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Dear Asshole - a short rant
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Jul 19, 2011, 2:08 PM
Post #51 of 298 (3853 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2008
Posts: 515

Re: [Kartessa] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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pretty funy post! (shoulda been a poll)



Jul 19, 2011, 3:20 PM
Post #52 of 298 (3839 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
The middle of your 1st paragraph... Dude, wtf? God forbid something like that should happen, this post will royally fck u up.

You misunderstand my point: if i'm locking up my brakes, panic stop style, to go from speed limit to zero before hitting a pet or a person, I can be pretty confident I did everything I could, no matter the outcome. And I simply will not commiserate with a "loving" owner or parent who did such a piss-poor job of taking care of their charge that they have to hope that every passing motorist will slow down at the thought of a pedestrian.


Jul 19, 2011, 3:46 PM
Post #53 of 298 (3830 views)

Registered: Nov 17, 2008
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Re: [Kartessa] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
Hey brah,

The next time your dog charges me and bites me in the leg, ill cut your fucking toprope.

Keep your mutt on a leash, we don't need him shitting all over the crag either.

Ya got me?

And while you're at it, turn your effing music off. This ain't your personal gym.


Jul 19, 2011, 6:32 PM
Post #54 of 298 (3786 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: [Kartessa] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Jul 19, 2011, 8:00 PM
Post #55 of 298 (3756 views)

Registered: Jul 13, 2011
Posts: 313

Re: [Kartessa] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Kartessa wrote:
redlude97 wrote:
Kartessa wrote:
I think most people have missed the meaning of this thread...

You kick the owner's ass for having an uncontrollable dog, just like to kick a parent's ass for having a jackass kid.

The rest of ya are pretty sadistic mofos.
Except you didn't do anything near that, you pulled the classic passive aggressive move and posted on a forum

I yelled a lot of profanity, got dismissed and thought "Fuck these assholes, I'm goin for a bacon sandwich"

There's one of me, and 6 of those douche-nozzles gang-bang toproping (aka sitting in lawn chairs). They had an aggressive dog and an ugly baby too.

No way I was going to win that fight.

Did you ever consider calling 911 (aka police)?
Next time KISS Laugh


Jul 19, 2011, 8:32 PM
Post #56 of 298 (3742 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [petsfed] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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petsfed wrote:
squierbypetzl wrote:
The middle of your 1st paragraph... Dude, wtf? God forbid something like that should happen, this post will royally fck u up.

You misunderstand my point: if i'm locking up my brakes, panic stop style, to go from speed limit to zero before hitting a pet or a person, I can be pretty confident I did everything I could, no matter the outcome. And I simply will not commiserate with a "loving" owner or parent who did such a piss-poor job of taking care of their charge that they have to hope that every passing motorist will slow down at the thought of a pedestrian.

I understood your point perfectly, but I think you haven't understood mine. I don't know you, but you don't strike me as a psychopath or someone who could run over a dog or a child (sheesh) without feeling any remorse, even if it happened through no fault of your own and you did everything you could.

However, if you should ever find yourself in such a damn awful situation, a jury of your peers likely won't take kindly to a statement that you have no remorse for the irresponsible parents of a child you killed with your pick up truck.


Jul 19, 2011, 8:39 PM
Post #57 of 298 (3735 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [superchuffer] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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superchuffer wrote:
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I love dogs, but I hate it when a strange dog comes near me, especially if I'm belaying. No matter the breed, I donīt blindly trust strange animals.

Leave the fcking pitbull at home, or muzzle it at least.

you say no matter the breed, then single out pitbulls. Crazy

i have two dogs that are on voice command most of the time, even while running on crowded streets. this took a lot of time and patience to train them. most owners don't give their dogs the time it takes, then let them run around pell mell at the crag.

however, i will kill or seriously maim any animal threatening me or my wife, this includes dgos. and yes, i have sworn and yell a lot at dog and owner. screw the onwer if they can't control their dog.

jbone, shove your hand down their throat? seriously?, if you can do that the dogs is just annoying, not a real threat. i go for the throat, but it is with my fist or pinch.

