Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Comments by casco (209)
la vez que yo SEGUNDEÉ, no tuve que anclarme, porque comoquiera seguía yo de escalar. ponle tú que se puede cansar una persona en toprope, pero no me la creo en un primer largo. Sí me dí cuenta que Pla tiene anclaje azul, y por sentido común, tú las verdesy las bandas obscuras tienen la cuerda, que tienen las bandas rojas??? ah, por cierto, puedes poner mosquetones en los eslabones de las cadenas, así batallas menos.

who cares if the crack is bolted. If I were a traddie, i´d climb it without noticing the bolts as when Im sportclimbing I don´t pull from the draws. Whoever is angry at the bolts, don´t say it´s because bolts ruin the rock, it´s because you don´t like to have the temptation by your side. If you are tempted to use a bolt, you might as well be a sportclimber. Leave trad routes to "real climbers". Por cierto, buena foto.

The other beautiful part is, the long way from one clip to another... takes the willpower of a horse or nerves made of steel to keep climbing after something like that.

because we guys vote for it, its an inspiration for the average guy to go climbing. its like a picture of a very interesting route you might find while climbing, this is a picture of a beautiful climber you might find while climbing, hence, its as much inspiration as a sunset, maybe even more. thats why it is on the front page. BTW, it doesnt inspire me, but I dont complain, its a nice sight for sore eyes.

look, girl, whatever your name is... when people don´t know what to do, they normally do stupid things, mostly stupid things other stupid people do. the wierd part, they can´t get enough stupidness in their actions, so they keep posting this "boobie this" "boobie that" comments whenever someone posts a girl pic, even if it is a butt shot. I guess what I´m trying to say is, if you find any of this comments stupid, it probably comes from a stupid person, hence, doesn´t deserve any attention (even though, it seems these underconfident people URGE for it... attention...) On the other side, there are the guys that try to play the "hero" by "defending" you girls from these guys, which is also VERY lame, kind of like a cheeseball pickup line (not in that group, not into american girls, hope no offense is taken, for none is intended) don´t pay attention to them either... oh, and the girls that post in here, don´t listen to them either, cause theyre not even talking to you nor talking about your pic, they just dont have much to do (even though they have a point in what they say... btw, of course I have nothing to do too) So, something good to listen to: Nice climbing! wish I were bouldering right now.
ummm, its not even near La huasteca, La huasteca and this place are both on the Sierra Madre, alright, but the rockies and the appalacians also join on Sierra Madre, making it the same mountain, but still not the same national park. (edition made from here) no prob, just trying to make a better place, by the way, its a very cool pic.

Well, it did have sharp edges... and yea, the FACE was a setup, she didn´t want to show her "oh-my-god-my-feet-n-hands-are-killing-me face". that part of the boulder is totaly over water, so we didn´t want to get shoes wet (i did take my shoes, but didn´t use them) Another pointer... me and my sis´s walked all over barefooted at very young age... Yet another pointer, baja_java is right, Chelo is way ahead of the game ;)... Last pointer, that is not really that hard, if i´d have to grade it, I´d give it a 5.8 (but with much resistance needed if you don´t want to get wet) I´d give it a boulder grade, but it doesn´t get that far.
oye, que ruta es esa??? se me hace conocida, pero nadamás alcanzo a notar que es en la zona de navajas, y quien sabe...