It almost looks like I knew what I was doing! (it’s only an impression... :-) It was great fun climbing along that crack, I even knew the name of the route at the time but it slipped from my mind since.
Submitted by: bethrodden2 on 2006-05-31 Views: 2296 | Comments: 0
Ben on the opening moves of Summer Brave. It is an overhanging boulder start. The starting hold is juggy - crimpy after that. There is another difficult bulge a little further up. Photo taken by Rockzen.
Submitted by: rockzen on 2004-07-31 Views: 1121 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Antonia getting ready to climb yo yo at Buffalo Crag, Rattlesnake Point, Ontario
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-05-01 Views: 795 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
Andy climbing Super Duper. My first time outside and taking climbing pics. Trying to learn both at the same time. Hope I get better. All pics taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Didgital.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-05-01 Views: 1076 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Janet climbing Super Duper. My first time outside and taking climbing pics. Trying to learn both at the same time. Hope I get better. All pics taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Didgital.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-05-01 Views: 1096 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
It was a beautiful spring day (when it wasn't pouring rain or hailing!) and we made our way down to Buffalo Crag. This is me on Super Duper. It was - as you can imagine - super duper! Photo by Rio Calcagno (RiverRock)
Submitted by: janet on 2004-04-28 Views: 864 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
Antonia starting to climb Yo Yo.
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 829 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 8
Antonia climbing up Yo Yo
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 774 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 3
Antonia going to the top on Yo Yo.
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 892 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Antonia getting on Yo Yo at Buffalo Crag, Rattlesnake Point, Ontario
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 850 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 11
Antonia getting up Yo Yo.
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 1034 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 7
Antonia tackling her crux on Yo Yo.
All photos taken with a Fujifilm S602zoom Digital Camera by Rio Calcagno aka RiverRock.
Submitted by: riverrock on 2004-04-25 Views: 1650 | Votes: 28 | Comments: 17
We accidentally took this pic. I almost deleted it but the more I looked at it the more I liked it... Conveys the day... snow, rocks and a rack... what a perfect spring day for climbing - and we had the crag to ourselves... Between you and I we climbed in t-shirts, but if anyone asks it was cold and nasty and its way too early to climb outside ;)
Submitted by: hoppinbig on 2004-03-10 Views: 863 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
Orange Wall. Photo taken from below Orange Direct.
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-21 Views: 1172 | Comments: 0
A decent 5.9 at Buffalo Crag
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-21 Views: 1292 | Comments: 0
Skywalker at Buffalo Crag. A nice easy 5.7
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-21 Views: 1265 | Comments: 0
Here is a pic of Grant leading a 5.6 at Buffolo Crag Ontario. I snaped this with my Kodka LS 420 digital camera. As you can see it was rather sunny, and the rock acting like a convection oven raised the temp to around 26°C
Submitted by: lemurboy on 2003-04-26 Views: 850 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
Seconding Rainy Day Women, a
classic route at Buffalo Crag
on beautiful summer day.
Submitted by: marbrown on 2003-03-13 Views: 1019 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
This climb at Buffalo Crag, Milton (ON), is called "Dodger", and I forget if it's a 5.7 or a 5.9. Either way, it certainly fooled me on the routefinding.
It started innocently enough, as I made my way up a tricky right facing crack and onto a sunny ledge where I came across a peaceful snake! I then started meandering left (as the picture suggests), until I arrived below a large overhang. At this point I girth hitched a four foot runner to a natural rock-formed handle, and looked down... man, that's going to be some nasty rope drag.
Taken in summer of 2001.
Submitted by: vram1974 on 2003-02-16 Views: 985 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Do you ever "Rob Large it?"
I used to, but not any more. You can click here to understand what I mean by 'Rob Large-ing it.'
Check out the blue jeans, knotted slings [sewn ones didn't exist!] and the hex.
You can just see the orange toe of my Galibier Contacts, the hardest rubber you could find. In these days before retreads, when the toes wore out, I put my shoes on the opposite feet!
This photo was taken twenty-three years ago in 1980, but looks like it could have been taken yesterday. See all the chalk on my hands?? Me neither. I was part of the Clean Hands Gang.
My caving mentor Chas Yonge led the pitch. It's still a bold lead. My other caving mentor Tom Miller told me that I was now a better climber than him, at least above ground.
This is my daughter's first climb outdoors. This is the start of Yo-yo - she made it up about 15 feet or so and identified a couple of plants on the way. She's climbed much higher in the gym...in any case she didn't do badly for a 4 yr old!
Submitted by: andymatter on 2002-06-06 Views: 781 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 6
Middle section of End Game.
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-25 Views: 1820 | Comments: 0
Sunsplash at Buffalo Crag (5.9). You can see part of End Game to the left, and the top of Flying Kiwi to the right.
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-25 Views: 1850 | Comments: 0
Flying Kiwi at Buffalo Crag (5.8)
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-25 Views: 1834 | Comments: 0
The top 60 percent of End Game. The route starts to the left at the bottom of the pic, and follows the cracks to the center of the pic, then follows the rope the rest of the way up. A fun 5.7.
Submitted by: iallen on 2011-07-25 Views: 1448 | Comments: 0