frauds in rock and alpine climbing. Many from the past. Not many in recent time. At least, not fully known. I've been saddened by a recent case. Currently there is an apparent hoax artist, as he's being called. Chad Kellogg, in Seattle.

A summary I was sent of the reports at the above links -

1- He does all of his speed climbs alone, solo, with no witnesses at his start, summit, or finish.
2- Currently alone on Everest, camping alone, climbing alone. Plans a speed climb in a few days. His trip is sponsored by Outdoor Research. His trip reports contain repeated mentions of brand names of shoes, clothes, tents, footwear, power bars, etcet.
3- No planned timers or witnesses to his Everest speed climb attempt. With a lot of the climb being done at night, and in fully gear, most people wouldn't see him, or recognize him.
4- 1998 Rainier register obtained in 2003 by Dan Howitt. Shows Chad's own signature and time listing, "4:20", his time at the summit register. When he finished back at the base, he immediately told the press his time was 3:24.
5-Denali. Speed climb done alone, solo, no summit photo, no start photo, no finish photo. He reported his climb being timed by basecamp managers Lisa Roderick and Mark Westman. Later found, both are good friend's of his. Both were asked if they timed him, and both replied they did not. No summit witnesses, no summit photos, no start witnesses, no start photos. Yes some witnesses at some points along the route.
6- Khan Tengri. Solo, alone, no witnesses to his start, no summit witnesses, no summit photos, no finish witnesses. 3 summit photos provided by Chad show none of the summit ground or background. Photos in above reports.
7- Chad has ignored yearly offers to do a fully time-verified Rainier speed climb, up to $5000 each year, offered by Dan Howitt
8- Bill Wright author of the book "Speed Climbing" states on his website Chad's 1998 Rainier record is "bogus", because he didn't, as proven, go to the summit 14,411'.
9- Team Kilimanjaro think Kellogg's Denali and Rainier "record" are "dubious".
10- Chad has criticized and maligned Dan Howitt in Adventure Sports magazine in 2004.
11- Internet presentations of the multi-controversies are usually responded to by a few people with attempts at personal abuse, and responses unrelated to the multi-controversies.

Quoted for posterity. You're an ass.


May 19, 2010, 7:49 PM
Post #6 of 56 (17581 views)

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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Scott Semple, is that you? Wink


May 19, 2010, 9:08 PM
Post #7 of 56 (17502 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2004
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Chad Kellogg may very well climb for himself, and not really give a shit about what you or anyone thinks about his ascents.

I have made some pretty notable speed ascents, and rarely do I sign summit registers. As well, if I am going light and fast, there is no room for a camera.

Really, climbing is what you want it to be. If you want to play the numbers game or timed game, that is fine, if you want to just chill and spend weeks in the alpine that is fine too.

I guess I just fail to understand why you are so concerned? Are you competing for sponsors? Has he stomped on some of your records? Is he nailing your ex?

Whenever I hear about folks tracking stats, or compiling data about climbing, I always just think that you could be actually climbing, rather than bitching about it.


May 20, 2010, 1:00 AM
Post #8 of 56 (17399 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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     Re: [summerprophet] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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summerprophet wrote:
Chad Kellogg may very well climb for himself, and not really give a shit about what you or anyone thinks about his ascents.

So true. Someone will say, he's getting grant money to do this. That just means he found a way to pay for his trips.

In reply to:
I have made some pretty notable speed ascents, and rarely do I sign summit registers. As well, if I am going light and fast, there is no room for a camera.

Really, climbing is what you want it to be. If you want to play the numbers game or timed game, that is fine, if you want to just chill and spend weeks in the alpine that is fine too.

Again, very true. To many people seem to ficus on what other climbers are doing.

In reply to:
I guess I just fail to understand why you are so concerned? Are you competing for sponsors? Has he stomped on some of your records? Is he nailing your ex?

Whenever I hear about folks tracking stats, or compiling data about climbing, I always just think that you could be actually climbing, rather than bitching about it.

I'm thinking it's the Ex.


May 20, 2010, 1:41 AM
Post #9 of 56 (17372 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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lotze wrote:
I researched frauds in rock and alpine climbing.

You're a fucking liar right there.



May 20, 2010, 1:54 AM
Post #10 of 56 (17355 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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And we should care because........?


May 20, 2010, 4:29 AM
Post #11 of 56 (17293 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2010
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     Re: [guangzhou] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
summerprophet wrote:
Chad Kellogg may very well climb for himself, and not really give a shit about what you or anyone thinks about his ascents.

So true. Someone will say, he's getting grant money to do this. That just means he found a way to pay for his trips.

