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healthy rock climbing weight/BMI
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Nov 28, 2004, 7:40 PM
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Registered: Nov 8, 2004
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healthy rock climbing weight/BMI
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I've been working to lose some excess poundage and it's working. I went from 144 to 126 lbs (I'm 5 ft 2 inches). I know there's that strength to weight ration for climbers to be more efficient, and I want to drop down another 5-10 pounds, but am doing it slowly b/c I don't want to lose this muscle I'm developing. I was just wondering if anyone's got an idea of a healthy climbing weight or BMI? I am concerned about getting too low because years ago I was really unhealthy and was 97 pounds, anorexic stick figure. Don't want that again. Also, I don't know if it matters, but I'm 38 years old.



Nov 28, 2004, 9:38 PM
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Please go to a doctor and/or personal trainer before you lose any more weight! Also there is no such thing as a "healthy climbing weight",only a healthy weight for you. You can look up what your BMI should be on the internet but then you will need to have someone with some calipers that knows what they are doing , and have them calculate your BMI. I have a personal trainer with a Bachelors degree in fitness and nutrition (or something like that) and she has been worth her weight in gold. She told me that it is alot harder for an underweight person (myself) to build muscle, than an overweight person. You have to have something to turn into muscle! So that is why I am urging you to get some guidence before you lose anymore weight! I am not so sure that losing another 5-10 pounds would be a good idea right now. Good for you for getting back to a healthy weight!



Nov 28, 2004, 11:57 PM
Post #3 of 81 (10465 views)

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Ahh, my favorite topic EVAR!

Here's a link:

Based on the calculations, you're just fine. Yes, if you want, you can lose so more weight, and yes, it will help your climbing ability, but only if you're already at the top of your game.

I'm a friggin' mastadon.

I try and try and try to lose weight, but no matter how much excercise I do or food I do not eat, I hover around 155 most of the time. The least I've weighed in adulthood was 148 lbs and that was while I was starving myself. I have a large frame, huge muscles under some padding, and huge boobs. I'll never weigh 135 which is my ideal according to many charts. I'm over it.

I have crapola joints. When I get down to the lower numbers on the scale, I feel the difference, but I'm also a solid 5.10 climber. I can climb with more grace and more stamina than many of the skinnier chicks I encounter. I can also go up inclines, haul packs, and hike for days without any problems.

Weight has nothing to do with healthy climbing until you are climbing at elite levels.


Nov 29, 2004, 3:19 AM
Post #4 of 81 (10465 views)

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Thanks for both of the great posts!

I should have mentioned, I lost the weight slowly, over 5 months and saw my doctor two weeks ago to go over it. She thinks I'm fine where I am, but was okay with me losing about 5-10 more pounds. I just don't want to do it too quickly, and I'm really glad to hear that it's skill and technique that matter more with rock climbing - I'm not at an elite level and really not planning to be. At the indoor gym where I climb they said I'm probably around a 5.3 and for my new job which will eventually include rock climbing, they need me to be able to climb around a 5.8 level and lead climb. I'm so glad I asked you, because I was thinking it would require me to really lose a lot more and that's just not healthy for me to do, mentally or physically. I like the idea of getting a personal trainer, but won't be able to afford that for awhile. But I will check in with my doctor in about 3 months time to see how I'm doing and stabilize the weight.

On a side note, it's very funny to me that I lost the weight over the 5 months I was unemployed. I guess I was sitting around a lot at my old job!

Thanks again!



Nov 30, 2004, 4:26 PM
Post #5 of 81 (10465 views)

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Thanks for both of the great posts!

for my new job which will eventually include rock climbing, they need me to be able to climb around a 5.8 level and lead climb.

What job is that? Sounds cool-I want one!


Nov 30, 2004, 5:51 PM
Post #6 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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I'm a friggin' mastadon.

I try and try and try to lose weight, but no matter how much excercise I do or food I do not eat, I hover around 155 most of the time. The least I've weighed in adulthood was 148 lbs and that was while I was starving myself. I have a large frame, huge muscles under some padding, and huge boobs. I'll never weigh 135 which is my ideal according to many charts. I'm over it.
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YES! Another woman who is a HEALTHY weight! I am 5'6ish and about 152. Like you this seems to be where my body wants to stay. I go to the gym 5 times a week doing weights and 45 min of cardio each day and still nada. Not that I wouldn't love a smaller ain't going to happen. And I like my big musclse and boobs (D/DD, and all natural). If I could get to 135 that would be nice but not the most important thing, what is important is that I am happy and looking good cause I have the confidence! :D


Nov 30, 2004, 6:26 PM
Post #7 of 81 (10465 views)

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You can look up what your BMI should be on the internet but then you will need to have someone with some calipers that knows what they are doing , and have them calculate your BMI. I have a personal trainer with a Bachelors degree in fitness and nutrition (or something like that) and she has been worth her weight in gold. She told me that it is alot harder for an underweight person (myself) to build muscle, than an overweight person. You have to have something to turn into muscle!

