This is an area that i think was a result of mining, you are not allowd to swim here but the view is amazing.
Submitted by: smoothkitty on 2006-07-11 Views: 1452 | Comments: 2
Standing the water! it was so beautiful there!
Submitted by: smoothkitty on 2006-07-11 Views: 1211 | Comment: 1
An awesome catch of my friend Jason in mid-fall. I was surprised with this shot, definately didn't think it would turn out!
Submitted by: itsmegz8321 on 2006-07-09 Views: 1338 | Comments: 0
Now this is a good spot! This is my lil' sister doing a great job of spotting my friend Jason. He couldn't understand what he did to make us laugh so much.
Submitted by: itsmegz8321 on 2006-07-09 Views: 1861 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Check out the vibrant colors in this pic! This is my lil' sis and I while checking out the scenery and watching the fish eat flower petals she threw in the water. This is an old rock-quary at Elephant Rocks.
Submitted by: itsmegz8321 on 2006-07-09 Views: 1549 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Sarah Splitter working her way up Tablecloth, she never got it but had a rough weekend.
Submitted by: paperboy on 2005-12-07 Views: 1645 | Comment: 1
Lance aka mrpunch having a go at Tablecloth, the V8 pretty much owned him this trip.
Submitted by: paperboy on 2005-12-07 Views: 1711 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
durb climbing this unknown problem back behind Upper Pinic Area. Fun problem with a scary top out.
Submitted by: paperboy on 2005-12-07 Views: 1266 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Cool pic of the big boulders on top. Elephant Rocks is a great place to climb, got to love th granite.
Submitted by: paperboy on 2005-12-07 Views: 1085 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Durb (me). trying this nice sit start to a dyno. Lance and me tried awhile getting close but not getting it.
Submitted by: paperboy on 2005-12-07 Views: 1229 | Comment: 1
This was my first time climbing at Elephant Rocks and people did not understate the sharpness of the rock by any means. Best description I've heard so far: "Take a board and beat a bunch of nails through it, then grab the other side" Well after working on one climb the skin just started comin' off ...
Submitted by: boondock_saint on 2005-11-01 Views: 1466 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
This is mike, trying out something new... not in the dr. topo we took with us... i just think the view and the color of the rocks are quite good. This boulder is just down from the gill boulder area.
Submitted by: peteripnar on 2005-07-26 Views: 1410 | Comments: 0
this problim was high,slopey and crimpy in tell i get up to the top the is a kinda good jug but it is hard intell u get up to that jug
Submitted by: kendall_durant on 2004-12-24 Views: 846 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This was shot on a muggy fall day. I was standing on top of the maze.
Submitted by: andrewscott on 2004-11-12 Views: 1103 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
It's not often one gets to see the whiteness of human bone, muchless your own! Well, after a botched controlled fall during a peel off of the budgy top out of this V3 (yea, yea... a V3), I joined that club. Here I am awaiting the EMTs to arrive and cart me off to the hosptial. Notice the talus protrusion and the severely maladjusted right foot. What fun it was having them cut off my Dominators! I can't wait to get back to it and send that darn problem!
Submitted by: climberstephen on 2004-11-02 Views: 5126 | Votes: 91 | Comments: 97
Sinking Creek is actually just outside the small town of Eminence, Missouri.
This is a privately owned geological wonder, that while it looks like a spring that is flowing from a cave, it isn't. It's actually a freeflowing stream that has carved its way through the rock, and tunnels through for a couple hundred feet... This image shows the downstream side of the rockface.
Submitted by: tgreene on 2004-05-22 Views: 1988 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 7
myself climbing sterno at elephant rocks sp. in missouri. photo taken by my helper monkey, pacu
Submitted by: joek on 2004-01-25 Views: 3822 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 2
Unknown problem on top of Elephant Rocks State Park Mo.
Submitted by: hedgehawg on 2003-12-22 Views: 1590 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Corndog, urbanlegend, and I were hiking around looking all over the park for fun looking rock to climb on. We are climbing in an area way east of the grill area. The rock in this area had lots of moss on it, but still fun to climb on!
Submitted by: aulwes on 2002-04-17 Views: 578 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
To the left of me is the huge boulder on top of the hill. This was a fun little problem! We bouldering this was the last sport we went to after exploring the rest of the park.
Submitted by: aulwes on 2002-04-16 Views: 728 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
This is a photo I took of corndog while we found this nice problem down by the pond to the north of the big boulder area.
Submitted by: aulwes on 2002-04-16 Views: 882 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
This is corndog climbing on a boulder in that area, way east of the grill.
PHOTO taken by aulwes
Submitted by: aulwes on 2002-04-16 Views: 669 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Those who live in the midwest know that the winter here is usually below freezing. But everyonce and a while we'll get a warm (55 deg.) day and the climbers, with major cabin fever, can go out and touch the real stuff.
Submitted by: climberstephen on 2002-02-06 Views: 1795 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 0
Bouldering an unnamed V2 on pink granite in Elephant Rocks State Park.
Submitted by: salong on 2007-09-28 Views: 1721 | Comments: 0
Photo of Kaya. Nice moves up the flake to a high top out. Better be solid on this one.
Submitted by: salong on 2007-09-28 Views: 2108 | Comments: 0