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anyone lost their period from being too fit?
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Oct 20, 2005, 5:35 PM
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anyone lost their period from being too fit?
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I don't know whether this is an appropriate venue or not, maybe I'm just concerned... After being really regular for four years (without a pill or anything) my period is acting quite irregular lately. In July-August it was 6 weeks between periods, then in Sept. it was really light (only 1 or 2 days compared to the usual 5). And now it's Oct. 20 and it is 6 days late already. I know I'm not pregnant so that's not the issue.

I have recently lost around 20 lbs, and I'm in the best shape of my life. I know I've mainly lost body fat. I was 5'11 155lbs 25%fat, now I'm closer to 130 lbs (haven't had a bodyfat analysis). Do you think this weightloss could be connected to the wonky periods?


Oct 20, 2005, 6:45 PM
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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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If you were 155lbs @25% body fat then you had close to 39lbs of fat on you. If you lost 25 lbs of that (I know you said 20, but you also said you're about 130lbs I'll take the weight difference from the 155lbs), you'd have 14lbs of body fat left. At 130 lbs you'd be at about 11%. 11% is pretty low for a woman, but that's assuming that all the weight you lost was fat and the initial body fat mesurment was correct.

I think this is how the body fat thing works.

I've gotta say though....5'11" and 130lbs?? That sounds pretty dang skinny to me...but you might just be a small framed girl even for your height.


Oct 20, 2005, 8:55 PM
Post #3 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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There are many things that can cause menstrual irregularities. Reduction of body fat below a certain level in female athletes is one known cause of amenorrhea (loss of periods). This may also be associated with osteoporosis (weakening of bones). There is something called the Female Athlete Triad (disordered eating, amenorrhea, osteoporosis) that has been written about a lot. I'm not saying any of this necessarily applies to you (I don't know your situation at all), but it doesn't hurt to read about this stuff.

This seems like decent information here:

Bottom line - if you're concerned, make an appointment to see your doctor. The only way to really know what is going on is to have a history and physical exam done by a competent medical professional.


Oct 20, 2005, 10:56 PM
Post #4 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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my boss when i worked at a ladies gym was like that...i swear she had ana-athletica (eccessive working out)

i could sure go for that :O
No monthly visitor and being TOO fit? sign me up!


Oct 21, 2005, 2:05 AM
Post #5 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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This may sound wacky but....

When I moved and started hanging out with 2 new friends, my period cycle was way out of whack for a few months. A few days here, more than 4 weeks in between. I am not on any kind of birth control either. I finally became regular. (I am athletic but about 23% body fat.) One day we were talking about 'female' stuff. I found out my body was synchronizing it's cycle with my new friends. (They are on the pill and on the same cycle.) This has happened before where when I hang out with female friends, we tend to synchronize. I have always been active. Talk to your OB if you are concerned though. My $ .02.


Oct 21, 2005, 2:17 AM
Post #6 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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i've recently had the same problem, but I think I know why its happened in my case. I started training for a marathon four months ago and I haven't seen my period since. I was pretty paranoid at first, but I did some research online and found that 25% of women runners loose their periods or become very irregular, regardless of bodyfat percentage. That percentage goes up to 50% for women athletes who are vegetarian. I lost a lot of weight as well, when I changed my diet (im vegan) and started running every day. I used to be 140lbs, and now im about 125 (and i'm 5'10). I dont know what kind of excercise you are doing, but if you have suddenly stepped it up or changed your diet that is probably what did it... at least i'm pretty sure thats what went on in my case. The only major problem I found with not getting my period anymore is a very high risk of osteoporosis.

Hope it helps...


Oct 21, 2005, 4:40 AM
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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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5'11"/130 (125?) and 5'10"/125 are both pretty damn thin, even if you are fine boned, even if you're in the "best shape" of your life. Given that you're missing periods, it is likely that your body fat percentage is low enough that you're placing significant stress on your body: in addition to osteoporosis, you're risking infertility, anemia, heart problems... It's worth adding some more calories in the form of healthy fats and lean protein to your diet.


Oct 21, 2005, 8:59 AM
Post #8 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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I'm 5'11" and my weight fluctuates from 127-132 pounds. Back in my teen years (i'm 23 now) I used to be 123-125 pounds (I can't say anything about my body fat because I've never measured it). My period has always been slightly irregular, and very late in times of high stress. My average cycle used to be 26 days, but for the past several months it's been at least 30 days. I can't say I'm very fit, so exercise has nothing to do with my irregularity. I just accept it as a fact of life for me.