You might want to find a new trainer. Fat doesn't "turn into" muscle.



Nov 30, 2004, 9:29 PM
Post #8 of 81 (10465 views)

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You can look up what your BMI should be on the internet but then you will need to have someone with some calipers that knows what they are doing , and have them calculate your BMI. I have a personal trainer with a Bachelors degree in fitness and nutrition (or something like that) and she has been worth her weight in gold. She told me that it is alot harder for an underweight person (myself) to build muscle, than an overweight person. You have to have something to turn into muscle!

You might want to find a new trainer. Fat doesn't "turn into" muscle.


Ok I said that wrong. My trainer did not tell me fat turned into muscle, she simply said the above. Whatever the mechanism. And my trainer is just fine, she is a former fitness champ.


Dec 2, 2004, 3:31 AM
Post #9 of 81 (10465 views)

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Dec 2, 2004, 5:50 AM
Post #10 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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You can look up what your BMI should be on the internet but then you will need to have someone with some calipers that knows what they are doing , and have them calculate your BMI.

BMI is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters (squared). Instead of using calipers to measure height, try using a ruler. Less training is required.

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I have a personal trainer with a Bachelors degree in fitness and nutrition (or something like that) and she has been worth her weight in gold.

So, the fatter she is the more she's worth? I find with trainers it's the other way around.

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She told me that it is alot harder for an underweight person (myself) to build muscle, than an overweight person. You have to have something to turn into muscle!

You could always turn the protein in your diet into muscle. Just a thought.



Dec 2, 2004, 9:02 AM
Post #11 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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Sorry I got BMI confused with percent body fat, that is the calulation you need the clipers for. Thanks to Maculated for the correct information.


Dec 2, 2004, 5:41 PM
Post #12 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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Clausti, my mistake I did not make myself clear I will try and exaggerate on my true meaning.

I did not mean to insinuate that because a woman is smaller then I that she is unhealthy. We come in all sizes, shapes and colours. My main point was just to give "props" (does anyone really say that anymore?) to a woman who does not fit the social stereotype of beauty (i.e. 5'8 and 110lbs) and was not afraid to admit it. I have watched too many girls and women go down that path of self-hatred because their bodies would not cooperate with their "diet".

Just as you hate to hear that you look "sickly" I hate the looks that I get when you are a lager frame, especially when involved in athletics. I've even had a university professor gasp when I said I climbed, his response was, "Really?! But you don't have a climbers body, they are so small and slight!" WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I climb...I have a body...therefore I have a climbers body, right?

I just wanted to point out that weight, like age, is a number and should not determine who you are.

By the way BMI does not tend to take into account your muscle mass. The owner of my gym was telling me that if you really want to know your body fat you should have a professional do one of those pinch tests (I have no idea the actual technical name).

I hope this is clearer.


Dec 2, 2004, 6:29 PM
Post #13 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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YES! Another woman who is a HEALTHY weight! I

... just because another woman is smaller than you doesnt mean she's not a "healthy" weight.

just because somebody is small doesnt make them "anorexic."

my older sister and I vary in height by less than an inch. she usually outweighs me by about 30-35 pounds. I would say we are both "healthy" weights, I just happen to have a smaller frame.

right now I weigh about a buck o'six. I'm so sick of hearing that I look sickly....

My GF (5'7" 105 lbs.) just got back from the doctor yesterday, where she was told that she needs to 'gain 25 pounds to be more healthy'. Are you f****ing kidding me????? She eats very very well including a lot of red meat and no fast food, eats a ton, and climbs at least a few days a week if not more. Climbing hard has shaped her body the way it is, she is a model of fitness, and the doctors tell her she needs to be 'more healthy' by gaining 25 POUNDS? First of all, I would like to see that doctor on a 5.12. Second of all, have you seen what a marathon runner looks like? Are these people unhealthy?

Sorry to sound off, but it really annoys me these doctors would tell her something so obviously wrong. This whole body/weight thing is so generalized for a nintendo playing, big mac eating population that is has lost sight of itself. I though the goal was to be healthy, live long, and have energy to spare? My girl could run circles around these fools. Take all their advice with a boulder of salt.


Dec 2, 2004, 6:48 PM
Post #14 of 81 (10465 views)

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Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 2, 2004, 7:20 PM
Post #15 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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I'm same height as you Clausti - LOL and once your weight (oh to be 22 again :)). Now that I've filled out, most people still guess i am like 110 (I'm much more then that); thankfully, it's equally distributed as I am told I look very healthy and very strong (strong) hehehe.

My gal friend is 5'9 - she's a stick w/ boobs but eats like a horse and works out frequently (yes, I call her a stick w/ boobs as she has her names for me LOL) but looks very healthy.


Dec 4, 2004, 9:18 AM
Post #16 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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You can look up what your BMI should be on the internet but then you will need to have someone with some calipers that knows what they are doing , and have them calculate your BMI.

