topping out on some problem at Hound Ears (triple crown) in the Coffin Area (i think)
Submitted by: kasharp on 2005-10-06 Views: 1757 | Comments: 0
This was at the Triple Crown comp - Hound Ears - some problem in the Coffin Area (i think)
Submitted by: kasharp on 2005-10-06 Views: 1845 | Comments: 2
After a long day at the Hound Ears Bouldering comp, here I am on Heretic, described to me by a much greater climber as one of the top 5 routes he's ever climbed (and he sends much harder routes). In hindsight, I should not have matched the crimp where both my hands are, but thrown for the finish with my left hand. Thank goodness for Alexis spotting me and Mike out of frame! Thanks Steve for the great shot.
Childers enjoys a new line at Hound Ears 2004......................
Submitted by: cmredmond on 2005-03-10 Views: 1115 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Nice Fall weather at Hound Ears 2004...James took this years Crown for 2004..
Submitted by: cmredmond on 2005-03-03 Views: 1007 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Here is the same pic with a little photoshopping done to it. I tihnk it looks better.
Submitted by: rockclimbergabor on 2004-10-08 Views: 1094 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Here is a shot of Zack working Watauga Hit Squad. Nasty little holds! The tree at the topout made him work for his send~it was quite a scene. Great problem, starts low and works over a buldge to a smudgeon of a pocket, heel hook out and left, right hand up to another crappy razor blade and up you go! Good job zack!!!
Submitted by: stellanole on 2004-10-05 Views: 832 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Here's Zack at the start of Watauga. Made my job as specator/photographer quite enjoyable despite gimping around with a broken foot.
Submitted by: stellanole on 2004-10-05 Views: 829 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
IN BETWEEN THE LINES, Zack's tryin' to pack more lines so he can get in. Owweee. I know this one was hurting those tips. This boulder is beautiful, and the 'lines' are impressive. So close to send! Too late in the day I think!
Submitted by: stellanole on 2004-10-05 Views: 668 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is Sammy at the Hound Ears Triple Crown bouldering comp on a fun v7.
Submitted by: rockclimbergabor on 2004-10-05 Views: 1050 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
This is a nice V6 i did at the Hound Ears comp in 2003. A long traverse on slopers all the way to the top with a scary topout. Really fun, you should try it if you go there.
Submitted by: rockclimbergabor on 2003-10-28 Views: 1542 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 5
After a few tries on a V4 dyno at Hound Ears in 2001, this piece of tape was the only thing left. It didn't go. Photo beta: Canon Elan 7e, 28-80mm, ISO 400.
Submitted by: dirko on 2003-10-10 Views: 1207 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Vic on "Flash or Trash" at the Hounds Ear Comp. Check out the shirt!
Submitted by: madriver on 2003-10-07 Views: 896 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
Vic on "Flash or Trash" at the Hounds Ear Comp. Check out the shirt!
Submitted by: madriver on 2003-10-07 Views: 906 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 11
Aaron going for the lip of The Heretic during the 2006 Triple Crown event.
Submitted by: neuroshock on 2006-11-28 Views: 3332 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This is a photo of Chris Sierzant of Escalade Climbing (Atlanta, GA) pulling a sweet toe hook on some wicked wet rock. The triple crown pulls together some of the hardest and badest in the southeast. Congrats to all who laid down some serios problems.
Submitted by: justsaynototake on 2007-10-08 Views: 5502 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1