Your irregularity could be your body adjusting to it's new situation. I've also noticed in myself that when I stress over my period (like it's expected date falls in a time when I'd prefer not to have my period) I tend to be late, and then concern about it being late makes it very late. I suggest you try not to stress over it too much because that stress alone can make it late. If you end up missing periods completely, perhaps you should see a doctor to make sure this isn't a result of an illness. (For amenorrhea, you must not have your period for at least three months.)


Oct 21, 2005, 1:23 PM
Post #9 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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Thanks so much for all the personal details. I feel much better knowing that this isn't totally out of the ordinary.

I have been going through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster the past few months (just got out of a five year relationship...job contract ending....mother sick, etc.). And to relieve stress I've been doing a lot of climbing - coupled with the fact that I no longer have a car and therefore commute by bike for everything now! I also think the fat-loss has happened as a result of eating better- more protein, more fresh fruits and vegetables, less sugar etc.

I don't have a family doctor. Maybe I should find one.... sounds like a plan. Thanks again for the personal stuff. It does help to hear that other people are going through similar situations.


Oct 21, 2005, 6:54 PM
Post #10 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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If you were 155lbs @25% body fat then you had close to 39lbs of fat on you. If you lost 25 lbs of that (I know you said 20, but you also said you're about 130lbs I'll take the weight difference from the 155lbs), you'd have 14lbs of body fat left. At 130 lbs you'd be at about 11%. 11% is pretty low for a woman, but that's assuming that all the weight you lost was fat and the initial body fat mesurment was correct.

I think this is how the body fat thing works.

I've gotta say though....5'11" and 130lbs?? That sounds pretty dang skinny to me...but you might just be a small framed girl even for your height.

Don't forget, muscle weighs more than fat. Since one may logically assume that as her fitness level has increased she has accumulated more muscle mass, this has resulted in the OP being leaner than the 11% of your calculations.

Guns, Germs & Steel
, while not a tome on womens health issues, touches on some of the naturally limiting factors of womens fertility during the population expansion of the past 10,000 years. While not addressing YOUR current health issues directly, you may find some rather interesting information within its pages in regards to the questions you have asked.

Ultimately, you should discuss your health status/issues with your primary care physician and decide whether you should be alarmed or not.


Oct 21, 2005, 8:38 PM
Post #11 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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I have been going through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster the past few months .

During the more stressful times in my life, I've gotten my period and had it refuse to go away.

After a hideous break up, I had to go on the pill after having it for 2 months straight.

I've gotten it on most multi-day climbs I've ever done, although it's never been 'scheduled'.

Otherwise I'm really regular.

Except for when I was having food issues in college and became underweight...then I lost it for a while.

Not having your period could be nbd...or it could mean that you have something worth checking out (perhaps something that has nothing to do with your stress or weight). A trip to the doc couldn't be a bad choice...especially if your due for a regular gyne visit.


Oct 21, 2005, 9:15 PM
Post #12 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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mine was a little over two weeks late last fall semester at exam time. i actually posted something similar to this up on here, and there was some good information... hey check that out it shows up at the bottom of this thread!

but if you're mad skinny, i know you could lose it from that.


Oct 22, 2005, 1:24 AM
Post #13 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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There are many things that can cause menstrual irregularities. Reduction of body fat below a certain level in female athletes is one known cause of amenorrhea (loss of periods). This may also be associated with osteoporosis (weakening of bones). There is something called the Female Athlete Triad (disordered eating, amenorrhea, osteoporosis) that has been written about a lot. I'm not saying any of this necessarily applies to you (I don't know your situation at all), but it doesn't hurt to read about this stuff.

This seems like decent information here:

Bottom line - if you're concerned, make an appointment to see your doctor. The only way to really know what is going on is to have a history and physical exam done by a competent medical professional.

Hey, I'd agree with Harmonydoc... the explanation for your irregular periods is probably weight loss. I calculated your BMI to be about 18, which is underweight (bearing in mind that a recent study suggested that the BMI calculation is culturally biased... my BMI is 17 and I've never considered myself to be unhealthy... I'm asian and my bones are small!).