True "climbing for yourself" means keeping it to yourself, and friends/family. Not the media, sponsors.

Record-claims. Claimed to the media and organizations. Is not "climbing for yourself".

Chad climbs for income, reputation, advertising, and sponsors.
His trip reports, and Everest dispatches, list many names of products he uses. I wore ___ shoes, ate ___ bars, used ___ sleeping bag, and ____ tent. My ___bars were great. I did great in my ____crampons.

If Chad claims records, is awarded records, profits, then he ought to hire third parties to time his climb completely.

He knows what hiring is. He's hiring a Sherpa for food/water assistance at Camp 4, and arranging for other food/water/shelter assistance at Camp 3.
This, despite how for months he's been telling endless media his Everest climb will be "without the aid of Sherpas" quoted from Outdoor Research press release and countless other medial coverage.

(This post was edited by lotze on May 20, 2010, 5:34 PM)


May 20, 2010, 4:32 AM
Post #12 of 56 (17290 views)

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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Dan Howitt the leg humper again. He cuts and pastes this shit from his spank book periodically on this and a half dozen other climbing sites.

Dan, how many times do you have to get your usernamed banned to get the hint?

And we get it, you don't like this chad kellog fellow, whoever the hell he is.


May 20, 2010, 4:46 AM
Post #13 of 56 (17277 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2003
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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So if this dude you are whining about only climbs for the media and sponsors, how come no one has heard of him?

I'd suggest you man up and STFU.

No one here cares.

(This post was edited by wallwombat on May 22, 2010, 1:56 AM)


May 20, 2010, 4:48 AM
Post #14 of 56 (17275 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2009
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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lotze wrote:
I researched frauds in rock and alpine climbing. Many from the past.

Pah, that's nothing. I've been researching frauds in rock and alpine climbing, but all from the future.
And in my spare time, I invented the internet!


May 20, 2010, 3:06 PM
Post #15 of 56 (17172 views)

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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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lotze wrote:
True "climbing for yourself" means keeping it to yourself, and friends/family. Not the media, sponsors..
Not necessarilly, climbing for yourself, means climbing in whatever manner YOU want, regardless of what some fuckhead in the interweb is spraying.

lotze wrote:
Chad climbs for income, reputation, advertising, and sponsors
Anybody who knows ANYTHING about climbing, knows that income and reputation are pretty meager for professional athletes. The top 1% of sponsored climbers average less than 20k, in salary.
lotze wrote:
His trip reports, and Everest dispatches, list many names of products he uses. I wore ___ shoes, ate ___ bars, used ___ sleeping bag, and ____ tent. My ___bars were great. I did great in my ____crampons.
Sounds like the sponsors are getting their moneys worth. What is the problem with this?
lotze wrote:
If Chad claims records, is awarded records, profits, then he ought to hire third parties to time his climb completely.

Fuck that. We are not talking about new marathon times, or new world records, we are talking about a hobby, that in the great scheme of things nobody really gives a shit about until people start dying.
Are you asking he hire climbers to sit and hang out at the base and summit of everything he climbs? That would be the definition of cost prohibitive. For whats its worth, I will take a man at his word.... unless he proves himself to be a real shitbag. And even then, I don't much care.

lotze wrote:
He knows what hiring is. He's hiring a Sherpa for food/water assistance at Camp 4, and arranging for other food/water/shelter assistance at Camp 3..
Blah Blah blah, your word against his.

So lets hear a bit about you? Are you just an assfuck armchair climber who loves to bitch about those folks who are out there, while you sit with your glossy picture books. Chad is on Everest as we speak, likely not that far away from a friend of mine, who has been sitting out weather the last few weeks, struggling to keep food down, and dealing with tent depression.
So what have YOU done to make you an expert on such things? Any notable ascents? Do you fucking climb at all? Or are you just one of those sad fuckers who need to belittle others to make you feel like more of a man.

I give you a fair chance with your first post... but after hearing your subsequent posts, it is obvious where you are coming from.

You are an asshole of the grandest nature, and you do disservice to this sport and culture that I love and respect. You may be the singular reason to throw shitbags from El Cap.

Partner climboard

May 20, 2010, 3:29 PM
Post #16 of 56 (17143 views)

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Dan- please seek professional help, your meds aren't working any more.


May 20, 2010, 4:16 PM
Post #17 of 56 (17093 views)

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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Someone once said that you're a liar. Considering all you do is rant about Chad Kellog and consistently pass off your sites as some sort of official reference for all fraudulent climbing claims when, in fact, they're all dedicated toward the same guy, I'm inclined to believe them and think that you need help.

