It's always tough to get a decent shot from the belayer's view. Good job, and I love that climb!!!
Hey, if the route is good enough for the cover of the Falcon Guide to Utah, it's good enough for Good job, this photo epitomizes the Indian Creek experience.
Well, I don't do much aiding. Would that line go free? Kudos on taking the buildering concept one step further.
Well, I don't do much aiding. Would that line go free? Kudos on taking the buildering concept one step further.
Well, I don't do much aiding. Would that line go free? Kudos on taking the buildering concept one step further.
Just wait... Next time Gadget, next time... It will FALL!!!
Go Passenger Boy!!! And thanks for the chairs, food, and cooler.
my friend just informed me that the TRUE way through this crux is the LEFT. Exactly what Lew is attempting in this photo. I'll get it, you fools wait...
I just saw one of her slideshows in Lander. She rules!
great photo of a great climb. A lot of folks pull gear on that one.
nice pic, I wanna do it! the climb, not the photo. Makes my fingers hurt just looking at.
welcome to Supercrack Buttress, paintinhaler. An unfortunate occurence, but what can you do?
not a good climb to learn on, if you are as small as you look in the photo! Quite a heinous offwidth! haha
Thanks to krustyclimber and fiend for getting this photo down to the specs' for submission. This what I left to cme to Dallas, dammit!!!
The crack is offset in this kind of weird way that it kind of throws you into a sketchy lieback. The crack is about .75 camalot size, which is just real desperate as far as jams go as well (complain complain, etc.)
I was so frickin' scared at that point. haha!
Cool shot of cool rock, and what looks like a kikkass climb! I gotta get out to Californ-i-ay.
damn! excellent trick photography! You make it look like I'm about to redpoint or something!
Sweet! I hiked around that area last year, saw lots of potential routes, but never climbed there.
Cool photo! Was the climb worth the approach?
awesome. how did you like the finishing moves of the climb?
good lord! did you really use those wired stoppers? At the Creek? Well, I guess maybe on The Wave... but still
that is an awesome looking crack.
yeah, but where's Supercrack?
All right, who's the rat bastard that gave this a "0" ranking??!! You goddamned spineless vulture! 'Fess Up!
sweet pic! I still don't know where the hell you do a knee drop on that climb
it's my evil twin, nuthead
YEAH! Go Mo!
dude, this could be an ad for Bittersweet! Where are these boulders?
woohoo! so there is crack in Australia... I'm there dude. excellent picture.
artsy dude... cool pic.
awesome shot! I've got the pic that made it into Climbing Mag hanging in front of my desk, but this is almost as good! Kikkass, dude.
Orange... you are simply ONE BAD MAMA JAMA!!!
Nice... I miss Logan. I would agree with Corey, thiws must be the fabled "tidal wave cave" looks nice; I wanna check it out this summer.
haha!! Anyone making fun of Dallas has got to be at least halfway decent.
awesome crack yo...
well done. and I'd say it IS sewed up. seamstress.
hardcore! when will she move up to 5.10s?
awesome pic! who's the wuss on toprope?
I really need to get back and lead that thing
that rock looks awesome. any routes there?
viva el mexico!!
trust me. that route is not much of a jam crack unless you've got good offwidth techique. That place I am at in the photo is actually about #4 camalot width.
that is one awesome looking crack, dude. Kudos to the send, too.
beautiful crack. is that a construction hardhat he's wearing?
geezzz... I only cut it like back in july. I wanted T to cut it in SLC, but she just laughed at me and said I had ugly toenails.
tears came to my eyes looking at this. I miss my dog. sorry.
nice photo, and looks like a nice crack.
yeah! big rocks! viva la wayne county!
look for me near a texas freeway entrance with a sign that sez "Mt. Woodson or Bust!"
word. I'll hit that $#!& in a month or so. double word.
I think it's v4+
you crazy brits.
hey casey, you should edit these so they are bigger. I miss china cave.
nice. it needs some winged demons and a "manowar" logo, though.
neil, you have got me so stoked on australia that it is not even funny. the sandstone looks awesome.
nice looking problem. sweet fotografy.
beautiful. crack and model.
is that "the mission"? it used to be a trad route back in the day. awesome line. totally 11a.
nice job, quality climb.
geez, that problem is hard.
