Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Comments by lambone (40)

Thanks, this one was a bit excesive. I had the Ledge fly attached due to thunderstorms. Also the Pig is docked on the last lead bolt of the previous pitch. The double length blue sling connects the pig locker to the main anchor powerpoint for a dynamic "pig belay." On most belays I just docked the pig straight to the power point with a munter mule, backed up of course.
The green rope coming from the power point is the end of my lead line. I tied into it before taking the photo because hanging on the haul line and pulley was spooky...

Thanks, The pitch starts out with 4 or 5 bolts off the belay before it really hits the crack at that Yellow TCU. I was refering to the big fat bolts at bottom center. You couldn't easily reach them from "on route, and I'm not sure why you'd want to. There are several of these stations along the route. Some are obviously the Hubers, but I'm pretty damn sure these arn't. Resuce anchors maybe? Anyway, they are kind of annoying and unsightly...
gnarly man...wooohooo!