Gear : Reviews
Reviews by thewyseclimber (2)
Ion (Manufacturer link)
Average Rating : 4.12/5
In: Gear: Archive
Review by: thewyseclimber, 2004-12-18
Short burn time. Also the battery connections on mine keep working loose, so I have to rebend them to hold the battery tight enough to make the connection. Also, stupid battery is hard to find, and it's a bit pricey. Other than these, I have no complaints. Good stuff. Tiny, you hardly realize it's still on your head after a while. I always carry it in the pocket of my fleece for whatever.
Moonlight (Manufacturer link)
Average Rating : 3.77/5
In: Gear: Archive
Review by: thewyseclimber, 2004-04-25
Haven't climbed with the lamp yet, but it's an improvement over the Ion I bought last summer. I like the ion cause i can stick it in my pocket and forget about it, use it around camp and stuff for cooking and reading, but the moonlight is far superior for hiking and climbing. I appreciate the light weight and very strong light output. I got the last year's model for 20.00, but I wish I had gotten the new model with adjustable light output settings. Nonetheless a great headlamp.