Not "The War of Northern Aggression." It's "The Attempt by the South to Destroy the United States and Keep Slavery." Nice shot. I stared at the climb through a curtain of rain. dammit.
uhhh... no longer my hardest onsite, just to clarify. hehe. I sprayed.
hey... I know her!
yeah, rub it in, eh? I'll get it as soon as it gets cooler. hehe.
actually it's a pretty good rest for the guys as well. That route is the best 12a in Texas. good photo.
nope. I live in dallas, but have been to reimer's a couple of times.
right on. coolest buildering photo I've seen.
I dunno... I mean, the climb is ONLY 5.12a. looks like Jorge is slacking a little. hehe.
this is the guy that did that 15a a few months back, isn't it?
whoa, finally a picture by climbnow1 that is not of a 5.13!!! hehe. cool photo.
if I remember correctly, the crack to the left starts like REALLY thin. it sure does make the lip of the overhang easier, though. awesome shot of an awesome line. hehe. and it's only a 5.11-, right ben?
crack bouldering rules.
great pic, one of my favorites in a while. that is an awesome looking line.
why did I know that this was a pic of Fear of Flying when I immediately looked at it? Good shot. Oh, and Peas... this crack is THE layback. sorry, that is the form.
bring tape? TAPE? ppppffffftttt.
awww. he bailed off of pringles before the crux! wuss.
dude, I've heard plenty about T-wall... but remember, there is only ONE Indian Creek. dammit.
that was uncalled for, joe. shame on you.
we need to start a meaghan fan club forum on this site. way too many good pics. cracks rule.
awesome angle. and supercrack is not as worn away as incredible handcrack.
YEAH! Gary fricking roolz.
the only folks that I know of that talk schit on the Creek are those who got spanked there. what climb spanked you, kalcario?
justin, it's a secret area in Texas.
damn... I don't comment on photos that much, but this is SWEEEEET. more for the climb than the photo, but either way, that route looks sweet.
that looks like a highball V5 to me... still, good shot.
whoa. I remember that climbing day! it was almost two years ago. cool pic, though, and I miss my old climbing partner.
ahh.. Potrero mist... it would be really beautiful if I could quit thinking about how the limestone is getting all slippery there.
great shot, dude. I mostly prefer cracks at Erock, but prosweat is a sweet route nonetheless.
awesome shot with the clouds.
dude! laying back Little Feat? that makes it at least two number grades harder!
THAT is almost enough to make me want to go to Pennsylvania. word.
awesome photo, but it is nowhere near the Virgin River Gorge. You should change it to the Zion area.
God, I love the Colorado. nice pic.
whoa. that is an awesome crack.
that duzzn't look like Spaghetti Western. what part of the climb is that? I remember it being a dihedral the whole way, but maybe I'm just on crack. huh huh, crack.
Pace Bend 4muthuhfukkinlyfe. But watch out for Water Moccasyms.
so that's what Jim looks like!
that problem is lame and unworthy. I could do it if I wanted to bring myself, like, down to its level. seriously.
that wall always reminds me of the psychadelic visuals in [i]Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas[/i]. Quality shot, Hillary.
I'll add one more shout out about how happy I am to see Joe's stunning depictions of the Creek back on this mediocre site. Too bad we didn't meet up this summer, Joe.
whoa, I thought merrick only took photos of Central Texas. Nice shot.
so that's winslow wall... now I'm kicking myself for having driven past it so many times on I-40. definitely on my to-do list, thanks to these kikkass photos.
crack boulder problems are the most underrated type of climbing. awesome pic.
nice. is that 'deliverance' or 'squeal like a pig' that he's on?
that's at the base of "Sweat," no?
the route is hard. Good picture, it makes the crack look way better than it is.
nice. bummed I missed the gripper this year.
dude! I ripped gear and took a grounder on that thing. Nice shot of a tough climb.
hehe. you know what "almost sending" is? .....NOTHING!
yup, that's wet snatch. crimpy bastard.
dude, "fingers" rules. I've seen a few folks pull gear on that fall, though.
