Nice photos - what rating is this route and are you going to post a topo? From the photos it looks like it starts half way between Space Buttress and the S. Ridge.....I'm eager to climb it.
Gneiss (type of granitic rock) and yes the left hand skyline is Space Buttress (12d gear route).
This the sixth pitch of Slave to Gravity 5.12- / 5.11a C1 on Mt. Gimli in the Valhalla Range, Kootenays Region, BC, Canada. This route is all gear with the exception of the 5.12- pitch which has a few bolts through the crux.
This is a trad route called Slave to Gravity 5.12a / 5.11a C1 located in the Valhalla Range near Nelson, BC, Canada
Check out the route description and more photos at:
Don't even think about looking right for a face hold!
10d - 11a (does it really matter)?
Approx 90 m (300 feet) of technical climbing.
If the snakes don't get you the poison ivy will!
Perfect gear the whole way up....I'm not sure why his gear didn't protect his fall. Either way it was a loss to the climbing community.
Now I know what route Im doing when I go to Indian Creek.....nice shot!
Are you rope roping a giant?
Where is this?
South Face of Mt Gimli
metamorphized granite (gneiss). Fun rock, typically with good gear. See Gimli in the Valhallas for a great example of this rock: or
I`m looking forward to hop on this one Cam
Correction - left facing flakes.
25 to 30 m
looks pretty steep for a 5.10a
that is neat - the background is white snow and the foreground is blue ice.
doesnt look like an issue to me?? Either way, as with with most climbing gear "no refunds".
Do they serve beers by the pool?
I like the approach
that is someone else's top rope set-up on Narlux (the adjacent sport climb)
fun route - a must do if climbing in Banks Lake!
thanks That said, this is a great photo!
a few months after this photo was taken most of the east face of Chimney Rock fell off....luckily no one got hurt.
Nice photos - what rating is this route and are you going to post a topo? From the photos it looks like it starts half way between Space Buttress and the S. Ridge.....I'm eager to climb it.