Get a life. Get laid. Raise a family. Move on.


May 20, 2010, 4:20 PM
Post #18 of 56 (17086 views)

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     Re: [Gmburns2000] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Raise a family.

really, gumburns? you're advocating that this guy procreate? He'll do a lot less damage if he just sticks to posting stupid shit on the internet.


May 20, 2010, 4:44 PM
Post #19 of 56 (17051 views)

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     Re: [snoopy138] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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snoopy138 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Raise a family.

really, gumburns? you're advocating that this guy procreate? He'll do a lot less damage if he just sticks to posting stupid shit on the internet.
I just had a humourous image of a family of Kellogg haters, 19 kids and counting style. Laugh


May 20, 2010, 5:22 PM
Post #20 of 56 (16997 views)

Registered: Apr 15, 2010
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     Re: [hafilax] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Chad Kellog using the honor code, to lie, is troubling.

He's a nice person, has been a professional climber since 1998, climbing since his teens, knows a lot of people.

Using his friend's trust, against his friends, is doubly dishonest.

Given the staggering apparent fraud. It's likely Chad Kellog is mentally ill with a type of Factitious Disorder [Factitious Heroism].

lotze wrote:
11- Internet presentations of the multi-controversies are usually responded to by a few people with attempts at personal abuse, and responses unrelated to the multi-controversies.

(This post was edited by lotze on May 20, 2010, 5:34 PM)


May 20, 2010, 5:27 PM
Post #21 of 56 (16984 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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lotze wrote:
Chad Kellog using the honor code, to lie, is troubling.

He's a nice person, has been a professional climber since 1998, climbing since his teens, knows a lot of people.

Using his friend's trust, against his friends, is doubly dishonest.

Given the staggering apparent fraud. It's likely Chad Kellog is mentally ill with a type of Factitious Disorder [Factitious Heroism].

lotze wrote:
11- Internet presentations of the multi-controversies are usually responded to by a few people with attempts at personal abuse, and responses unrelated to the multi-controversies.

The only mental illness I see is from you, with your constant need to post this stuff. If you are going to go to all this effort to destroy one guy's reputation, at least use your own name to do so.


May 20, 2010, 5:43 PM
Post #22 of 56 (16939 views)

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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Dishonesty in

Rainier Ranger Department
Rainier Mountaineering Incorporated.

Knowingly lying about the number of summits.

Several people from both have found strong need to report their # of summits of Rainier.

Some claims hundreds.

Fact. Most of these "summit climbs" are not complete climbs of the mountain.
Most are 1/2 climbs of the mountain.
Starting from a high camp around 10,000 feet. For example, Camp Muir.
Not basecamp around 5400' at Paradise for example.

A climb of Mt. Rainier means climbing the whole mountain.
Not 1/2 of it.

These summit tabulators report their "accomplishments" to the media, Tacoma News Tribune, Seattle Times, advertise their resume with #summits.

Here RMI can be contacted by Guide Chat and other:

(This post was edited by lotze on May 20, 2010, 5:46 PM)


May 20, 2010, 5:53 PM
Post #23 of 56 (16923 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2009
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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Who exactly are you Lotze? It seems clear you have some personal stake in the matter. Anonymity doesn't help your claims.


May 20, 2010, 6:00 PM
Post #24 of 56 (16916 views)

Registered: Jan 17, 2004
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments, Chad Kellogg? [In reply to]
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Lets Review Shall we?

Chad Kellogg
Mt. Ranier Climbing Ranger
Professional Climbing Guide for AAI, Mountain Madness and Cascade Guides
His climbing partners include Stoney Richards, Joe Puryear, and Mike Gautier. (all climbers I respect)
Has climbed serious routes in China, Himilaya, Alaska, Yosemite, South AMerica and the Pacific Northwest.
Continually CRUSHES all speed records of Portland climber Dan H.

Refuses to identify himself. (Assumed to be Dan H.)
Continually refers to a single website, likely created by himself.
Entire history of posts deal only with a single topic - inflammitory remarks about a single person.
Has a user name which is an abomination of Lhotse.(Which pisses me off almost as much as Denali being refered to as McKinley)

(This post was edited by summerprophet on May 20, 2010, 6:12 PM)


May 20, 2010, 6:09 PM
Post #25 of 56 (16899 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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     Re: [lotze] Lying About Accomplishments [In reply to]
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You know this lotze guy reminds me of our own midjet a bit. . .

Well at least in stubbornness, midjet is way more coherent in his ramblings. Tongue

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