HILARY4LYFE!!!11 trad'n'stuff. looks like a nice lead.
whoa. hey christina, this pic is SOOOOO much better than your bikini pic. not sure if that makes me gay or not, though. nice work on the climb.
"Is that Coyne crack?" nope. "fingers in a lightsocket," I'm pretty sure.
wow. this is one of my favorites that you've done so far.
dude, where isthat? not bachar cracker....
that is a very beautiful photo. ravishing. wow.
YEAH! I'm stoked that someone finally has come close to doing a full on direct topout line in Pipe Dream Cave. burly.
haha. those nerds are wearing HELMETS!
I love that climb. Definitely hard for a .9, and if it was just a touch more vertical it would be well into the .11 or .12 range. That shot really captures it well.
someone is going to bring this up, so it may as well be me. Regardless of the prosthesis, what the hell are bolts doing that near an apparently protectable crack?
nice pic. I can't wait to get back to utah.
it's actually not that hard for the grade. a few big moves at the bottom, and then just perfect gold camalot hands to the anchors. great route.
damn, that thing looks nice, good photo, joe. I 've always wanted to get on that, but it's such a far walk from the other stuff at reservoir wall.
uhhhh... thanks?
no, it's not a bike helmet, just one of those lightweight petzls. nice send once again, Shelley.
damn, nice photo. I really need to come over and see what that grit is like sometime. How hard is E5 6a again?
nope, I don't do photoshop on any of my pictures, and you can usually tell.
this is Excuse Station. I WISH that Swedin Ringle was that featured on the face.
nice photo, bob. Gloria's kicks ass. I hope I can get down to Flagstaff this year.
that climb ruled. kickass lead travis!
come on sean! do it! you're a technician! A TECHNICIAN!!!!
that crack is WAY steeper than it appears in the picture! right on sean.
that crack is Little Feat. 5.9, but probably more difficult if laid back.
nice photo, Jay. I gotsta get out to the Southeast.
that was some pretty cool granite on that beach. nice shot.
tape is for teh dorkz!!!111
I didn't think it was a soft .12 by any means. way good line, though, and sweet photo, joe.
so THIS is the woodson that bvb was always talking about. looks nice.
if you love splitter crack so much, get out to the Creek!!!!111
that photo makes the crack look wider than it actually is, I think. nice pic, though hillary. I am bummed I missed the Forks this season.
nice! I love that problem.
yeah, that is definitely bigmamahong, thomas. awesome climber and great girl; I wonder what she's up to these days...
heh. I just used a whole bunch of crash pads in the gym when I tested the toy biner. it held two falls.
God, I love that route. Looks like he was almost to the good finger lock!
yeah, that's really bold, Ed. I did the route again, and checked out gear placements on rap. There are a few good ones, but you basically have to just trust that you won't fall on a low-percentage v6-ish slab move! Do you know if Rodman used any boulder pads for his headpoint?
nope, no rock crumbling on this route, it's pretty solid. you are probably seeing a bit of vegetation.
the pic of this and the roof crack are awesome! I had no idea there was jammin' like that in Santa Barbara.
YEAH! Can't think of any other comment, but YEAH, I really like this pic!
YES! best photo I've seen of the best route at the Forks.
James_Climber, we slept at the natural ledge, which is an awesome bivy spot, and fixed two pitches from the ledge that evening. I personally thought that the hardest pitch was pitch 2, although 7 and of course 12 (the .12+ in the guidebook's topo) were pretty technical as well.
Nice! I still haven't done that line. Next year...
yeah, I would hope that Jordan would look more gripped on Mano de Dios. Actually, he probably wouldn't. Nice pic, Merrick, and it was way good climbing with y'all in Mexico this winter.
wow! beautiful composition, I love the lack of a sky, this picture captures the patina stained wingate very well.
