gotta love that dihedral! did you try the dyno up to the "diving board" near the start? lots of fun!
bigbones, I wouldnt be worried about water if I saw a crow that.
awesome rappel!!! it has a strange resemblance to <i>Vin Diesel</i> in <b><large>Pitch Black</large></b>!
awesome silhouette!
can I just say "rusty bolts rock!"
That is an awesome shot, love the frame, the focus/depth, the facial expression.... and it reminds me a bit of a route back home in Oklahoma.... gets a 10 from me!
love the Katanas.. but what's up with the hat?
holy moly... i've heard of this happening before, but i've never actually seen it.
this is sweet... i'm getting dizzy just looking at it
holy two cheeks batman! its a DOUBLE BUTT SHOT!
I like it... the way its so intense and so calm at the same time... sweet.
Like McDonald's says.... I'm Lovin' It!
Oh, the infinite traversing..... yummy! That looks sweet, especially with the great contrast on the grass.
seems like the cleaner face on the left would be the least likely to have bus-sized-rock-encounters, but what do i know, the tallest point in oklahoma is only 4973'!
kinda looks like the one on that marines comercial.... kinda
awesome shot of an awesome move on what looks like an awesome route. i love it. (p.s. - I'm no board monkey, but mister "you critics should climb it...." is a little new here to be flaming like that, don't you think?)
one of the better butt shots around.... but a butt shot nonetheless
next to the big tree... just down from that fallen tree in the background
I like the reaching action over the "dreamy" still life... great combo! (plus its always great to see a HCR pic on the front page)
awesome.... i love it all.
i was there 2 days ago! cool.
wicked cool muscle definition. i like it.
i bet he wouldnt.
hey dingle, why don't you just go up there and take a higher resolution shot and post it yourself? great shot alpinist. great.
nice picture and all... but, uh... climbing?
i'm voting it fairly hi for photography quality, but i really dont like it much since i cant focus on the part of the picture i want to (climber, route, rock quality/color, etc.)
croc or alligator either way... still no hot girl. gotta love a good knee bar, though
i like the mid-action freeze shot... sweet.
thats my crash pad
i like the smiley face on the chalk bag.
i love it... the fog in the background and the sunlight focusing on the climber is great!
is he smoking!?! that would be awesome!!!!!
what route on zoo wall is long enough to split?
great shot, but whats with all the "click here" business?
those trees look really small.
this is a fantastic bouldering shot. i love it.
looks perfect for a highball... not short, but its no free-solo either. i like it.
gotta love that dihedral! did you try the dyno up to the "diving board" near the start? lots of fun!