Good eye for gear placement. This wall will take anything you have on your rack. You can cam the whole wall if you want. L8r John
Kelownaclimber...It may go free or it may go at $50 Depending on the mood of the Policeman L8r John
No fine, it went free. My next favorite sport is sneaking into hotel hot-tubs when on the road...I hope they don't deport you for that sort of thing from the US. I have a hottub and password for anyone going to Zion. Oh my not-so-sore bones...
It is at the side of Duck Lake. Let me know if your going and I will come chear.
It definatly would go free. Differant lines would have differant crack widths. Can't wait till someone sends it free. Give me the heads up if you choose to send it as I will come chear! L8r John
kelownaclimber, Notice how you have a heavy load and I have none... Full-time
Some of the best cracks in the free world...
Scissor jack...Too funny!
It's amazing how the rock has formed in the profile of a face...
Time warp!
I still have that bliue shirt. Kabo you look strong.