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Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique
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Oct 24, 2010, 3:04 PM
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Registered: May 16, 2010
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Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique
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I am newly pregnant (7 weeks) I'm still climbing, although I'm pretty exhausted so not as often as I'd like- also I can't seem to climb anything harder than a 10a at the moment :(
But I'm getting off topic- I'm wondering when I need to look into getting a full body harness. I've heard that I won't need one until my own harness is uncomfortable, but I've also heard that it's not safe to have pressure on your midsection at any time during pregnancy.
When did you start using a full body harness?

Also, did anyone else feel like all their technique and stamina went out the window in their first trimester?

Before pregnancy I could easily climb a 10b/c and was able to work some 10d's/11a's with some effort- now I've been sticking to 5.9 and lower because 5.9's feel on the hard side of comfortable, and yesterday I was exhausted after finishing a 10a (with quite a few rests near the top)

Thanks in advance for your help :)


Oct 24, 2010, 10:38 PM
Post #2 of 10 (8015 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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My wife climbed up to 7 months along. We got a full body harness after hers got too small, about 5 months along. But I would recomend one after yours starts to get small, we got the Petzl 8003 full body harness.
My wife was climbing 10ds to 11s as well, after getting pregnant she felt the same tiredness you are describing. After talking to a nutritionist we decided on trying some nutrient supplemnets (rainbow lite prenatals). that did the trick big time, after two days her energy was back up to pre preggo and climbing strong again.


Oct 27, 2010, 8:16 PM
Post #3 of 10 (7946 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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I used the CAMP easy harness while I was pregnent probably switching over at about 4-5 months, gear express might have one. Its fine for climbing and cheaper than the Petzle, but not super comfortable for being lowered, rapelling or hanging belays, but better than nothing and fits all sizes (I am very small). It only has one gear loop so for outside climbing I just made a second one with a quickdraw.
I climbed to 7 months outside and 8.5 months in side. Most of our outside climbing was trad, and hence a few grades below my absolute limit and as such I was still able to follow the types of climb we ususally do right upto 7 monhts, although I did get tired much faster and could only do one day at the weekends. Sport and gym climbing did come down a grade or two. Its actually quite good for your technique as you can't make any "big" moves so instead have to really use your feet.
Be realistic - you probably won't be able to climb as hard or as much so just enjoy what you can do. The grades don't matter, being out and enjoying yourself is what matters. And keep going as long as you can - even with the best intentions in the world its going to be hard to climb as much as you want afterwards!


Oct 28, 2010, 5:13 PM
Post #4 of 10 (7912 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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I climbed at my limit through my first trimester. But on one long climb, I had to ask my partner to turn back after 13 pitches because i felt like I was running out of steam.

But I think everyone's pregnancy is different. While other seem to climb until the day they deliver, I had to call it quits at 5 months because of pelvic instability and pain.

Some tips to deal with fatigue. Make sure you are well hydrated, well fed, and cool. I had to start carrying lots of water, juice, and soy milk (juice packs are awesome) on a camebak. That way I had enough sugar, protein, calories, and stayed well hydrated.

I second camp harness. I felt that it was pretty comfortable. I did plenty hanging belays on it. Sure, its not your normal harness, but it will do for a few months. My biggest complaint was the single gear loop. I even contemplated carrying a gear sling on some sport climbs.

I started to use mine around 16 weeks because I didn't see the need to put pressure on my abdomen as soon as uterus was out of the pelvis.

Good luck. How exciting!


Oct 28, 2010, 9:12 PM
Post #5 of 10 (7900 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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Congrats! Its awesome!

I will also recommend Camp harness. That thing is UGLY, but it works very well!

I started wearing it at around 3 months. I was probably overly cautious and paranoid, but it just didn't feel right to wear my regular harness anymore, so I didn't. I climbed until I was 7.5 mo (in the gym only, I was pregnant through the winter and it was a wet one, so no chance to get outside), and I stopped because my feet were starting to get a bit swollen at the end of the day, so I could no longer put climbing shoes on.

I climbed 11s before I got pregnant; my first trimester I climbed pretty much the same, then started slowing down and doing easier stuff. At the end I could only do 3-4 5.8s in a climbing session before declaring myself exhausted.

Just listen to your body and don't push yourself unnecessarily. Make sure you drink a lot of water it is very important and make sure you snack often.

Staying active through the pregnancy is a wonderful thing. Yes, you probably won't break climbing records during your pregnancy, but you will enjoy yourself a lot more and make sure your body gets plenty of oxygen.

