dood keep the screw closer to your torso and it will be earsier to place next time. nice action bro
reminds me of being home in the rockies when the full moonis out. niiiiice shot =)
I'll give you a nine just for the head band man.
bah! let's seem him do it ropeless, and hanging on one foot then you would see me impressed! j/k that's some cool $hit
pastey white and outa shape. gotta love start of the season
are you sure that's long stemmed rose and not corner journey?
hmmmm any relation to Charles Lockwood?
just added the route in the Banff/ Lake Louise area
good god! too shiney...must...get...sun...glasses... nice to see he bounced back ok after the theft. had it happen to me. I'm still rebuilding
hmmmm lip rings DO aid in Felletio.
I know that route..A LOT of fun...nice shot. brings back the willies in a hurry
you wouldn't have been able to see the cave if there were a climber in the shot. It's quite small
you get a 10 on that one for the creativity of an idle mind
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, nice shot, I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait, COME ON JANUARY HURRY UP!!
*drool* *slurp* huhuhuhuhhh
nice work on the shot...everyone ok? How long did it take to get the poo out of his shorts?
cute...and so are the dogs ;P
Sisyphus Summits is 10d actually. nice pic btw. God I love it there. my back yard hehehe
reason #7 why I love women that climb *sigh*
ullr that would've been my friend Robin. nice shot Lorne!
*drool* can't wait for august. 2 weeks to climb in there
nice color on that man. can't really tell what's throught the centre of the shield though.
my god it's like a baby holding an apple! oh hell there's a cool climber there too!
god I miss the rock down there,
my friends Brent and Allison were married while ice climbing I think at the top of the Weeping Wall
me, your wife and some other whore floatin down the river on a shit house door... front page,,,way to go micheal...not nekkid tho lmao
woah dude I REALLY have to give up the acid man.. nice composition
GOd I miss JT. April is just around the corner now though. Kudos Amber
suk it up in MY playground now boy
that's looks like "you ain't nothing but a hangdog" 5.10d. memphis is 29m long if you do both parts
you got that right fawkes
cool shot. I like the fact that there is a bit of concern as well as concentration on her face. You can tell she's really staring down that placement
jkinke.. no it isn't required to lead it but man is it ever fun to do it... I love that climb
sbclimber: wadda ya mean cold??? this was in august when we went up there
yep top of pitch 3
THAT"S Nemesis? wow looks waaaaay harder than when we did it.. when was this taken?
nice shot Ryan's mom, man I love that climb
thanks Biff... discovering JT and hooking up with micheal, was the best thing about that trip
nice timing. wonderful shot
artm...lmao thanks for the heads up man
too true joe...amber....i dun did git lerned gud in skul so yu jest n'vrmind
this was actually one of the shots that inspired me to get down there. now the count down is on...3 days left
gawd I love that look on someones face
he knows not what he says alberta_climberboy
it seems to me that cliffraven dosen't want to get up EEOR too much.. she keeps showing up hungover lmao...miss ya babe
Good shot Germ! I like the cairn in the foreground
that's Sea of Dreams! what an awesome route.
OK I'll try and get it bigger
fun line...but a bit surprising when I first got on it... a good intro to JT rock
it's true it is mostly quartiz and is surprisingly solid
Stunning, Absolutely Stunning
thanks for the heads up scott
[b]to all of you that siad BIGGER!!!...sorry but i spoke wth the photographer and he will not allow it to go out onto the WWW in a bigger format due to the possibility of the image being stolen for other uses...his pic, he calls the shot. again sorry[/b]
K i must be blind...I don't see any sandals. beautiful shot
it's 2 pitches long. I think it's 105m in total. you're always welcome on my couch kachoong
anytime dood, just say the word and off we go
and better for ya too
yahhoooooooo! it's almost like flying
jeffstephan, he is pretty smart, Kachoong, not my call dude, cryder, that's why the shot is small and low res, ... ANT, he was standing on climb ers right of Happy Days at the top of the rim. sharpie, thks, maxdacat, that was shot during the first week of January 04
that looks kinda like my friends ankle from in the spring. only his didn't go all the way through like that. hope recovery is going well man
excellent shot, beautifully centered, wonderful! a definate 10
cloven-hooved devil too! nice shot
dude you've put on some SERIOUS weight since I saw you at JT. ever hear of Atkins? (me, your momma and some other whore...)
hmmm I dunno about a caption...all I see are three cuties
a water fall on the south side fo mt kidd? never heard of it. most likely no one goes up there anyway
tried to use a nut on sandstone like I would on granite...french free....didn't go over so well
holy need long runner batman!!!
