What's the climb directly to the right with the orange hangers, between this and the 12b there?
It's like a alpine summit on a 1:100 scale. Sweet!
OK shawn, you're a harda$$. We get it. I'll never be as good as you were on your first day, but seriously, live and let live. Also, learn to type when you're pissed off, it makes it easier for everyone else to follow.
don't let one rip too hard, could be enough to dislodge the block
Yeah! Damn I can't wait to get in all of my ice climbing gear so I can get into that... or I should say, work my way up to that.
PS. How does TD (I assume trés difficile) relate to WI ratings?
Ron, this is Clayton's Mom, are you nuts?
Must have gotten up early for the sun to be that low.
almost looks like it's underwater
Nice work Ian; Great picture Tristan. I wish I was there with you two!
Got to love NZ!
I think it's sick Shawn. Screw em.
Nice Charlie!
I'd know that banana anywhere :) Nice Supe.
talk about timing
Nice send Luke
room with a view anyone!?
Panoramic, or just one pic? The horizon curves.
It's not that bad... he's got two fingers of his left hand in there ;)
Every time without fail, pics of the Gramps make me wish I never left Melbourne.
Happliy a top-rope I'd say with all that sun
Su companero presta atencion muy bien
makes me want to be there
I only wish this was a bigger photo. The Egg? Where in New South Wales?
Sick hard! You can tell it's gonna get tough when someone who climbs trad that hard puts all of those thin nuts right one top of one another.
photo looks real to me... sloper looks like hell
top notch
great pic. looks more like free soloing than mountaineering from here
Beautiful picture. Great composition and damn it makes me want to be there.
10!!! Only problem is that I can't go any higher than 10. This is THE best picture I've ever seen (including your consistently impressive pics Jorg).
Great picture! Misty Mountain, that's a vertical route, not traversing. Notice that her gear isn't hanging "down". Also notice that in the dark background there are people.
That bollard looks real solid.
SICK! Does anyone else notice that he just placed his first and only screw there at his waist. Maybe the height is deceiving at this point but I think I would have at least used a screamer.
I hate it when I reach for a hold and that happens......
top notch!
very nice. very, very nice.
John is always climbing hard. Good send man. I can't wait to get on that... maybe even tomorrow.
Now that's a climber's finger... no hand modeling in your future
east of monterrey
what climb is this?
Top notch!
awesome pic
Pic looks tilted a bit, but it is still nice
Did he send??!
Great again Tristan.
Yeah, hard. 10b does NOT = 28. The people that I know who have done Passport have aided on the second pitch.
sick Kasia!
Choss? I've never pulled a hold off at Jacks. I like this picture. Nice composition.
The 2nd bolt in the roof is still missing as of 4/23/06. Don't know what happened. Looks like the bolt pulled; which doesn't inspire running it out (certain ground fall if you miss) to the next bolt that may or may not hold.
That shade is convenient for climbing conditions. I did this route yesterday after Mission. Much better to rap in from Mission than to climb the crap first pitch. Completely awesome corner! Route gets afternoon shade.
Fantastic shot! Spooky.
The tepuis are amazing. Some of them have completely distinct ecosystems on top because their sheer height has kept them isolated from everything. There was an expedition of scientists that climbed one (with guides fixing the lines and bivys) and found tons of undiscovered species.
I haven't been on the route and maybe I'm completely wrong but does anyone notice how rattly and close to the lip his fist jam is? maybe that crack is pretty flaring and shallow and the shadow hides it. If I'm wrong and it is parallel then I'm in agreement... why are there any bolts?!?! But then again, I kinda doubt that people strong enough to put up big wall 11d A3 routes like that might not bolt unless they have to.