BMI is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters (squared). Instead of using calipers to measure height, try using a ruler. Less training is required.

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I have a personal trainer with a Bachelors degree in fitness and nutrition (or something like that) and she has been worth her weight in gold.

So, the fatter she is the more she's worth? I find with trainers it's the other way around.

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She told me that it is alot harder for an underweight person (myself) to build muscle, than an overweight person. You have to have something to turn into muscle!

You could always turn the protein in your diet into muscle. Just a thought.


Well sir, you could have addressed what I said and contributed to this thread without being sarcastic, rude and insulting me. Perhaps you need to read what the purpose of the Ladies Room forum is. If you can't be a gentleman when entering then don't come in.


Dec 4, 2004, 6:44 PM
Post #17 of 81 (10465 views)

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By the way BMI does not tend to take into account your muscle mass. The owner of my gym was telling me that if you really want to know your body fat you should have a professional do one of those pinch tests (I have no idea the actual technical name).

Body fat percentage calculation. Can be done three ways: calipers (pinch test), electronic (sortof like sonar at the sites), or the most useful is the Bod Pod, which measures volume against weight.

That said, don't get too stuck with the numbers. I find the BMI is fairly accurate and so long as you allow someone with a large frame the upper end, it is "all good."


Dec 4, 2004, 9:52 PM
Post #18 of 81 (10465 views)

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That sonar thing sounds very scary :? . Like I really want to know that I am so dense it takes sonar to get through! :P KIDDING


Dec 4, 2004, 11:28 PM
Post #19 of 81 (10465 views)

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My GF (5'7" 105 lbs.)

Sorry to sound off, but it really annoys me these doctors would tell her something so obviously wrong.

I'm not a doctor, and I don't know whether there is a hard line where one can say "definately too skinny to be healthy" but 5 foot 7 inches and 105 pounds is thin. Perhaps, just perhaps, the doctor was right.


Dec 5, 2004, 1:32 AM
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Dec 6, 2004, 5:47 PM
Post #21 of 81 (10465 views)

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My GF (5'7" 105 lbs.)

Sorry to sound off, but it really annoys me these doctors would tell her something so obviously wrong.

I'm not a doctor, and I don't know whether there is a hard line where one can say "definately too skinny to be healthy" but 5 foot 7 inches and 105 pounds is thin. Perhaps, just perhaps, the doctor was right.

Appreciate the input. Yes, my GF could use a few more pounds, maybe in the range of 10 or so to 'look healthier'. The doctor told her 25, seemed waaaay off.

And as far as 'looking healthier', and to rant a bit because it's Monday, this seems a bit of a falacy IMHO. Go get skin cancer (aka sun tan), and you look healthier? Go gain 25 pounds, you will look healthier? We are so pre-conditioned to what is supposed to 'look healthy', and go off these standard weight charts, that I don't believe the doctor in this particular case actually took the time to see who was standing in front of her. A 5.12 climbing, 20 mile hiking, goddess of fitness.


Dec 6, 2004, 6:36 PM
Post #22 of 81 (10465 views)

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Dec 6, 2004, 7:03 PM
Post #23 of 81 (10465 views)

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Happy Dance.

BTW, she eats like a champion.


Dec 7, 2004, 2:36 AM
Post #24 of 81 (10465 views)

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Re: healthy rock climbing weight/BMI [In reply to]
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Thanks girls for the reinforcement of body type versus weight versus those dumb doctor charts. They should take into account frame (small, big, etc.).

I'm 5'5" and 150 and leading 5.9, TR 5.10 and in my late 30's. I feel good about how strong I am and my climbing. It's nice to hear others say that just because they're not tiny doesn't mean it's not the right weight for their body.

I think I'd have to starve and workout every minute in order to weigh much under 140. It just can't be good for my body.

Thanks again for the reminders that we are each different and as long as we take care of ourselves, that's the right weight.


Dec 9, 2004, 5:22 AM
Post #25 of 81 (10465 views)

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I think those body weight/height charts are actually averages which means that they are based on the American women's average weight at that height. Last stat I heard something like 55% of all Americans are overweight so forget the silly charts. Have you ever walked around a European City (not in germany) all the women are much thinner than we are. We are slowly but surely adding so much sugar into everything (processed foods) we eat that we are totally messing up our metabolisms. I am 5'11" and weight 150. I look thin but not anorexic. Take off my shirt and I look muscular - delts, tricepts the whole nine yards. There is nothing about a climber's body that can be compared to average. We are athletes and look athletic - so stop comparing to the norm or asking doctors who are probably not athletic either what you should weigh. My body is thinner now than when I was in high school and weighed 140 - that is muscle. This is how I decide if I weigh the right amount - can I do laps while in lay-back one of my favorite climbs - Dihedral #1 about 80 feet at Colorado National Monument that is on a slight incline - if yes then I'm great if no than I need to drop a couple of pounds. Love yourself just the way you are and your body will naturally come into harmony with the demands you place on it.

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