it's ice climbing with it. cold is realitive anyway
"When in doubt run it out"...sounds like you're an iceclimber...normal ice pro for me is 1 screw in 25 meters...nice shot, nice form, niiiiice air
crouching tiger flying climber
WHAT a wuss! I can't believe you fell... that climb is so lame. I'm joking Sal! nice work I'll give you a 10 just because of yer balls
oh you soooooo funny kev... I'll remember that
LOL, yeah mike wanted a hot of the ice shards around the tool so I had to swing like 15 times to get the right shot for him. that's whay the hole was so big
sorry James_climber, the photographer won't allow High Res shots of his to go onto the WWW. afraid of piracy. can't blame him really. climbersoze, I'm just trying to protect my eyes
lmao nailed it right on the head
great thanks Edge, now I have to go to ANOTHER place to go climbing...sheesh! beauty shot man
actually gunkie, I don't solo for the camera. I enjoy soloing ice all the time. this time Mike wanted to be there with his camera. If nOObs want to solo because of this pic, it's thier choice not mine
YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! little rock monkey whith some serious CAHJONES!
now THAT"S what I'm talkin about man! that looks like a COOL effin route...
I've always said the Castle Mtn shitter has the best view in the world
dammit girl let me live in my little world and you can have yours OK!
did the climber intentionally wear clothing to make him blend in likea moth? or was that just luck? nice pic
I wouldn't talk if I were you scallywag
Nice shot of the bluffs Sal. Colors set it off pretty good
you betcha tim...I always tried to get that sticker in shot wehnever i could
how about "kiss of the Aussie woman"? I like that better
short but fun route for sure
ya just can't beat the smile of the face though
Hey dave for an extra 2$ you could've gotten some legs to go with your knickers
Sweet pic edge! way to keep the old noggin together for that pitch. it looks like you were using the french technique going up that pitch...beautiful man
SO now you've convinced me that i REALLY DO need to go to France. Dammit man, now I need to start saving
I rocognized that rail right off the bat...sweet climb and nice perspective man
yeah no doubt Sal, one of the warmest that I can remember
it's 10c, with the crux at the top of the climb. sustained 10ish in the midle half of the route and easy 9 at he bottom
what i'm interested in seeing is the heel hook....;)
it's more like a "you gonna die when I get up there" look
I like the B/W shot better, but cool nonetheless
Dave man, you oughta cut yer nails a bit more often brutha
ditto on the b/s er I mean B/W composition :P
is that the 11 or the 8? pasty feet though. looks high
personally I don't know why someone is bombing you Dave, that's a pretty cool shot a great looking route, but yes you are that ugly :P
must been stoned when i first saw that picture...hehehe
Very rarely do i give out 10's Phil, but NICE PICTURE MAN!! the clarity of the fist and the cam is amazing!!!
at least he didn't double-dog dare you to climb it nakid michael
niiiice, i see "the movie star" stole Gilligan's hat eh!
absolutely amazng photo, incredible!!! 10 for sure
oy vey
:::puts hands over eyes and walks away shaking head:::
nice, now I remember why I ice climb! Your partner has got it really sewn up too. I like the contrast between the rock and that pillar. Well Done
looks kinda like Nemesis here in the Rockies. Didn't realize how steep it was either until i saw the pics later
HOLD IT MAN HOOOOOOLD ITTTT!!!!!!! GITCHER FEET ON NOW DUDE. it's in the bag, cruise it to the top
nice. I really like this photo, looking down through the drw is pretty cool
just think, most people have a chalk bag for thier pacifier when they get stressed out
yer 2nd ice climb was curtain call?! *rendog stands and applaudes*
NIIIIICE! I'm not one to usually comment on slackline pics, but the contrast from background to fore is AMAZING! Nice shot, very nice shot indeed. first 10 for slack
those flakes are HUGE!!! gawd i've got to get down under.... iwonder if my company would transfer me......hmmmmmmmm
ah man i miss it down there. maybe in Nov, hmmmmmmmm
either way it looks fun
looks like about +14...nice pic
only the fifth?!!! hell i usually swear off bouldering at least a dozen times during the course of a day untill I send my problem
it's all about the tongue for me. That sells this shot
AWWWWWWWWWWW...that's a good shot of you two
yo baby got back!!! nice pic Newbie!
I like the contrast....but pull up your pants woman~! lol
ah canadian climbing at it's best
skinner, this is the main route up the face of Babel, classic 5.8. and yes I'm demonstrating the proper way to tape a finger. mainly for all of those from Ontario and quebec that may not know
I've got wood
nice to see you on the cool end of the rope!
you should try running it out a bit more next time man... lol
OK OK OK so you get a 10 from me. and now I've got to solidify my plans for china next year
the Eagle?
I remember when I saw that ad for the first time. laughed for a couple days. Still love it
gorgeous. agree about the high res
the pony tail adds a bit of movement to the photo. nice
I miss Michael. I think a trip to Cali is waaay over due
nice shot Damon. Attitude!? Michael?! Pffffffffffffffffft! agree with rrradam
Louise Falls if i miss my guess... hung off that tree many times nice shot lol
"let's bail before we have to rescue someone" sheesh!