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Comments by showtheskin (3)

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I would love to say that it's really high but it's no more than 12 ft or so. sorry to dissapoint.

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First of all, no offense, but you didn't. how am i sure? this is not anywhere near northern california. this is a few miles hike from Frazer Park in southern california. also, my buddy found this on google maps and we personally scrubbed and bolted all the routes on these two rocks. this is the taller of the two. the picture only gives the top half of the climb justice. the climb is probably about 80 feet to the top. so unless you're soloing 80 ft of an unkown route with lichen all over it and know about our secret spot we call "little egypt," then you did not solo this problem. Sorry. however, this problem was one of the easier lines to fall.

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5 out of 5 stars I don't know who labeled this the "sunset boulder" in northern california. This is a few miles hike from Frazer Park in California. This would not be a boulder problem. the route is about 80 feet tall. the start is in a small crevis. this is the crux, about 30 ft up.