the way the cliffs get hazier and hazier the farther away they get. This, and the crystal-clear and close cliff on the right gives the photo a great feel.
Incredible. The leaves and stuff in the water may be a little distracting, however I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The greens and greys are amazing.
Awesome.....VERY nice. What happens if you tilt the picture slightly clockwise, so that the horizon is at its natural angle?
Jstan ------> To Bolt or Not to Be! Just think of the implications of that. Breathtaking pic. What I like most is THE EXPOSURE!! NICE!!! That couldn't have been easy to photograph OR climb.
Surreal. Love it, nice shot!!
Oh how very nice..............
Nice jump. Water soloing kicks ass.
Amazing picture. What # cams are placed there?
kalcario's got it right...
Whoa. I love how that looks...look at the crack that the lower climber is on!! Very nice, thanks for posting.
Incredible. The things I like most about this pic are the rock, the HORIZON (absolutely beautiful), and the perfectly even tree canopy. Awesome, thanks for sharing.
Very very different, that's why I LOVE it. That and the color. You went out on a limb with this one.......thanks for posting.
You should always wear your helmet, JK. Awesome picture.
hahaha nice one grover......
very tasteful humor, glad this made it up front.
Thats...really...nice. The lone veggie adds a nice does the perfect white dot for the sun.
I love the huge snaking tree root that frames the left side. I'm willing to bet that was intentional. Beautiful... and it DOES look like something from LOTR.
Whoa. Very nice.
Love it. Perfect use of fisheye IMO.
Whoa...that does look hard. Nice.
Cool problem & nice photo! I sent this one last weekend, it really is as hard as it looks.
Awesome looking stuff & great pic. Is that gear below you or are you (deep water) soloing?
Very nice shot. Mind if I ask how hard it is? I've got a Potrero trip coming up soon, that looks like a bad ass line.
Did he just make a big throw up left? If not, that's what it looks like to me & I like it. Nice touch of dynamic in with good color & cool looking rock.
perhaps there's no contrast because there's no holds. Nice photo. I can't wait to hit up EPC in a month or so.
perhaps there's no contrast because there's no holds. Nice photo. I can't wait to hit up EPC in a month or so.
Love the plant in the foreground. Stout looking problem...nice pic.
I recognize the featured top of the right-hand spire, from the Masters of Stone IV video, where three seriously disabled (missing legs, blind, broken back) guys topped it out.
Great pic.
Fucking spectacular.
Amazing. Coolest thing is the color variation through the atmosphere...reddish on the horizon, true-color up high. Just like a twilight/sunrise effect. Except here, with the moon...NICE.
What kind of coffee?
Thought provoking. One pic = 1000 words INDEED.
ohhh maaan, nice picture.
Ok that's it I'm heading to Australia. Oh wait...I can't.......time to make a way.
Perfect pic.
That is 100% lenticular cloud. A beautiful one at that. I see no evidence of a contrail or its effects. And for the record, wind blows THROUGH lenticular clouds, usually very quickly. Whoever mentioned contrails pls. do some research. AWESOME photo.
OMG. How cool.
It almost looks like there is motion in the clouds if you look at it long enough...beautiful. May your friend rest in peace.
Fantastic. Unusual body position though...I usually climb those facing directly at the wall, and running up w/ hands and feet. 600V is of NO CONSEQUENCE compared to the fall. Helllooooooo the conduit is GROUNDED....
Comments are usually made on the nicest, most beautiful, etc. details of a picture. Sometimes the climber is.........
Where is it at and how hard is it.
Really nice picture. It looks to me like DWS would be a bad idea here anyway...there seems to be a positive angle, OW.
wow, great perspective. love how the wall converges to a point in the left background.
WOW. amazing line...looks pumpy as hell. How is the huge dihedral on the left?
There is no way that places like this exist. No way. Incredible.
I love mornings like that. Calm, humid, and dripping sounds coming from everywhere. Nice shot. I could see it as looking "ghastly", but a nice peaceful morning is what I imagined first.
I had to look really close...REALLY this picture to tell that the bottom half wasn't a reflection off of water. It looked like the climber had just started...LOL. Beautiful, A++
WOW. That's amazingly creative. How much can I pay you for the high-res? ; )
holy f*#k
Cool body position, "crimping" an obviously bad sloper, and an endless looking picture...Nice...
nice pain
hahahaha.......... did take me a second though.
freakish. awesome.
Kyle!! What's up man?! Great pic. This weekend was a blast.......what a cool place....... the way the cliffs get hazier and hazier the farther away they get. This, and the crystal-clear and close cliff on the right gives the photo a great feel.