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Loosing those stuborn pounds
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Mar 17, 2005, 11:39 PM
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Registered: May 1, 2003
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Loosing those stuborn pounds
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I need some advice from the ladies who try and try to loose those 15 pounds to bring them to ideal weight/height ratio, not to mention the big boobs that get in the way. I try and eat right and exercise and climb every weekend, but i have not lost a pound! the only time i evern lost weight was when i was unemployed and going snowboarding everyday. The weight literelly just fell off in three months. now i put it back on two years later b/c of an inside desk job and i am struggling to try and make some headway.

My workout is twice a week spinning and twice a week weight lifting for upperbody. Ab work a few times a week in the Am or PM whenever i get to it. I feel stronger and I am since i am able to comfortable now second grade 4 ice, but i still weight the same.

Does anyone have any advice for me? do i need to increase my spinning to three days a week perhaps, more weight lifting, i'm so sick of it already.



Mar 18, 2005, 3:21 AM
Post #2 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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It sounds like you're working out enough, I'll tell you what made a huge difference for me. I've lost about 40 pounds over the past 2 years, and still have about 5-8 to go.

A personal trainer (I can't afford one - one I see at the gym and got to know) told me the key is to focus on protein whenever I get hungry, and to just watch the carb and fat intake. The deal was my intake calories weren't dense enough with vitamins/protein. It worked really well.

There's great protein powder (I use a whey one which I get at Vitamin Cottage and it dissolves really easily and tastes really good), which you can add to milk alone or over cereal for breakfast. It's got 22g protein and only 120 calories. When I get hungry later in the day - another glass with powder, or if I haven't had much fat, I have some nuts.

I don't get crazy with anything, just be moderate and focus on proteins and the junk food and carb craving just disappeared - really. I was a carbaoholic before this, so if I can do it, anyone can.

Goo d Luck!


Mar 18, 2005, 2:11 PM
Post #3 of 16 (1650 views)

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I need some advice from the ladies who try and try to loose those 15 pounds to bring them to ideal weight/height ratio, not to mention the big boobs that get in the way.

I wish I had your boob problem! My problem is any time I try to lose weight, my boobs disappear entirely and I just get more pear shaped - if that's even possible!

My question is - is there a way to target your ass, hips, thighs region for weight loss, without losing your boobs?


Mar 18, 2005, 2:29 PM
Post #4 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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Try cutting out or limiting the amount of soda you drink. I cut back to one soda at lunch and eventually to none now (Well just on special ocassions like a night out partying) I really just stopped craving the soda. I dropped about 8 pounds in a month without changing my workout or climbing schedule. I also just really watch what I eat and dont overeat.

I have Tae kwan do practice twice a week and then climb 2-3 days a week. So that is about the same as your current workout schedule.


Mar 18, 2005, 3:15 PM
Post #5 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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I'll echo the no-soda advice. I switched to the fizzy flavored water whenever I craved soda and that helped a ton. It's amazing how many extra calories are packed into drinks - beer, coffee if you add stuff, soda, juice, etc. If you can trim little bits here and there it will add up to a lot and the pounds will slowly fall off.

Also - enjoy the slow dropping of the weight, because then it will really stay off. If it comes off too fast, it never seems to stay off.


Mar 18, 2005, 4:26 PM
Post #6 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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I'll chime in on the no soda advice as well. I hardly drink anything but water. I switched over to light beer. (sigh) It does sound like you should increase the cardio to three nights a week. I also decided to stop eating food that I didn't buy, like all the cookies, doughnuts, chips, candy, etc just laying around at work. That stuff really adds up. Portion control was another stumbling block for me. It's little more expensive but it helps to buy thing in the little snack size packs, like Pringles or pretzels. You end up eating only the small serving that is actually rated on the Nutritional Info.


Mar 18, 2005, 5:27 PM
Post #7 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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What about diet soda?


Mar 18, 2005, 7:26 PM
Post #8 of 16 (1650 views)

Registered: Mar 2, 2005
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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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this wendy's I am eating is not helping, but dog-on french fries are mighty tasty!

I am 5'5" and weigh 133. I need to weigh 123, but I am too dog on lazy to fix good food and go running.

Can some one recommend a lazy person's miracle solution to losing weight?


Mar 18, 2005, 7:54 PM
Post #9 of 16 (1650 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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Okay, I'm a bit of a food fascist but the best thing I ever did was to cut out processed foods (as much as possible). You have no idea how many teaspoons of sugar are added to the simplest things (not to mention salt, trans fats and assorted "artificial flavourings"). It's not that hard and you really don't miss out. Here's an idea of small ways to change:

Having a multi-grain waffle? exchange butter and syrup for fruit made into a compote (very quick and add a touch of honey if needed.)

Want pasta? chop up a carrot, 1/2 a bell pepper, 1/2 an onion, some italian seasoning saute them and then add a can of diced tomatoes. (not perfect but better than the processed sauces).

Can't stop craving ice cream? How about 1 small tub of unflavoured yogurt, a handful of frozen fruit and a little honey? Whiz it up in the blender and enjoy.