I only mentioned pitbulls because they're a powerful, intimidating breed of wonderful dogs who have an unfortunate history of having shitty owners. Same goes for Dobermans, and Rotties to a lesser extent. Biased profiling? Probably, but a dog can kill or maim you in the blink of an eye, so why take chances deluding yourself into believing every dog is well trained and every owner is a responsible one?


Jul 23, 2011, 1:40 AM
Post #58 of 298 (3630 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
However, if you should ever find yourself in such a damn awful situation, a jury of your peers likely won't take kindly to a statement that you have no remorse for the irresponsible parents of a child you killed with your pick up truck.

I had this deeply angry response typed up, but ultimately you're right. I would feel a LOT of sympathy for the kid or the dog. Nobody wants to be a killer. But I'm really not sure I can say the same for the parent whose negligence cost them their child.


Jul 23, 2011, 2:20 AM
Post #59 of 298 (3608 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
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Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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WOW you would judge a person by what dog they own . You would also make this judgement because of a stereotype that you probably only know of from news reals . REALLY ?


Jul 23, 2011, 2:23 AM
Post #60 of 298 (3607 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
WOW you would judge a person by what dog they own . You would also make this judgement because of a stereotype that you probably only know of from news reals . REALLY ?
Tattoos? GET A JOB.


Jul 23, 2011, 2:31 AM
Post #61 of 298 (3599 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
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Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

Partner macherry

Jul 23, 2011, 3:16 AM
Post #62 of 298 (3589 views)

Registered: Sep 10, 2003
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

white collar job and you can't spell!!!


Jul 23, 2011, 7:03 AM
Post #63 of 298 (3575 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.
This is the obligatory post informing you that I was making a stereotyping joke.


Jul 23, 2011, 2:53 PM
Post #64 of 298 (3540 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
Posts: 815

Re: [macherry] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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you dont have to spell to paint pretty pictures.


Jul 23, 2011, 3:11 PM
Post #65 of 298 (3534 views)

Registered: Jun 4, 2004
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
you dont have to spell to paint pretty pictures.
Do you spell things correctly in your tattoos? Or do yours end up on


Jul 23, 2011, 3:34 PM
Post #66 of 298 (3528 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2002
Posts: 15084

Re: [csproul] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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csproul wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
you dont have to spell to paint pretty pictures.
Do you spell things correctly in your tattoos? Or do yours end up on

Is this one of this classic pieces?


Jul 23, 2011, 3:45 PM
Post #67 of 298 (3525 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2005
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Re: [macherry] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

white collar job and you can't spell!!!
Or figure out that the space goes *after* the comma or period.


Jul 23, 2011, 4:00 PM
Post #68 of 298 (3519 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [marc801] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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marc801 wrote:
macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

white collar job and you can't spell!!!
Or figure out that the space goes *after* the comma or period.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets really annoyed by that.


Jul 23, 2011, 5:39 PM
Post #69 of 298 (3503 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
Posts: 815

Re: [carabiner96] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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No I've never ended up on there. Most spelling errors are the clients fault. They write out what they want written, then sign of on the stencil if one is needed. Regardless of all of it. What does any of this have to do with climbing? Anyway None of it really matters.


Jul 23, 2011, 5:54 PM
Post #70 of 298 (3494 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
Posts: 26804

Re: [macherry] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

white collar job and you can't spell!!!
Ex-modzanator and you can't capitalise?