I met her this year down there. She and her boyfriend were both way cool and super-strong! Nice pic.
wow. yeah, there is TONS of loose rock on that summit. I just stayed at the top anchors, where we found the "sendero" register. my friend Dave third-classed to the true summit!
wow, this is one of the most unique scarface photos I've seen! right on.
that's a cool angle of the climb. And it is not a traversing horizontal; more of a left slanting line that looks less steep than it actually is!
nice... I could have sworn this was a picture of "Rudy" at Hueco Tanks.
God, I miss the Creek.
awesome photo. in my opinion, I don't think that is anywhere near the crux. the hardest moves seemed to be the second traverse for me; crimpy rail with a full pump on!
this site has enough spray without this photo. Just kidding, awesome pic.
How come I never see anything like that when I go to the Wichitas? Cool pic.
sweet pic. you should photoshop out all those homo-tick-marks, though.
must get to needles, must get to needles, must get to needles. awesome pic, dude, made my day.
agreed. excellent shot of an excellent route.
hell yeah!
I have GOT to get to Australia. And I think I climbed with "Lawrence" last year at the Creek, or at least with some Australian named Lawrence who kept raving about Kalbarri Gold. Badass route.
congrats on the flash! that line felt hard for the grade.
I LOVE Exasperator. Nice lead, dude, awesome photo. Squamish rules!
oh my God, that is beautiful. Must get out east.
hey Jay, that's cool and all, but I would REALLY like to see a photo of you shooting Dan shooting Phil! Or maybe even a picture of some guy shooting you shooting Dan shooting Phil, yeah that's it!
I'm proud to have belayed you on that one, that was a great day. RIP Shelley.
Oh, I should clarify that "Life is Good" is NOT the route name, ewtotel. I just couldn't think of a title for the photo, and I have no clue what the route is called.
nice! I just got out to that place last week, joe. awesome alpine atmosphere.
Stick it Kinsey, control the swing! Core! Core!AAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!! Nice shot as always, Merrick.
beautiful. M
that climb looks awesome! nice pic.
I don't know why nobody has voted or commented on this pic; I like it much better than the other more close-up that I submitted of this same route.
yeah, that guy can't jam worth a SHIT.
Hey, look at that receding hairline! Is that Mike Anderson?
I don't see how anything you can fit your whole arm in can be more than 5.9.
yes, the shoes have tongues. flesh-colored tongues.
(camhead hangs his head in shame...) Sorry Bob. No excuses. I'm fucking scum, dude.
another "10," just because the route looks so sweet. What size is the crack through the roof?
tha amazing thing about this pic is that is does not show any of the chosspile that is Paradise on the Brazos.
wide cracks in Mieras? OUCH!
right on, Sean! You going to be in JT this winter much?
nice job on the onsight! The recent assault of King Cat photos on this site has made me wonder why I've not yet gotten on it...
Because of your pics, Wes, I will always associate the RRG with beautiful, strong women. Awesome.
yeah! classic classic classic route, dude!
Is that dude named Rueben? Looks like him.
CAsey is one of the all-time best crag dogs EVER. Watch out, or I'll steal her, Jeff.
last ten feet are the crux. It thins down to thin hands and then flared off-fingers, but you get some good face features for feet. The topout was the scariest.
awesome angle!
Yup, that's Hamlet, in all his glory.
awwww... my first love. As for the "how do you get your feet to stay in?" question, I think it has something to do with the BIG FRICKING EDGE that his left foot is on.
nice pic. Pamela and John, I think I pulled some internal chest muscle from climbing with you fukkers last weekend; it still hurts. Which makes offfwidth climbing contrived, homo, and unaesthetic. feh.
word. I gotsta get down there.
for a minute, I was like, "who is that soloing Top Choice?".... nice pic.
Scarface, 11c? Yeah, right. Nice pic, though.
uhhh, dude... his left foot is on the biggest face hold of the whole route. unless that thing has somehow worn off from all the gumbies in the last four years... I dunno.
damn, I'm sick of getting all this shit for my metro-orange shirt! I like it! It cost $3 at a Durango thrift store.... gargh
pwned, beeawtch.
awesome angle! in my opinion, the guy is at the technical crux right now...
esa ruta se llama "Balota," no? Yo quiero estar en Potrero ahora.
right on! Nice to see a pic of this route.