Basically I just try to replace all of my heavy starchy things with fruit and veggies (prepared in nice ways, not just suffered through with a dollop of cottage cheese, yuck). I lost 10 llbs of post-baby weight last year with this plan and it is no longer a diet, it's a way of life. I'm also NEVER hungry with this cause if I want something, I just head down to the fridge and whip up something fruity and yummy.

I hope this helps and for those who say they don't have time, give it a try. I have a 2 year old, work part time, run or climb nearly everyday and can still make this work.

Good Luck!


Mar 18, 2005, 7:56 PM
Post #10 of 16 (1650 views)

Registered: Jul 2, 2004
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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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Okay, I'm a bit of a food fascist but the best thing I ever did was to cut out processed foods (as much as possible). You have no idea how many teaspoons of sugar are added to the simplest things (not to mention salt, trans fats and assorted "artificial flavourings"). It's not that hard and you really don't miss out. Here's an idea of small ways to change:

Having a multi-grain waffle? exchange butter and syrup for fruit made into a compote (very quick and add a touch of honey if needed.)

Want pasta? chop up a carrot, 1/2 a bell pepper, 1/2 an onion, some italian seasoning saute them and then add a can of diced tomatoes. (not perfect but better than the processed sauces).

Can't stop craving ice cream? How about 1 small tub of unflavoured yogurt, a handful of frozen fruit and a little honey? Whiz it up in the blender and enjoy.

Basically I just try to replace all of my heavy starchy things with fruit and veggies (prepared in nice ways, not just suffered through with a dollop of cottage cheese, yuck). I lost 10 llbs of post-baby weight last year with this plan and it is no longer a diet, it's a way of life. I'm also NEVER hungry with this cause if I want something, I just head down to the fridge and whip up something fruity and yummy.

I hope this helps and for those who say they don't have time, give it a try. I have a 2 year old, work part time, run or climb nearly everyday and can still make this work.

Good Luck!

Partner macherry

Mar 18, 2005, 8:18 PM
Post #11 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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What about diet soda?

bad, those artifical sweetners are evil. Cut out sodas........nuff said. Drink water or 100% juices.

i am amazed at the amount of soda is consumed these days!!!


Mar 18, 2005, 8:40 PM
Post #12 of 16 (1650 views)

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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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Well I just finally made the switch from regular soda to diet, so switching to only water is going to be a new challenge. I do drink water too, but I probably have the equivalent of a can or two of diet soda every day.

Now onto the serious question of how to lose my ass without losing the boobs...


Mar 18, 2005, 10:27 PM
Post #13 of 16 (1650 views)

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What about diet soda?

bad, those artifical sweetners are evil. Cut out sodas........nuff said. Drink water or 100% juices.

i am amazed at the amount of soda is consumed these days!!!

Don't forget milk!

My mom just turned 52 and was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Luckily it's in the very early stages and was caught in time for the meds to keep her from wasting away (hopefully). She now has to take these huge chewable tablets every day for the rest of her life.

She started working out later in life, so didn't have the healthy bones and muscles that she should.

Drink milk. It's good for you.


Partner macherry

Mar 18, 2005, 10:35 PM
Post #14 of 16 (1650 views)

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good info kimmy, but milk doesn't agree with me. i drink calcium enriched oj and take supplements and eat foods that are chock full of calcium.


Mar 18, 2005, 11:41 PM
Post #15 of 16 (1650 views)

Registered: May 26, 2004
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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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Have you tried the Silk brand of soy milk? I know, I resisted for a long time too, but it's actually really good! I love the chocolate, but it's really sweet and has extra sugar and calories - so I put like 1/4 chocolate in with the rest plain and I feel like I'm having dessert! It helped me cut ice-cream out of my diet completely. I think that and the canada dry flavored water did a ton to drop pounds.

And who says 133 at 5'5" is too much? We are all unique, sounds like a few dietary changes and I'd suggest letting the numbers go and just be satisfied you are eating well and caring for your body with exercise!


Mar 19, 2005, 7:17 AM
Post #16 of 16 (1650 views)

Registered: Dec 3, 2002
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Re: Loosing those stuborn pounds [In reply to]
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When I'm trying to drop weight I try to cut sugar first - it takes me a few days to stop craving it completely and then once it's out of my system I am almost repulsed by the idea of eating a candy bar it seems so unhealthy - but "big but" it has to be completely out of my system to stay away from it. Secondly I avoid anything made with white flour (ie bread, pasta, cereals), and all starchy foods like rice. This leaves a whole lot of protein, vegetables and fruits to choose from. I will still eat a little oatmeal for breakfast but the rest of the day its tuna, fruit, cooked vegetables, salads, chicken, steak etc. My body just starts to shrink - it's great for summer climbing season. I do agree with the protein shake I also drink a whey protein shake and do a natural multi-vitamin(s). If you're lifting weights or doing some hardcore climbing then you need approximately 1 gram of protein for every pound of weight (ie you need about 130 grams of protein a day) Whatever you do don't underfeed yourself - your body will go into a lower metabolism and start storing fat to deal with the stress of simulated starvation - eat more when you work out so you have food for those growing muscles!!! Remeber you look great! You're a climber!!!

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