Jul 23, 2011, 6:12 PM
Post #71 of 298 (3487 views)

Registered: May 28, 2011
Posts: 187

Re: [sungam] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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sungam wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.
This is the obligatory post informing you that I was making a stereotyping joke.
Next time, use an emoticon Wink


Jul 23, 2011, 6:16 PM
Post #72 of 298 (3484 views)

Registered: May 28, 2011
Posts: 187

Re: [carabiner96] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
marc801 wrote:
macherry wrote:
JoeHamilton wrote:
Sungam,I make 120.00 an hour to do what I do. I pay my taxes and take care of my famiy .I think its a job. Acually being an artist as my liveing ,carrear and passion ,puts me in a proffessional white coller feild regardless of how my grammer and speeling is . I also own a minni pit bull terrier. It amazes me how people can be so judgemental in this day in age.

white collar job and you can't spell!!!
Or figure out that the space goes *after* the comma or period.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets really annoyed by that.
I've interpreted this as Joe's artistic expression being carried over verbally into the forums. He's just that kind of guy--you'd better believe that a man like Joe does what he does for a reason.


Jul 23, 2011, 8:19 PM
Post #73 of 298 (3462 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [JoeHamilton] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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JoeHamilton wrote:
WOW you would judge a person by what dog they own . You would also make this judgement because of a stereotype that you probably only know of from news reals . REALLY ?

Well, seeing as pretty much everything is a reflection of its owner, I would and probably have judged people by the dog they own (canīt recall a specific instance). If they own a mutt they got from a pound that only has 3 legs and 1 ear, but the dog seems well taken care of and happy, that'll probably win some respect from me. If they own a purebreed yellow lab that needs to see a dentist and obviously hasn't had a bath in months, I'll definitely think less of them. If they have a thoroughbred collie named Lassie, I'll think they are nostalgic, trying to be funny, or just really unimaginative.

I addressed my mentioning pitbulls a couple of posts ago, perhaps you should read it before getting all worked up over a perceived slight (which curiously enough, says something about yourself as well).


Jul 23, 2011, 8:22 PM
Post #74 of 298 (3460 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2005
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Re: [Learner] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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Learner wrote:
you'd better believe that a man like Joe does what he does for a reason.

Everybody does what they do for a reason.


Jul 23, 2011, 8:38 PM
Post #75 of 298 (3453 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2011
Posts: 815

Re: [squierbypetzl] Dear Asshole - a short rant [In reply to]
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squierbypetzl wrote:
superchuffer wrote:
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I love dogs, but I hate it when a strange dog comes near me, especially if I'm belaying. No matter the breed, I donīt blindly trust strange animals.

Leave the fcking pitbull at home, or muzzle it at least.

you say no matter the breed, then single out pitbulls. Crazy

i have two dogs that are on voice command most of the time, even while running on crowded streets. this took a lot of time and patience to train them. most owners don't give their dogs the time it takes, then let them run around pell mell at the crag.

however, i will kill or seriously maim any animal threatening me or my wife, this includes dgos. and yes, i have sworn and yell a lot at dog and owner. screw the onwer if they can't control their dog.

jbone, shove your hand down their throat? seriously?, if you can do that the dogs is just annoying, not a real threat. i go for the throat, but it is with my fist or pinch.

I only mentioned pitbulls because they're a powerful, intimidating breed of wonderful dogs who have an unfortunate history of having shitty owners. Same goes for Dobermans, and Rotties to a lesser extent. Biased profiling? Probably, but a dog can kill or maim you in the blink of an eye, so why take chances deluding yourself into believing every dog is well trained and every owner is a responsible one?

"I only mention pit bulls because they're a powerful,intimidating breed of wonderful dogs who have an unfortunate history of having shitty owners." This is what I can not understand, your reply made some sense in a first assessment judgement of owner and animal. Yet the above statement is contradictory within itself and harshly judgemental. As with many pit bull owners we do all we can to change this outlook. It sucks to have people look at you funny because of there preconceived notions. My dog is loving caring and a down rite cuddle bug baby, she goes to the vet twice a year, has her shots, gets her nails trimmed and sometimes painted. I would not by far think of myself as a shit owner. If I misinterpreted what your intent in the statement is I apologize, I am also sure you can understand where one would take offense to that kind of judgement.

(This post was edited by JoeHamilton on Jul 23, 2011, 8:46 PM)

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