"Corcovado," like, the Jobim song? Nice.
nice. I love Mill Creek. Katy Brown is not so bad, too.
dammit, joe, we still need to climb sometime. Sacred Cow is going down this spring.
Awesome. Looks like the Utah Desert... Is it sandstone?
tick marks on the lower crack. lame.
nice pic. now, if only I can find this crack in the 30 degrees overhung category...
my photo of this is better... ttttbbbttttt.
anchors no longer manky. a friend replaced them.
uhh, Addiroids, that IS the true angle of the line; no camera turning at all. BFBB is probably the Creek's steepest route.
wow, I love all the ignorant speculation here. Objective: this route does NOT get thin, anywhere. Unless by "thin" you mean tight red camalots. Subjective: This route does not feel like 11d to me.
I'm pretty sure it is a Jimmie route (rip). This is also probably the best photo I've ever seen from PoB. Right on!
so... he is only about 1/3 up Coyne, and I see no gear on his harness. Is he pinkpointing, or what?
laybacks? dude, are we talking about the same climb? my hands aren't THAT small. I do smell like cabbange, though. And Angry just thinks that it's 11d because he didn't onsight it. Although that was right before he sent slice'n'dice.
hell yeah! I gotsta ask– sport or trad?
yeah. Beny is getting pretty chunky. I have to drag him up everything when I come to Vegas.
blaaa, bolts stupid, and it is not a splitter; it's a corner. looks good, though. I wanna come down and chop it!
I don't need none of you'rn goll'durn charity. git my gun.
the Outrage in the shade... must have been early morning. I miss Mexico.
beautiful. if I zoom in could I see the dirty hippies and the chalk marks on the cracks? just wondering.
this is THE best Crazy Alice shot I've seen. awesome.
actually, that is the girl beta. or shorty beta. or canadian beta. usually short girls from canada do it that way.
that could be Can Opener, 5.7 on Motorboat Rock.
so many handcrack lines like Blue Sun just BEG to be soloed; it's too bad none of them top out, still NICE job on that.
are you sure that is bachar cracker? I think that is pigpen; not sure if there is a bachar cracker at jtree.
ok, this is a perfect illustration of why the photos feature on the new and improved SUKKKZ MEJOR D0NKEI BALLZZ!!! front page why?
no caughtindave, iz n0t m34tb0mb. iz spURt.
I really like this pic, and the problem looks intriguing.
The Creek is actually much less monotonous than people think; if you climb there a lot, you will find that there are actually quite a few routes with diverse jamming size, movement, and even face sequences. Don't be dissin'!
yes, you sewed it up. cool route, though.
so... I've always wondered, is this Monique Carter's girlfriend?
one more reason why we need to re-think the current photo system. this gets on the front page?
oh, I thought I should add, this is at Broken Tooth Buttress, the 5.10 offwidth that is at the top of the access trail.
YEAH! awesome pic, dude, that problem looks really good.
she has boobs! put it on the front page! oh wait, it already is...
that has got to be one of the best-located routes anywhere. I've never seen that waterfall roaring that much either! Great pic.
heh. is that on the trail down to Havasupai? looks like that type of terrain. terrible pic, either way. hehe.
what route is that? looks kind of like Dave the Dude, but I don't think it is.
werst. foto. evar.
I've heard of this route, the one legendary classic in Miss. Cool to see a pic of it, and it looks incredible.
werst photo evar.
yeah, that move is honest 5.3, I've seen it spit off solid 5.4 leaders, and after it, the climb eases back to 5.2. I really wish that we could start getting letter grades to these lower levels, so we can dicuss them further.
I really don't see how anything you can fit your whole hand in is harder than 5.9+ or 5.10a, tops.
cool pic. right at the crux, where it gets even steeper... nice.
that's actually a pretty good pic for a gym. And duz it really have a roof crack? Luckyyyyyyyy!!!
did she taste good?
actually v4. OH!
this series is quite possibly the best pics I've seen of Mass. Nice.
teeshirt and beanie DAB!
