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Gear : Reviews

Reviews by chillipphi (2)

X Chalk (Manufacturer link) Average Rating = 3.92/5 Average Rating : 3.92/5

In: Gear: Training & Accessories

the smell 1 out of 5 stars

Review by: chillipphi, 2008-07-18

Got a sample of the X-Chalk last year at the King Lines film tour. At first I thought this stuff was great. It smelled pretty good and it did make your hands feel nice when you used it. But on a trip to Smith with some friends the smell just got to all of us. Now all I associate that smell with is being sketched out on the long Smith runouts. That and the fact that the stuff got on everything and took forever to go away. Plus looking at it from a health perspective the stuff is a very fine particulate and the scent just shows you how much of it you are inhaling. Plus at work we used to use clove oil to anesthetize fish for tagging and measuring. I noticed that my nose and hands would tingle after using that stuff. Not really what I'm looking for. Really curious to see what the MSDS is on that stuff. I'll stick to superchalk...if it dries you hands out too much cut in some regular stuff. Really just can't take the smell. I'd go for 0 stars if they let me

Reverso 3 Belay/Rappel Device (Manufacturer link) popular Average Rating = 4.38/5 Average Rating : 4.38/5

In: Gear: Essential Equipment: Belay Devices & Descenders

reverso 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: chillipphi, 2008-05-18

I've liked the reverso overall. Great on rappel and for the autoblock feature. I have found when lead belaying it can be a little temperamental and catch the rope when you try to feed rope out. I wasn't as bad with thinner ropes but it can get sort of annoying. Have also found that it doesn't put as much residue on my rope as an ATC.