I love this photo! The starkness of the framing and the starkness of the colors. :-)
True, true - sick as a dog! Fever came the next morning... oooof. Awful. :-(
sustained.... I won't say what part of him that is! ;-)
Nice back, Italian-boy! Where's the Armani!? :-)
Thanks prezwoodz, the original pic from Paolo was really clear, but it was 2MB... I think the blur comes from the reduction.
What I want to know is did she climb the Manure Pile in that dress!? :-) Congrats!!
It takes class to be from Missouri. :-)
ER... ahem... I don't remember. More importantly, I just noticed that guy climbing looks like he's in costume... the Red Baron?
Giovanna Pozzoli is one of the most hardcore climbing women in Italy. This problem is probably in the 8's. I'd think twice before calling her a betty.
That shadow almost makes it look like you're wearing a pirate's hat! :-)
I saw Kelly many times at ULI in STL. Man, is this girl stroooong!!!
tradgrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!!! DYNAMITE!
Go Heiko, GO!
Great description! It really makes the pic! :-)
Red Rum! Red Rum!
Mmmm, skin donation... a veritable DNA mine-field! Nice shot.
Thanks for the feedback thomas. I think it's more blurry than it would have been because I increased the exposure (the original was pretty grey and flat) manually. If you know any way to increase exposure in some parts of the pic and not others, I'd love to hear!
Science "FRICTION" is what they call it... YIPES!
coclimber, those features appear in Fontainebleau where the sandstone has worn away to show the quartz underneath. Indeed, beautiful but slippery as snot! Very nice pic popol, two thumbs!
Hey, we saw you guys there! You had the Audi wagon that got the locks smashed, right?
Color-coordinated chalk/hat... classy!!
Boy does that pillow look hard!!!
Hi ch9, voted you 2 thumbs. I love the contrast and all the angles, facial expression. Really nice photo! But, I prefer a more simple composition, so I save my 10's for those. :-)
Well obviously I had to chalk up my back and legs to make sure I could send this badboy in style!
You're preeeeettty when your face is in the shadows! ;-)
It's the pants that are WRONG. Comments are just gravy.
Very nice photo! I like the blues and his little red cheeks.
Wow, very, very nice photo!
mmmm, booty stuff! ... er... you know what I mean.
"Picture taken by girldrifter"... you thief!
Pag - ah - Bonzee Bonzee boh!
Gross. Did NOT need to know that. ;-)
The biggest friend in the world. Put him in and go. For larger chimneys, buy more Ben & Jerry's
Yes, it's a rusty piton... typical VDM archaeology.
... plus there was the whole hangover, death and dismemberment angle to consider... ;-)
Having to haul a 10kg backpack is good training, heikino!
Nice pic james, I like it much more than the other one where you couldn't see his face. But remind your buddy to climb with the rope over his leg...:-)
Homophobic rhetoric, punny though it may be, is outdated.
Not true - she hiked up to watch the start. She took some pics with Spider along the trail before we got there!
Nice move Newbie! :-) I keep trying to steal Paolo75's stuff but he keeps one hand on it when he sleeps...
Earplugs for the electrical power plant that hums all night, the chorus of dogs that howls all night, and the chickens that join the dogs at 4am. Other than that, it's a lovely place to climb...
That's got a solid PF-9 (pucker-factor = 9). Nice pic!
nah, the other obvious comment is: he's friggin hot!! :-)
Awwww, who knew you were so cute!?
Science friction, aye? Nice! :-) Looks almost exactly like 'Stomago Peloso' in Val di Mello, IT!
I love this photo! The starkness of the framing and the starkness of the colors. :-)