Different shades of shade, and a rock-guide dude in the background doing his thing
Submitted by: rainwolf on 2006-10-02 Views: 1760 | Comments: 0
Just a day in the life at the second pullout
Submitted by: artm on 2007-02-23 Views: 1585 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Something in the left side of the gallery maybe?
Submitted by: aerodrift on 2006-09-08 Views: 1820 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Red Rocks
Submitted by: snaffel on 2008-03-02 Views: 1881 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Last day of our Red Rocks trip, playing around in the gallery.
Submitted by: treddy on 2007-03-31 Views: 2541 | Comments: 0
Nice easy route with plenty of hand and foot holds. New route so lots of loose rocks - belayer may want to wear a helmet.
Submitted by: mink on 2006-06-24 Views: 1058 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
I soloed up a wall close by this one two get this shot. Scared the S**t out of myself but I thinks its a good one so it was well worth it.
Submitted by: mountianhighman on 2006-06-19 Views: 1214 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
This is a picture of Jon Manz's (spoon) foot dangling in the air as he works Fear and Loathing (12a) at Red Rocks. I think my buddy Matt Murphy took the shot. I'm not sure if he got just his foot on purpose or if it was an accident.
Submitted by: escalabrasil on 2006-06-10 Views: 1896 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
It rained the day before a little so we did some sport climbing in the afternoon.
Submitted by: dominic7 on 2006-06-06 Views: 2877 | Comments: 0
I met Chris and his friend Xavier the day after my FA with LarryD and Bill. Chris RP this great fun route while I only TRed it. And I still regret that I didn't try to lead it. The afternoon of this very day, I got dehydrated and finished in the hospital... Photo by Thomas Ribière.
Submitted by: thomasribiere on 2006-05-17 Views: 2016 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Jason Huston finishes up a project: A readpoint of Threadfin 12c. Photo: Rachel Melville
Submitted by: t_rex on 2006-05-07 Views: 1188 | Comments: 2
This is me on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at the Second Pullout in Red Rocks. Great climb, too bad I basically fell up it...
Submitted by: marcallen on 2006-05-03 Views: 1752 | Comment: 1
My friend took this picture of the view, and my foot happened to get in the way. Great view from a great route.
Submitted by: spoon on 2006-04-26 Views: 1792 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Here's myself on adoption. I didn't make it any further than this. Got scared after the first bolt.
Here it is. The largest, most concentrated and most crowded group of sport climbs in the world.
Here's Steve on Rebel without a Pause. It's pretty steep.
Steve is following the first pitch of The Great Red Book here. As you can tell he's having fun.
Submitted by: punk_rocker333 on 2006-04-22 Views: 1880 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Looking up the Great Red Book from the base of the climb. A climber can be seen at the second belay station.
Submitted by: punk_rocker333 on 2006-04-22 Views: 1833 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Corbin's toes stretch for foundation in the air over Red Rocks as his shadow heads off in another direction.
Submitted by: coldclimb on 2006-04-20 Views: 1207 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Pat Tracy onsiting Promises in the Dark 5.12b at the Wall of Confusion, Red Rocks, NV. Photo by Dave Vuono
Submitted by: eckov14 on 2006-04-19 Views: 1276 | Comments: 2
Our first day in the park, good warm up area, good warm up climb. Very positive.
Submitted by: ladybug1542 on 2006-04-13 Views: 1864 | Comments: 2
I think this is the right route. We did this route and many others on this wall that day. My bud Willy from kentucky is my belayer.
Submitted by: mikej on 2006-04-07 Views: 1484 | Comments: 0
We did this one and several others that day. The snow in the back ground made for a cold new years day.
Submitted by: mikej on 2006-04-07 Views: 1437 | Comment: 1
Larry Harpe ( areyoumydude) walks over the chasm of the shorter line rigged at the 2006 Red Rock Rendezvous.
Submitted by: coldclimb on 2006-04-06 Views: 1113 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
Brett climbing Fear and Loathing III at Wall of Confusion in Red Rocks (12a). Photographer - Eric
Submitted by: firstchair on 2006-04-03 Views: 1105 | Comments: 0