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Comments by marcelinho (8)

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4 out of 5 stars Thanks everybody who has voted! As far as 5 votes graded avegare 7.20, to me thats very nice to have a 70% success on my first submitted shot.
There will be some more to come, I'm just starting in digital photography and climbing is some kind of subject I love.

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4 out of 5 stars Hi everybody!! Lots of comments, Thank you very much, thats all I wanted.

I also love silhouette xclimber, if fact most of the time I can just photograph at dawn (like this shot) and silhouetes are very common on my shots.

Yes, yanqui there are some routes that continue from the end of this 'boulder', like Normal(5.5), Mestre(5.12c), Urubú que voa(5.12c), Puro Sangue(5.11d) and Sangue de Adolph Hitler(5.10d). Theres also urubu Arete, not exactly on this same side of the rock, but on the same rock: aresta do urubu(5.12b).

yorb, I tried cropping the original shot, but in facl I liked it most "full frame", like shown here. In my opinion I found showing some quiet fisherman while Mineiro (the climber) is totally commited to the climb is very interesting...

Will anybody visit this page: and suggest me another pic to be published on ?

Thanks everybody. You really can't imagine how much you are encouraging me to continue what I'm loving to do(climb photography).

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5 out of 5 stars great shot!! I loved it

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4 out of 5 stars climbsomething, maybe your 'silhouette theory' convinced me in some way and I never thought before about that matter in that way you explained. Thanks a lot, I'll keep on learning and that was great knowledge... ... as I said before, I'm a very begginer and any comments are very welcome.

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Hi baja_java! You can most of the time just speak spanish, as portuguese is very similar to it... English and Italian will help you out too as some portuguese words come from english or italian or french... Also the rocks here will understand you quite well in any language :)
"Veja: Se conseguir entender esta frase em portugues (como penso que vai entender) perceberá como é facil compreender a língua dos brasileiros."

skateman, come and bring the whole family. just beware Rio is a very big city and don't let some thieves and pickpockets (yes there are many here :( ) make your visit disgusting...

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I thought this photo deserve much than rate 0, as I like it very much... :-/

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4 out of 5 stars Excelente a sequência de fotos do contra pino!! os ângulos das fotos estão incriveis!! mandou muito bem!!!

Excelent this photo sequence of "Contra pino" (which means something like "against bolts"...)
Photo angles are amazing! Very well done photos!

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4 out of 5 stars Amazing!!! - alucinante! É o pão nosso de cada dia visto de um angulo bem diferente...