nice house! at last you found some real-world application for climbing skills! Way to go, jake!
nice...oh, gunks...only there...
Finally! QQ pics out, let's celebrate! that water under the rope looks funky. QQ rules in winter, those sunglasses look great on both of them!
nice pic! how's climbing in belgium? my mom lives there but she doesnt want to give me any climbing info :((( although she sent me some great pictures of a hike in Meuse valley, near French Ardennes i believe...
thx pirate, u've appreciated my nature at first glance :)
cool pic :)
wideguy, u look good, man !!!! dont see what pounds you were talking about!
yeah, gunks rule for exposure :) what route is this?
yeah, that does look thin! we don't have ice in New england, so i guess GA is the place lol
yo, rob, now that you've grunted enough, time to lead that climb ;)
oh, those 10s...some day i'll fly up those routes...not this winter though!
"yupi yupi he's taking a picture" or maybe "oh, i can pull this climb so why not make a big smile for once and not grind my teeth" **** besides that, great outlook, QQ looks like a space craft or a monster's eye :)
hey, jake, dont touch rob, he looks good (check out his other "pulling through" picture for even a better display of his virile strength), but wideguy's the best in that hat!
yup, i'll second that, rob!
ya, and also - wher's the dog???? what kinda pirate without that green-eyed devilish creature?!
the horizontal perspective looks much like the gunks from afar, although the texture of the rocks is much different. Vive french climbing :)
uhh winter go away, we need spring in new england, not seeing pictures like this......
thx edge, ukrainian mafia will not invade your place tonight seeking revenge, all called off!
not russians, ukrainians!!!!!... how many times should i repeat...
makes me think even bouldering can look romanesque :) btw, did they shoot lord of the rings somewhere there?
awesome, 'd love to be there - stemming in the gym sucks, take my word :)
awesome pic, nice colors for the sky, a bit mysterious and lonesome.
and for once it's not even orange !!! :)
Give it half an hour and here goes the storm...
sweet! do they also climb?
sweet! do they also climb?
my favorite of the outside corner series, romantico-longing expression from ambler combines well with the surreal background of QQ grass.
is that a preparation for a finger jam? Jer, finally you're learning your jams!
first crux for you rob :( i get my first crux after the first two feet - where you big jugs can reach all you need, i used to suffer...need to try it again, maybe will have better approach ideas this season
ya, i remember that being sketchy...a mantle is my idea of passing through, although it feels very off balance
dbyte, you can actually smile while climbing??!!!
ambler, you? without a cap and white hair???! nice pick though, i wasn't even close to being in the conceiving mind of my parents...
that route looks so scarry, at least from W-G. This year there was way less ice though.
although our conditions on it were much better this winter, nuts are definitly a must on that :)
great shot, ground looks like several volcanoes, and then those gulliver shoes appear, i also like the crispiness.
...mmm i want to lead that...
i love the duck charm :)
love that ice! why is it spring already :(
mmm dramatic :)
nice perspective for a 5.6 :)
wow, nice route. Is that a finger crack?
me too, me too...why one needs snow and ice when so much can be had in utah...
pretty interesting, a route would go from overhang to a slab...
love the colors.
i see a giraffe...
a mephisto look!
doesnt feel windy at all, calm and inspirational. don't trust appearances!
i'm hanging this in my cube right now
mmm looks almost like my burn on the leg, less red, and less painfull though ....
looks like the leader doesn't have his first piece in yet though...
love your pics...'ll have to check out turkish mountains some day...
Smialy for courage, appropriate last name! go Poland!
a mediocre pic, but what girl could resist those muscles?! Not me, an 8.
looks more like a cobra to me...
i like the glasses, looks very serious!
nice catch of triangular roof :)
a place to get your toes killed!
this bulge is so much fun...especially for the shorter part of the globe...
a little lower than that moon-shape begins, you can actually slot a big-bro, so it's rather 30 feet of unprotected climbing. It's fun anyway!
it was to match to the bracelet!
looks a bit like predator in rumney, maybe a bit more air and water :)
wow, long legs!
that looks like my marmott double roupe...
metal and sea, good breakfast!
wow those pants look pressed and clean!
great colors!
wow you look serious!
You also have a kind of a 'boulderer' look to it, if not for those trecherous multicolored toys on the harness...
I like the outlines and the mystery of the look.
actually you look nice (for once in Sue's pictures :) for once, although confused!
she was frozen under the glacier, the red monster emerged instead :)
i would assume i was going to put other fingers there, as i'm not a big pro at monos...
high res, high res!!!!
nature morteish
looks like italian neorealism - wow, pad people - respect!
the most beautiful, respect indeed...
proud adventurer he is! (the one in black)
a cutie!
yup, picture taken through the Mesa arch. So I assume you rap from top of the island to approach the washerwoman's arch? How do you get back? Also, there was this wonderful wall on the right from the Mesa Arch, I was so wondering if any lines go there...
looks a bit like the roofs on near traps, probably much higher though :)
correct, john, thx for pointing it out - i must have been totally neophyte last year and somehow messed it up :)
yup, i like these goodies!
taken mid september 04'
are his feet on the ground?..
no, that's the way to fight le mistral
mmm 'd love to lead the shooter!!! never got time away from multipitching last time in RR...have to come back!!! Nice shot!
finger crack? looks morel ike an offwidth to hand
wow, chrtur, you also have hidden talents! Congrats on this one!
long live jorasses! which route?
almost like the gift in RR, with more air apparently.
Tried to get to the top of Monch...
funny, i thought the same thing :) how did you get up there - the crack visible in the pic? Looks fun!
it's tim leading, my partner. my abilities are leading 4, following and taking pictures of everything else :)
i like it.
interesting perspective, i'm used to seeing it from the other side :). I also like the greens in the pic and the boat!
i like the hat.
look at that muscled back, i like it :)
where is the squeeze? where is the chimney?
wow, i'm impressed, what are you guys doing there in Mass now that i'm gone???
i'd call it symphony in orange :)
what's that stick in the middle of it?
funny, looks a lot like what you get when looking up Grand Cap in Chamonix :) I do like the pic, memories...
man, you should shave :P
it's not winter, it's glacier below, and i believe those are just people's tracks, not ski tracks - not that it can't be done with skis (rather flat though). And yes, chamonix is certainly worth hitting on a euro climbing trip...
when did you do it? awesome light, nice summit pic. Gotta come to cham again :)
why is this in alpine again?
awesome, cory, finally you're a MAN NOW!!!
i hear you thomas, same here...that 6a+ jug...mmm i just won't say anything, i guess it works just fine if you're over 2m tall...
wal, you weren't there to psyche me into leading - although it probably wouldn't have worked for this one!
it's actually 5c/6a only, looks very intimidating!
looks very much like an improved modrian :)
there's also a route by Piola there from what i remember...
cool spot, looks a lot like the route on La Nonne in Chamonix, in front of Drus.
nice house! at last you found some real-world application for climbing skills! Way to go, jake!