The Broach - possibly Ship's steepest 5.11, sees very few female ascents.
Submitted by: goodman on 2006-10-22 Views: 3732 | Comments: 3
Lee Carter figuring out the beta during the first ascent of Lost Sailor at Shiprock. Theres not really any hard moves on this thing. The protection can be a bit tricky and itsybitsy, but keep moving and its quite enjoyable. This corner is rarely dry, so if you happen to find it dry...do youself a favor and hop on it.
Christian is enjoying easy climbing on a cold/windy day in the high country. You can say he has it dialed.
Submitted by: goody25 on 2006-03-29 Views: 2005 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
This is me while on Lost at Sea. We set up a toprope for it because we have no trad gear but I had no falls and its a cool route.
Submitted by: bullsball5 on 2005-06-30 Views: 2092 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 8
I had already lead the route so I thought it would be a good idea to make it a bit harder...the roof, if you want to call it that, is really fun to pull
Steve B leading Harpoon (10a) at Ship Rock, NC.
Submitted by: buffalotarheel on 2005-05-16 Views: 1159 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Here's Stephanie belaying Steve on Boardwalk. Ship Rock, NC
Here's Steve toping out on Harpoon. Ship Rock, NC
Here's a pic of me TR'ing The Anquish of Captain Bligh (11c). What you don't see is me flailing before and after. Taken by Steve B. Ship Rock, NC
Here's a pic of me leading Boardwalk (5.8) taken by Stephanie B. I linked both pitches and trailed a line but didn't pay enough attention to the rope drag. Made the last 10 feet very difficult...lesson learned. Ship Rock, NC
Here's another pic of me leading Boardwalk (5.8). The pictures not that great but I love the exposure. Taken by Stephanie B. Ship Rock, NC
Josh getting off Hindu Kush Direct. Direct is definitely the way to go: way cooler moves and less of that damn traverse. April 2005.
Submitted by: glyrocks on 2005-04-17 Views: 1376 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Dylan Hettinger (glyrocks) making sure to stay calm on the 2nd ascent of Head Control.
Submitted by: kilgymrats on 2005-04-17 Views: 1760 | Votes: 22 | Comments: 10
Josh on the FA of Head Control. About 5.8 with gear you could hang a bus on and exposure that'll make you cry. (Apparently it wasn't an FA after all. Whatever hatas.) April 2005.
p.s. Yea, the photo sucks, was actually paying more attention to belaying.
Submitted by: glyrocks on 2005-04-16 Views: 1056 | Comments: 0
Josh taking a short fall off the first pitch of BOG Man. April 2005.
Submitted by: glyrocks on 2005-04-13 Views: 1119 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Photo taken by Pat Goodman. Gumfighter (11d mixed) is a classic route, with everything on it.
Submitted by: meeshsmith on 2005-03-29 Views: 3017 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 5
Harpoon is the splitter at Ship Rock. Most folks probably tr or lead this route.
Submitted by: goodman on 2005-03-03 Views: 1348 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 7
This is Adam climbing Coma (13+??) I was belaying with the camera beside me on a time delay. Very steep route with almost more horizontal feet gained than vertical.
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-02-21 Views: 856 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Nathan Bland leading P1 of Linn Cove Lullaby at Ship Rock on Jan 16 2005. There are several pictures in this series. Photographer: Josh Bitner
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 836 | Comments: 0
Shot of Aaron Billings leading P2 making the clip right before the reachy 10a crux on Linn Cove. Nathan Bland belying. Phot by Josh Bittner
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 958 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Shot of Aaron Billings leading P2 resting before the 10a crux. Picture apart of a series. Photo by Josh Bittner.
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 1022 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1
Shot of Aaron Billings leading P2 reaching for the then wet and cold hold before crossing over and reaching the jug. Photo by Josh Bittner
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 844 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Shot of Aaron Billings leading P2 shooting for the top because its below freezing with wind and the rock was COLD. Belayer Nathan Bland. Photo by Josh Bittner
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 865 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Nathan Bland seconding P2 of Linn Cove blasting through the crux. Photo by Josh Bittner.
Submitted by: cjstudent on 2005-01-27 Views: 886 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Edge of a Dream as the sun sets. Resolution isn't so great, but the original looks good and it's an excellent route. 12.18.04.
Submitted by: glyrocks on 2004-12-18 | Last Modified: 2006-12-13 Views: 688 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2