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jordon bouldering at crater rock in calgary
Submitted by: xzeroenemyx on 2006-07-22 Views: 1821 | Comments: 0
jordon throws for the top of a fun little problem on crater rock
Submitted by: xzeroenemyx on 2006-07-22 Views: 1602 | Comments: 0
me working out a crimper move on crater rock.
Submitted by: xzeroenemyx on 2006-07-22 Views: 1846 | Comments: 0
Working on a little dyno problem with a bad finish
Submitted by: xzeroenemyx on 2006-07-22 Views: 2050 | Comments: 0
My 2 year old daughter was just about to throw the lip when the camera flashed and distracted her. She wanted to suggest a higher grade but finally agreed that it was a tall persons problem. There were no more attempts made that day.
Submitted by: cantholdaslope on 2005-08-13 Views: 1400 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
No it's Not Crater, but a wall at the SAIT campus called Lenny the Bruce i think, because of the statue above Gav.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2004-03-02 Views: 640 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
When the car is broke, and Buffalo Rubbing Stone is too cold to do, try whatever you gots around the house, like some mixed climbing.(that is a tied off screw, and my belayer is a little slack)
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2004-02-21 Views: 847 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Closest thing to Buffalo Rubbing Stone in the city of Calgary I could find! Here R.Bernard plays on his basement gym as a shivering S.Isaac looks in with very cold temps on his back.
Submitted by: gerglenroc on 2004-01-05 Views: 541 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This is the main side of Crater rock. I made this topo as well as all the problems so if anyone has route/grade changed please PM me and I will make the corrections.
Photo by Biff
Submitted by: beyond_gravity on 2002-07-22 Views: 9772 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 5
located in scenic Panorama Hills of Calgary, this boulder got a park built around it, and nice benches to put on your climbing shoes.
Submitted by: biff on 2002-06-19 Views: 2748 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4