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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 7 photos


Ezy watching Devils Paw

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Ezy watching Devils Paw

This mountain is hard to describe. One of the most incredible that I've seen or ever attempted.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2006-06-19
Views: 2483 | Comment: 1
Simoclimbing past Ezy

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Simoclimbing past Ezy

Climbing past Ezy in the main couier on the paw.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2006-06-19
Views: 1152 | Comments: 0
On Belay

Average Rating = 0.00/5 On Belay

Ezy climbing up to belay. At this point there was quite a dramatic change in the amount of rockfall and snow sliding down the couier.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2006-06-19
Views: 1242 | Comment: 1

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Downclimbing

Ezy downclimbing the Couier watching snow coming down.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2006-06-19
Views: 1084 | Comments: 0
Devils Paw

Average Rating = 4.50/5 Devils Paw

This is an incredible picture not only because the mountain is rediculously insane but because of the clouds that it was forming late in the morning. This was the only time that was saw the mountain creating these thin clouds.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2006-06-19
Views: 1680 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Alpine glow over the Juneau ice field

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Alpine glow over the Juneau ice field

This is a picture that i capture this summer as i was climbing the East face of Mt. Wrather located in the Juneau ice field. The peak off to the right side is spencer peak, which i climbed earlier in the day and the mountain off in the horizon is Devil's Paw. Pretty narly!! There was some incredible alpine glow in the evenings during our trip. It was pretty intense! I think the smoke from all of the wild fires in northern Alaska and British Colombia helped bring out some of the vibrant colors.
Submitted by: crazyakclimber on 2004-09-27
Views: 852 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
Searching for that perfect route

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Searching for that perfect route

Took a flight yesterday to check out the best possible routes for a climb/ski traverse on Devil's Paw. Once complete with the climb, we'll ski back home to Juneau across the Juneau Ice Field. cheers
Submitted by: mtclmb on 2003-11-02
Views: 899 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 6