YES! Great climb, great pic.
is that on the boulder down below triple cracks area? I think they call it "lunch rock" or something.
wow, I saw this shot and immediately thought "what multipitch is THIS on?" I would have never guessed it was "A Little Testis" from the angle.
I didn't know you aid climbed. And how come duzzn't allow negative photo ratings!!??? :( madface
nice avatar photo, and great climb! That perspective never gets old.
It's in Boulder Canyon.
whoa, New Yosemite has face holds? Who knew?
that looks like a really cool– and atypical of the Creek– line. Good work on the FA.
I love that route. It could be longer, though.
Swedin Ringle/ Three Strikes and You're Out area?
I don't think it's No Excuse. I remember No Excuse as being a much more varied corner, I don't think the splitter (Excuse Station) breaks like that, and the sun is in the wrong place. I'm still thinking 3-Strikes/Swedin-Ringle, but the splitter is not chalked up like SR is. Where is it???!!!
Great to see some of your photos on here again, Wes. Probably my favorite climb at the RRG!
I've pissed off rattlesnakes before, but never peed on one.
Nice. Wish we could have gotten out there with you.
Wearing a ring while climbing, though? Google search "finger degloving." Definitely not smart.
hmm. I seem to see a distinct lack of layback here. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
My Proj!
Wow, just saw this pic; great story and a beautiful route. And it is bolted because it is at the Obed!
It is unclimbable without grabbing the yellow nylon jug. However, I have talked to the Red River Climber's Coalition, and they have agreed to bolt it and add some pockets outside the crack.
They're definitely not as paranoid about spiritual crimes in KY. Hell, there is word that Petro's first ascent was a pinkpoint (citation needed), since it is a PITA to clean gear after falls on that thing.
Sanjaya! Toprated!
really cool pic. Great climb, too.
watch it, sklag, she'll cut off your ____ and put it in your ____!
I dunno, Lucander, I thought that this route was pretty tough for the grade; harder than a lot of 11+ cracks that I've been on. Maybe I was just having a bad day, though.
worst photo evar. fake.
I'm insulted, Dan! You are dead to me!
I just noticed that Ry Ry is wearing basketball shorts.
No, I one hung on the flash attempt! I did send it the next go. gargh.
The grade is 5.9+, but probably easier if you're short.
I think when Lena said "RIP" for those shorts, she meant that there was a RIP in them.
I think that he is flashing a SoCal gangsta sign with his left hand.
wasn't me this time, Jack. hehe.
More like solid 5.9c climber.
Hey Curt, this definitely has more intricate moves getting up to the roof than Kansas City, but the two roofs do not even compare in style or length. Overall, I thought KC was a more difficult climb.
you're going to be jonesing for a .3 camalot or two pretty soon.
People who actually know me would not be asking if the "tard" was on purpose.
I heard that this route was chipped. Ban glahhg now!
wow. that is impressive. that scene in Vertical Limit with the ice tool crevasse jump has NOTHING on See Eye!
This is what climbing photos are all about right here.
no, the rock at Lover's Beach is not sandstone. Very course, crumbly granite.
It's at the Red, right next to the more famous "Paradise Lost." I am pretty amazed that a good photo of a hard climb finally made it onto!
Is "End" the new "First!" on comments sections? END!
It really pains me to see how ethics have sunk so far.
this gives a whole new meaning to the term "tankass."
I'm not going to say that to your face, not with the gun you've got. Even if you are a Canadian:)
Lil' Bitch!
No, Zeke is the asshole. Snoop is the Enemy.
You're only cheating yourself!
Where is his rope? Is he soloing?
dammit, Gabe, I was going to make that same joke!
that's the fake hole in the rock! disgracing the memory of my mormon ancestors! [madface]
Front page, WOO!
rurprider, that is definitely not 50,000 cfs. Nice one calling it the "Grand," though, Larry.
It's always tough to get a decent shot from the belayer's view. Good job, and I love that climb!!!