But, you should still go see a doctor to rule out other things. For example, you could have hyperthyroidism, which could account for both the irregular periods and the weight loss you've had.


Oct 23, 2005, 8:06 PM
Post #14 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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When I was in high school I essentially worked out once, twice, and sometimes three times a day because of over commitment to different sports and dance teams. I weighed a little less than 100 pounds but I'm 5.2" I never got my period, in fact I was pretty sure it was a myth. After a single month in college I broke my leg and sans exercise gained the classic freshman 15. It was period city from then on. :cry:


Oct 26, 2005, 6:00 AM
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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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I once lost my period for two years. I was too thin. So I think , and am pretty sure from your weight that you are way UNDER WEIGHT. I am not sure of your situation but if you are fit your will probably weight much more than you do now. Skinny is not fit, muscle and tone is fit.
I actually gain weight when i am in climbing season because I am all muscle :lol: .
I know a lot of girls with weight issues and it doesn't seem you have an issue, you are just getting into what you are doing. But just think about your health. Sometimes you just have to eat more.
Good luck!!!


Oct 26, 2005, 6:53 AM
Post #16 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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Being "underweight" and lack of menstruation doesn't necesarily go hand in hand. If it were, I should have never had my period, yet I have never missed a month. People are built differently, and sometimes 5'11" and 125-130lbs is perfectly normal. Ideal weight varies from person to person. And being late doesn't equate to losing one's period.

This morning, weighed myself and I was 128lbs. Yesterday morning, I was 127lbs. I'm 5'11", and I am currently finishing off my week of being on my period. Go figure. :roll:


Oct 26, 2005, 2:13 PM
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And now it's Oct. 20 and it is 6 days late already.

It's back. And just in time for all the Halloween parties. Great.


Oct 29, 2005, 5:39 AM
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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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I used to skip periods when under stress (which, of course, did *nothing* to make my stress levels go down!). It's possible that a combo of lots of lb. loss and stress could be the cause of the period skipping.

Also, I don't see that anyone else asked this, and I hate to be the one who is. Ya sure your not pregnant?


Oct 29, 2005, 8:34 AM
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all of you are making me feel fat...i'm going to starve myself now...

:cry: :cry:


Nov 3, 2005, 10:34 PM
Post #20 of 40 (4467 views)

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all of you are making me feel fat...i'm going to starve myself now...

:cry: :cry:

Tell me about it. 5.11 and 125 pounds, holy crap! I'm 10 inches shorter and 5 pounds less. But I'm still a size 2! Whoohoo.


Nov 3, 2005, 11:29 PM
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I once lost my period from getting too skinny from being too stressed out. Once I got a little more body fat I got the period back.


Nov 4, 2005, 12:12 AM
Post #22 of 40 (4467 views)

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And now it's Oct. 20 and it is 6 days late already.

It's back. And just in time for all the Halloween parties. Great.

I'm glad to hear you got it back, despite the timing.

Last May, I was over a week late, pretty much due to worry. I was away on a trip and I planned my activites based on when I was expecting to have my period: 1st week, hiking on the west coast; 2nd week, stay in vancouver because of my period; 3rd week, climb Rainier. Lucky ol' me, I didn't have it when in the city, which stressed me out a lot, and then it came just when I gave up waiting and headed south for Rainier. :x


Nov 4, 2005, 7:59 PM
Post #23 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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I've scanned this thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating things. You need a certain amount of body fat in order to have your period. Once your body goes below that amount, you stop menstruating. Stress is also a factor in delaying your period. You should probably go see your doctor, and if you don't have one, maybe go to a health clinic to get checked out. Good luck.


Apr 24, 2006, 1:13 PM
Post #24 of 40 (4467 views)

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Re: anyone lost their period from being too fit? [In reply to]
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So the last time I posted about this it was because my period came back in October - but then it disappeared again. (It showed up for one day in January) Now it's the end of April. So I've essentially had one day of period in the past seven months or so....

I've even purposely cut down on activity and gained weight (up to 140 last week) and still no period.

After three months of phoning every doctor in three cities, I've finally got a doctor to take me on as a patient (serious doctor shortages around here) and they took a bunch of blood last week. I have an appointment to find out the results on Friday. Wish me luck.

Partner kasharp

Apr 24, 2006, 2:51 PM
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good luck! i hope everything turns out ok :)

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