Rating |
Photo Caption |
Date |
Top of the Peak
2003-11-27 |
'Fire In The Hole' (5.10b) Holcomb Valley Pinnacles, Ca.
2002-09-12 |
Mentor Cave
2002-09-12 |
Amber climbing Sundown Dihedral
2002-09-12 |
Brian on Bicep
2002-09-12 |
'Mighty Quinn' (5.10b) Holcomb Valley Pinnacles, Ca.
2002-09-09 |
There's some air out there
2002-09-09 |
'Long Arm Of The Law' (5.11a) Halcomb Valley Pinnacles, Ca. [pic2]!['Long Arm Of The Law' (5.11a) Halcomb Valley Pinnacles, Ca. [pic2]](/images/photos/assets/3/267043-medium_6422.jpg)
2002-09-09 |
Valley View in Black and White
2002-09-09 |
Zodiac---with Ammon McNeely
2002-09-09 |
Sonya on Hemp Liberation 10d
2002-09-09 |
Greg Varela Pinching Sand
2002-09-09 |
'Ten Years After' (5.10d) Yosemite, Ca [pic6]!['Ten Years After' (5.10d) Yosemite, Ca [pic6]](/images/photos/assets/8/268188-medium_6069.jpg)
2002-09-09 |
'Powder Keg' (5.10a) Halcomb Valley Pinnacles, Ca.
2002-09-09 |
Epinephrine 5.9
2002-09-09 |
Bouldering near Bruce's Boulder
2002-09-09 |
"Sloper-For-Rail" Joon
2002-09-09 |
Carter Lake Bouldering
2002-09-09 |
rrradam on Highgrader (5.11c)
2002-09-09 |
MrHardGrit making the stretch...
2002-09-09 |
Green Book Dihedral Climb
2002-09-09 |
Bri on Green Book
2002-09-09 |
No Aid Right Over
2002-09-09 |
Working the Boot Flake
2002-09-09 |
Brian Carter on the Basketball Mantle
2002-09-09 |