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Profile : cragchica
Registered: May 29, 2002, 3:54 AM
Last Logon: Mar 27, 2003, 3:30 AM
Posts: 183 (0.0 per day)
Local Time: Mar 21, 2025, 5:14 AM
Personal Profile
Andria Ligas
No email entered.
More Info:
I'm a University of Arizona Spanish, Art and Linguistics student. I'm also on the U of A triathlon team, but becoming increasingly addicted to climbing. I am proud to have a small house to myself with my very own 12 ft <b>woody</b> in the yard.
Come woody with me!<br><br> And in recent news... with the start of the new semester, I have acquired co-presidency of the <b>U of A Climbing Club</b> with my good friend Hillary (aka climbsomething). We are psyched for some awesome roadtrips this fall! <br>
<br>To see some <b>cool climbing photos,</b> please be so kind as to <a
href="http://www.geocities.com/hillarysdavis/pix/jacks2a.html"><b>CLICKor also (for a more random assortment - including some of my last tri) to <a
<br>I hope you take the time to check them out! <br>
<br><b>Quotes of the Day</b><br><br>
After reading my profile...<br>
"i thought only whales could have a <b>12-foot woody</b>" - non-climber friend Steve<br><br>
"This <b>valley</b> is the only place that comes up to the brag about it, and exceeds it." — Ralph Waldo Emerson about Yosemite.<br><br>
"<b>Profanity</b> is about the best <b>pro</b> you'll get until the crack starts to narrow. Include doubles of profanity in the #6 to #8 range on your rack for this lead." — Bruce Bindner.<br><br>
"I couldn't catch a ball or any of that stuff. I could do only what required <b>brute stupidity</b>." — Warren Harding<br><br>
"The rule is: for every hand you put on the rope up there, I take one off down here" - belayer to climber
Climbing Profile
Skills: Lead | Follow
United States
Well, the semester has started... and still no roommate. So, if you plan on being in the area, drop me a line and I'll gladly clear off the futon for you (or if you're tempted to relocate to beautiful always-climbable Southern AZ and need a place to live, keep me in mind ;-P). Stop by and I'll make time to show you some of the best climbs in Arizona.
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