I know women who - literally - went to L&D from the climbing gym. My last week I couldn't do much more then walk (I had to stop swimming a week before because I could no longer fit through the little ladder so I couldn't get myself out of the water :).

Enjoy your pregnancy!!!!!


Oct 31, 2010, 7:18 PM
Post #6 of 10 (7866 views)

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Re: [klopik] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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Thanks for the advice,
At the moment, I'm a full time student doing a full course load and my first trimester has not been kind. Morning (and night) sickness has me pretty useless for about half the day and from about 9pm on... (I'm now 2 months so I'm counting down the days until the second trimester which I've heard is much better). That being said, I can only climb inside and at the moment I've only been making it to the gym about once a week (pre pregnancy I was climbing or bouldering every other day and running in between). I just don't have the energy to keep up with school and assignments and climbing and running- been running and walking nearly every day but my energy's down the toilet so I'm not pushing myself.

I have another question, I've found that I'm quite concerned about accidentally taking a fall (I'm only climbing toprope these days anyway) but I'm so concerned that I did take a small fall on Friday due to not committing to the moves- the fall was soft and didn't feel jarring, but it kind of freaked me out. Does anyone know what the danger of a small toprope fall might be? I feel like this fear of falling is making climbing more dangerous than it needs to be (I fell off a 5.9 and when I came back to the move it was not a hard one)- I know I'm a worry wort, I just really don't want to do anything wrong Unsure

Help Crazy


Oct 31, 2010, 7:40 PM
Post #7 of 10 (7863 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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Right now the baby is way inside so the fall (any fall that dosn't give you internal injuries) wouldn't hurt it. Only domestic abuse, car accident type things will hurt it. The danger with a bad fall is more getting scans and Surgery while you are pregnant if you hurt yourself.


Oct 31, 2010, 9:18 PM
Post #8 of 10 (7856 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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You are safe until 14-16 weeks when uterus comes out of your pelvis. Even then I think we are talking about significant force on the belly. Most climbers I know climb safely on top rope for the entire duration of pregnancy. That being said, I did ask my belayers to not leave out a huge amounts of slack when I top roped at the gym. Fall on a static rope is not gentle. And when there was a potential for swing, I chose not to do the move or the climb.

And don't feel bad about how you are doing. Pregnant or not, if you decrease the frequency and intensity, you would see a drop in how well you climb. There are many women who have very difficult first trimesters. One of my friends is a triathlon queen, and she was so sick she quit training ur make that exercising altogether while she was pregnant. So I think you are doing well all things considering.

Yes, yes, second trimester is nice. Nausea and fatigue goes away like magic. Hang in there! Few more weeks!


Oct 31, 2010, 10:22 PM
Post #9 of 10 (7852 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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I have to admit that I did try to avoid falling even on toprope, and was pretty cautious outside so as to avoid any swings - however I have to admit that I really don't fall very much at any time, even on toprope in the gym and tend to say "take" rather than trying a move I don't think I can make (yes I know that means I don't push myself....).
I don't think at the moment the baby is big enough for you to have any worries and with a body harness a toprope fall on a straight climb in a gym is also unlikely to be an issue. If you are toproping or following outside be aware to swings and make sure your leader does an extra goop job protecting the second. My leader was my hubby so he was very dilagent!
My first trimester was ice season so I ice climbed til about 14 weeks - and was quite happy as nothing was showing then, but I would not have ice climbed with a big bump had the timing been different.


Mar 15, 2011, 3:27 AM
Post #10 of 10 (7468 views)

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Re: [kickasssoprano] Questions from a newly preggo climber- full body harness & loss of technique [In reply to]
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My girlfriend never used a full body harness, and climbed until a few months before our twin girls were born. You can't hurt a baby stuck inside a full enclosure liquid safety capsule without hurting the mother, so don't stress about it, and pay attention to how you feel, exercise is good for you and your baby.

She climbed a bit harder than you, and mostly just did cycles on 8s and and a few 9s once she was in the 2nd trimester. Just getting the heart going is good for the two of you, but remember its pumping for two, it takes a lot to make a new person from scratch! By the end, she was out of breath on 5.7. How physically demanding giving birth is can't be over exagerated, it was shocking to watch. Keep moving, and stay in shape.

Eventually the hardest part was lowering off, the core muscles don't work when stretched around a baby, so she used a 2 metre sling twisted into a figure-8 behind her back, and attached to the rope with clove hitch. It meant she could lean back and rest on it while lowering, and in the unlikely event that she inverted, it would keep her in the harness.

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